Another Polar Vortex!Even Colder Than The Last One.Shall We Call This"The Global Warming Winter Of 2023? Will Al Gore Explain This Insane Cold?

Gore is your AGW prophet whether you like it or not. You idiots have made him rich by buying his lies, his books, and his carbon credits.

As to Trump, best president in my lifetime and I go back to Truman. The establishment had to get rid of him because he was exposing their corruption and treason. They succeeded, the 2020 election was a coup of the US government, and idiots like you think that was a good thing.
Who cares about Trump. Fuck him. I didn't mention him.

Address the fucking topic, fishy.
I linked an article that doesn't even mention Gore...or Trump.
When global warming didn't become the catastrophe the loons predicted it to be they changed to climate change. Now they can point to any weather event and scream climate change we are all going to die if we don't make Al Gore a carbon credit billionaire, live with constant rolling black outs, let China burn all of the coal they want, be forced to buy electric cars, get rid of meat, give up gas stoves, and transfer the majority of our wealth to every 3rd world shithole.
It was changed to CC because knuckle dragging morons can't understand global warming disrupts weather patterns causing the events we are seeing now.
Who cares about Trump. Fuck him. I didn't mention him.

Address the fucking topic, fishy.
I linked an article that doesn't even mention Gore...or Trump.
you said "Article is linked. Predictions are contained in the article. You're the one who cares about Gore (I'll refrain from the ManBearPig that's already been used)." So once again you lied, you referenced Gore's lying book and tried a juvenile insult of Trump.

I have addressed the topic in every post, the topic is the failed religion of AGW (now climate change because the warming lie did not work out).

So, lets try again, when will florida and the east coast be under water? when will all the ice at both poles be gone? Your religion says both of those things are going to happen, so tell us when?
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It was changed to CC because knuckle dragging morons can't understand global warming disrupts weather patterns causing the events we are seeing now.
Like I said you loons can point to any weather event that has been happening for millions of years and call it climate change. Why don't all of you sheep give up your shit like the elite wants you to. Make a commitment to living like a peasant and don't force your draconian climate measures on the rest of us. I'm sure if all of you idiots sacrifice enough it will fix everything.
you said "Article is linked. Predictions are contained in the article. You're the one who cares about Gore (I'll refrain from the ManBearPig that's already been used)." So once again you lied, you referenced Gore's lying book and tried a juvenile insult of Trump.

I have addressed the topic in every post, the topic is the failed religion of AGW (now climate change because the warming lie did not work out).

So, lets try again, when will florida and the east coast be under water? when will all the ice at both poles be gone? Your religion says both of those things are going to happen, so tell us when?
Stop trying to turn this around, skippy. You are the one that brought up Trump and can't let your creepy closet fetish with Al Gore go. By the way, the article I linked say NOTHING about Al Gore.

I've watched you post for years now and you seem to have a great deal of a problem with reading comprehension. Your political slants seem to blight your eyesight. The article says nothing about the
east coast being under water. It talks about Florida, specifically, south Florida.

Remember, it's called CLIMATE CHANGE. Not global warming or cooling. It's happening, and will continue to happen.
Read the article and discuss the assertions in it..specifically. Or stop wasting server storage space. :auiqs.jpg:
So, after a two-day cold snap, temperatures here have returned to being well above normal, and look to stay that way for a while.

Deniers will conveniently not notice this. But it is what matters. Average temperatures are going consistently up.
The fact that you morons call hot periods proof of AGW and call periods weather is just one of the many distortions we hear from you jackoffs.
I asked for evidence that your statement wasn't a big ol' lie.

In response, you simply told the same lie again, but with more hysteria in your voice.

I think everyone takes that as your admission that you made it all up. Lied, that is. It's all you ever do. It's all you've ever done. It's all you can do. Reality says you're a cult imbecile, so you have to deny reality.

Now, what lie do your masters say to use in response? Lay it on us.

This isn't a debate. There have been several threads in the past few days of deniers shrieking that one day of cold disproves global warming. There have been no threads saying that one hot day proves global warming. Your side does it, and our doesn't.
I remember reading this paper ...
Paper? What paper? I'm referring to commonly known science. I don't know what you're referring to.

never made the claim winters would be more than a single degree warmer ...
Given that winters _are_ more than a degree warmer now, it's an odd thing to say, no matter where it comes from.

[sigh] ... It also never made the claim cold air is brought down ...
_What_ never made the claim? You're just rambling. If cold air isn't brought down from the Arctic, then where does it come from?

A quick physics nitpick ... the jet streams are caused by the Earth's rotation ...


What Causes Jet Streams?​

Jet streams form when warm air masses meet cold air masses in the atmosphere.
Paper? What paper? I'm referring to commonly known science. I don't know what you're referring to.

Given that winters _are_ more than a degree warmer now, it's an odd thing to say, no matter where it comes from.

_What_ never made the claim? You're just rambling. If cold air isn't brought down from the Arctic, then where does it come from?


What Causes Jet Streams?​

Jet streams form when warm air masses meet cold air masses in the atmosphere.

Nothing scientific? ... try "Amplified Rossby Waves Enhance Risk of Concurrent Heatwaves in Major Breadbasket Regions" ... just one of several thousand articles ... but you will have to understand Atmospheric Circulation ... something you apparently can't even discuss ...

Again ... that article explains meridional flow, but not the zonal flow ... do you understand these are vector values? ... direction matters ... yeah, I'm trying to trap you into using fictional forces ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ... you're just stupid enough to do so ... ha ha ha ha ... keep reading NOAA copy for Middle Schoolers ...
and who would of ever thought or predicted we would see the day of temperatures as cold as 100 below 0 here in our life time? So what we are seeing in the northern/mid-western states now are the product of global warming. According to Al Gore/John Kerry and a few other famous Democrats. are there polar bears floating on ice in New Hampshire? are there any cities around the world under water this week thanks to the north pole and its glaciers melting?
So today we can make even more global warming jokes/humour right here, and anyone wonder where Al Gore is now? Hmm,,,Florida? where its been really warm this week, right?

um, sometimes the warming makes it colder, er, or something, SCIENCE!
and who would of ever thought or predicted we would see the day of temperatures as cold as 100 below 0 here in our life time? So what we are seeing in the northern/mid-western states now are the product of global warming. According to Al Gore/John Kerry and a few other famous Democrats. are there polar bears floating on ice in New Hampshire? are there any cities around the world under water this week thanks to the north pole and its glaciers melting?
So today we can make even more global warming jokes/humour right here, and anyone wonder where Al Gore is now? Hmm,,,Florida? where its been really warm this week, right?
It's climate change. Every time the climate changes it is climate change. There is 100% absolute and total undeniable proof that every time the climate changes, the climate changes.
So, after a two-day cold snap, temperatures here have returned to being well above normal, and look to stay that way for a while.

Deniers will conveniently not notice this. But it is what matters. Average temperatures are going consistently up.

Once we add in the imaginary "warming trapped (like a rat!) in the deep ocean", average temperatures are going consistently up.
Of course the Warmers don't mind that they CCP overlords not only dump twice the CO2 into the air as the USA, but they also spew the filthiest, albedo increasing soot onto the ice as well.

See, Chinese CO2 is different because it's per capita, CO2/population, er, or something -- science!
Of course the Warmers don't mind that they CCP
Trump sucked off the Chinese and Russians with gusto, you suck off Trump, so you suck off all commies by proxy. That's the transitive property of sucking.

So, do you understand how you're steadily getting dumber? Rest assured that everyone else does. I'd seek medical attention.

And did you see how warm the north pole was today? Relatively speaking, that is.
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Nothing scientific? ... try "Amplified Rossby Waves Enhance Risk of Concurrent Heatwaves in Major Breadbasket Regions" ... just one of several thousand articles ... but you will have to understand Atmospheric Circulation ... something you apparently can't even discuss ...
The articles you cite don't ever support your loony rants. Confess. You don't even read them. You just drop links, hoping nobody calls you out on how you're making it all up.
Again ... that article explains meridional flow, but not the zonal flow ... do you understand these are vector values? ... direction matters ... yeah, I'm trying to trap you into using fictional forces ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ... you're just stupid enough to do so ... ha ha ha ha ... keep reading NOAA copy for Middle Schoolers ...
Summary: I know the actual science, while you throw out technobabble terms like it was a Star Trek episode.

Since conspiracy yammering is all you have left, there's no point in wasting further time on you. It's not like I need to declare victory.
Trump sucked off the Chinese and Russians with gusto, you suck off Trump, so you suck off all commies by proxy. That's the transitive property of sucking.

So, do you understand how you're steadily getting dumber? Rest assured that everyone else does. I'd seek medical attention.

And did you see how warm the north pole was today? Relatively speaking, that is.

Funny you mention that because I posted the Arctic temps today. 4 points covering over 4.5MM sq km, the high was -9 lows were -25.

Is that the “warming”? Relatively speaking

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