Another Police Officer charged for shooting unarmed people.

There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.
.....a bunch of babble--we've been over this before ..I've given you the facts, stats and links
..there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE--much less unjustified
..the ROOT of the problem is the criminals--kids/idiots having kids before they are ready--financially and mentally

It doesn't have to be "chronic" to address it when it does happen. Bank robbery is not "chronic" either but we ch
arge a person when they Rob a bank.
--thank you---it's not a major chronic problem
your post is very stupid
bank robbery is MUCH more common..there are thousands of bank robberies compared to unjustified cop shootings
Bank Crime Statistics 2018 | Federal Bureau of Investigation

You can address what I said or not.
cops get charged also for unjustified murders
some bank robbers do not get charged
some murderers go free

Some may get unjustly charged. It's why there is a trial.
A Police Officer broke the law and is charged. The system works. Meanwhile another 101 Police Officers died in the line of duty this year so far.

And those who did that will have to face the consequences.
So far 101 Police Officers died in the line of duty so far this year to preserve the right of ignorant citizens to criticize the system. Who ya gonna call?
There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.
.....a bunch of babble--we've been over this before ..I've given you the facts, stats and links
..there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE--much less unjustified
..the ROOT of the problem is the criminals--kids/idiots having kids before they are ready--financially and mentally

And I have posted this before. Nearly half of Police Shootings in Georgia were situations where the “suspect” was unarmed, or shot in the back.

OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Half. Now, you can pretend that Georgia is somehow worse than any other state. It isn’t. Or you can accept that there are a lot of shootings that are questionable, and under the standards we are seeing enforced are bad. I say seeing enforced because time and time again, we are seeing people charged and tried, and some are convicted, for shootings that a decade ago would not even raise an eyebrow in the justice system.

In Georgia, we saw a cop convicted of shooting a naked man. We have seen other actions as well. So the times, they are a changing. It is folks like yourself who want to scream that it isn’t fair that are going to see more cops tossed in the Jail, and then prison, because you refuse to believe that these shootings are wrong.

In the meantime, the rest of us are watching this happen. Some are cheering, some are not. I am not. I saw this coming for a long time, and I hope that these changes can save lives. I wish the Police had led the changes, because then the officers would have a better chance of avoiding prison.

But they wouldn’t, like you they decided cops were more valuable than anyone else. And another has just been charged showing that all lives have value.
hahahaha--like I said--babble bullshit
1. unarmed does not mean unjustified
2. since 2010!!!! -not per year
. A year-long investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
do you understand??? this is NOT a court of law = not proof/not facts
Reporters analyzed
hahahahahahhh reporters = MSM = do know the MSM is crap? they sensationalize everything/twist crap 180/etc
etc etc

233 = in the entire US !!!! :
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.[/QUOTE]

Georgia Bureau of Investigation Director Vernon Keenan, whose agency investigated roughly two-thirds of the fatal police shootings in the AJC/Channel 2 review, said the news outlets’ investigation fills an important gap in what’s known about fatal shootings and will be used by law enforcement leaders to improve training and policing.

“I don’t believe the public and progressive law enforcement officials are going to accept the status quo,” he said. “There is an understanding by law enforcement executives that the environment has changed, and we must review these type of instances in a detailed manner to be able to improve police actions.”

Frank Rotondo, executive director of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police, called the AJC/Channel 2 data “alarming,” but said it will help encourage police agencies to become more transparent about police shootings.

The cops in Georgia admitted it was bad. Odd that you feel that the police themselves are anti cop or something. Perhaps the police need you to come down and tell them that they were wrong. You can start with Robert Olson.

Officer who shot naked man found not guilty of murder

Next month when he is sentenced you can write to him at the Georgia Department of Corrections.

My point remains true. The times they are a changing.
State P.O.S.T. standards for certifying police academies for standards of training were needed in America because of the diverse standards of training police agencies had or didn't have. Some ran academies, some did not. The concept of standardization was definitely needed. Police agencies slowly brought up their overall levels of officer standards as retirements happened, opening up slots for new hires who were sent to academies in order to be P.O.S.T. certified. It was a great improvement for policing overall.

That said, the standards should always be flexible and change with the times in order to maintain an agency lawfully policing their communities. Rigidity is a death sentence. Does that mean there won't be bad shoots? Nope. It will happen. There are procedures in place in both the agency and the D.A.'s Office, yet they may well come to different conclusions. Any officer worth anything knows this, yet they continue to police our communities. They know their every action can be reviewed, that's the nature of the job.

If the officer gets charged with a crime, it's up to those 12 jurors. That's the system, flawed as it is.
There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.
.....a bunch of babble--we've been over this before ..I've given you the facts, stats and links
..there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE--much less unjustified
..the ROOT of the problem is the criminals--kids/idiots having kids before they are ready--financially and mentally

And I have posted this before. Nearly half of Police Shootings in Georgia were situations where the “suspect” was unarmed, or shot in the back.

OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Half. Now, you can pretend that Georgia is somehow worse than any other state. It isn’t. Or you can accept that there are a lot of shootings that are questionable, and under the standards we are seeing enforced are bad. I say seeing enforced because time and time again, we are seeing people charged and tried, and some are convicted, for shootings that a decade ago would not even raise an eyebrow in the justice system.

In Georgia, we saw a cop convicted of shooting a naked man. We have seen other actions as well. So the times, they are a changing. It is folks like yourself who want to scream that it isn’t fair that are going to see more cops tossed in the Jail, and then prison, because you refuse to believe that these shootings are wrong.

In the meantime, the rest of us are watching this happen. Some are cheering, some are not. I am not. I saw this coming for a long time, and I hope that these changes can save lives. I wish the Police had led the changes, because then the officers would have a better chance of avoiding prison.

But they wouldn’t, like you they decided cops were more valuable than anyone else. And another has just been charged showing that all lives have value.
hahahaha--like I said--babble bullshit
1. unarmed does not mean unjustified
2. since 2010!!!! -not per year
. A year-long investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
do you understand??? this is NOT a court of law = not proof/not facts
Reporters analyzed
hahahahahahhh reporters = MSM = do know the MSM is crap? they sensationalize everything/twist crap 180/etc
etc etc

233 = in the entire US !!!! :
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

Georgia Bureau of Investigation Director Vernon Keenan, whose agency investigated roughly two-thirds of the fatal police shootings in the AJC/Channel 2 review, said the news outlets’ investigation fills an important gap in what’s known about fatal shootings and will be used by law enforcement leaders to improve training and policing.

“I don’t believe the public and progressive law enforcement officials are going to accept the status quo,” he said. “There is an understanding by law enforcement executives that the environment has changed, and we must review these type of instances in a detailed manner to be able to improve police actions.”

Frank Rotondo, executive director of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police, called the AJC/Channel 2 data “alarming,” but said it will help encourage police agencies to become more transparent about police shootings.

The cops in Georgia admitted it was bad. Odd that you feel that the police themselves are anti cop or something. Perhaps the police need you to come down and tell them that they were wrong. You can start with Robert Olson.

Officer who shot naked man found not guilty of murder

Next month when he is sentenced you can write to him at the Georgia Department of Corrections.

My point remains true. The times they are a changing.[/QUOTE]
my links say the opposite--sorry not true
VAST MAJORITY armed and dangerous --do you not understand?
Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    the greater number.
.....a bunch of babble--we've been over this before ..I've given you the facts, stats and links
..there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE--much less unjustified
..the ROOT of the problem is the criminals--kids/idiots having kids before they are ready--financially and mentally

It doesn't have to be "chronic" to address it when it does happen. Bank robbery is not "chronic" either but we ch
arge a person when they Rob a bank.
--thank you---it's not a major chronic problem
your post is very stupid
bank robbery is MUCH more common..there are thousands of bank robberies compared to unjustified cop shootings
Bank Crime Statistics 2018 | Federal Bureau of Investigation

You can address what I said or not.
cops get charged also for unjustified murders
some bank robbers do not get charged
some murderers go free

Some may get unjustly charged. It's why there is a trial.
plain and simple, there are not a lot of unjustified police shootings
There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.

Yep well unfortunately for you s0n, very few people share your sentiments. Very few.

How do we know this for certain?

What happened after all the kneel-ins at NFL stadiums two years ago?

Dick.....that's what happened. Because most dont care!:bye1::bye1:

People know that almost everybody who gets their ass shot off were going to get their ass shot off sooner or later by somebody!:2up:
The police are still saints, and saints should not be sent to jail.
I almost puked reading that. Please don't offend my sense of justice...Cops well pigs are out of control and so is the system because they are frustrated over the revolving door of justice. Try getting rid of some useless laws first then train cops to be able to physically restrain people without adding murder to the training.

Agreed......first rule of engagement should be the use of hypnosis in any violent situation.:2up:

I mean c'mon now.....who cant figure that out?!!:bye1:
There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.

Yep well unfortunately for you s0n, very few people share your sentiments. Very few.

How do we know this for certain?

What happened after all the kneel-ins at NFL stadiums two years ago?

Dick.....that's what happened. Because most dont care!:bye1::bye1:

People know that almost everybody who gets their ass shot off were going to get their ass shot off sooner or later by somebody!:2up:

Well 12 people agreed with me in the Amber Guyger case. Another twelve agreed in Georgia for a cop who shot a naked man.

Eleven of twelve favored a conviction for Michael Slager. He took a plea deal to avoid a Murder Conviction.

It seems that the tiny minority of people who agree with me end up on Juries.

We will have to see if the twelve folks hearing the case of Aaron Dean are also a part of this tiny minority who feel as I do.

My question to you however. Why do you think police should not be held accountable for their actions?
Last edited:
And yet, the anti-gun loons tell us only the police and military should have guns.
There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.

Hey, I know....Let's keep going after cops until no one will do the job....Won't that be a fun place to live?
There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.

Hey, I know....Let's keep going after cops until no one will do the job....Won't that be a fun place to live?

Every employee faces penalties for failing to do the job they are supposed to. Many face death for any mistake they make. As has been pointed out many times, there are far more dangerous jobs than police. But let’s say that you work on one of those offshore oil rigs. Obviously the worksite is dangerous. Your life hangs in the balance of the competence of your fellow workers. Are Management and the Government Inspectors doing something bad expecting everyone to do the job to the standards laid out beforehand? Would you rather an employee work alongside you who does not follow the rules?

I did demolitions in the Army. The lessons on how to do it right were rules written in blood of those who came before, and didn’t do it the right way. I can assure you I wouldn’t go anywhere near someone who was playing with explosives in a reckless manner.

So why should Cops be given a pass when they do something wrong? Why bother holding anyone accountable? If we arrest a Father for abusing their children, are we also making it impossible for anyone to be a Father? If we ticket a speeder, are we making it impossible for someone to drive? Why is it bad to hold police accountable the same way we hold every other person in society?
There are subtle signs that times are changing. Then there are more obvious signs. Then there are brightly lit signs with fireworks and music. The changes to police use of force are signs. Signs lit like Times Square. Signs like the Eiffel Tower visible for miles.

Authorities charge Connecticut officer who opened fire on couple's car |

The officer uttered the usual words. The Department even cleared him. Claiming that the use of force against unarmed innocent people was justified. However the DA and the Grand Jury seem to disagree.

More than a decade ago when I first started to write online I warned that if police did not change themselves they would have changes forced upon them. The changes are coming. This is but the first wave.

I was afeared for my life is no longer the get out of jail free card it once was. This cop will Probably be found guilty. But even if he is not the trend is there. No longer can police just start shooting secure that they will be exonerated by their peers and the system.

In a way. I feel bad for the cops. They could have changed the standards when it became obvious that the old ways were no longer acceptable. Now. Dozens of cops are going to end up in prison before the departments accept that change has come and the training and standards are changed to reflect this new reality. There are those who will argue it isn’t fair. But how fair is it for innocent unarmed people to get shot or maimed because anything you do could get you killed?

The Departments could have acted to protect their officers. Instead they continued the same old way long past the point where it was smart or even sane to do so.

Yep well unfortunately for you s0n, very few people share your sentiments. Very few.

How do we know this for certain?

What happened after all the kneel-ins at NFL stadiums two years ago?

Dick.....that's what happened. Because most dont care!:bye1::bye1:

People know that almost everybody who gets their ass shot off were going to get their ass shot off sooner or later by somebody!:2up:

Well 12 people agreed with me in the Amber Guyger case. Another twelve agreed in Georgia for a cop who shot a naked man.

Eleven of twelve favored a conviction for Michael Slager. He took a plea deal to avoid a Murder Conviction.

It seems that the tiny minority of people who agree with me end up on Juries.

We will have to see if the twelve folks hearing the case of Aaron Dean are also a part of this tiny minority who feel as I do.

My question to you however. Why do you think police should not be held accountable for their actions?

You're asking the wrong question s0n.

33 police officers have died in the line of duty this year as of yesterday. Very few in the public think it is their duty to die in the streets at the hands of some subhuman. These same people get that occassionally, there will be tragedies that 100 years of training wont stop. Only progressives sit home and think that if you tinker enough with the institutions enough, tragedies will be averted.....its an inability to think on the margin. Tough shit on you!!:113:. By far, most people are far more concerned about the cops getting gunned down by the savages. We know that because NOBODY took the NFL kneeling seriously!

What they need to do is put up giant billboards all over bad neighborhoods that say.....


Might save some lives:2up:
It doesn't have to be "chronic" to address it when it does happen. Bank robbery is not "chronic" either but we ch
arge a person when they Rob a bank.
--thank you---it's not a major chronic problem
your post is very stupid
bank robbery is MUCH more common..there are thousands of bank robberies compared to unjustified cop shootings
Bank Crime Statistics 2018 | Federal Bureau of Investigation

You can address what I said or not.
cops get charged also for unjustified murders
some bank robbers do not get charged
some murderers go free

Some may get unjustly charged. It's why there is a trial.
plain and simple, there are not a lot of unjustified police shootings

True BUT when they happen they need properly dealt with, not excused away.
A Police Officer broke the law and is charged. The system works. Meanwhile another 101 Police Officers died in the line of duty this year so far.

And those who did that will have to face the consequences.

We have Police Officers die in this country because guns are much to easy to obtain.

Because criminals care about laws.......

Because of that we need stronger gun laws.

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