Another Prediction


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
Obama will claim the Supreme Court has no authority to declare Obamacare Unconstitutional if they do so.
Liberals have long and strongly supported the courts overturning the will of the people and the will of legislators. So, Obama won't say the Supreme Court has no authority. Although, according to the Constitution, the Supreme Court has less authority than the Congress.

The Supreme Court will likely strike down Obamacare. Then Obama will move to greatly expand medicare.
Obama will claim the Supreme Court has no authority to declare Obamacare Unconstitutional if they do so.

I doubt it.

His proposal is so bad that I sometimes wonder if he didn't take the Heritage Foundations basic design for HC precisely BECAUSE he knew it wouldn't pass Consitutional muster.

If that is the case then Obama is way smarter than I've given him credit for.

If that is the case then he KNEW if the GOP proposed this bill it WOULDN'T be challenged, but if he proposed it he knew the GOP would challenge what is BASICALLY the HC reform they've been advocating for decades.

And if this reform is found unconsitutional then this stupid GOP idea for HC reform cannot be tried again.

If that was his plan, then Obama is the Michavelli of American Politics.
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Obama will claim the Supreme Court has no authority to declare Obamacare Unconstitutional if they do so.

I doubt it.

His proposal is so bad that I sometimes wonder if he didn't take the Heritage Foundations basic design for HC precisely BECAUSE he knew it wouldn't pass Consitutional muster.

If that is the case then Obama is way smarter than I've given him credit for.

If that is the case then he KNEW if the GOP proposed this bill it WOULDN'T be challenged, but if he proposed it he knew the GOP would challenge what is BASICALLY the HC reform they've been advocating for decades.

And if this reform is found unconsitutional then this stupid GOP idea for HC reform cannot be tried again.

If that was his plan, then Obama is the Michavelli of American Politics.

Oh, Please.

Obama got stuck with something that looked like RomneyCare because he couldn't get his own party to go along with what he really wanted to do - create a canada style single payer system. He had hoped to sneak in a "Public Option" in reconcilation, but Scott Brown getting Teddy's seat screwed up that deal, so they got stuck with RomneyCareWritLarge.

It's also ridiculous to claim that the SCOTUS striking it down would be anything BUT partisan politics.

If SCOTUS strikes it down, it would normally be a disaster for Obama, but thankfully, the GOP has stupidly decided to nominate Romney, the guy who came up with the idea to start with.
Editec, your point concerning Obama being a Machavelli may well be spot on. Watching him reel in the GOP on women's issues, with an mild statement on the shooting case in Florida, and other issues, he seems to have a grasp on how to aid the other side in shooting themselves in the foot. Repeatedly.

Should the Supreme Court strike down Obamacare, then a Universal Health Care System funded by an income tax is the next logical step. Given the GOP's attitude on women in so many state legislatures now, we may see a sea change in the Congress. Going to be an interesting election.
Editec, your point concerning Obama being a Machavelli may well be spot on. Watching him reel in the GOP on women's issues, with an mild statement on the shooting case in Florida, and other issues, he seems to have a grasp on how to aid the other side in shooting themselves in the foot. Repeatedly.

Should the Supreme Court strike down Obamacare, then a Universal Health Care System funded by an income tax is the next logical step. Given the GOP's attitude on women in so many state legislatures now, we may see a sea change in the Congress. Going to be an interesting election.

I think that's a lot of wishful thinking.

If Obama wins, it will because Romney was such an awful candidate, and his coat tails will be very short.

I think we will eventually get a single payer system, but it will because the private system will be so close to collapse on its own weight.
Should the Supreme Court strike down Obamacare, then a Universal Health Care System funded by an income tax is the next logical step. Given the GOP's attitude on women in so many state legislatures now, we may see a sea change in the Congress. Going to be an interesting election.

Did you see where Sotomayer got them to concede that Single Payer would be constitutional? :badgrin:
Should the Supreme Court strike down Obamacare, then a Universal Health Care System funded by an income tax is the next logical step. Given the GOP's attitude on women in so many state legislatures now, we may see a sea change in the Congress. Going to be an interesting election.

Did you see where Sotomayer got them to concede that Single Payer would be constitutional? :badgrin:

I didn't see that and who is them? Do you have a link?

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