Another question to the left , can you please tell me how did president Trump destroy your life?

The left loves order when it comes to politicians, pay the dues, pay the bribes, scratch each other's backs.

Trump didn't do that, he spoke to the people and they elected him president.

Nothing bad did happen in the first 100 days. In fact nothing happened in the first 100 days.
Maybe because he was too busy dodging all those kitchen sinks you guys have been throwing at him since he beat the pants suit off of Cankles.

Good analogy...we never seen a president have to keep on dodging everything the opposition or his own party throws at him..

He is not in the good old boy network of career politicians , I kind of think that's why they hate him, didnt hob nob and suck up to people in the ranks.

We knew there would be heavy resistance because we DID elect him to drain the swamp and the creatures IN the swamp (both parties) don't want to be exposed.
Nothing bad did happen in the first 100 days. In fact nothing happened in the first 100 days.
Maybe because he was too busy dodging all those kitchen sinks you guys have been throwing at him since he beat the pants suit off of Cankles.

Good analogy...we never seen a president have to keep on dodging everything the opposition or his own party throws at him..

He is not in the good old boy network of career politicians , I kind of think that's why they hate him, didnt hob nob and suck up to people in the ranks.

We knew there would be heavy resistance because we DID elect him to drain the swamp and the creatures IN the swamp (both parties) don't want to be exposed.

You figured it out faster than me, I just thought the three stooges of Obama, Hillary and Eric would just be quite and go into the all respected losers of a election do..

Not publicly an announce they are apart of the "resistance"

Nothing bad did happen in the first 100 days. In fact nothing happened in the first 100 days.
Maybe because he was too busy dodging all those kitchen sinks you guys have been throwing at him since he beat the pants suit off of Cankles.

Good analogy...we never seen a president have to keep on dodging everything the opposition or his own party throws at him..

He is not in the good old boy network of career politicians , I kind of think that's why they hate him, didnt hob nob and suck up to people in the ranks.

We knew there would be heavy resistance because we DID elect him to drain the swamp and the creatures IN the swamp (both parties) don't want to be exposed.

You figured it out faster than me, I just thought the three stooges of Obama, Hillary and Eric would just be quite and go into the all respected losers of a election do..

Not publicly an announce they are apart of the "resistance"


It's like they are trying to steal America away from moral values and virtues.. They want America weak and into chaios..Europe..

Nothing bad did happen in the first 100 days. In fact nothing happened in the first 100 days.
Maybe because he was too busy dodging all those kitchen sinks you guys have been throwing at him since he beat the pants suit off of Cankles.

Good analogy...we never seen a president have to keep on dodging everything the opposition or his own party throws at him..

He is not in the good old boy network of career politicians , I kind of think that's why they hate him, didnt hob nob and suck up to people in the ranks.

We knew there would be heavy resistance because we DID elect him to drain the swamp and the creatures IN the swamp (both parties) don't want to be exposed.

You figured it out faster than me, I just thought the three stooges of Obama, Hillary and Eric would just be quite and go into the all respected losers of a election do..

Not publicly an announce they are apart of the "resistance"

They're desperate in the face of their party becoming irrelevant once they're exposed and voted out. It's do or die for them so they revert back to the only thing they have ever had - character assassination, smears, false accusations, same tactics they've always used, only on steroids.
Nothing bad did happen in the first 100 days. In fact nothing happened in the first 100 days.
Maybe because he was too busy dodging all those kitchen sinks you guys have been throwing at him since he beat the pants suit off of Cankles.

Good analogy...we never seen a president have to keep on dodging everything the opposition or his own party throws at him..

He is not in the good old boy network of career politicians , I kind of think that's why they hate him, didnt hob nob and suck up to people in the ranks.

We knew there would be heavy resistance because we DID elect him to drain the swamp and the creatures IN the swamp (both parties) don't want to be exposed.

You figured it out faster than me, I just thought the three stooges of Obama, Hillary and Eric would just be quite and go into the all respected losers of a election do..

Not publicly an announce they are apart of the "resistance"

They're desperate in the face of their party becoming irrelevant once they're exposed and voted out. It's do or die for them so they revert back to the only thing they have ever had - character assassination, smears, false accusations, same tactics they've always used, only on steroids.

On steroids ...exactly.... They thought they couldn't lose the prize

They thought Hillary could of saved and hammered home Obama's legacy of social change.

Maybe because he was too busy dodging all those kitchen sinks you guys have been throwing at him since he beat the pants suit off of Cankles.

Good analogy...we never seen a president have to keep on dodging everything the opposition or his own party throws at him..

He is not in the good old boy network of career politicians , I kind of think that's why they hate him, didnt hob nob and suck up to people in the ranks.

We knew there would be heavy resistance because we DID elect him to drain the swamp and the creatures IN the swamp (both parties) don't want to be exposed.

You figured it out faster than me, I just thought the three stooges of Obama, Hillary and Eric would just be quite and go into the all respected losers of a election do..

Not publicly an announce they are apart of the "resistance"

They're desperate in the face of their party becoming irrelevant once they're exposed and voted out. It's do or die for them so they revert back to the only thing they have ever had - character assassination, smears, false accusations, same tactics they've always used, only on steroids.

On steroids ...exactly.... They thought they couldn't lose the prize

They thought Hillary could of saved and hammered home Obama's legacy of social change.


Except they forgot about one thing and took them for advantage. They didn't know how these voters really felt.

Maybe because he was too busy dodging all those kitchen sinks you guys have been throwing at him since he beat the pants suit off of Cankles.

Good analogy...we never seen a president have to keep on dodging everything the opposition or his own party throws at him..

He is not in the good old boy network of career politicians , I kind of think that's why they hate him, didnt hob nob and suck up to people in the ranks.

We knew there would be heavy resistance because we DID elect him to drain the swamp and the creatures IN the swamp (both parties) don't want to be exposed.

You figured it out faster than me, I just thought the three stooges of Obama, Hillary and Eric would just be quite and go into the all respected losers of a election do..

Not publicly an announce they are apart of the "resistance"

They're desperate in the face of their party becoming irrelevant once they're exposed and voted out. It's do or die for them so they revert back to the only thing they have ever had - character assassination, smears, false accusations, same tactics they've always used, only on steroids.

On steroids ...exactly.... They thought they couldn't lose the prize

They thought Hillary could of saved and hammered home Obama's legacy of social change.


Except they forgot about one thing and took them for advantage. They didn't know how these voters really felt.


So no others can explain to me how Trump destre your life, except it was mental anguish for you?


This is kind of a flame thread , now that I think about it and didn't put it in the right place... It wasn't my intent though.

I just look around and nothing bad happened in the past 100 days, I wasn't forced to buy anything from the Trump administration like I was in the past, or no new taxes..



You can't be serious.

First, asking "how did ...?" is pretty stupid. He's just getting started.

Second, try keeping up with REAL news. He and the Rs are not and will not be doing anything positive for the US and for the world. Instead, he is poisoning our water and our air, attacking the entire planet, taking away safe jobs, taking away food, attacking our military and veterans, attacking children, women, the poor and so on.

In fact, there's only one group that is now or will benefit from the hot mess that IS trump -- the 1%.

Before your pussy grabber gets done, he will have ruined a lot of lives, including the gullible dupes who voted for him.
This is kind of a flame thread , now that I think about it and didn't put it in the right place... It wasn't my intent though.

I just look around and nothing bad happened in the past 100 days, I wasn't forced to buy anything from the Trump administration like I was in the past, or no new taxes..



You can't be serious.

First, asking "how did ...?" is pretty stupid. He's just getting started.

Second, try keeping up with REAL news. He and the Rs are not and will not be doing anything positive for the US and for the world. Instead, he is poisoning our water and our air, attacking the entire planet, taking away safe jobs, taking away food, attacking our military and veterans, attacking children, women, the poor and so on.

In fact, there's only one group that is now or will benefit from the hot mess that IS trump -- the 1%.

Before your pussy grabber gets done, he will have ruined a lot of lives, including the gullible dupes who voted for him.


he is poisoning our water and our air, attacking the entire planet, taking away safe jobs, taking away food, attacking our military and veterans, attacking children, women, the poor and so on


Since when?

Is this what you do just make up stuff in your mind and then post it?
1. He wants to take transgender rights away,,frankly he wants to tell people what they can do with their lives.

There is no “right” for sick, morally-defective, mentally-defective freaks to force sane people to play along wit their perversions and delusions.

Taking the side of sick, insane perverts, against that of sane, decent people is one of the major ways in which your side lost so big this last election. Your side can never gain enough votes by pandering to the tiny minority of sick freaks, to make up for the votes that it will lose by alienating normal, sane, decent people.

2. Promotes hatred and people feel good about calling names and attacking good people.

Yours is the side that has been openly promoting hatred, destruction, and violence, while falsely accusing your opposition of doing so. You're not fooling anyone.

3. He attacks science in which I love. Why on earth if your goal is to make America great would you do this? Doesn't make any sense.

What you call “science” has nothing to do with genuine science, and it certainly has little to do with any genuine duties, responsibility, and authorities of the federal government.

4. Attacks the poor in the hardest working nation on earth. Something is wrong!

Again, your side is the one that has attacked industry and commerce, making it more difficult for people to be gainfully-employed, and creating poverty. It is not an “attack” against honest, working class Americans, to get government out of their way and allow private industry to create wealth and opportunities.

5. Wishes to lock up more people for stupid reasons even through we're already the most imprisoned nation on earth. Freedom you say?

I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine on that last claim. You know damn well that it's a lie, and that you cannot support it with credible facts.

Just curious you all hate him so, what did he do?

Say "words" that upset you? Be un politically correct?

Just curious...


1. He wants to take transgender rights away,,frankly he wants to tell people what they can do with their lives.
2. Promotes hatred and people feel good about calling names and attacking good people.
3. He attacks science in which I love. Why on earth if your goal is to make America great would you do this? Doesn't make any sense.
4. Attacks the poor in the hardest working nation on earth. Something is wrong!
5. Wishes to lock up more people for stupid reasons even through we're already the most imprisoned nation on earth. Freedom you say?

Think about it.

Transgender rights? What rights do they need that everyone else doesn't already have?

Name a good person he has attacked.

How does he attack science?

Who does he want to lock up?

Also, you have a link for him saying anything like what you claim?

Of course you don't, because you are an immature shill for the left! Talk is cheap!

Just curious you all hate him so, what did he do?

Say "words" that upset you? Be un politically correct?

Just curious...

LOL Trump did not destroy my life. I have had three pay raises in the last 12 months, and my small properties have increased in value by 20% in the same period. However, for people less fortunate than myself, he is doing his best to destroy their healthcare, polluting the water and air in coal mining states, and setting up a tax structure that punishes the lower middle class and working poor.

And the fat senile old orange clown is an absolute embarrassment every time he opens his mouth.
Nothing bad did happen in the first 100 days. In fact nothing happened in the first 100 days.
Yep, the fat senile old orange clown is so incompetent that nothing has changed, except for the amount of investigations into obstruction of justice, collusion with the Russians, and, eventually, treason.
Nothing bad did happen in the first 100 days. In fact nothing happened in the first 100 days.
Yep, the fat senile old orange clown is so incompetent that nothing has changed, except for the amount of investigations into obstruction of justice, collusion with the Russians, and, eventually, treason.

They will never get collision, that would require a confession or tape evidence.. So your dreams of ever proving it are nill next to none...maybe other charges like conflict of interest , but it sure won't be collision.


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