Another racist gaffe from Biden is buried by the controlled media

I get it. The problem is you want to separate the two. That is indefensible. It only helps continue the meme as it's ok. Just because a so-called second meaning is unrecognizable to some, doesn't mean it isn't there, and therefore innocent. It is far from innocent and one reason it must be noted, otherwise today's generation, never understanding the past racial connotations of words/phrases will repeat them and find themselves offending those that do.
You are either very young, and had no exposure to such comments, or you are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of those not in the know. Now, do I think his 'colloquial' clean meant black men are usually dirty? No. He meant, due to his generational upbringing tinged with racism, obviously, he is well groomed, well dressed, not what his racist generational crowd would usually expect.
I'm not arrogant enough to sit on the internet and pontificate about "what he meant" but I have never denied what the words mean. Quite the contrary. Again, he's speaking about the field at the time of candidates in terms of their saleability -- their image. Nor does he at any point say, indicate or imply that "black people are not clean" -- and if he had said or meant that, the statement would have contradicted itself. Think about it.

Joe Biden's speech is raw, abjectly colloquial and unpretentious. "Working class" if you will. It's evident right in that quote -- "that's storybook, man". He speaks like a baseball announcer. The pretentious part is the rest of y'all trying to foist different values on the speech style than it had when the speaker put it out.

George W. Bush does the same thing. It's a casual colloquial style. Stop trying to pretend it's something else.

NOT arrogant? You, Pogo? :razz:

It takes arrogance to sit on the internet and declare "I see what he said, but I know what he really meant".
No, I don't have that in me. Because it can't be justified.

Finally. You're on the right track.

Yes, as noted before he's talking about candidate saleability. Basically saying O'bama is more marketable than was, say, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. And IMO he was right.

And all three of them are black, so trying to inject racism completely fails. Racism by definition holds a race to exhibit blanket traits. It contradicts the idea of diversity. That's the entire problem with it.

Get it now?

"Separate the two" -- what?
If you're brought to wonderment by a black man who is well spoken and "clean" then it's obvious that you don't think most black men ARE well spoken and "clean". That's the "value judgment", Sparky! If that comment had been made by Mitt Romney the Main Stream Media would have gone apoplectic in their rush to label him a closet racist...when Joe Biden makes comments like that it's chalked up to Biden being an idiot and saying stupid things.

Did you guys all get together and agree to not understand what Speculation Fallacy is? If I had a dime for every time that's been dropped in there I'd have well over a dollar by now. I'm afraid it's still a fallacy and I should warn you the next time it's dropped it's still gonna be a fallacy.

Again, he's speaking about the filed of Presidential candidates, not "most black men" -- or men at all for that matter. And again he's speaking of an entire package of saleability -- which is what elections are all about. If anything it's a slight against Jesse Jackson and Carol Mosely Braun and Shirley Chisholm (the first major party black POTUS candidate) and a few others who in his description didn't have the whole package.

And again, even if he had opined that "most black men are not clean" it would have to be a function of race to qualify as racism anyway. But he's not talking about the general population. You only get that inference when you take it out of context.

The reason it's a "slight" against those people, Pogo is that it's obvious that they aren't viewed by Biden (and many other white liberals!) as someone you'd take to dinner at the Country Club! That's why Joe had such a warm fuzzy feeling about Barry...because HIM you could take to the Country Club and he'd fit right in. Biden was in fact "opining" about most black men not being clean when his comments about Obama slipped out. Biden's problem is that his "filter" is broken and his mouth says things before his brain has a chance to figure out whether or not they are appropriate which has him sounding like Archie Bunker.

Sorry, no. You can't change somebody else's context to what you wish he had been talking about so you can make your point work. Every report has the conversation about the field of potential candidates at the time. Not "people in general". There isn't any question about that. Revisionism's not gonna fly here.

I haven't changed the context of Joe Biden's statements. He said what he said. As I pointed out earlier, Joe Biden's filter doesn't seem to work anymore. Inappropriate things come out of his mouth. His comment about Barack Obama. His comment about people from India working in 7/11's. Those are the kinds of things that many people THINK but would never utter publicly because they understand that they are inappropriate. I find Joe Biden to be a bit of an idiot at this stage of his life. He's the equivalent of the senile old uncle who comes to holiday dinners and says racist things that he shouldn't. Everyone attempts to laugh it off because it's just "Crazy Uncle Joe" but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.

That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?
Biden has a history of racist comments and they're always buried by his pals in the press.

Media Covers Up Biden s Latest Racist Gaffe - Breitbart

feb 17 2015
Democrats sure got it good. Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal dares to agree with CNN’s own reporting about European no-go zones, and the left-wing network brands him an anti-Muslim racist. On the other hand, when Vice President Joe Biden stereotypes Somali immigrants as nothing more than a bunch of cab drivers, the media pretends it didn’t happen. The slur is left completely out of their reporting.

Video shows that during Tuesday’s White House summit on generic extremism, Biden actually said of Somalis, “If you ever come to the train station with me, you’ll notice that I have great relationships with them because there’s an awful lot of them driving cabs and are friends of mine. For real. I’m not being solicitous. I’m being serious.”

Soooooo .... where exactly does he say Somalis are "nothing more than" cab drivers?
What kind of race is "Somali" anyway? What kind of race is "Muslim"? Did somebody change definitions overnight?

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?
Circling the wagons already....
Biden has a history of racist comments and they're always buried by his pals in the press.

Media Covers Up Biden s Latest Racist Gaffe - Breitbart

feb 17 2015
Democrats sure got it good. Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal dares to agree with CNN’s own reporting about European no-go zones, and the left-wing network brands him an anti-Muslim racist. On the other hand, when Vice President Joe Biden stereotypes Somali immigrants as nothing more than a bunch of cab drivers, the media pretends it didn’t happen. The slur is left completely out of their reporting.

Video shows that during Tuesday’s White House summit on generic extremism, Biden actually said of Somalis, “If you ever come to the train station with me, you’ll notice that I have great relationships with them because there’s an awful lot of them driving cabs and are friends of mine. For real. I’m not being solicitous. I’m being serious.”

Soooooo .... where exactly does he say Somalis are "nothing more than" cab drivers?

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?

Yeahhhhh, nothing racist about Biden's comments' Like saying a black guy being clean and articulate was "Storybook, man!"

And where did he say this?

Really dude?
Biden has a history of racist comments and they're always buried by his pals in the press.

Soooooo .... where exactly does he say Somalis are "nothing more than" cab drivers?

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?

Yeahhhhh, nothing racist about Biden's comments' Like saying a black guy being clean and articulate was "Storybook, man!"

And where did he say this?


You're not serious I hope.

Oh yes. We're gonna do this.

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?

Here they are

The Top 5 Racist Biden Gaffes ... - Fox Nation

Couldn't post 'em on your own I see. Plausible deniability right?

Very well. I'll treat these as if you posted them. From the link:

>> ONE. Biden kicked off his 2007 White House run by condescending to his current running mate, saying that then-Sen. Barack Obama was the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” <<
-- and? How is this "racist"?

>> “You don’t know my state. My state was a slave state … my state is the 8th largest black population in the country,” he said. <<
-- same question. Are either of these inaccurate? Actually it doesn't matter whether they're accurate or not; there's no judgment made about race.

Do you even understand what "racism" means? Summa y'all seem to think a mere mentiion of race is "racism".

It isn't.

>> “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” <<
Stupidly phrased; obviously you don't need an accent to walk into the store. But again -- where is the racism? Accent is a matter of mother tongue training. It has nothing to do with "race" anyway.

--- which returns:

Oops! That page can’t be found.

That it then?
You lose.

"Racism" means the value judgment that one race is superior/inferior to another. None of these quotes exhibit that. Nor does the one in your OP. You've got zero.

Let a conservative use the same words and you liberals would have an out of the body experience.
Do not deny....You've all been exposed.
Biden has a history of racist comments and they're always buried by his pals in the press.

Soooooo .... where exactly does he say Somalis are "nothing more than" cab drivers?

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?

Yeahhhhh, nothing racist about Biden's comments' Like saying a black guy being clean and articulate was "Storybook, man!"

And where did he say this?


Seriously, Pogo? You're embarrassing yourself...

Funny nobody can answer the question, innit? Echo chamber repeats the meme over and over, nobody bothers to stop and check to see if it makes any sense in the first place. Oopsie.

Even funnier that even given the dearth of a basis, nobody can bring themselves to admit the OP is full of shit.

DeNial is a deep river.
The question is your denial of the obvious..............Biden's remarks are racist because the general consensus believes the remarks are racist..
And that's all that matters.
Now, you can circle the wagons all you like. It does not change the facts.
Now, this is not a discussion. I have made my statements in reply to you and the issue is no longer open for debate.
So, there is no need for you to reply.
Soooooo .... where exactly does he say Somalis are "nothing more than" cab drivers?

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?

Yeahhhhh, nothing racist about Biden's comments' Like saying a black guy being clean and articulate was "Storybook, man!"

And where did he say this?


Seriously, Pogo? You're embarrassing yourself...

Funny nobody can answer the question, innit? Echo chamber repeats the meme over and over, nobody bothers to stop and check to see if it makes any sense in the first place. Oopsie.

Even funnier that even given the dearth of a basis, nobody can bring themselves to admit the OP is full of shit.

DeNial is a deep river.
The question is your denial of the obvious..............Biden's remarks are racist because the general consensus believes the remarks are racist..

Classic "Everybody knows" fallacy. Agrumentum ad populum.
At one time "everybody knew" the earth was flat too.

And that's all that matters.

True dat.

Now, you can circle the wagons all you like. It does not change the facts.

Wagon circles unnecessary. We have the text. I challenged anyone to demonstrate where the racism is. No one could. Ergo what "everybody knows" is bullshit.

Now, this is not a discussion. I have made my statements in reply to you and the issue is no longer open for debate.

Sorry, it's a message board which means your authoritarian monologue fantasy remains that.. every issue is open for debate, like it or lump it. And don't flatter yourself, nobody in the world was on the edge of their seat waiting for what you think.

So, there is no need for you to reply.

Too late.
Soooooo .... where exactly does he say Somalis are "nothing more than" cab drivers?

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?

Yeahhhhh, nothing racist about Biden's comments' Like saying a black guy being clean and articulate was "Storybook, man!"

And where did he say this?


You're not serious I hope.

Oh yes. We're gonna do this.

And where are these past racist comments? Got any quotes?

Here they are

The Top 5 Racist Biden Gaffes ... - Fox Nation

Couldn't post 'em on your own I see. Plausible deniability right?

Very well. I'll treat these as if you posted them. From the link:

>> ONE. Biden kicked off his 2007 White House run by condescending to his current running mate, saying that then-Sen. Barack Obama was the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” <<
-- and? How is this "racist"?

>> “You don’t know my state. My state was a slave state … my state is the 8th largest black population in the country,” he said. <<
-- same question. Are either of these inaccurate? Actually it doesn't matter whether they're accurate or not; there's no judgment made about race.

Do you even understand what "racism" means? Summa y'all seem to think a mere mentiion of race is "racism".

It isn't.

>> “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” <<
Stupidly phrased; obviously you don't need an accent to walk into the store. But again -- where is the racism? Accent is a matter of mother tongue training. It has nothing to do with "race" anyway.

--- which returns:

Oops! That page can’t be found.

That it then?
You lose.

"Racism" means the value judgment that one race is superior/inferior to another. None of these quotes exhibit that. Nor does the one in your OP. You've got zero.

Let a conservative use the same words and you liberals would have an out of the body experience.
Do not deny....You've all been exposed.

Speculation fallacy. You've been exposed.
Did you guys all get together and agree to not understand what Speculation Fallacy is? If I had a dime for every time that's been dropped in there I'd have well over a dollar by now. I'm afraid it's still a fallacy and I should warn you the next time it's dropped it's still gonna be a fallacy.

Again, he's speaking about the filed of Presidential candidates, not "most black men" -- or men at all for that matter. And again he's speaking of an entire package of saleability -- which is what elections are all about. If anything it's a slight against Jesse Jackson and Carol Mosely Braun and Shirley Chisholm (the first major party black POTUS candidate) and a few others who in his description didn't have the whole package.

And again, even if he had opined that "most black men are not clean" it would have to be a function of race to qualify as racism anyway. But he's not talking about the general population. You only get that inference when you take it out of context.

The reason it's a "slight" against those people, Pogo is that it's obvious that they aren't viewed by Biden (and many other white liberals!) as someone you'd take to dinner at the Country Club! That's why Joe had such a warm fuzzy feeling about Barry...because HIM you could take to the Country Club and he'd fit right in. Biden was in fact "opining" about most black men not being clean when his comments about Obama slipped out. Biden's problem is that his "filter" is broken and his mouth says things before his brain has a chance to figure out whether or not they are appropriate which has him sounding like Archie Bunker.

Sorry, no. You can't change somebody else's context to what you wish he had been talking about so you can make your point work. Every report has the conversation about the field of potential candidates at the time. Not "people in general". There isn't any question about that. Revisionism's not gonna fly here.

I haven't changed the context of Joe Biden's statements. He said what he said. As I pointed out earlier, Joe Biden's filter doesn't seem to work anymore. Inappropriate things come out of his mouth. His comment about Barack Obama. His comment about people from India working in 7/11's. Those are the kinds of things that many people THINK but would never utter publicly because they understand that they are inappropriate. I find Joe Biden to be a bit of an idiot at this stage of his life. He's the equivalent of the senile old uncle who comes to holiday dinners and says racist things that he shouldn't. Everyone attempts to laugh it off because it's just "Crazy Uncle Joe" but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.

That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?
Last edited:
Clearly, the Botox has fucked Biden's mind. He gropes women, even young girls, inappropriately and he has some form of dis-inhibition syndrome as a result
The reason it's a "slight" against those people, Pogo is that it's obvious that they aren't viewed by Biden (and many other white liberals!) as someone you'd take to dinner at the Country Club! That's why Joe had such a warm fuzzy feeling about Barry...because HIM you could take to the Country Club and he'd fit right in. Biden was in fact "opining" about most black men not being clean when his comments about Obama slipped out. Biden's problem is that his "filter" is broken and his mouth says things before his brain has a chance to figure out whether or not they are appropriate which has him sounding like Archie Bunker.

Sorry, no. You can't change somebody else's context to what you wish he had been talking about so you can make your point work. Every report has the conversation about the field of potential candidates at the time. Not "people in general". There isn't any question about that. Revisionism's not gonna fly here.

I haven't changed the context of Joe Biden's statements. He said what he said. As I pointed out earlier, Joe Biden's filter doesn't seem to work anymore. Inappropriate things come out of his mouth. His comment about Barack Obama. His comment about people from India working in 7/11's. Those are the kinds of things that many people THINK but would never utter publicly because they understand that they are inappropriate. I find Joe Biden to be a bit of an idiot at this stage of his life. He's the equivalent of the senile old uncle who comes to holiday dinners and says racist things that he shouldn't. Everyone attempts to laugh it off because it's just "Crazy Uncle Joe" but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.

That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Unlike Joe Biden I don't stereotype people based on their race. To make the claim that Biden's remarks somehow say something about 7-11 rather than his own closet racism is laughable.
Clearly, the Botox has fucked Biden's mind. He gropes women, even young girls, inappropriately and he has some form of dis-inhibition syndrome as a result

Yeah, it's very strange that he poses this way for pictures. :lol:
The reason it's a "slight" against those people, Pogo is that it's obvious that they aren't viewed by Biden (and many other white liberals!) as someone you'd take to dinner at the Country Club! That's why Joe had such a warm fuzzy feeling about Barry...because HIM you could take to the Country Club and he'd fit right in. Biden was in fact "opining" about most black men not being clean when his comments about Obama slipped out. Biden's problem is that his "filter" is broken and his mouth says things before his brain has a chance to figure out whether or not they are appropriate which has him sounding like Archie Bunker.

Sorry, no. You can't change somebody else's context to what you wish he had been talking about so you can make your point work. Every report has the conversation about the field of potential candidates at the time. Not "people in general". There isn't any question about that. Revisionism's not gonna fly here.

I haven't changed the context of Joe Biden's statements. He said what he said. As I pointed out earlier, Joe Biden's filter doesn't seem to work anymore. Inappropriate things come out of his mouth. His comment about Barack Obama. His comment about people from India working in 7/11's. Those are the kinds of things that many people THINK but would never utter publicly because they understand that they are inappropriate. I find Joe Biden to be a bit of an idiot at this stage of his life. He's the equivalent of the senile old uncle who comes to holiday dinners and says racist things that he shouldn't. Everyone attempts to laugh it off because it's just "Crazy Uncle Joe" but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.

That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Pogo, you know that if a right wing politician had said those same words, the liberals would be all over it like a cheap suit.
Sorry, no. You can't change somebody else's context to what you wish he had been talking about so you can make your point work. Every report has the conversation about the field of potential candidates at the time. Not "people in general". There isn't any question about that. Revisionism's not gonna fly here.

I haven't changed the context of Joe Biden's statements. He said what he said. As I pointed out earlier, Joe Biden's filter doesn't seem to work anymore. Inappropriate things come out of his mouth. His comment about Barack Obama. His comment about people from India working in 7/11's. Those are the kinds of things that many people THINK but would never utter publicly because they understand that they are inappropriate. I find Joe Biden to be a bit of an idiot at this stage of his life. He's the equivalent of the senile old uncle who comes to holiday dinners and says racist things that he shouldn't. Everyone attempts to laugh it off because it's just "Crazy Uncle Joe" but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.

That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Pogo, you know that if a right wing politician had said those same words, the liberals would be all over it like a cheap suit.

I know no such thing. I can't predict the future and I don't know who this monolith called "the liberals" is. What I do know is that those words, regardless who they come from, do not convey racism. If they did, it could be pointed out like a mathematical formula. It isn't there. Simply crowing "dat's wacist" doesn't make it racist; it has to actually be racist.

But I do know a speculation fallacy when I read one.
Sorry, no. You can't change somebody else's context to what you wish he had been talking about so you can make your point work. Every report has the conversation about the field of potential candidates at the time. Not "people in general". There isn't any question about that. Revisionism's not gonna fly here.

I haven't changed the context of Joe Biden's statements. He said what he said. As I pointed out earlier, Joe Biden's filter doesn't seem to work anymore. Inappropriate things come out of his mouth. His comment about Barack Obama. His comment about people from India working in 7/11's. Those are the kinds of things that many people THINK but would never utter publicly because they understand that they are inappropriate. I find Joe Biden to be a bit of an idiot at this stage of his life. He's the equivalent of the senile old uncle who comes to holiday dinners and says racist things that he shouldn't. Everyone attempts to laugh it off because it's just "Crazy Uncle Joe" but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.

That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Unlike Joe Biden I don't stereotype people based on their race. To make the claim that Biden's remarks somehow say something about 7-11 rather than his own closet racism is laughable.

"Indian" is a race now too? Like "Somali"?
Speaking of 'laughable''...

Anyway you didn't answer my questions above.
I haven't changed the context of Joe Biden's statements. He said what he said. As I pointed out earlier, Joe Biden's filter doesn't seem to work anymore. Inappropriate things come out of his mouth. His comment about Barack Obama. His comment about people from India working in 7/11's. Those are the kinds of things that many people THINK but would never utter publicly because they understand that they are inappropriate. I find Joe Biden to be a bit of an idiot at this stage of his life. He's the equivalent of the senile old uncle who comes to holiday dinners and says racist things that he shouldn't. Everyone attempts to laugh it off because it's just "Crazy Uncle Joe" but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.

That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Pogo, you know that if a right wing politician had said those same words, the liberals would be all over it like a cheap suit.

I know no such thing. I can't predict the future and I don't know who this monolith called "the liberals" is. What I do know is that those words, regardless who they come from, do not convey racism. If they did, it could be pointed out like a mathematical formula. It isn't there. Simply crowing "dat's wacist" doesn't make it racist; it has to actually be racist.

But I do know a speculation fallacy when I read one.

What the hell is "speculation fallacy"? You invent some ridiculous term and think you can bludgeon people with it because they don't have a clue what it is you're talking about?

Biden's comments ARE racist. You may not like admitting that...but that doesn't change the fact that he said things that people of color should find offensive. He stereotypes blacks and people from India in ways that nobody holding high political office should ever do. If he was Joe the Idiot from the neighborhood talking that stupid shit down at the corner bar it would be bad enough but he's THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!
That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Pogo, you know that if a right wing politician had said those same words, the liberals would be all over it like a cheap suit.

I know no such thing. I can't predict the future and I don't know who this monolith called "the liberals" is. What I do know is that those words, regardless who they come from, do not convey racism. If they did, it could be pointed out like a mathematical formula. It isn't there. Simply crowing "dat's wacist" doesn't make it racist; it has to actually be racist.

But I do know a speculation fallacy when I read one.

What the hell is "speculation fallacy"? You invent some ridiculous term and think you can bludgeon people with it because they don't have a clue what it is you're talking about?

Biden's comments ARE racist. You may not like admitting that...but that doesn't change the fact that he said things that people of color should find offensive. He stereotypes blacks and people from India in ways that nobody holding high political office should ever do. If he was Joe the Idiot from the neighborhood talking that stupid shit down at the corner bar it would be bad enough but he's THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

Joe is not the brightest bulb. :lol:
That's one way to look at it.

The other way is perhaps he doesn't subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality that needs to Bowdlerize everything. Because it leads to idiocy like this thread.

So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Pogo, you know that if a right wing politician had said those same words, the liberals would be all over it like a cheap suit.

I know no such thing. I can't predict the future and I don't know who this monolith called "the liberals" is. What I do know is that those words, regardless who they come from, do not convey racism. If they did, it could be pointed out like a mathematical formula. It isn't there. Simply crowing "dat's wacist" doesn't make it racist; it has to actually be racist.

But I do know a speculation fallacy when I read one.

What the hell is "speculation fallacy"? You invent some ridiculous term and think you can bludgeon people with it because they don't have a clue what it is you're talking about?

There's no way I would presume to take credit for "inventing" this analysis. It was analyzed long before anyone we know got here, and it's been a fallacy since the first time it was trotted out by Og, who then redeemed himself by inventing the wheel.

>> Description: Offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future, if (the hypothetical part) circumstances or conditions were different. The fallacy also entails treating future hypothetical situations as if they are fact.

Logical Form:
If event X did happen, then event Y would have happened. (based only on speculation)

Example #1:
If you took that course on CD player repair right out of high school, you would be doing well and gainfully employed right now. <<​

Biden's comments ARE racist. You may not like admitting that...but that doesn't change the fact that he said things that people of color should find offensive. He stereotypes blacks and people from India in ways that nobody holding high political office should ever do. If he was Joe the Idiot from the neighborhood talking that stupid shit down at the corner bar it would be bad enough but he's THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

First you say they're "racist" --- then you say they're "stereotypes". And the veneer peels away -- they're two different things.

Having it both ways: priceless.

As I keep saying, it if was 'racism' you could demonstrate it from the elements we have. But that's impossible, which is why you're now trying to shift the argument to "stereotypes". And I knew from the beginning that this is where we would end up.

And the fact remains, neither "Indian" (of India) nor "Somali" is a race in the first place. And even if either of them were, you'd have to demonstrate where the speaker claims that their stereotyped occupation (convenience store, cab driver, whatever) is a function of what their race is.

As opposed to, say, what their culture is and who they knew that got them the job because of their personal acquaintances and connections.

And you can't do that. Nobody can, for the simple reason that that statement of causation does not exist.

As for the all caps "Vice President of the United States", let me quote from a previous holder of that office, who put it this way:

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So someone who views blacks and people from India as Joe Biden seems to, isn't "racist", they're just not "politically correct"? So tell me, Pogo...when Carrol O'Connor was doing Archie Bunker on TV, was he portraying a "racist"...or was he portraying someone who just didn't "subscribe to the PC Bullshit Mentality"?

Depends on what he was saying at the time, donut?

To your first line about Biden, once you navigate around the inoperative "can't walk in without an accent" and get to the gist of his point that the 7-11 is probably going to have an Indian clerk, nothing about that statement says anything about race or about Indians. If anything it says something about 7-11. But nowhere present is the suggestion that that clerk is there because of his race. And nowhere is the suggestion that the clerk's race requires or mandates that he work at 7-11. It isn't there. Doesn't exist.

Do you believe that a large proportion of Indians working at convenience stores or motels is a result of their race? I doubt it. That would make no sense either, and you didn't say that. But neither did Biden. So why plug in what isn't there?

Pogo, you know that if a right wing politician had said those same words, the liberals would be all over it like a cheap suit.

I know no such thing. I can't predict the future and I don't know who this monolith called "the liberals" is. What I do know is that those words, regardless who they come from, do not convey racism. If they did, it could be pointed out like a mathematical formula. It isn't there. Simply crowing "dat's wacist" doesn't make it racist; it has to actually be racist.

But I do know a speculation fallacy when I read one.

What the hell is "speculation fallacy"? You invent some ridiculous term and think you can bludgeon people with it because they don't have a clue what it is you're talking about?

There's no way I would presume to take credit for "inventing" this analysis. It was analyzed long before anyone we know got here, and it's been a fallacy since the first time it was trotted out by Og, who then redeemed himself by inventing the wheel.

>> Description: Offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future, if (the hypothetical part) circumstances or conditions were different. The fallacy also entails treating future hypothetical situations as if they are fact.

Logical Form:
If event X did happen, then event Y would have happened. (based only on speculation)

Example #1:
If you took that course on CD player repair right out of high school, you would be doing well and gainfully employed right now. <<​

Biden's comments ARE racist. You may not like admitting that...but that doesn't change the fact that he said things that people of color should find offensive. He stereotypes blacks and people from India in ways that nobody holding high political office should ever do. If he was Joe the Idiot from the neighborhood talking that stupid shit down at the corner bar it would be bad enough but he's THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

First you say they're "racist" --- then you say they're "stereotypes". And the veneer peels away.

Having it both ways: priceless.

As I keep saying, it if was 'racism' you could demonstrate it from the elements we have. But that's impossible, which is why you're now trying to shift the argument to "stereotypes". And I knew from the beginning that this is where we would end up.

And the fact remains, neither "Indian" (of India) nor "Somali" is a race in the first place. And even if either of them were, you'd have to demonstrate where the speaker claims that their stereotyped occupation (convenience store, cab driver, whatever) is a function of what their race is.

As opposed to, say, what their culture is and who they knew that got them the job because of their personal acquaintances and connections.

And you can't do that. Nobody can, for the simple reason that it does not exist.

As for the all caps "Vice President of the United States", let me quote from a previous holder of that office, who put it this way:


Do you not recognize that stereotyping is primary symptom of racism? When you don't know people you make judgements about them based on generalizations. Many people from the North think people from the South are stupid because they have a funny accent. They don't know any Southerners and it's a stupid conclusion but that's what stereotyping is all about.

When Biden infers you can't go work in a 7/11 unless you're someone from India then he's stereotyping. It a stupid thing to do if you AREN'T the Vice President of the United do so when you ARE the VP borders on moronic...which is what Joe Biden is at this point.

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