Another racist gaffe from Biden is buried by the controlled media

Looks like Old Joe knew her well, and SHE knew what Joe was after.... ask your wife if that's a PROTECTION POSE for her assets....ladies know!


Maybe old Joe needs to cut back on the Viagra. :razz:

I think old Joe has a permanent erection from his drip of Viagra hanging inside his suit coat...but has never called his doctor.

Some men at that age, have to prove to themselves that they are still men, even with the wife present!
now can you imagine if Joe was caught off camera at some white house party/ hot mike/ Biden: so hey, have I got a good one for you buddy, "How Many Native Americans does it take to screw in a light bulb"?

You mean injuns? Don't call them native americans. They are not americans. Americans care about more than booze, drugs, and welfare.
A Biden Problem Foot in Mouth - ABC News
So, are you suggesting he isn't speaking of Obama, when he says African American? And since you seem to think this is so innocuous, I am sure you have video or audio, of his calling white candidates through the years as clean and articulate, right? And your making a statement about gaffe news does '-t in anyway lessen his words. Above also find an abc article about this 'gaffe'.
Donna Brasile "When I HEARD his comments, I thought Joe Biden was referring to about a bygone era. " "Years ago when white folks referred to black people with an education, they often used words like 'articulate'. To suggest they were different, acceptable."
Are you going to continue to deny what he meant?

Biden s description of Obama draws scrutiny -
Come on, Pogo, please.

Funny nobody can answer the question, innit? Echo chamber repeats the meme over and over, nobody bothers to stop and check to see if it makes any sense in the first place. Oopsie.

Even funnier that even given the dearth of a basis, nobody can bring themselves to admit the OP is full of shit.

DeNial is a deep river.

Dude, how can you POSSIBLY not know that was what Joe Biden said about Barack Obama? Do you live under a large rock and only emerge to post here before going back underground?

Already covered. Try actually reading the thread...

Again, I'm already well familiar with the quote. I also know the context -- which is carefully avoided around here -- that he's talking about the field of Presidential candidates specifically. Even your video above says that.

What I'm asking is for anyone to point out where the racism in the words is. And that can't be done, ergo the claim is bullshit.

And I'm sorry, somebody calling itself "Gaffe News" and making a YouTube video doesn't make a bullshit point into a real one. It's either real, or it ain't. This one is the latter.

I'm not arrogant enough to sit on the internet and pontificate about "what he meant" but I have never denied what the words mean. Quite the contrary. Again, he's speaking about the field at the time of candidates in terms of their saleability -- their image. Nor does he at any point say, indicate or imply that "black people are not clean" -- and if he had said or meant that, the statement would have contradicted itself. Think about it.

Joe Biden's speech is raw, abjectly colloquial and unpretentious. "Working class" if you will. It's evident right in that quote -- "that's storybook, man". He speaks like a baseball announcer. The pretentious part is the rest of y'all trying to foist different values on the speech style than it had when the speaker put it out.

George W. Bush does the same thing. It's a casual colloquial style. Stop trying to pretend it's something else.
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It's obvious from Joe Biden's comments that he thinks most blacks smell funny and that people only move here from India to work in convenience stores. If you don't think that makes him a "racist" it's hard to portray him as anything other than Washington's answer to Archie Bunker.

Nope --- that's your speculation that's racist. My question is ..... where is it in the words? Not "where is it in your imagination", not "it's obvious to me that" --- the actual words. Where is it?
  • Where does he say "most blacks smell" -- anything?
  • Where does he say people only move here from India to work in convenience stores? Where is that? Where does he mention moving at all
  • Where does he declare "Somalis can only drive taxis"? Where's the exclusivity in either of the two above?
  • What kind of race is "Somali"? You think maybe that's why the OP ran away?
You can't just plug this shit in after the fact -- it has to be stated by the speaker. You need a value judgment. Which is not present.

If this fake PC song and dance were any more transparent you'd have a broken nose from walking into it.

If you're brought to wonderment by a black man who is well spoken and "clean" then it's obvious that you don't think most black men ARE well spoken and "clean". That's the "value judgment", Sparky! If that comment had been made by Mitt Romney the Main Stream Media would have gone apoplectic in their rush to label him a closet racist...when Joe Biden makes comments like that it's chalked up to Biden being an idiot and saying stupid things.

Did you guys all get together and agree to not understand what Speculation Fallacy is? If I had a dime for every time that's been dropped in there I'd have well over a dollar by now. I'm afraid it's still a fallacy and I should warn you the next time it's dropped it's still gonna be a fallacy.

Again, he's speaking about the filed of Presidential candidates, not "most black men" -- or men at all for that matter. And again he's speaking of an entire package of saleability -- which is what elections are all about. If anything it's a slight against Jesse Jackson and Carol Mosely Braun and Shirley Chisholm (the first major party black POTUS candidate) and a few others who in his description didn't have the whole package.

And again, even if he had opined that "most black men are not clean" it would have to be a function of race to qualify as racism anyway. But he's not talking about the general population. You only get that inference when you take it out of context.
Looks like Old Joe knew her well, and SHE knew what Joe was after.... ask your wife if that's a PROTECTION POSE for her assets....ladies know!


I got the feeling they were swingers from the previous picture, tbh. This only more/less verifies it for me.
'm not arrogant enough to sit on the internet and pontificate about "what he meant" but I have never denied what the words mean. Quite the contrary. Again, he's speaking about the field at the time of candidates in terms of their saleability -- their image. Nor does he at any point say, indicate or imply that "black people are not clean" -- and if he had said or meant that, the statement would have contradicted itself. Think about it.

Joe Biden's speech is raw, abjectly colloquial and unpretentious. "Working class" if you will. It's evident right in that quote -- "that's storybook, man". He speaks like a baseball announcer. The pretentious part is the rest of y'all trying to foist different values on the speech style than it had when the speaker put it out.

George W. Bush does the same thing. It's a casual colloquial style. Stop trying to pretend it's something else.

That's a pretty insulting attitude toward working people.

What the fuck would you know about "working people"? Or even "working"?

Check the spelling -- working, not "wanking".
Old Joe can't keep his roving hands off females either.

What an old piece of shit...
There is no circumstance under which a man has a right to touch a woman without her consent other than self-defense” -Joe Biden
now can you imagine if Joe was caught off camera at some white house party/ hot mike/ Biden: so hey, have I got a good one for you buddy, "How Many Native Americans does it take to screw in a light bulb"?

You mean injuns? Don't call them native americans. They are not americans. Americans care about more than booze, drugs, and welfare.
and remember when Archie Bunker said "Dumb Pollarks" in front of a Polish Police Officer? Thats Joe! If they ever decided to do a spinoff of All In The Family, I think we all know who would play Archie. But who would play the other three roles?
Looks like Old Joe knew her well, and SHE knew what Joe was after.... ask your wife if that's a PROTECTION POSE for her assets....ladies know!


Maybe old Joe needs to cut back on the Viagra. :razz:

I think old Joe has a permanent erection from his drip of Viagra hanging inside his suit coat...but has never called his doctor.

Some men at that age, have to prove to themselves that they are still men, even with the wife present!

His wife should just smack him upside the head. Make it hurt. He'll think twice before messing around. :D Lol.

What is his problem anyway? His wife is an attractive lady, more attractive than that woman he's trying to feel up, IMO.

A Biden Problem Foot in Mouth - ABC News
So, are you suggesting he isn't speaking of Obama, when he says African American? And since you seem to think this is so innocuous, I am sure you have video or audio, of his calling white candidates through the years as clean and articulate, right? And your making a statement about gaffe news does '-t in anyway lessen his words. Above also find an abc article about this 'gaffe'.
Donna Brasile "When I HEARD his comments, I thought Joe Biden was referring to about a bygone era. " "Years ago when white folks referred to black people with an education, they often used words like 'articulate'. To suggest they were different, acceptable."
Are you going to continue to deny what he meant?

Biden s description of Obama draws scrutiny -
Come on, Pogo, please.

Dude, how can you POSSIBLY not know that was what Joe Biden said about Barack Obama? Do you live under a large rock and only emerge to post here before going back underground?

Already covered. Try actually reading the thread...

Again, I'm already well familiar with the quote. I also know the context -- which is carefully avoided around here -- that he's talking about the field of Presidential candidates specifically. Even your video above says that.

What I'm asking is for anyone to point out where the racism in the words is. And that can't be done, ergo the claim is bullshit.

And I'm sorry, somebody calling itself "Gaffe News" and making a YouTube video doesn't make a bullshit point into a real one. It's either real, or it ain't. This one is the latter.

I'm not arrogant enough to sit on the internet and pontificate about "what he meant" but I have never denied what the words mean. Quite the contrary. Again, he's speaking about the field at the time of candidates in terms of their saleability -- their image. Nor does he at any point say, indicate or imply that "black people are not clean" -- and if he had said or meant that, the statement would have contradicted itself. Think about it.

Joe Biden's speech is raw, abjectly colloquial and unpretentious. "Working class" if you will. It's evident right in that quote -- "that's storybook, man". He speaks like a baseball announcer. The pretentious part is the rest of y'all trying to foist different values on the speech style than it had when the speaker put it out.

George W. Bush does the same thing. It's a casual colloquial style. Stop trying to pretend it's something else.

Oh Gawd, ass kisser. :D
It's obvious from Joe Biden's comments that he thinks most blacks smell funny and that people only move here from India to work in convenience stores. If you don't think that makes him a "racist" it's hard to portray him as anything other than Washington's answer to Archie Bunker.

Nope --- that's your speculation that's racist. My question is ..... where is it in the words? Not "where is it in your imagination", not "it's obvious to me that" --- the actual words. Where is it?
  • Where does he say "most blacks smell" -- anything?
  • Where does he say people only move here from India to work in convenience stores? Where is that? Where does he mention moving at all
  • Where does he declare "Somalis can only drive taxis"? Where's the exclusivity in either of the two above?
  • What kind of race is "Somali"? You think maybe that's why the OP ran away?
You can't just plug this shit in after the fact -- it has to be stated by the speaker. You need a value judgment. Which is not present.

If this fake PC song and dance were any more transparent you'd have a broken nose from walking into it.

If you're brought to wonderment by a black man who is well spoken and "clean" then it's obvious that you don't think most black men ARE well spoken and "clean". That's the "value judgment", Sparky! If that comment had been made by Mitt Romney the Main Stream Media would have gone apoplectic in their rush to label him a closet racist...when Joe Biden makes comments like that it's chalked up to Biden being an idiot and saying stupid things.

Did you guys all get together and agree to not understand what Speculation Fallacy is? If I had a dime for every time that's been dropped in there I'd have well over a dollar by now. I'm afraid it's still a fallacy and I should warn you the next time it's dropped it's still gonna be a fallacy.

Again, he's speaking about the filed of Presidential candidates, not "most black men" -- or men at all for that matter. And again he's speaking of an entire package of saleability -- which is what elections are all about. If anything it's a slight against Jesse Jackson and Carol Mosely Braun and Shirley Chisholm (the first major party black POTUS candidate) and a few others who in his description didn't have the whole package.

And again, even if he had opined that "most black men are not clean" it would have to be a function of race to qualify as racism anyway. But he's not talking about the general population. You only get that inference when you take it out of context.

Just say, it doesn't matter to you because he is one of YOUR guys. If you can't be honest with anyone else, at least be honest with yourself. :rolleyes-41:
A Biden Problem Foot in Mouth - ABC News
So, are you suggesting he isn't speaking of Obama, when he says African American? And since you seem to think this is so innocuous, I am sure you have video or audio, of his calling white candidates through the years as clean and articulate, right? And your making a statement about gaffe news does '-t in anyway lessen his words. Above also find an abc article about this 'gaffe'.
Donna Brasile "When I HEARD his comments, I thought Joe Biden was referring to about a bygone era. " "Years ago when white folks referred to black people with an education, they often used words like 'articulate'. To suggest they were different, acceptable."
Are you going to continue to deny what he meant?

Biden s description of Obama draws scrutiny -
Come on, Pogo, please.

Dude, how can you POSSIBLY not know that was what Joe Biden said about Barack Obama? Do you live under a large rock and only emerge to post here before going back underground?

Already covered. Try actually reading the thread...

Again, I'm already well familiar with the quote. I also know the context -- which is carefully avoided around here -- that he's talking about the field of Presidential candidates specifically. Even your video above says that.

What I'm asking is for anyone to point out where the racism in the words is. And that can't be done, ergo the claim is bullshit.

And I'm sorry, somebody calling itself "Gaffe News" and making a YouTube video doesn't make a bullshit point into a real one. It's either real, or it ain't. This one is the latter.

I'm not arrogant enough to sit on the internet and pontificate about "what he meant" but I have never denied what the words mean. Quite the contrary. Again, he's speaking about the field at the time of candidates in terms of their saleability -- their image. Nor does he at any point say, indicate or imply that "black people are not clean" -- and if he had said or meant that, the statement would have contradicted itself. Think about it.

Joe Biden's speech is raw, abjectly colloquial and unpretentious. "Working class" if you will. It's evident right in that quote -- "that's storybook, man". He speaks like a baseball announcer. The pretentious part is the rest of y'all trying to foist different values on the speech style than it had when the speaker put it out.

George W. Bush does the same thing. It's a casual colloquial style. Stop trying to pretend it's something else.

NOT arrogant? You, Pogo? :razz:
Looks like Old Joe knew her well, and SHE knew what Joe was after.... ask your wife if that's a PROTECTION POSE for her assets....ladies know!


Maybe old Joe needs to cut back on the Viagra. :razz:

I think old Joe has a permanent erection from his drip of Viagra hanging inside his suit coat...but has never called his doctor.

Some men at that age, have to prove to themselves that they are still men, even with the wife present!

He really needs to control himself and have some class. Really, he looks like a dirty old man!
Looks like Old Joe knew her well, and SHE knew what Joe was after.... ask your wife if that's a PROTECTION POSE for her assets....ladies know!


Maybe old Joe needs to cut back on the Viagra. :razz:

I think old Joe has a permanent erection from his drip of Viagra hanging inside his suit coat...but has never called his doctor.

Some men at that age, have to prove to themselves that they are still men, even with the wife present!

He really needs to control himself and have some class. Really, he looks like a dirty old man!

He certainly erases any complaint about Sarah Palin being VP.
It's obvious from Joe Biden's comments that he thinks most blacks smell funny and that people only move here from India to work in convenience stores. If you don't think that makes him a "racist" it's hard to portray him as anything other than Washington's answer to Archie Bunker.

Nope --- that's your speculation that's racist. My question is ..... where is it in the words? Not "where is it in your imagination", not "it's obvious to me that" --- the actual words. Where is it?
  • Where does he say "most blacks smell" -- anything?
  • Where does he say people only move here from India to work in convenience stores? Where is that? Where does he mention moving at all
  • Where does he declare "Somalis can only drive taxis"? Where's the exclusivity in either of the two above?
  • What kind of race is "Somali"? You think maybe that's why the OP ran away?
You can't just plug this shit in after the fact -- it has to be stated by the speaker. You need a value judgment. Which is not present.

If this fake PC song and dance were any more transparent you'd have a broken nose from walking into it.

If you're brought to wonderment by a black man who is well spoken and "clean" then it's obvious that you don't think most black men ARE well spoken and "clean". That's the "value judgment", Sparky! If that comment had been made by Mitt Romney the Main Stream Media would have gone apoplectic in their rush to label him a closet racist...when Joe Biden makes comments like that it's chalked up to Biden being an idiot and saying stupid things.

Did you guys all get together and agree to not understand what Speculation Fallacy is? If I had a dime for every time that's been dropped in there I'd have well over a dollar by now. I'm afraid it's still a fallacy and I should warn you the next time it's dropped it's still gonna be a fallacy.

Again, he's speaking about the filed of Presidential candidates, not "most black men" -- or men at all for that matter. And again he's speaking of an entire package of saleability -- which is what elections are all about. If anything it's a slight against Jesse Jackson and Carol Mosely Braun and Shirley Chisholm (the first major party black POTUS candidate) and a few others who in his description didn't have the whole package.

And again, even if he had opined that "most black men are not clean" it would have to be a function of race to qualify as racism anyway. But he's not talking about the general population. You only get that inference when you take it out of context.

The reason it's a "slight" against those people, Pogo is that it's obvious that they aren't viewed by Biden (and many other white liberals!) as someone you'd take to dinner at the Country Club! That's why Joe had such a warm fuzzy feeling about Barry...because HIM you could take to the Country Club and he'd fit right in. Biden was in fact "opining" about most black men not being clean when his comments about Obama slipped out. Biden's problem is that his "filter" is broken and his mouth says things before his brain has a chance to figure out whether or not they are appropriate which has him sounding like Archie Bunker.
Looks like Old Joe knew her well, and SHE knew what Joe was after.... ask your wife if that's a PROTECTION POSE for her assets....ladies know!


Maybe old Joe needs to cut back on the Viagra. :razz:

I think old Joe has a permanent erection from his drip of Viagra hanging inside his suit coat...but has never called his doctor.

Some men at that age, have to prove to themselves that they are still men, even with the wife present!

He really needs to control himself and have some class. Really, he looks like a dirty old man!

He certainly erases any complaint about Sarah Palin being VP.

Not too crazy about her either to be honest. Just another extremist but from the opposite side of the aisle. You betcha! ;)

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