Another Reason To Abolish The IRS

I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but you can't seriously be contemplating abolishing the government agency responsible for collecting the majority of US federal government revenue.

What's your solution? Dissolution of the US federal government? Or perhaps taxpayers should just send cheques to the US Treasury Dept., and that would become the new de facto IRS?

Where do these ideas come from? Enlighten me, please, because to me this seems like angry boys--clueless about how the world works and remiss to the incredible privileges we enjoy--responding to sporadic injustices with patent absurdity like "abolish the IRS".

Great idea. Abolish it and then what?
Uhm, by way of a fair tax, flat tax, or consumption tax, or...

Something needs to change.
I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but you can't seriously be contemplating abolishing the government agency responsible for collecting the majority of US federal government revenue.

What's your solution? Dissolution of the US federal government? Or perhaps taxpayers should just send cheques to the US Treasury Dept., and that would become the new de facto IRS?

Where do these ideas come from? Enlighten me, please, because to me this seems like angry boys--clueless about how the world works and remiss to the incredible privileges we enjoy--responding to sporadic injustices with patent absurdity like "abolish the IRS".

Great idea. Abolish it and then what?
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I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but you can't seriously be contemplating abolishing the government agency responsible for collecting the majority of US federal government revenue.

What's your solution? Dissolution of the US federal government? Or perhaps taxpayers should just send cheques to the US Treasury Dept., and that would become the new de facto IRS?

Where do these ideas come from? Enlighten me, please, because to me this seems like angry boys--clueless about how the world works and remiss to the incredible privileges we enjoy--responding to sporadic injustices with patent absurdity like "abolish the IRS".

Great idea. Abolish it and then what?

You're aware that even the US Treasury admits that all IRS collected taxes go towards servicing the interest on the US debt, correct?

The Gas Tax pays for the highways. Local property taxes pay for the schools...etc, every service is paid by a tax that does not deriveth its income from the IRS. The IRS income tax pays the interest on the debt.


You're a liar, because we both know that YOU already knew this.
Where are you getting your numbers from?

See the government's own FY2016 estimates here.

Interest is a problem, and should interest rates ever revert to historical averages (e.g. 5% in 2000), they'll be even more of a problem, unsustainable, even. You'll get no dispute from me there.

The fact remains, however, that interest rates are at historic lows, hovering just above 0.25% for short-term debt. The yield curve is flat. Money is cheap. Interest payments in the range of 6-8% of federal government spending (note spending, not revenue) is the order of the day.

You're saying 100%. Where are you getting this number from?

My numbers, which comport with observable reality, have federal taxes paying for: education, defense, pensions, healthcare, and the dozens of other expenditures carefully itemized at the above link.

Where are your numbers, sir?
Civil forfeitures are a violation of two parts of the Constitution, one, due process and two, the takings clause. They should be made illegal throughout the US.
I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but you can't seriously be contemplating abolishing the government agency responsible for collecting the majority of US federal government revenue.

What's your solution? Dissolution of the US federal government? Or perhaps taxpayers should just send cheques to the US Treasury Dept., and that would become the new de facto IRS?

Where do these ideas come from? Enlighten me, please, because to me this seems like angry boys--clueless about how the world works and remiss to the incredible privileges we enjoy--responding to sporadic injustices with patent absurdity like "abolish the IRS".

Great idea. Abolish it and then what?
No, we replace it with a consumption tax. It's been discussed many times here. It's time to free the American people from the tyranny of the IRS.
I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but you can't seriously be contemplating abolishing the government agency responsible for collecting the majority of US federal government revenue.

What's your solution? Dissolution of the US federal government? Or perhaps taxpayers should just send cheques to the US Treasury Dept., and that would become the new de facto IRS?

Where do these ideas come from? Enlighten me, please, because to me this seems like angry boys--clueless about how the world works and remiss to the incredible privileges we enjoy--responding to sporadic injustices with patent absurdity like "abolish the IRS".

Great idea. Abolish it and then what?

The Fair Tax
I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but you can't seriously be contemplating abolishing the government agency responsible for collecting the majority of US federal government revenue.

What's your solution? Dissolution of the US federal government? Or perhaps taxpayers should just send cheques to the US Treasury Dept., and that would become the new de facto IRS?

Where do these ideas come from? Enlighten me, please, because to me this seems like angry boys--clueless about how the world works and remiss to the incredible privileges we enjoy--responding to sporadic injustices with patent absurdity like "abolish the IRS".

Great idea. Abolish it and then what?
No, we replace it with a consumption tax. It's been discussed many times here. It's time to free the American people from the tyranny of the IRS.
Changing the tax code is a separate issue. Regardless, there needs to be a governmental agency responsible for collecting the revenues and auditing/penalizing non-compliant individuals or businesses. Whether that entity is called the 'IRS' or something else is irrelevant. It needs to exist. Unless you'd prefer a system where all transactions are directly fed through government servers and a fixed percentage of every sale goes directly into a government account somewhere.

Personally I enjoy the freedom of cash transactions.
Hello? Is this thing on?

Please explain, tards, how a dollar would get from your paycheck into Halliburton's coffers without an IRS somewhere in the chain.
Great idea. Abolish it and then what?

The Fair Tax
And would the Fair Tax be collected by the Tooth Fairy?

States would do a far more effective job. They already collect sales taxes. Why would the Feds need their own agency to do the same thing?
States already collect income taxes, too.

I bet if you tried reaaaaaaaal hard, you could figure out the answer.

Also, do you believe that state revenue collectors don't commit bad acts like the story in the OP? Do they have some magical fairy dust that makes them superhumans?
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States would do a far more effective job. They already collect sales taxes. Why would the Feds need their own agency to do the same thing?
States already collect income taxes, too.

First, they are far simpler. Most State taxes are based on that you already did your Federal taxes.

Second, it's not comparable, there would be no individual taxes anymore under the Fair Tax, so what is the pont of your comment?

I bet if you tried reaaaaaaaal hard, you could figure out the answer.

Do you believe that state revenue collectors don't commit bad acts like the story in the OP?

No, not like that one, drug laws are Federal.

Again, with no individual income tax, there are a lot fewer people who can be abused
Civil forfeitures are a violation of two parts of the Constitution, one, due process and two, the takings clause. They should be made illegal throughout the US.
I agree; we have a Commerce Clause and eminent domain to work with; thus, public policy Must constitute an Public Use.

Some on the left are advancing this Cause, even if we have to "harass a Judge".
States would do a far more effective job. They already collect sales taxes. Why would the Feds need their own agency to do the same thing?
States already collect income taxes, too.

First, they are far simpler. Most State taxes are based on that you already did your Federal taxes.

Second, it's not comparable, there would be no individual taxes anymore under the Fair Tax, so what is the pont of your comment?

You said states collect sales taxes and so could collect the Fair Tax, which is a glorified sales tax.

If that is the case, why aren't they collecting federal income taxes since they currently collect state income taxes?

If you think reaaaaaaaal hard, you might be able to come up with the answer. But don't hurt yourself!

I'll give you a hint in a few minutes if you are stumped.

P.S., not every state has a sales tax.
I believe we should "harass our legislators" to be better Capitalists and make money with a Commerce Clause; then, we may not need direct taxation on the incomes of real Persons.
You said states collect sales taxes and so could collect the Fair Tax, which is a glorified sales tax.

If that is the case, why aren't they collecting federal income taxes since they currently collect state income taxes?

If you think reaaaaaaaal hard, you might be able to come up with the answer. But don't hurt yourself!

P.S., not every state has a sales tax.

I already answered your question.

I know you have your undies in a knot, but as for the "IRS," it would be gone no matter what on an individual level sense there would be no individual taxes. Business taxes would be virtually 100% simpler. Who collects it isn't a big issue. As a business owner, sales tax is by far the simplest one I pay of many taxes I pay
I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but you can't seriously be contemplating abolishing the government agency responsible for collecting the majority of US federal government revenue.

What's your solution? Dissolution of the US federal government? Or perhaps taxpayers should just send cheques to the US Treasury Dept., and that would become the new de facto IRS?

Where do these ideas come from? Enlighten me, please, because to me this seems like angry boys--clueless about how the world works and remiss to the incredible privileges we enjoy--responding to sporadic injustices with patent absurdity like "abolish the IRS".

Great idea. Abolish it and then what?

Abolish the income tax. Then abolish the IRS.

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