Another Record Low For Republican Congress


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

"Even by the standard of recent history, 2013 has been a do-nothing year."

Do-Nothing Congress Challenges Record For Low Levels Of Legislation In First Weeks Of 2013


WASHINGTON -- Public approval for Congress remains near an all-time low, but lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives aren't doing much about it. Literally.

A Huffington Post review of congressional activity shows that the House is off to its slowest start in years. Eight weeks into 2013, the House had spent only 15 days in session, which is less than 40 percent of the 38 weekdays that had elapsed since New Year's. While the demands of a congressional schedule typically call for members to spend significant amounts of time in their home districts with constituents, the 15-day year has been particularly low-functioning compared to recent years.


"Even by the standard of recent history, 2013 has been a do-nothing year."

Do-Nothing Congress Challenges Record For Low Levels Of Legislation In First Weeks Of 2013


WASHINGTON -- Public approval for Congress remains near an all-time low, but lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives aren't doing much about it. Literally.

A Huffington Post review of congressional activity shows that the House is off to its slowest start in years. Eight weeks into 2013, the House had spent only 15 days in session, which is less than 40 percent of the 38 weekdays that had elapsed since New Year's. While the demands of a congressional schedule typically call for members to spend significant amounts of time in their home districts with constituents, the 15-day year has been particularly low-functioning compared to recent years.


For the past 4 years the Republicans in congress have been fighting the socialism of Obama and the democrats. That is why there has been so little meaningful legislation passed. The liberal media has been hiding this fact.
Perhaps that do nothing Congress has something to do with a Senate that declares every piece of legislation that passes in the House DOA in the Senate and a President who won't get off the campaign trail despite the election being over for some time now.
Seems the press is ignoring the amount of work that the Democratic Controlled Senate has left lying on the floor because Harry Reid refuses to bring House Passed bills up for a vote.

BTW, has it been 4 years now since the Senate has actually passed a real budget?

"Even by the standard of recent history, 2013 has been a do-nothing year."

Do-Nothing Congress Challenges Record For Low Levels Of Legislation In First Weeks Of 2013


WASHINGTON -- Public approval for Congress remains near an all-time low, but lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives aren't doing much about it. Literally.

A Huffington Post review of congressional activity shows that the House is off to its slowest start in years. Eight weeks into 2013, the House had spent only 15 days in session, which is less than 40 percent of the 38 weekdays that had elapsed since New Year's. While the demands of a congressional schedule typically call for members to spend significant amounts of time in their home districts with constituents, the 15-day year has been particularly low-functioning compared to recent years.


Is there anyone in the universe that remebers that there are two houses in Congress, and that one of them is controlled by Democrats.
Yeah, people paying attention on both sides of the aisle realize that this is a deeply divided gov't led (or not being led) by a partisan hack. If the President actually want to work with the right he wouldn't be the leader of a do nothing congress. Like I said, even dems paying attention know this is the case.

The only place the GOP is taking hits on this in the real world is in the leftist news media. Of course the sheeples who watch the madcow and read the puffingsome post are echoing the propaganda!
The GOP ran on "less government".

I suppose they define that as A) Elect them, B) They dont do shit while elected C) Result is a net less government
so less new laws. Works for me. We did send them to Washington to stop the Democrats from screwing us up even more.
Well, I guess we will see how this plays out in Nov 2014. Could be a very interesting election.
While the far RW may be applauding the "do nothing" GOP...the rest of the country is paying attention and see them for the obstructionists they are.
One thing seems for sure. If the rethugs in Congress can't figure out a way to move forward with the backing of a lot (like Independents and even some Dems) more people, they sure will have a lot of explaining to do after they get killed in the 2014 elections.

"Even by the standard of recent history, 2013 has been a do-nothing year."

Do-Nothing Congress Challenges Record For Low Levels Of Legislation In First Weeks Of 2013


WASHINGTON -- Public approval for Congress remains near an all-time low, but lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives aren't doing much about it. Literally.

A Huffington Post review of congressional activity shows that the House is off to its slowest start in years. Eight weeks into 2013, the House had spent only 15 days in session, which is less than 40 percent of the 38 weekdays that had elapsed since New Year's. While the demands of a congressional schedule typically call for members to spend significant amounts of time in their home districts with constituents, the 15-day year has been particularly low-functioning compared to recent years.


Do you really think that the more legislation passed means things are better for us?

The best thing that can happen to the American people is if the fucking corrupt assholes in DC stop passing laws left and right.
While the far RW may be applauding the "do nothing" GOP...the rest of the country is paying attention and see them for the obstructionists they are.

That's because their weak brains are washed nightly by the Obama-fawning news.
People who actually pay attention to the matter know the truth. The Senate has blocked meaningful reform on many issues. Obama has promised to veto more bills than the House has passed.
The Republican Congress? The GOP has the Senate now? When did this happen. I must have been napping.
Gridlock is the best thing as far as congress is concerned.

We need them to stop their fucking meddling for a while.

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