another riot: Stockholm burns


Gold Member
May 20, 2008
across the pond
another one - vengence -Published: May 23, 2013


Stockholm citizens are outraged that Muslim students have infiltrated Sweden, taken social services and money, then turned on the country by rioting and burning things to the ground.

[ame=]Sweden burning: Stockholm riots & violence enter 4th day - YouTube[/ame]


also Mail oneline.



The unrest appears to have been sparked after police shot and killed a man wielding a machete on Sunday
The Europeans are complete wimps and that's why this is happening. The radicals aren't afraid of them.
another one - vengence -Published: May 23, 2013


Stockholm citizens are outraged that Muslim students have infiltrated Sweden, taken social services and money, then turned on the country by rioting and burning things to the ground.

Sweden burning: Stockholm riots & violence enter 4th day - YouTube


also Mail oneline.



The unrest appears to have been sparked after police shot and killed a man wielding a machete on Sunday

Sounds like our Muslim immigrants from Russia who set off the bombs in Boston. Just warms your heart how these immigrants show their gratitude doesn't it? When are people going to wake up? Islam is a terrorist organization trying to overthrow government after government. Forget the religious element it is a freaking terrorist organization! The people of these countries must demand a reclassifying of Islam! Take it OUT of the Religion category for heavens sake! - Jeri
Muslims get every benefit of the Swedish welfare state. The Swedes are paying for their own destruction and the Swedish left thinks it's not enough.
Muslims get every benefit of the Swedish welfare state. The Swedes are paying for their own destruction and the Swedish left thinks it's not enough.

there ya go. wack off their bennies and its Allahu Akbar time. this started in France years ago and went all the way to the netherlands. I expect Germany and france are standing by
Muslims get every benefit of the Swedish welfare state. The Swedes are paying for their own destruction and the Swedish left thinks it's not enough.

there ya go. wack off their bennies and its Allahu Akbar time. this started in France years ago and went all the way to the netherlands. I expect Germany and france are standing by

That's exactly right!

Islam has to conquer the infidel ..... and that's what they are doing, chop heads , chop, chop,burn everything , burn, burn. :mad::cuckoo:
What a good idea to bring muslim terrorists here. Sweden wasn't even stupid enough to do something like that.
Tolja the London thing was to encourage others to follow suit, which is why they were so calm and waited for the police after hacking that man to death. They want to get it going full force, as much as they can.
The problems began in Husby, a district on the northwest edge of Stockholm, where an estimated 80 percent of residents are immigrants. However, with the story generating headlines across the globe, Ullenhag explained that the unrest is not a question of young people against society.

"I've seen in the international media that this is a riot between young people in some parts of Stockholm and the society, but this is not true. It's a small proportion. The majority of young people in Tensta, Husby, Rinkeby, they go to schools and they want to have opportunities in Sweden, and it's important to tell that story," he said....
"For someone with no formal education, the best way to learn Swedish is probably to have an internship and to combine that with studying Swedish," he explained.

But currently, he admitted that there are problems in these parts of the city and that the continuing riots didn't help the reputations of local residents, marking it harder to highlight positive stories.

With police anticipating another night of unrest on Thursday, they have called on residents from both north and south of Stockholm to take action against the violence.

IN PICTURES: Stockholm riots, day three

"We've had a number of adults who have been out and about in the area and been out to show that what's going on isn't acceptable. People who get up and work in the morning are out and helping in the evening. These people are really vigilant, I think," Hesam Akbari, a spokesman for Stockholm's southern district police, told TT.

According to Akbari, most residents in the area seem to appreciate how the police are handling the situation.

Minister: Stockholm riots 'not youth versus society' - The Local
There's the problem right there. Telling these savages that their behavior is unacceptable and expecting that will stop it is insane. Nothing but insane.

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