another riot: Stockholm burns

That's great. The Socialist State of Sweden cannot even protect its own citizens when immigrant welfare recipients go on the attack against them.

I remember reading a translation of Le Figaro, back when the banlieues ( french lower class subsidized housing etc.) were rioting and they said it was a calm night, only 300 cars had been burned...:lol:
Sweden is what the leftist loons want to model America after... Good luck with that.
They need to put down the riots by any means necessary. Napalm, nerve gas, flamethrowers, tanks firing canister shot, whatever it takes. Islam is a cancer on the world and needs to be dealt with as such.
Stockholm riots leave Sweden's dreams of perfect society up in smoke

A week of disturbances has tested the Scandinavian nation's reputation for tolerance, reports Colin Freeman

They're finally being forced to face the reality of Islam.

LIKE the millions of other ordinary Swedes whom he now sees himself as one of, Mohammed Abbas fears his dream society is now under threat. When he first arrived in Stockholm as refugee from Iran in 1994, the vast Husby council estate where he settled was a mixture of locals and foreigners, a melting pot for what was supposed to be a harmonious, multi-racial paradise.

More @ Stockholm riots leave Sweden's dreams of perfect society up in smoke - Telegraph

And now it's spreading:

Sweden riots spread beyond Stockholm despite extra police

The BBC's Stephen Evans in Stockholm: "The whole policy of immigration and integration is being questioned.

There has been a sixth night of rioting in Sweden's capital, Stockholm, despite police reinforcements being deployed.

Cars were set alight in poor suburbs inhabited largely by immigrants, although the unrest was reportedly not as serious as on previous nights.

The rioting also spread outside the capital for the first time on Friday, with youths torching vehicles and buildings in two towns.

The US and UK meanwhile warned their citizens to avoid affected areas.

The UK Foreign Office advised people to stay away from large gatherings in the Stockholm suburbs of Husby, Hagsatra, Ragsved, Skogas, and to take care and monitor local reports.

Read more @ BBC - Homepage
Nah. The Islamists kept complaining until the journalists were told to remove term "Muslim" and "Islamist" from their articles. The British people these days see the word immigrant and know that is the journalists code word for Muslim radical. There it is. -Jeri

Yup, we're supposed to believe that a bunch of 13 year old Swedish kids are buring cars every night and can't be stopped.

Good old liberal media, never report the whole truth, distort the facts to fit the progressive agenda.
So some thug can attempt to attack police with a machete, but yet it is the Swedish peoples that are to blame? WTF is wrong with these Islamic idiots that are lucky to even be there.

No doubt they have a few community agitators there to steer their anger in the right direction.

I'm sure those community organizers make Obama proud.
After Stockholm burns.... Sweden, a country with the highest reputation of broad-mindedness and tolerance in Europe is left scratching its head ....they don't know what hit them!

Well I'll tell you .... Islamic radicals hit them, that's what! Wake up people before it's too late!
to late now. had they requied foreigners to prove they have a income fine. a lot of countries have this policy. can't support yourself?? no immigration. no dead beats allowed. it works
At this point, I can only assume, that muslims want to be hated and desire more countries at war with them.

....also, don't forget, Islamic Jihadists need to convert infidels into Islam ....and for that they need a war with the Western world ...that is exactly what they are aiming for! :mad:
So this shit's been going on for 6 nights? Great security Sweden has. Let me guess...they are as unarmed as the British police, right?

These "youths" would be dead as dogshit by Night #2 if they did this in America.
So this shit's been going on for 6 nights? Great security Sweden has. Let me guess...they are as unarmed as the British police, right?

These "youths" would be dead as dogshit by Night #2 if they did this in America.

The left controls Europe a lot more then in America...You see the third world thugs can carry machetes around and the police can't do anything without the rest of the population rioting. Fucked up, but this is what happens when the left takes over. idiots.
In the silver lining department, a Czech friend of mine who had expressed more receptive views than my own on the topic of multiculturalism came around last Friday and firmly admitted that allowing certain groups to immigrate was not something he would prefer to see in his country or in Europe in general. He pointed out to the recent British and Swedish conundrums in his re-evaluation. Being an intelligent and successful business man, I've no idea why it took this long.

I imagine many moderate Europeans even in countries largely unaffected by the scourge of such immigration have witnessed a critical mass of violence and intolerance on the part of immigrants and no longer default to the hackneyed "poor, unemployed and estranged" mantra in their defense. If it could happen in Sweden with its tolerance and generous welfare state, the problems go a lot deeper than that.
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