ANOTHER rw militia-type arrested

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
No. Its not Beck this time.

These rw types are coming out of their mother's basements in record numbers.


So, did you guys hear we caught a terrorist last week? | Death and Taxes
Talbot is a white, radical right-wing conservative who was arrested by the FBI on charges of “attempted interference with commerce by robbery, solicitation to commit a crime of violence and possession of an explosive material.”

They're actually all senior citizen members of the Tea Party.

Meet The Senior Citizen Militia Members Arrested In Georgia Bio Attack Plot
What a shame we didn't get McVeigh before he managed to accomplish his murders. Same with other mass killers.

These people really are crazy but if they'd just stay under their bed, polishing their guns, who cares?
Typical FBI sting job. Set some potential terrorist up with a crime and arrest hm. Whether or not the potential criminal was entrapped into doing this silly business is not irrelevant. FBI, the worlds leading manufacturer of faux terrorist attacks.
Radical left wing bombers and murderers like Bill Ayers still walk the streets. A federal judge blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and released Ayers who was guilty of at least four felony murders related to the bomb which was intended for a Ft. Dix dance. The FBI declined to prosecute his wife for her part in the Brinks robbery that resulted in the deaths of two Police Officers and two Brinks guards because she was doing time for other terrorist activities because they thought she wouldn't get out for decades. Today she is an unrepentant college professor. Attorney General Eric Holder holds all the cards in the "justice dept" so it is unlikely that he will be prosecuted for his part in shipping illegal weapons to Mexico including the one that killed a Border Patrol officer.

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