Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

Drop Dead Fred

Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2020
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”
The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”

They might be able to all participate, but they won't all be able to compete.

Idiocy has run amok...
This is another case where the parents need to storm the school board meeting and demand that this nonsense end.
The best education in history were the little red schoolhouses where each student could progress at their own rate of learning.
Here we are in 2021 and the schools want to teach down to the slowest students.
We need more Elon Musks, not more AOCs.
Programs and courses such as those for honors kids are “’almost always’ made up of ‘middle- and upper-class kids whose parents have had them tutored for who knows how many years,'” Katz said. She added that teachers should be teaching to students’ ability levels so that those “of different abilities can work on the same assignment but with more advanced inquiry for some.”



The left wants all children held to the same low glass ceiling
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”
Sounds about right for British Columbia, on the Left Coast of Canada.
It will be interesting to see if there is a significant decline in the number of students returning to the US public system in September.
Trying to integrate stupidity and low IQ into testing standards is like copulating to end love.
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”

As a graduate of an “honours program”, I entirely concur with dumping them. There were a lot of kids who did not belong in that class but whose parents were doctors and lawyers and who wanted their kids on the best university track possible.

The two or three truly gifted kids in the in the in the honours class were completely bored as the class was “dumbed down”, to accommodate kids like the vice-principals’ daughter who was always prepared and did the work, but struggled in class to learn basic algebra or trig.

I didn’t study, I seldom did homework and I really should’ve been in an advanced class having skipped grades in public school. I was still able to pull off 80+%. So I really wasn’t getting an advanced program like we had been promised.

It was just a set up to make the children of the rich feel like they were special. To give parents something to brag about. It should be done away with.
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”

As a graduate of an “honours program”, I entirely concur with dumping them. There were a lot of kids who did not belong in that class but whose parents were doctors and lawyers and who wanted their kids on the best university track possible.

The two or three truly gifted kids in the in the in the honours class were completely bored as the class was “dumbed down”, to accommodate kids like the vice-principals’ daughter who was always prepared and did the work, but struggled in class to learn basic algebra or trig.

I didn’t study, I seldom did homework and I really should’ve been in an advanced class having skipped grades in public school. I was still able to pull off 80+%. So I really wasn’t getting an advanced program like we had been promised.

It was just a set up to make the children of the rich feel like they were special. To give parents something to brag about. It should be done away with.
I was in tag/AP, and my kids were in tag/AP classes. They were and are still much more challenging than on level courses. You are struggling to make shit up here. You obviously don’t know anything about it. Its pathetic.
The Public School System is one of the most dangerous place in America for children to be.
They made a movie about the dumbing down of society. Idiocracy
Mark Dice had some great examples it.
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”

As a graduate of an “honours program”, I entirely concur with dumping them. There were a lot of kids who did not belong in that class but whose parents were doctors and lawyers and who wanted their kids on the best university track possible.

The two or three truly gifted kids in the in the in the honours class were completely bored as the class was “dumbed down”, to accommodate kids like the vice-principals’ daughter who was always prepared and did the work, but struggled in class to learn basic algebra or trig.

I didn’t study, I seldom did homework and I really should’ve been in an advanced class having skipped grades in public school. I was still able to pull off 80+%. So I really wasn’t getting an advanced program like we had been promised.

It was just a set up to make the children of the rich feel like they were special. To give parents something to brag about. It should be done away with.
I was in tag/AP, and my kids were in tag/AP classes. They were and are still much more challenging than on level courses. You are struggling to make shit up here. You obviously don’t know anything about it. Its pathetic.

Was this the Canadian educational system because the article quoted is from Vancouver and specifically refers to the “Honours Classes” in Canadian high schools?

There is no such thing as a TAG program in Canada. But as a product of the Canadian “honours program”, I am probably uniquely qualified to comment on their dumping it.

It was not an advanced program for bright children. It was an elitist program for the children of the wealthy to make them think their children were special.
Here's the reality: The Bell Curve Rules. Black Americans - descended from American slaves - have an average IQ that is one full standard deviation below the mean. This statistical fact has real-world ramifications.

Imagine that in order to qualify for an advanced math class, it is necessary to have an IQ of 115 - one standard deviation above the general mean. Accordingly, only 16% of the students in the General Population would be sufficiently intelligent to qualify for that class. But with Blacks having an average IQ of 85, that same 115 threshold is TWO standard deviations above the mean for that demographic. Therefore, less than FOUR PERCENT of Black students would qualify. Those looking to see THIRTEEN PERCENT African Americans - the percentage of Blacks in the population - in those math classes will be sorely disappointed.

On the other side of the spectrum, Asians in the U.S. have an average IQ of - you guessed it - 115, meaning that fully half of those students would be sufficiently intelligent to take the AP math class.

Now step it up a notch. Consider the intelligence required to obtain an Electrical Engineering degree, or to get into Med School; call it 130. Only a tenth of one percent of Blacks, statistically speaking, would qualify.

There is no "solution" other than to throw away the intellectual thresholds and admit Blacks without regard to their intellectual bona fides. Or simply eliminate the classes altogether, because Leftists who control Academe cannot stand to see this unfortunate manifestation of "inequality."
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”

I can tell you these "advanced" and "honors" courses are an absolute nightmare for school districts. 5th grade teachers are plagued all year by parents jostling to get their kids into the 6th grade classes, dead sure if their kids don't make it in at 11 years old they're not on a "college track" or whatnot.

I'm not saying that eliminating them altogether is the right plan, but it seems like parenting in the 21st century is definitely feast or famine. We either have neglectful parents or parents who have moved WAY beyond helicopter.
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”

I can tell you these "advanced" and "honors" courses are an absolute nightmare for school districts. 5th grade teachers are plagued all year by parents jostling to get their kids into the 6th grade classes, dead sure if their kids don't make it in at 11 years old they're not on a "college track" or whatnot.

I'm not saying that eliminating them altogether is the right plan, but it seems like parenting in the 21st century is definitely feast or famine. We either have neglectful parents or parents who have moved WAY beyond helicopter.
This is why we need to start televising lessons.
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”
In the mean time China continues to foster greater and greater privileges for those students who excel and they are producing a massive crop of little geniuses. We don't deserve to survive at this rate.

I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”

I can tell you these "advanced" and "honors" courses are an absolute nightmare for school districts. 5th grade teachers are plagued all year by parents jostling to get their kids into the 6th grade classes, dead sure if their kids don't make it in at 11 years old they're not on a "college track" or whatnot.

I'm not saying that eliminating them altogether is the right plan, but it seems like parenting in the 21st century is definitely feast or famine. We either have neglectful parents or parents who have moved WAY beyond helicopter.
Gifted kids should absolutely be taught in a different location...frankly it's the gifted ones who do well remotely too..... trying to suppress them is a criminal action of the egalitarian zombies who resemble the cast and crew of the walking dead. These kids are the future..... they are the cure for cancer, they are the gateway to speed of light travel, they are the creators of hydrcarbon free energy sources that are cheap and renewable......
I think this is absolutely horrible. I want airplanes that don't crash, and bridges that don't fall down. But without special classes for students who are gifted at math, I don't see how that will be possible. Getting rid of these classes is pure evil.

This kind of thing has been getting more and more common. I've been keeping track of things like this at my blog, where I have a category called "dumbing down." You can see it at this link: Dumbing down – Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’ | The College Fix

Another school district ditches honors classes in the name of ‘equity and inclusion’

By Dave Huber

June 26, 2021

Another school board has decided that honors classes will have to be done away with … in the name of “equity and inclusion.”

According to The Globe and Mail, the Vancouver School Board declared its math and science honors courses “do not comply” with the district’s goal of “ensuring that all students can participate in every aspect of the curriculum.”

The district said in a statement that its revised curriculum requires “an inclusive model of education” so “all students will be able to participate in the curriculum fulsomely.”
This will create a niche market for advanced schools....which of course will not be free.

Here's the reality: The Bell Curve Rules. Black Americans - descended from American slaves - have an average IQ that is one full standard deviation below the mean. This statistical fact has real-world ramifications.

Imagine that in order to qualify for an advanced math class, it is necessary to have an IQ of 115 - one standard deviation above the general mean. Accordingly, only 16% of the students in the General Population would be sufficiently intelligent to qualify for that class. But with Blacks having an average IQ of 85, that same 115 threshold is TWO standard deviations above the mean for that demographic. Therefore, less than FOUR PERCENT of Black students would qualify. Those looking to see THIRTEEN PERCENT African Americans - the percentage of Blacks in the population - in those math classes will be sorely disappointed.

On the other side of the spectrum, Asians in the U.S. have an average IQ of - you guessed it - 115, meaning that fully half of those students would be sufficiently intelligent to take the AP math class.

Now step it up a notch. Consider the intelligence required to obtain an Electrical Engineering degree, or to get into Med School; call it 130. Only a tenth of one percent of Blacks, statistically speaking, would qualify.

There is no "solution" other than to throw away the intellectual thresholds and admit Blacks without regard to their intellectual bona fides. Or simply eliminate the classes altogether, because Leftists who control Academe cannot stand to see this unfortunate manifestation of "inequality."
One full standard deviation below? Holy shit...didn't know it was that prevalent.... This would be why blacks have suddenly turned on Asians....just the sight of them reminds them that they don't know their Naughts and Gazintas.......

In all seriousness the PC schools are in a panic over the entrance exam scores that have now become so wide in their variance as to make absolute Batha Podoo out of the Black offerings ... Asians continue to soar far above everyone else and at this point lead the black applicants by so many average points per capita that the entire system has to be trashed in the name of equity.

People also ask​

How many black chess grandmasters are there?
As of 2015, there are three Grandmasters of African descent. They are Maurice Ashley of the United States, Pontus Carlsson of Sweden and Amon Simutowe of Zambia. As of 2015, there are about 50 black chess masters in the United States. chess players.htm

For many decades, the title was informal. A few apex players, perhaps the top 10 or 20, more- or- less by consensus were dubbed international grandmasters. In 1950 FIDE made the title official, formally bestowing it on 27 living players.
Table 2.
NationTitle count

Kenya? Nope

Zimbabwe? Nope
The Congo? Nope
Last edited:
It's a stupid idea that will not benefit any of the district's students. Some people have to come to terms with the fact though we are all equal under the law, we are not all equal when it comes to our abilities, skills, and, intelligence. Deal with it. Or don't.

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