Another school shooting!!

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
This one brought to you by the people who the anti-gun loons believe should have a monopoly on force.

The Kent State shootings—also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre[2][3][4]—occurred at Kent State University in the U.S. city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

67 rounds in 13 seconds? Any gun that can do that shoud be banned.
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............
But M-1 Garands and/or M-14s in the hands of scared as shit 18 year old guardsmen dont make as scary a picture on the evening news as an AR in the hands of a middle aged marksman.
Doesn't say much for your argument if you need to go back 40 years for your examples.

But, please keep up the Lords work, or whatever is you're doing.
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............
Bulldoze them!

Point being, of course, is that the anti-gun loons want the state to have a monopoly on force; these same anti-gun loons see the shooting at Kent State as a travesty -- and do not see the connection between the two.
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............
Bulldoze them!

Point being, of course, is that the anti-gun loons want the state to have a monopoly on force; these same anti-gun loons see the shooting at Kent State as a travesty -- and do not see the connection between the two.

They can always stick flowers down the barrel.................and hope for change
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............
Bulldoze them!

Point being, of course, is that the anti-gun loons want the state to have a monopoly on force; these same anti-gun loons see the shooting at Kent State as a travesty -- and do not see the connection between the two.

They can always stick flowers down the barrel.................and hope for change
This is about as effective defense against a state that has a monopoly on force as many of the suggestions the anti-gun loons have for deaking with an armed attacker.
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............
Bulldoze them!

Point being, of course, is that the anti-gun loons want the state to have a monopoly on force; these same anti-gun loons see the shooting at Kent State as a travesty -- and do not see the connection between the two.

State monopoly on force gets way more innocent people killed & allows more ruthless killers get away to kill again. Also - Democide has killed more people than anything else.

Police shoot innocent people over 550% more often than armed civilians do. Civilians are there when the crime or altercation began & know who the bad guy is. Police have no clue when they finally arrive on scene & end up shooting the wrong person. Police often live on the edge, they naturally tend to shoot first and ask questions later. The Supreme Court has ruled consistently that the police are not required to protect you.

According to a study by Newsweek magazine, only 2% of civilian shootings involve an innocent person being shot (not killed). The error rate for police is 11%. What this means is that you are more than 5 times more likely to be accidentally shot by a policeman than by an armed citizen. But, when you consider that citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as do police every year, it means that, per capita, you are more than 11 times more likely to be accidentally shot by a policeman than by an armed citizen.
This one brought to you by the people who the anti-gun loons believe should have a monopoly on force.

The Kent State shootings—also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre[2][3][4]—occurred at Kent State University in the U.S. city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

67 rounds in 13 seconds? Any gun that can do that shoud be banned.

1 gun shot all that in 13 seconds? Hahahaha.

30.06 Semi-automatic.
Doesn't say much for your argument if you need to go back 40 years for your examples.

But, please keep up the Lords work, or whatever is you're doing.
I assure, the Lord has absolutely NOTHING to do with whatever it is he's doing.
Simple fact. At the present trend, by 2015, deaths by the gun will outnumber deaths by auto in the US. We are seriously discussing having armed guards at every school. And the NRA believes that anybody at any time should be able to buy any gun and any amount of ammo they wish to have.

Now what is wrong with this picture?
Simple fact. At the present trend, by 2015, deaths by the gun will outnumber deaths by auto in the US.
You cannot show this to be true.

We are seriously discussing having armed guards at every school.
Passive defenses and restritcing the rights of the law abiding will not prevent people from killing kids in schools.

And the NRA believes that anybody at any time should be able to buy any gun and any amount of ammo they wish to have.
This is an outright lie.

Now what is wrong with this picture?
I believe I've made that quite clear.
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............
Bulldoze them!

Point being, of course, is that the anti-gun loons want the state to have a monopoly on force; these same anti-gun loons see the shooting at Kent State as a travesty -- and do not see the connection between the two.

They can always stick flowers down the barrel.................and hope for change

Vietnam War still going on?
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............

Yeah, pretty much. A week or two in the hoosegow might show them the error of their ways. Shooting them like dogs on the street seems a little extreme to me.
Clueless 20 yr olds should be able to occupy administration buildings, destroy property, and embarrass themselves without consequence..............

Yeah, pretty much. A week or two in the hoosegow might show them the error of their ways. Shooting them like dogs on the street seems a little extreme to me.

Especially when HALF of them were by-passers.

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Simple fact. At the present trend, by 2015, deaths by the gun will outnumber deaths by auto in the US. We are seriously discussing having armed guards at every school. And the NRA believes that anybody at any time should be able to buy any gun and any amount of ammo they wish to have.

Now what is wrong with this picture?

Nothing, People have the right and obligation to defend theimselves, their property and their familes. It's not as if the state can do it, or should.

Democrats are like domineering mothers who want to run the lives of their offspring.

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