Another Socialist 'Utopia Paradise' fails


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
BOBO the fucking Clown would have LOVED to turn the US into a socialist marxist shit hole.
His (sometime father) was an avowed socialist/communist/marxist.
Like pretty much every negro male BOBO's father couldn't be bothered being a father.
BOBO grew up with feelings of deep rejection. How best to make himself 'good-enough' in his long fucking gone father's eyes? Take on the old man's politics.
We have news for BOBO. Only losers need government handouts from cradle to grave.
Makers= self reliant people.
Seven charts showing why Venezuela s economy is a basket case - Telegraph
I want my taxes going to things that benefit ME and every other citizen should want the same thing. Instead it benefits more military adventurism,welfare to corporations,and foreign aid to other countries. Stay stupid son stay stupid.
BOBO the fucking Clown would have LOVED to turn the US into a socialist marxist shit hole.
His (sometime father) was an avowed socialist/communist/marxist.
Like pretty much every negro male BOBO's father couldn't be bothered being a father.
BOBO grew up with feelings of deep rejection. How best to make himself 'good-enough' in his long fucking gone father's eyes? Take on the old man's politics.
We have news for BOBO. Only losers need government handouts from cradle to grave.
Makers= self reliant people.
Seven charts showing why Venezuela s economy is a basket case - Telegraph

Thanks again for the racist point of view.

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