Another Star Trek studio prop becomes reality

Another major breakthrough inspired by Star Trek can enable the blind to see.

And guess who is behind developing it?!

Another major breakthrough inspired by Star Trek can enable the blind to see.

What I want to know CB, is if Georgi's visor was meant for him to see, why install a device at a cost of 100,000 times greater able to "see" from DC to gamma rays?

And if Geordi can see infrared heat, then why couldn't he see a hot plasma fire burning behind the wall making the wall hot to the touch in the shuttle bay until they opened a panel to expose it?

And if they could only put it out by removing all oxygen, then why did they need to open the bay doors venting all air risking him and Dr. Crusher getting sucked out or dying instead of simply erecting a force field around it putting the fire out like they did with the Bringloidi in the episode Up The Long Ladder?
Another major breakthrough inspired by Star Trek can enable the blind to see.

There is one problem for those who were born without any eyesight. To see, might be a sensory overload and they could go into cardiac arrest. Can you imagine waking up and seeing this?

I would be, "take it off, it burns, just to look at it".

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