another suggestion(like it will be heard)hehheh


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
the mistake so many boards make is that they try to treat everyone in...enforce the rules equally....of course that does not happen as it is just human nature that those who allegedly just enforce the rules have their biases and they prove that by their posts if in no other way.

But to get back to my i do not believe the rules should be enforced equally as in...........there are good posters and there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those.....these posters are the ones who make a board successful because they motivate so many posts and get more peeps to tune in.

In a nutshell what I am saying is that the better posters should be give more leeway to do their thing....whilst the morons and idiots who are on here and just about every board in too abundant numbers should be monitored carefully and ejected as quickly as possible.

None of our founding fahers claimed life is fair and we all know it is not.


the mistake so many boards make is that they try to treat everyone in...enforce the rules equally....of course that does not happen as it is just human nature that those who allegedly just enforce the rules have their biases and they prove that by their posts if in no other way.

But to get back to my i do not believe the rules should be enforced equally as in...........there are good posters and there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those.....these posters are the ones who make a board successful because they motivate so many posts and get more peeps to tune in.

In a nutshell what I am saying is that the better posters should be give more leeway to do their thing....whilst the morons and idiots who are on here and just about every board in too abundant numbers should be monitored carefully and ejected as quickly as possible.

None of our founding fahers claimed life is fair and we all know it is not.

"there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those....."

This would be me, Bruce_T_Laney and miketx aka The Intellectual Trinity of the forum, but Bruce and Mike are 100 times more intellectual than me of course :smoke: :omg:
Mac will have to take the forum off ignore if he wants to read any of the responses. :lol:

I only have one person on Ignore and that is me, this is because I disagree with two of my posts and I thought oh well on Ignore you go :smoke:
the mistake so many boards make is that they try to treat everyone in...enforce the rules equally....of course that does not happen as it is just human nature that those who allegedly just enforce the rules have their biases and they prove that by their posts if in no other way.

But to get back to my i do not believe the rules should be enforced equally as in...........there are good posters and there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those.....these posters are the ones who make a board successful because they motivate so many posts and get more peeps to tune in.

In a nutshell what I am saying is that the better posters should be give more leeway to do their thing....whilst the morons and idiots who are on here and just about every board in too abundant numbers should be monitored carefully and ejected as quickly as possible.

None of our founding fahers claimed life is fair and we all know it is not.

Couple of fundamental problems here McKnife.. First -- mods have VERY little discretion here at USMB.. That's what attracted me here in the 1st place.. Rules are laser focused on whether posts contain "specific topical content".. If it's THERE -- it legal.. If it's NOT -- it's not.. A machine could ALMOST do that -- except that we allow a lot a lattitude about what's "on topic"..

So 80% of what we do is read posts for topical content and warn and delete on that.. The other 20% is a handful of "site wide rules" and copyright rules and boring stuff like that..

So if you CANNOT TRUST US to do that simple ass job -- without bias -- How the HELL would you trust us to rank posters between good and evil?? See the logic fault here?

I WISH we could demand "level of effort" in posting. It would difficult but force people to up their game. But we can't. Because a lot of folks don't have the time or inclination to explain complex ideas and facts to people who aren't interested in that stuff. So -- not EVEN -- a subjective "level of effort" is practical.

If YA WANT better posters -- You need a HIGHLY moderated site with staff making a LOT of subjective and ARBITRARY decisions about who is good and who is bad. Goes against our grain basically. And would ENCOURAGE us to play favorites and be booting a LOT of folks daily for flunking our nebulous standards..

OR -- you can TRY FacePlant or Twitlet and see how much you LIKE the ability of "their (phony) algoriths" to do that kind of Hogwarts sorting on people..
I just quit a forum, because the Mods there are splitting hairs over words:


"You are a liar", boom you are moderated with penalty points.

"You are lying", no response at all, it is acceptable....

Meanwhile bucket loads of OFF TOPIC comments rarely removed, even when the Mods see them,, even when they are obvious TROLLING OFF TOPIC posts, they stay, I decided to put that long time troll on ignore, posted a comment announcing it, I got moderated for.... he he.... ha ha.... Trolling. It was unreal that I was treated like that, the man was trolling like hell in the thread.

Gargle, I got tired of this crap, I know many members there are unhappy with the absurd moderator reactions. They are too strict with the meaning of the words which are often blurred in meaning, but those forum (Not named) Mods don't consider the CONTENT of the post at all.

Here in this forum, the TOPIC is what matters the most, the better debaters will pursue the topic over the immature bickering that lesser members often go into. It is why I am still here, because I don't have to worry about silly moderation decisions that would hurt and irritate me.

I have reported bad posts a number of times, many get acted on, some don't, doesn't bother me if some were ignored, have had several of MY posts removed, again, it doesn't bother me, the Mods knows what they are doing.

I have confidence with the Moderation team here.
the mistake so many boards make is that they try to treat everyone in...enforce the rules equally....of course that does not happen as it is just human nature that those who allegedly just enforce the rules have their biases and they prove that by their posts if in no other way.

But to get back to my i do not believe the rules should be enforced equally as in...........there are good posters and there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those.....these posters are the ones who make a board successful because they motivate so many posts and get more peeps to tune in.

In a nutshell what I am saying is that the better posters should be give more leeway to do their thing....whilst the morons and idiots who are on here and just about every board in too abundant numbers should be monitored carefully and ejected as quickly as possible.

None of our founding fahers claimed life is fair and we all know it is not.
as the best poster on this board, i naturally agree.
"You are a liar", boom you are moderated with penalty points.

"You are lying", no response at all, it is acceptable....

Meanwhile bucket loads of OFF TOPIC comments rarely removed, even when the Mods see them,, even when they are obvious TROLLING OFF TOPIC posts,


I think I'd rather personally take my chances with a phony FacePlant algorithm.. Algorithms don't make excuses and argue... :badgrin:

But anyways -- you hit on exactly why USMB is different and a bit too rough for a lot of people.. Mods just chuckle at the flaming if there's TOPICAL content in the post. Because it's the ONLY way we can get threads ON A TOPIC -- and not a roving free for all.. Where EVERY THREAD devolves into the same running battles..

A little harder than "herding cats"... I use a broom and cats pretty much get herded. But adults acting like 4th graders at recess time is a FAR more difficult problem..
the mistake so many boards make is that they try to treat everyone in...enforce the rules equally....of course that does not happen as it is just human nature that those who allegedly just enforce the rules have their biases and they prove that by their posts if in no other way.

But to get back to my i do not believe the rules should be enforced equally as in...........there are good posters and there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those.....these posters are the ones who make a board successful because they motivate so many posts and get more peeps to tune in.

In a nutshell what I am saying is that the better posters should be give more leeway to do their thing....whilst the morons and idiots who are on here and just about every board in too abundant numbers should be monitored carefully and ejected as quickly as possible.

None of our founding fahers claimed life is fair and we all know it is not.

Couple of fundamental problems here McKnife.. First -- mods have VERY little discretion here at USMB.. That's what attracted me here in the 1st place.. Rules are laser focused on whether posts contain "specific topical content".. If it's THERE -- it legal.. If it's NOT -- it's not.. A machine could ALMOST do that -- except that we allow a lot a lattitude about what's "on topic"..

So 80% of what we do is read posts for topical content and warn and delete on that.. The other 20% is a handful of "site wide rules" and copyright rules and boring stuff like that..

So if you CANNOT TRUST US to do that simple ass job -- without bias -- How the HELL would you trust us to rank posters between good and evil?? See the logic fault here?

I WISH we could demand "level of effort" in posting. It would difficult but force people to up their game. But we can't. Because a lot of folks don't have the time or inclination to explain complex ideas and facts to people who aren't interested in that stuff. So -- not EVEN -- a subjective "level of effort" is practical.

If YA WANT better posters -- You need a HIGHLY moderated site with staff making a LOT of subjective and ARBITRARY decisions about who is good and who is bad. Goes against our grain basically. And would ENCOURAGE us to play favorites and be booting a LOT of folks daily for flunking our nebulous standards..

OR -- you can TRY FacePlant or Twitlet and see how much you LIKE the ability of "their (phony) algoriths" to do that kind of Hogwarts sorting on people..

Bad Poster: Me

Good Poster: Anyone but me

Fact is coming here is a choice and people are free to come and go. You get what you post here.

There are great posters that I will not list and then there are trolls like me but someone like me understand where to post.

If a poster just want to converse with like mind and refuse others to comment then they can use ignore and just not read what the other side says.

In the end all of this is by choice and if someone dislike this place and how it is ran they can find another place which remind me I need that board you said the person was PM'ing so I can have a new place or would it be a old one I got banned from?
"You are a liar", boom you are moderated with penalty points.

"You are lying", no response at all, it is acceptable....

Meanwhile bucket loads of OFF TOPIC comments rarely removed, even when the Mods see them,, even when they are obvious TROLLING OFF TOPIC posts,


I think I'd rather personally take my chances with a phony FacePlant algorithm.. Algorithms don't make excuses and argue... :badgrin:

But anyways -- you hit on exactly why USMB is different and a bit too rough for a lot of people.. Mods just chuckle at the flaming if there's TOPICAL content in the post. Because it's the ONLY way we can get threads ON A TOPIC -- and not a roving free for all.. Where EVERY THREAD devolves into the same running battles..

A little harder than "herding cats"... I use a broom and cats pretty much get herded. But adults acting like 4th graders at recess time is a FAR more difficult problem..

That is the one constant this forum strives for, be on topic, the screaming might still happen (wish they would cut down the partisan volume) but at least there still a discussion on it.

Occasionally as a Blog Moderator, I would NOT approve a comment because it is waaaay off topic, have sometimes deleted several comments because they are following the lead off topic comment, that would soon destroy the thread itself.

Sometimes I add my comment to a comment (always Bolded, and as SUNMOD) that is still allowed, to admonish someone to get back onto the middle of the road on a topic, because it was becoming a side show, leading others to talk about the ditch instead.

I love doing it because it helps ME post better comments and to help others in the process.
the mistake so many boards make is that they try to treat everyone in...enforce the rules equally....of course that does not happen as it is just human nature that those who allegedly just enforce the rules have their biases and they prove that by their posts if in no other way.

But to get back to my i do not believe the rules should be enforced equally as in...........there are good posters and there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those.....these posters are the ones who make a board successful because they motivate so many posts and get more peeps to tune in.

In a nutshell what I am saying is that the better posters should be give more leeway to do their thing....whilst the morons and idiots who are on here and just about every board in too abundant numbers should be monitored carefully and ejected as quickly as possible.

None of our founding fahers claimed life is fair and we all know it is not.
as the best poster on this board, i naturally agree.
You stole my line, dammit.

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