another suggestion(like it will be heard)hehheh

the mistake so many boards make is that they try to treat everyone in...enforce the rules equally....of course that does not happen as it is just human nature that those who allegedly just enforce the rules have their biases and they prove that by their posts if in no other way.

But to get back to my i do not believe the rules should be enforced equally as in...........there are good posters and there are exceptionally good posters and every board has a few of those.....these posters are the ones who make a board successful because they motivate so many posts and get more peeps to tune in.

In a nutshell what I am saying is that the better posters should be give more leeway to do their thing....whilst the morons and idiots who are on here and just about every board in too abundant numbers should be monitored carefully and ejected as quickly as possible.

None of our founding fahers claimed life is fair and we all know it is not.

Dumb idea.

There should be a cap on how many threads are started by posters in one forum in a week.

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