Another Tea Bagger arrested

You republicans better figure out a way to please the paulbots or they are going to explode in your face.

They are VERY commited and VERY organized

The paulbots will be left on the sidelines as being irrelevant at the convention.

They will then cry that it was an inside job.

And will demand a new investigation.

With full subpoena powers.

Fucking Truthers. :lol:
Im going to enjoy seeing if the paulbots will have to guts to stand agains the republican party or will cave and back the people who are trying to subject them
I think they will bail on the republican party to prove the republicans need them to win elections.
The thing about us so called Paulbots is that we aren't bots. He is only delivering a message we agree with. When he retires we will continue to push our agenda. We are the Liberty Movement and we are growing.
Ron Paul supporter arrested at Louisiana Republican convention - Chicago Tribune

(Reuters) - Police said a Ron Paul supporter was arrested and complained of injury after refusing to leave the Louisiana Republican State Convention on Saturday, a boisterous event where backers of the Texas congressman argued for a greater voice.

Liberal hypocrisy on display once again. These unwashed, hippy cretins damage and destroy property all across the nation--rapes, murder, assaults abound in any unfortunate space they decide to unlawfully 'occupy' and people like this still insist that the Tea Party is the lawless bunch. :cuckoo:

Actually I'm not certain whether it is hypocrisy or simply stunning stupidity. :confused:

I'll bet on stupidity.

Liberal hypocrisy on display once again. These unwashed, hippy cretins damage and destroy property all across the nation--rapes, murder, assaults abound in any unfortunate space they decide to unlawfully 'occupy' and people like this still insist that the Tea Party is the lawless bunch. :cuckoo:

Actually I'm not certain whether it is hypocrisy or simply stunning stupidity. :confused:

I'll bet on stupidity.

My bet's on both.......STUPID HYPOCRITES!
It appears not all republicans are as brainwashed to follow their party as democrats are.
LOL, another one arrested?

when was the first one?

sheesh, how desperate and lame
So the OP lied. Not a shock there.

Ron Paul supporters are just as likely to be involved in the Occupy movement as the Tea Party. Why? I don't know. But they are. Id like to think a majority of them have more sense than that though.
Im going to enjoy seeing if the paulbots will have to guts to stand agains the republican party or will cave and back the people who are trying to subject them

subject them to what? Quite honestly, Im not opposed to quite alot of what the Paulites argue for AKA the Constitution, liberty, and limited government. We have disagreements but im not trying to subject them to anything. Quite the opposite. Id love to work together for mutual goals. Heck, Id be more than happy to work together with you for mutual goals were you cooperatives and if we could determine what our mutual goals were.

You need to get out of this either/or mentality. I don't have it. I dont think a majority of conservatives have it. I dont think a majority of Republicans have it. I would like to think we would welcome all points of view and work together on the matters we all feel are important. Will we agree on everything? No. But that doesnt mean we are enemies.
there is some deep rumblings going on.

Your going to lose the paul people.

The Rebuplicans already have to cheat to win.

lose the paul guys and you will have to cheat double time.

Your going to get caught

That's your over-sized gut you hear

You're already losing a lot more Obama people

ACORN and SEIU ring any bells?

You're going to lose
It appears not all republicans are as brainwashed to follow their party as democrats are.

Actually, I think there are alot of Democrats that arent going to follow the party and will be voting for Romney instead of Obama. Heck, Clinton practically endorsed Romney the other day.
LOL, another one arrested?

when was the first one?

sheesh, how desperate and lame

I was wondering that myself. But since the article the OP linked to provides no evidence that a tea party member was arrested, I thought the point moot.
there is some deep rumblings going on.

Your going to lose the paul people.

The Rebuplicans already have to cheat to win.

lose the paul guys and you will have to cheat double time.

Your going to get caught

That's your over-sized gut you hear

You're already losing a lot more Obama people

ACORN and SEIU ring any bells?

You're going to lose

Ironically, her losing benefits the country as a whole and herself as well.
there is some deep rumblings going on.

Your going to lose the paul people.

The Rebuplicans already have to cheat to win.

lose the paul guys and you will have to cheat double time.

Your going to get caught

[ame=]STFU Button - YouTube[/ame]
Ron Paul supporter arrested at Louisiana Republican convention - Chicago Tribune

(Reuters) - Police said a Ron Paul supporter was arrested and complained of injury after refusing to leave the Louisiana Republican State Convention on Saturday, a boisterous event where backers of the Texas congressman argued for a greater voice.

and what does that come to.....a total of 3 arrests in 3 years?
Wow...what a roudy bunch of hoodlums those tea partyers!
there is some deep rumblings going on.

Your going to lose the paul people.

The Rebuplicans already have to cheat to win.

lose the paul guys and you will have to cheat double time.

Your going to get caught

TM....I swear to you...there is no evil monkey in your closet.
Im going to enjoy seeing if the paulbots will have to guts to stand agains the republican party or will cave and back the people who are trying to subject them

subject them to what? Quite honestly, Im not opposed to quite alot of what the Paulites argue for AKA the Constitution, liberty, and limited government. We have disagreements but im not trying to subject them to anything. Quite the opposite. Id love to work together for mutual goals. Heck, Id be more than happy to work together with you for mutual goals were you cooperatives and if we could determine what our mutual goals were.

You need to get out of this either/or mentality. I don't have it. I dont think a majority of conservatives have it. I dont think a majority of Republicans have it. I would like to think we would welcome all points of view and work together on the matters we all feel are important. Will we agree on everything? No. But that doesnt mean we are enemies.

I agree. OL'Truthsplatters is just salivating all over the place at the prospect of Paul supporters the Tea Partiers and other Reps as enemies.

I, like you, think they will work together and be able to present a united front to the Dems and Barry boy come Nov. They certainly won't agree on everything but they will be able to work it out.

Truthsplatters must be pretty worried about her boys chances in Nov. Nov. Hence all the flapping gums about trouble in the GOP.

Gotta laugh. Her boy now has a record and it ain't much to write home about.

Hell. If I were her, God forbid, I would be sweating bullets. Which she is. LOL

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