Another Tea Party govt-slashing negative side effect??


Funny how that does not include government contractors, now ain't it??

you think Obama has moved millions of people from Government employee to government contractor since he took office, and Bush did the opposite?

OK then.

Can you show us some evidence of that? Anything?

Most of the "government jobs" cut are the result of downsizing the military. The useless parasites, on the other hand, are multiplying.
Most of the "government jobs" cut are the result of downsizing the military. The useless parasites, on the other hand, are multiplying.

Quit making a fool of yourself

Military personnel:
2007 (Aug.) 1,380,082
2011 (Sept.) 1,468,364
Another Tea Party govt-slashing negative side effect??

Yeah.....let's HEAR IT!! for GRIDLOCK, in the good ol' U.S.A.!!!!!!

October 19, 2012

Brits GETTIN' IT DONE!!!!!!!

"Engineers in London said this week that they’ve developed a new type of synthetic vehicle fuel that’s created out of water and thin air, literally by pulling carbon molecules out of the atmosphere and recycling them.

Speaking to a conference this week put on by the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, researchers with Air Fuel Synthesis, Ltd. said they’ve successfully married a synthetic fuel production technique that dates back to World War II with modern atmospheric carbon capture and sequestration methods.

The resulting product, they said, works in all current vehicles, can be blended with conventional fuels, and just might be a game changer for human energy and the fight against climate change if it’s ever produced on a large enough scale."



(How embarrassing.....)
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The dude should go cut the fucking weeds himself and stop belly aching.

Not legal in some places (to say nothing of sometimes being very dangerous). A guy that cleaned up a city-owned lot (removed 30+ TONS of trash, I think in Cleveland) wound up getting fined for it.
Broke is broke,the spend happy from BOTH parties have put most states and local gov in the red,what would you rather cut,the grass? or some vital service?

This is some serious whining.

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