Another thing that boils my piss

Another thing that boils my piss

my clic puts up xmas deco. bring it on. our first resrvation tuesday last week. :)
Know what pisses me off?

Guys that have a limp and weak handshake. It's emberrasing.
my Christmas decorations will be up the first week of december, and will come down after january 6th.

some stores up here had Christmas decorations up the day after Halloween....for goodness sakes! way too early!
people putting up their Christmas decorations too early.:evil:

OMG!!! I was just called a Beaner, in another post.

But, check THIS out:

Down here? Most Mexican folks leave their Christmas lights up, ALL YEAR ROUND!!!

Cripes! It's South Texas ~ we party, outside, all year long,

well, other than the 14 ~ 30 days of actual FREEZE we experience, eh?

And we LIKE the colored lights! :lol:

Merry Christmas, mofo's!!! ;)

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