Another Trump VICTORY. Dairy farmer gets 2 years in prison for hiring illegals.

Bad news is this crook had more than 100 illegals working for him and should have gotten the death penalty. But this is a start. When Aunt Barry caught businessmen hiring illegals, he built a statue in their honor!!! That's a fact.

Web News System: Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants

jan 6 2018 A Michigan dairy farmer is spend a couple of years in federal prison and owes a six-figure fine for hiring undocumented immigrants.
U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington on Thursday, Jan. 4, sentenced Denis Burke to two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised release. Ludington did not order Burke taken into custody on Thursday, but gave him time to self-report to the U.S. Marshals Services.
The judge also ordered Burke to pay a fine of $187,500 and an assessment fee of $100.

Burke in September pleaded guilty to knowingly harboring illegal aliens for private gain and/or commercial advantage.
In exchange for his plea, the prosecution dismissed four more counts of the same charge.

The Burkes own Parisville Dairy in Huron County and Dunganstown Dairy in Tuscola County. Between February 2008 and May 2013, the couple hired and harbored more than 100 undocumented immigrants to work on their farms, Denis Burke's plea agreement states."Denis Burke gave the illegal aliens free housing on or next to his farms so the illegal aliens would be readily available for work and less accessible to immigration authorities," the document states.

The death penalty? Don't you think that's a bit extreme? Yeah the guy should be locked up. But hiring illegals doesn't warrant death penalty.
Regressives wonder why we have so much crime when they don't want to punish criminals severely enough.

I'm for punishing criminals. But the death penalty should be persevered for the worst of humanity. Like murderers and rapist.

Having illegal immigrants is illegal but it a isn't necessarily a crime against humanity.

I want my illegal hiring program enacted.
For every 10 Employers these illegal turn in, they get a reward green card to stay and work here after no other legal workers want those jobs. No illegal double dipping on reporting these employers.
These employers will pay a tax of 35% on their Gross Income for life. No jail time for these employers on first time turned in. After they a turned in, and hire again. They loose all their property, SS, Medicare/Medicaid and Voting rights' and sent to work farms for life.
Simple solutions for simple problems always works best.

btw: If the illegal returns home after turning in 10 US employers of illegals.
That employer will also, on top of their 35% Tax penalty paid to this nation for crimes done.
Will send their hired illegals now in their home country 13% of his Gross incomes as well
to all they hired now home in their countries..
Interesting approach.
2 years seems too lenient.
I'm sure for a dairy farmer, it will seem like an eternity. Maybe enough to keep him from hiring them again.
He should lose his business.

No, he and his family members should be flagged with a Tax Penalty for life. Jailing them costs us 30-50k each a year. Putting them out of business, these family go on welfare costing even more to taxpayers.
Giving Trump credit for something else he had absolutely NOTHING to do with? Awesome!

These people were arrested when Obama was president:

Ever hear of DACA?? Obozo gave millions of illegals a certificate saying they can break out laws.!!! So don't tell us aunt barry was big on enforcing immigration laws. THINK, mexico-firster.
The death penalty? Don't you think that's a bit extreme? Yeah the guy should be locked up. But hiring illegals doesn't warrant death penalty.

Check out section 1324 of title 8 of the US code. It lists the death penalty as a possible penalty for encouraging illegals to live in america.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
These employers did not bring them in as cargo. so this code does not apply,
As to death penalty being applicable.

BTW..: I'm for people dying if legally done. I do make RW nutters look crazy and weak.
Last edited:

Ever hear of DACA?? Obozo gave millions of illegals a certificate saying they can break out laws.!!! So don't tell us aunt barry was big on enforcing immigration laws. THINK, mexico-firster.​

Yes DACA - The 800,000 who came here by no choice of their own, many who have jobs in the professional sector or serve in the military, speak English, pay taxes and were honest enough to come forward an sign up deserve to not live in fear of deportation. They should be called Americans at this point.

Border crossings are now at net outflow. They were during Obama's last couple of years too. Stop being afraid of brown people.

Are more undocumented immigrants leaving than coming?
Check out section 1324 of title 8 of the US code. It lists the death penalty as a possible penalty for encouraging illegals to live in america.
8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
These employers did not bring them in as cargo. so this code does not apply,
As to death penalty being applicable.


You can't read. The law does not say you have to bring them here. If you simply encourage some illegal to live here, then you are guilty of a section 1324 crime. Giving them a job certainly qualifies. And if the illegal kills someone as in a fight or car crash, then YOU can be legally executed.

In the future please get the facts straight first and THEN post your opinion. thank you.
Yes DACA - The 800,000 who came here by no choice of their own,

HAHAHA. How do you know that.? How do you know they didn't jump the border last week and now claim their parents brought them here 10 years ago?? All illegals have learned to say they were brought here as kids.

There is no way to verify these invaders. They are all using stolen IDs. THINK, america-hater.
Yes DACA - The 800,000 who came here by no choice of their own,

HAHAHA. How do you know that.? How do you know they didn't jump the border last week and now claim their parents brought them here 10 years ago?? All illegals have learned to say they were brought here as kids.

There is no way to verify these invaders. They are all using stolen IDs. THINK, america-hater.

Educate yourself Trumpling

7. They must have come to the U.S. before turning 16. They must have lived in the U.S. since June 15, 2007.

These 15 statistics will teach you what you need to know about DACA
Educate yourself Trumpling
7. They must have come to the U.S. before turning 16. They must have lived in the U.S. since June 15, 2007.
These 15 statistics will teach you what you need to know about DACA

And they have no proof. Obama just took their word. What else can you do since all these illegals have stolen IDs and cannot be vetted. THINK

Wrong again Pepe

the vast majority of DACA holders are adults. The program, which is now in its fifth year, is open to those who were at least 15 years old but no more than 31 years old as of June 15, 2012. But to be eligible for the program, they also had to prove that they were under the age of 16 when they arrived in the United States and they had been living in the U.S. continuously since June 15, 2007.​

That would not be difficult. Work history, parent's utility bills, school records, a MILLION ways they could prove that they were 15 years or younger on arrival
Give it another crack? :)

Spinning the Facts on DACA -
Regardless of when this douche was sentenced, it's good to see and we need to see more of it.
Bad news is this crook had more than 100 illegals working for him and should have gotten the death penalty. But this is a start. When Aunt Barry caught businessmen hiring illegals, he built a statue in their honor!!! That's a fact.

Web News System: Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants

jan 6 2018 A Michigan dairy farmer is spend a couple of years in federal prison and owes a six-figure fine for hiring undocumented immigrants.
U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington on Thursday, Jan. 4, sentenced Denis Burke to two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised release. Ludington did not order Burke taken into custody on Thursday, but gave him time to self-report to the U.S. Marshals Services.
The judge also ordered Burke to pay a fine of $187,500 and an assessment fee of $100.

Burke in September pleaded guilty to knowingly harboring illegal aliens for private gain and/or commercial advantage.
In exchange for his plea, the prosecution dismissed four more counts of the same charge.

The Burkes own Parisville Dairy in Huron County and Dunganstown Dairy in Tuscola County. Between February 2008 and May 2013, the couple hired and harbored more than 100 undocumented immigrants to work on their farms, Denis Burke's plea agreement states."Denis Burke gave the illegal aliens free housing on or next to his farms so the illegal aliens would be readily available for work and less accessible to immigration authorities," the document states.

the charges were brought in September, 2016, idiota.

guess who was president then,

Farm World – weekly farm newspaper source for ag news, classifieds, auctions

oops. :cuckoo:
So what? If Obama or Clinton had been president this clown would have his pardon already and an award presented by whatever clown was in the oval office between the 2. He is ONLY going to prison because President Trump is in office and now Judges,Lawyers,Law Enforcement etc are free to do their jobs without facing backlash.
Now it’s so what, idiota? Funny you trumptards were acting like it was the orange loon’s prosecution.

Bad news is this crook had more than 100 illegals working for him and should have gotten the death penalty. But this is a start. When Aunt Barry caught businessmen hiring illegals, he built a statue in their honor!!! That's a fact.

Web News System: Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants

jan 6 2018 A Michigan dairy farmer is spend a couple of years in federal prison and owes a six-figure fine for hiring undocumented immigrants.
U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington on Thursday, Jan. 4, sentenced Denis Burke to two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised release. Ludington did not order Burke taken into custody on Thursday, but gave him time to self-report to the U.S. Marshals Services.
The judge also ordered Burke to pay a fine of $187,500 and an assessment fee of $100.

Burke in September pleaded guilty to knowingly harboring illegal aliens for private gain and/or commercial advantage.
In exchange for his plea, the prosecution dismissed four more counts of the same charge.

The Burkes own Parisville Dairy in Huron County and Dunganstown Dairy in Tuscola County. Between February 2008 and May 2013, the couple hired and harbored more than 100 undocumented immigrants to work on their farms, Denis Burke's plea agreement states."Denis Burke gave the illegal aliens free housing on or next to his farms so the illegal aliens would be readily available for work and less accessible to immigration authorities," the document states.

Did not the Great Douche give a pardon to the convicted MEAT Packer sentenced to 25 years who hired illegals and enslaved children?
Plus the meat packer did Tax Fraud like the Great Orange Douche does..
Sentence commuted and civil penalties remain in forcce.
Life imprisonment was considered too harsh.
Bad news is this crook had more than 100 illegals working for him and should have gotten the death penalty. But this is a start. When Aunt Barry caught businessmen hiring illegals, he built a statue in their honor!!! That's a fact.

Web News System: Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants

jan 6 2018 A Michigan dairy farmer is spend a couple of years in federal prison and owes a six-figure fine for hiring undocumented immigrants.
U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington on Thursday, Jan. 4, sentenced Denis Burke to two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised release. Ludington did not order Burke taken into custody on Thursday, but gave him time to self-report to the U.S. Marshals Services.
The judge also ordered Burke to pay a fine of $187,500 and an assessment fee of $100.

Burke in September pleaded guilty to knowingly harboring illegal aliens for private gain and/or commercial advantage.
In exchange for his plea, the prosecution dismissed four more counts of the same charge.

The Burkes own Parisville Dairy in Huron County and Dunganstown Dairy in Tuscola County. Between February 2008 and May 2013, the couple hired and harbored more than 100 undocumented immigrants to work on their farms, Denis Burke's plea agreement states."Denis Burke gave the illegal aliens free housing on or next to his farms so the illegal aliens would be readily available for work and less accessible to immigration authorities," the document states.

the charges were brought in September, 2016, idiota.

guess who was president then,

Farm World – weekly farm newspaper source for ag news, classifieds, auctions

oops. :cuckoo:
The thread should have stopped here and the OP's avatar should be changed to egg on his face.
Bad news is this crook had more than 100 illegals working for him and should have gotten the death penalty. But this is a start. When Aunt Barry caught businessmen hiring illegals, he built a statue in their honor!!! That's a fact.

Web News System: Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants

jan 6 2018 A Michigan dairy farmer is spend a couple of years in federal prison and owes a six-figure fine for hiring undocumented immigrants.
U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington on Thursday, Jan. 4, sentenced Denis Burke to two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised release. Ludington did not order Burke taken into custody on Thursday, but gave him time to self-report to the U.S. Marshals Services.
The judge also ordered Burke to pay a fine of $187,500 and an assessment fee of $100.

Burke in September pleaded guilty to knowingly harboring illegal aliens for private gain and/or commercial advantage.
In exchange for his plea, the prosecution dismissed four more counts of the same charge.

The Burkes own Parisville Dairy in Huron County and Dunganstown Dairy in Tuscola County. Between February 2008 and May 2013, the couple hired and harbored more than 100 undocumented immigrants to work on their farms, Denis Burke's plea agreement states."Denis Burke gave the illegal aliens free housing on or next to his farms so the illegal aliens would be readily available for work and less accessible to immigration authorities," the document states.

the charges were brought in September, 2016, idiota.

guess who was president then,

Farm World – weekly farm newspaper source for ag news, classifieds, auctions

oops. :cuckoo:
So what? If Obama or Clinton had been president this clown would have his pardon already and an award presented by whatever clown was in the oval office between the 2. He is ONLY going to prison because President Trump is in office and now Judges,Lawyers,Law Enforcement etc are free to do their jobs without facing backlash.
Now it’s so what, idiota? Funny you trumptards were acting like it was the orange loon’s prosecution.

I never said it was President Trump's I said if it had been under the Clinton Crime Family he would have gotten off and invited to the WH for a medal
The death penalty? Don't you think that's a bit extreme? Yeah the guy should be locked up. But hiring illegals doesn't warrant death penalty.

Check out section 1324 of title 8 of the US code. It lists the death penalty as a possible penalty for encouraging illegals to live in america.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
Actually what the stature says is you can’t induce them to COME IN to the US illegall when they are not in the country.

How’s that whole spewing about things you don’t understand going for you?
Bad news is this crook had more than 100 illegals working for him and should have gotten the death penalty. But this is a start. When Aunt Barry caught businessmen hiring illegals, he built a statue in their honor!!! That's a fact.

Web News System: Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants

jan 6 2018 A Michigan dairy farmer is spend a couple of years in federal prison and owes a six-figure fine for hiring undocumented immigrants.
U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington on Thursday, Jan. 4, sentenced Denis Burke to two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised release. Ludington did not order Burke taken into custody on Thursday, but gave him time to self-report to the U.S. Marshals Services.
The judge also ordered Burke to pay a fine of $187,500 and an assessment fee of $100.

Burke in September pleaded guilty to knowingly harboring illegal aliens for private gain and/or commercial advantage.
In exchange for his plea, the prosecution dismissed four more counts of the same charge.

The Burkes own Parisville Dairy in Huron County and Dunganstown Dairy in Tuscola County. Between February 2008 and May 2013, the couple hired and harbored more than 100 undocumented immigrants to work on their farms, Denis Burke's plea agreement states."Denis Burke gave the illegal aliens free housing on or next to his farms so the illegal aliens would be readily available for work and less accessible to immigration authorities," the document states.

the charges were brought in September, 2016, idiota.

guess who was president then,

Farm World – weekly farm newspaper source for ag news, classifieds, auctions

oops. :cuckoo:
So what? If Obama or Clinton had been president this clown would have his pardon already and an award presented by whatever clown was in the oval office between the 2. He is ONLY going to prison because President Trump is in office and now Judges,Lawyers,Law Enforcement etc are free to do their jobs without facing backlash.
Now it’s so what, idiota? Funny you trumptards were acting like it was the orange loon’s prosecution.

I never said it was President Trump's I said if it had been under the Clinton Crime Family he would have gotten off and invited to the WH for a medal

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