Another Week Of Increased Jobless Claims In Trumped-Up USA: More Than Expected

Anyone sees what comes of the actual lies of the last four years! New jobless Claims up over 1.0 mil. again! No $600 through the end of the year, this time around! US Senate wants "Skinny" Instead!

Pelosi wants skinny and is stopping the stimulus, Whole economy has been in disarray, in 2020, due to the Democrat/China virus, but stock market is setting record highs right now, and is back strong.
Which state did Trump shut down? None?

Oh, thread fail.

He basically ignored tramp's virus as it went across the USA and killed many and still is killing.
American COVID 19 will forever be referred to as Trump Virus, or as you say, Tramp Virus.
Nope this is the leftyvirus, a total hoax perpetuated by the wacko libbers
Nope, you are delusional and in denial. The virus is commonly referred to as Trump Virus. No one calls it a lefty virus.
Which state did Trump shut down? None?

Oh, thread fail.

He basically ignored tramp's virus as it went across the USA and killed many and still is killing.
American COVID 19 will forever be referred to as Trump Virus, or as you say, Tramp Virus.
Nope this is the leftyvirus, a total hoax perpetuated by the wacko libbers
Nope, you are delusional and in denial. The virus is commonly referred to as Trump Virus. No one calls it a lefty virus.
I am delusional? I voted for the President and will again, you trot out Sniff and Suck and you call me delusional? Nope. strictly a flu bug blown all out of proportion since Mueller, Kavanaugh, and impeachment didn't work. You wackos are pathetic
Anyone sees what comes of the actual lies of the last four years! New jobless Claims up over 1.0 mil. again! No $600 through the end of the year, this time around! US Senate wants "Skinny" Instead!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(And this they even pray for: Matt 25: 14-30! Outcast they all go according to their versions of the power of prayer!)
Okay. Fine. Now what does Joe have to offer all these unemployed people?
Nope, you are delusional and in denial. The virus is commonly referred to as Trump Virus. No one calls it a lefty virus.
YOU are delusional and in denial. Only a minority of brainwashed, demented leftists call is a Trump virus, in tune with their usual string of lies, designed to grab power which will do no good for anyone, except those who get new political jobs.
I am delusional? I voted for the President and will again, you trot out Sniff and Suck and you call me delusional? Nope. strictly a flu bug blown all out of proportion since Mueller, Kavanaugh, and impeachment didn't work. You wackos are pathetic
Liberals will say and do ANYTHING to grab POWER.
So the Roll Call Of The States at RNC Convention--wherever it may be(?)--will spend four days denigrating every State Governor, USA--and territorial administrations, (those likely better than the rest of RNC, accustomed to finding their way around--parts unknown)!

The Weeping and Gnashing of teeth will likely be the showcase event of the week(?)!

That's what all the Trumped-Up posters mean!

The murders are with the Republican Governors: Mostly and the four whole days!

Wuhan is Open--of the great Socialist wizardry, shown by the Trumped-Up posters with their basis in the pathological lies!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30, likely their invocation!)
Okay. Fine. Now what does Joe have to offer all these unemployed people?
One thing is for sure. he can't lay claim to have been POTUS and have brought unemployment down to its lowest levels in US history for blacks and Hispanics. Only Trump can do that. Likewise, Biden cant lay claim to have brought unemployment down to its lowest levels in US history for disabled people, veterans, and folks without a high school diploma. Women have attained their lowest level of unemployment in over 70 years.

And Biden has ZERO years of experience on the job as US president , compared to Trump having 4 years of it.
So the Roll Call Of The States at RNC Convention--wherever it may be(?)--will spend four days denigrating every State Governor, USA--and territorial administrations, (those likely better than the rest of RNC, accustomed to finding their way around--parts unknown)!

The Weeping and Gnashing of teeth will likely be the showcase event of the week(?)!

That's what all the Trumped-Up posters mean!

The murders are with the Republican Governors: Mostly and the four whole days!

Wuhan is Open--of the great Socialist wizardry, shown by the Trumped-Up posters with their basis in the pathological lies!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30, likely their invocation!)
Look up the stats snowflake....Dem governors like Killer Cuomo and the New Jersey Hit Man killed more in their two states than most countries. The Republican states have the lowest mortality rates of all states....1.7% compared to the globe leading 8% of the wacko Dems. What a moron.
Doesn't matter why. Is what it is. Trump Virus.
Democrat/China virus. Trump is just another American who has had this virus dumped on him by the Democrats and their Chinese pals. China is now America's #1 enemy in the world, but not to Democrats.

So far in their convention, they haven't spoken the word China even once. Betcha they don't tonight either. That is something they want to keep quiet about.
Anyone sees what comes of the actual lies of the last four years! New jobless Claims up over 1.0 mil. again! No $600 through the end of the year, this time around! US Senate wants "Skinny" Instead!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(And this they even pray for: Matt 25: 14-30! Outcast they all go according to their versions of the power of prayer!)

As long as COVID-19 has the governors by the balls, the economy cannot get much better. The states have lots of businesses either shut down or operating a half or less capacity.
So the Roll Call Of The States at RNC Convention--wherever it may be(?)--will spend four days denigrating every State Governor, USA--and territorial administrations, (those likely better than the rest of RNC, accustomed to finding their way around--parts unknown)!

The Weeping and Gnashing of teeth will likely be the showcase event of the week(?)!

That's what all the Trumped-Up posters mean!

The murders are with the Republican Governors: Mostly and the four whole days!

Wuhan is Open--of the great Socialist wizardry, shown by the Trumped-Up posters with their basis in the pathological lies!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30, likely their invocation!)
Does anybody have any idea what this babbling mish-mash means ? It might as well have been written in Chinese.

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