Another Whistleblower

From the NYT: There will be more, this is breaking:

""""A federal scientist who says he was ousted from his job amid a dispute over an unproven malaria drug promoted by President Trump said on Tuesday that a top official at the Department of Health and Human Services repeatedly pressured him to steer millions of dollars in contracts to the clients of a well-connected consultant, Sheryl Gay Stolberg reports.

Dr. Rick Bright, who was the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority until his removal in April, said in a formal whistle-blower complaint that since 2017 he has been protesting “cronyism and award of contracts to companies with political connections to the administration,” including a drug company executive who is close to Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser.""""

ABC fake news with those, here we go again, unnamed sources.
OMG, you're dumb as a rock.

"In his whistleblower complaint, Bright says he raised concerns about US preparedness for coronavirus starting in January but was met with "indifference which then developed into hostility" by leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Later, he says he pushed back on HHS's leadership when they sought to make "potentially harmful drugs" available for treating Covid-19, including hydroxychloroquine, which had been repeatedly touted by Trump as a potential cure despite a lack of robust testing.

"His efforts to prioritize science and safety over political expediency and to expose practices that posed a substantial risk to public health and safety, especially as it applied to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, rankled those in the Administration who wished to continue to push this false narrative," the complaint reads."
From the NYT: There will be more, this is breaking:

""""A federal scientist who says he was ousted from his job amid a dispute over an unproven malaria drug promoted by President Trump said on Tuesday that a top official at the Department of Health and Human Services repeatedly pressured him to steer millions of dollars in contracts to the clients of a well-connected consultant, Sheryl Gay Stolberg reports.

Dr. Rick Bright, who was the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority until his removal in April, said in a formal whistle-blower complaint that since 2017 he has been protesting “cronyism and award of contracts to companies with political connections to the administration,” including a drug company executive who is close to Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser.""""

Still nothing about being illegally fired from a FEDERAL job in HHS....,

Waiting, waiting and a lot more waiting while Trump haters keeps ducking my question about whether being fired was illegal or not.

I have yet to see why his getting fired was illegal.
It's not a matter of legality. It's a matter of corruption.

Dr. Bright doesn't complain about corruption, he complains that he was fired over his whining statements others chose to ignore or not agree with.

God you're stupid.
You want whining?
Tune into a Trump presser.
Or learn how to read.
Your bi-ass is overwhelming.

Still no answer to my question on whether he was fired illegally or not.

Simple question easily angers leftists.....,

It so easy for YOU to give a yes or no reply and why.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

You understand we're going to look back at this and it's going to be clear we overreacted, right?

Beyond shutting down NY and nursing homes this has been a total failure.

Trillions lost over a couple hundred thousand deaths of the weak is insane.

Trump had plenty of time to get in front of this and could have shut down travel from Europe, which caused the problem in New York.
40,000 passengers from China came in AFTER the ban.
He fucked around for two months and said it would go away in April,"like a miracle".
He could have listened to his intel agencies that warned him as early as November.
I know people who have gotten sick with this.
You don't give a shit because it hasn't affected you.
You're a typical self-centered, selfish, shallow asshole.
Dr. Bright doesn't complain about corruption
Wrong again. From the NYT...........

"Dr. Rick Bright, who was the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority until his removal in April, said in a formal whistle-blower complaint that since 2017 he has been protesting “cronyism and award of contracts to companies with political connections to the administration,” including a drug company executive who is close to Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser."
I have yet to see why his getting fired was illegal.
It's not a matter of legality. It's a matter of corruption.

Dr. Bright doesn't complain about corruption, he complains that he was fired over his whining statements others chose to ignore or not agree with.

God you're stupid.
You want whining?
Tune into a Trump presser.
Or learn how to read.
Your bi-ass is overwhelming.

Still no answer to my question on whether he was fired illegally or not.

Simple question easily angers leftists.....,

It so easy for YOU to give a yes or no reply and why.

Your question is stupid.
He has attorneys who are handling his case.
Or did you not know that, too?
So I guess they think his firing was unethical and without cause.
He's blowing the whistle to get his job back, you silly sprunt.
Any other stupid questions?
Another anti-Trump Dimm fake accusation.

This shit has gotten so old that one day some country is going to attack us and take us down! Wait...., Ooops!!
Dr. Bright doesn't complain about corruption
Wrong again. From the NYT...........

"Dr. Rick Bright, who was the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority until his removal in April, said in a formal whistle-blower complaint that since 2017 he has been protesting “cronyism and award of contracts to companies with political connections to the administration,” including a drug company executive who is close to Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser."

Tommy has sunsetted a long fucking time ago.

Bright is alleging a lot of money being moved around within Trump's cronies and his son-in-law.
ABC fake news with those, here we go again, unnamed sources.
OMG, you're dumb as a rock.

"In his whistleblower complaint, Bright says he raised concerns about US preparedness for coronavirus starting in January but was met with "indifference which then developed into hostility" by leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Later, he says he pushed back on HHS's leadership when they sought to make "potentially harmful drugs" available for treating Covid-19, including hydroxychloroquine, which had been repeatedly touted by Trump as a potential cure despite a lack of robust testing.

"His efforts to prioritize science and safety over political expediency and to expose practices that posed a substantial risk to public health and safety, especially as it applied to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, rankled those in the Administration who wished to continue to push this false narrative," the complaint reads."

I see that you have no answer about whether Dr. Bright was illegally fired or not.

This is too hard for you to answer, which is why you are going all over the map with patented evasive babbling replies in the thread, that doesn't even support a "Whistleblower" complaint, which is normally filed for illegal actions and similar, of which he doesn't seem to show at all.

He makes opinions, that others don't agree with, was why he files a "Whistleblower" complaint?

Its getting murkier all the time, since I haven't seen any actual claims of law breaking in his complaint at all, maybe I missed it, but neither have the Trump hating people have been pointing it out.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

You understand we're going to look back at this and it's going to be clear we overreacted, right?

Beyond shutting down NY and nursing homes this has been a total failure.

Trillions lost over a couple hundred thousand deaths of the weak is insane.

Trump had plenty of time to get in front of this and could have shut down travel from Europe, which caused the problem in New York.
40,000 passengers from China came in AFTER the ban.
He fucked around for two months and said it would go away in April,"like a miracle".
He could have listened to his intel agencies that warned him as early as November.
I know people who have gotten sick with this.
You don't give a shit because it hasn't affected you.
You're a typical self-centered, selfish, shallow asshole.

Besides, China still allowed international flights out of Wuhan even tho' they had already disallowed domestic flights!

No one questions this shit! (with the exception of 'Oddball').
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

You can't "blow the whistle" on Trump exercising his constitutional powers. Favoring a different policy than what TDS morons want is not a crime, shit for brains.
Just another CNN hit piece.

Bright's allegations were made on live television a few minutes ago.
This has nothing to do with CNN.
Stop being such a Trumpbot.
You're going to shit yourself when you hear what this guy has to say.

If he was sooo bright, why didn't he talk our Gov't into subscribing to BlueDot Pandemic Software out of Toronto that pegged this pandemic back in early to mid-December?

Because he is just another sour grapes mediocre Fed Gov't employee slug.
That's why.

Trump was warned about COVID in November. Everybody around Trump, like Mark Esper, are lying to protect him, good little suckups that they are.

Why don't you research and read more and blather less?
Trump was warned . . . yada, yada, yada . . . . Trump failed to act . . . . . yada, yada, yada.

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