Another Whistleblower

It isn't as though this kind of thing is new. Trump has a documented track record for corruptly removing people from their positions as acts of retribution.
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It appears that not a single Trump hater can answer the simple question.

Was Dr. Bright illegally fired?
Trump is also refusing oversight on the trillions of schmackaroos he can spend:
Trump chips away at Congress' role in coronavirus relief oversight

At the same time, the Trump campaign is funneling money to the female partners of Donald J.'s sons.
The Trump Campaign Is Quietly Funneling Money To Eric Trump's Wife, Don Jr. And His Girlfriend: NYT
Congress isn't allowed to create a "special inspector general" that reports only to Congress. That's a violation of the separation of powers, dumbass. When Trump signed the bill he said he was going to do no such thing.

Why are you objecting to the same arrangement that every Democrat in Congress has with their relatives? Why don't you worry about your side of the fence first?
It isn't as though this kind of thing is new. Trump has a documented track record for corruptly removing people from their positions as acts of retribution.
Yeah? Name one president who hasn't.
He was pressured to invest in drugs and vaccines that lacked scientific merit, because the people selling them had friends in the Trump administration, up to and including the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

He was forced to transfer funds to acquire drugs for the Strategic National Stockpile, America’s most important reserve of lifesaving medications, based not on health needs but on “political connections and cronyism.”

He was instructed to use his department’s budget to purchase flu medications of questionable efficacy. And when the COVID-19 crisis erupted, he was pressured to approve a plan that would “flood” cities with unproven and untested doses of chloroquine drugs, from un-inspected manufacturing plants in Asia. When his efforts to work through the system failed, he decided he had a “moral obligation to the American public” to ring the alarm about the plan, “which he believed constituted a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.” In retaliation, he was “smeared,” with officials unfairly accusing him of dropping the ball on vaccine development and PPE preparation.

These are just some of the allegations contained in a blistering, 63-page complaint that Dr. Rick Bright, former head of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), filed today with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel."""

“Political Connections and Cronyism”: In Blistering Whistleblower Complaint, Rick Bright Blasts Team Trump’s Pandemic Response
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
You can't "blow the whistle" on Trump exercising his constitutional powers.
That argument has already been shown to be colossally wrong.

They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
Impeached and acquited in the Senate.

He's still impeached, Sparky.
And you know what? He can be impeached again.
And this Dr. Bright has the goods on Donald.
63 pages of damning evidence that Donald doesn't give a flying fuck about you and his base, even though you drink his piss. He expects that of you.
Impeached and acquited in the Senate.
Only because Repub sycophants in the Senate pretended the things he was proven guilty of didn't rise to the level of impeachable offenses. Nothing was more predicable than that. Those senators feared the wrath of nitwits like you in the voting booth if they dared to vote their conscience.

But that's an argument for another thread.
Dr. Bright scheduled to testify before Congress next week. Must-see TV.
Trump will be watching on his phone from his golden throne in the White House bathroom.
Dr. Bright isn't going to testify to something he heard.
He's going to testify to things he can prove.

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