Another Whistleblower

Just another CNN hit piece.

Bright's allegations were made on live television a few minutes ago.
This has nothing to do with CNN.
Stop being such a Trumpbot.
You're going to shit yourself when you hear what this guy has to say.

Yes I watched and listened to him and his statement.

It's very damning.

Not just for trump for our nation. The reason why trump refused The WHO's tests. Which caused us not to have one or two uniform tests for the whole nation. Which resulted in we still don't have the proper testing and tracing system to combat the virus.

trump has put money, himself and his cronies before our nation the whole time.

Where did I put my fainting couch?
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Did you miss reading this part, Dana?

Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, formally filed an extensive whistleblower complaint Tuesday alleging his early warnings about the coronavirus were ignored and that his caution at a treatment favored by President Donald Trump led to his removal.

Bright had led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority since 2016 when he was reassigned last month to a narrower position at the National Institutes of Health.

In his whistleblower complaint, Bright says he raised concerns about US preparedness for coronavirus starting in January but was met with "indifference which then developed into hostility" by leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services.

I fail to see what the fuss is about since he whined that his concerns he expressed about the Chinese Virus were "ignored" and his opinions about a treatment is what led led to his removal. So freaking what!

I think there is more to the story than this.........
Typical response from the uninformed Trump base. There is probably a lot more to the story than Dr. Bright's statement, none of it good for Trump who is known for his nefarious activities.
The irony of his name being Dr. Bright.


The sheer magnitude of your willful ignorance and bias....

"""Dr. Rick Bright was the most recent Director of BARDA, which is the top-ranking position in the agency. He simultaneously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR).[3] Previously, Bright was the Director of the Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases Division within BARDA. He joined BARDA in 2010 as leader of the BARDA Influenza Division International Program. Bright worked as an adviser to the World Health Organization in the field of influenza, vaccines and therapeutics development, as well as an adviser to the U.S. Department of Defense.

The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services office responsible for procurement and development of countermeasures principally against bioterrorism, but also including chemical, nuclear and radiological threats as well as pandemic influenza and emerging diseases. BARDA reports to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and manages Project BioShield. BARDA also procures materials, such as vaccines, for the Strategic National Stockpile, and more broadly is an established interface between the U.S. Government and the biomedical industry. BARDA also manages the governmental inter-agency Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise, providing coordination across the government in development and deployment of such countermeasures."""

Wait, he was a secretary for preparedness and response? For how long? Like since obie?

So this is a cover your ass move?
He better have those notes away from his work desk. trump won't allow him to have them.

If he is smart he will have kept private notes so that trump can't prevent them from being released like he did during the impeachment.
I was thinking the same thing. The WB complaint mentions Navarro. So we know damn well if Pete is called to testify before a congressional committee Trump will stonewall again and illegally refuse to allow him to appear.

Just as he has done with Fauci and during the impeachment.

It should be illegal for any president to do this.

It's obstruction of justice.
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The irony of his name being Dr. Bright.


The sheer magnitude of your willful ignorance and bias....

"""Dr. Rick Bright was the most recent Director of BARDA, which is the top-ranking position in the agency. He simultaneously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR).[3] Previously, Bright was the Director of the Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases Division within BARDA. He joined BARDA in 2010 as leader of the BARDA Influenza Division International Program. Bright worked as an adviser to the World Health Organization in the field of influenza, vaccines and therapeutics development, as well as an adviser to the U.S. Department of Defense.

The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services office responsible for procurement and development of countermeasures principally against bioterrorism, but also including chemical, nuclear and radiological threats as well as pandemic influenza and emerging diseases. BARDA reports to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and manages Project BioShield. BARDA also procures materials, such as vaccines, for the Strategic National Stockpile, and more broadly is an established interface between the U.S. Government and the biomedical industry. BARDA also manages the governmental inter-agency Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise, providing coordination across the government in development and deployment of such countermeasures."""

Wait, he was a secretary for preparedness and response? For how long? Like since obie?

So this is a cover your ass move?
Amazing bunch of uninformed simpletons
Just another CNN hit piece.

Bright's allegations were made on live television a few minutes ago.
This has nothing to do with CNN.
Stop being such a Trumpbot.
You're going to shit yourself when you hear what this guy has to say.

Yes I watched and listened to him and his statement.

It's very damning.

Not just for trump for our nation. The reason why trump refused The WHO's tests. Which caused us not to have one or two uniform tests for the whole nation. Which resulted in we still don't have the proper testing and tracing system to combat the virus.

trump has put money, himself and his cronies before our nation the whole time.

Where did I put my fainting couch?
You are passing on this revelation just as you uninformed people always do, as Trump continues to fuck over our nation.
Just another CNN hit piece.

Bright's allegations were made on live television a few minutes ago.
This has nothing to do with CNN.
Stop being such a Trumpbot.
You're going to shit yourself when you hear what this guy has to say.

Yes I watched and listened to him and his statement.

It's very damning.

Not just for trump for our nation. The reason why trump refused The WHO's tests. Which caused us not to have one or two uniform tests for the whole nation. Which resulted in we still don't have the proper testing and tracing system to combat the virus.

trump has put money, himself and his cronies before our nation the whole time.

Where did I put my fainting couch?
You are passing on this revelation just as you uninformed people always do, as Trump continues to fuck over our nation.

Where's the beef?
That's right, you don't have any!
Enjoy your 'wish' sammiches.
Typical response from the uninformed Trump base. There is probably a lot more to the story than Dr. Bright's statement, none of it good for Trump who is known for his nefarious activities.
Two threats here.

1. We can not trust the findings of any investigation handled by an appointee of Billy the Bagman or Trump.

2. The country is already suffering from scandal fatigue as the clown car throws off one act of incompetence and corruption after another. It's overwhelming.
Just another CNN hit piece.

Bright's allegations were made on live television a few minutes ago.
This has nothing to do with CNN.
Stop being such a Trumpbot.
You're going to shit yourself when you hear what this guy has to say.

Yes I watched and listened to him and his statement.

It's very damning.

Not just for trump for our nation. The reason why trump refused The WHO's tests. Which caused us not to have one or two uniform tests for the whole nation. Which resulted in we still don't have the proper testing and tracing system to combat the virus.

trump has put money, himself and his cronies before our nation the whole time.

Where did I put my fainting couch?
You are passing on this revelation just as you uninformed people always do, as Trump continues to fuck over our nation.

Where's the beef?
That's right, you don't have any!
Enjoy your 'wish' sammiches.
When someone at the top of the totem pole files a statement about corruption and inefficiency, it has teeth.
So stop farting around and try to get a handle on the problem because it is sad for our country.
Just another CNN hit piece.

Bright's allegations were made on live television a few minutes ago.
This has nothing to do with CNN.
Stop being such a Trumpbot.
You're going to shit yourself when you hear what this guy has to say.

Yes I watched and listened to him and his statement.

It's very damning.

Not just for trump for our nation. The reason why trump refused The WHO's tests. Which caused us not to have one or two uniform tests for the whole nation. Which resulted in we still don't have the proper testing and tracing system to combat the virus.

trump has put money, himself and his cronies before our nation the whole time.

Where did I put my fainting couch?
You are passing on this revelation just as you uninformed people always do, as Trump continues to fuck over our nation.

Where's the beef?
That's right, you don't have any!
Enjoy your 'wish' sammiches.
Even after the EUA, Bright’s complaint alleged, senior Trump administration officials including members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force pushed for the drugs to be distributed more widely. After Bright leaked emails to a journalist that illustrated this push from the Trump administration, he was suspected as the source within HHS, the complaint alleged.

“HHS leadership, including Secretary Azar and Dr. Kadlec, were already gunning for Dr. Bright’s removal because of other issues he had raised about fraud, waste, and abuse, but they chose to remove him as BARDA Director within days of publication of the article about chloroquine because they suspected that he was the source,” Bright’s complaint alleged.
TDS thread 1,495
You are not the brightest rock in the pile, are you? This serious stuff, son, and I know it is hard for you to comprehend
the severity of the statement. Read about your golden boy and his shenanigans instead of dissing the facts.
TDS thread 1,495
You are not the brightest rock in the pile, are you? This serious stuff, son, and I know it is hard for you to comprehend
the severity of the statement. Read about your golden boy and his shenanigans instead of dissing the facts.

You are asking someone that question ?

You might want to consider just how stupid that sounds.

TDS threads are easy to comprehend.

And this one.....

Meh....been there, done that.

To bad Schitt and Pisslosi bet on a bad hand.
I think there is more to the story than this.........
Sounds about right to me. Doesn't need any more explanation. That's how Trump is. Supervisors can ALWAYS find a way to pick you apart and find fault with you if they want you out. It happened to me once. It's hell.
I have yet to see why his getting fired was illegal.
It's not a matter of legality. It's a matter of corruption.

Dr. Bright doesn't complain about corruption, he complains that he was fired over his whining statements others chose to ignore or not agree with.
If it were me, I'd be frustrated about that too. He can say "I told you so" and he was right. It's not whining if he lost his job over it.
Just another CNN hit piece.

Bright's allegations were made on live television a few minutes ago.
This has nothing to do with CNN.
Stop being such a Trumpbot.
You're going to shit yourself when you hear what this guy has to say.

Yes I watched and listened to him and his statement.

It's very damning.

Not just for trump for our nation. The reason why trump refused The WHO's tests. Which caused us not to have one or two uniform tests for the whole nation. Which resulted in we still don't have the proper testing and tracing system to combat the virus.

trump has put money, himself and his cronies before our nation the whole time.

Where did I put my fainting couch?
You are passing on this revelation just as you uninformed people always do, as Trump continues to fuck over our nation.

Where's the beef?
That's right, you don't have any!
Enjoy your 'wish' sammiches.
When someone at the top of the totem pole files a statement about corruption and inefficiency, it has teeth.
So stop farting around and try to get a handle on the problem because it is sad for our country.

What is truly sad for our Country is that Dimms daily tried to unseat a duly elected President since he got elected and as a result, set up the conditions for our Gov't to neglect National Security!
I'm not going to pretend I read it. I didn't. But I know it's complete bullshit. I'm a genius in that regard. This will go nowhere. It is designed to give the self-loathing marxist Dim shitstain some hope in its otherwise miserable existence. But, like the previous 14,590 We-GOT-him-THIS-time!!!! hoaxes, you will end up staring at that quart of antifreeze in the garage and listening to hold music on a suicide hotline.

There is no hope. This time, just do it.
trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.
Think it can't get worse?

Reports: White House coronavirus task force to wind down

"WASHINGTON (SBG) — The White House coronavirus task force is going to start winding down this month, according to reports.

"Citing senior officials, CNN reports the task force is being phased down by Memorial Day".
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

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