Another Whistleblower

He repeated what he was hearing from doctors.

The French study came out on February 15.

In early February, China added use of hydroxychloroquine in their CCP guidelines for treating the Wuhan virus.:

There are a lot of sources telling the experts about the great successes coming from hydroxychloroquine. For you to link articles about what Fox News talking heads said after the President discussed it alongside other drugs is blatantly dishonest and is a symptom of a new disease, known to be a side-effect of Trump Derangement Syndrome: Fox News Derangement Syndrome. Similar to how the Wuhan virus can cause your taste and smell to not work, Fox News Derangement Syndrome causes your reading and hearing and cognizant functions to not work. You could actually be hit in the head by a 2x4 of truth and you'd not feel a thing.
Had Obama been president during this pandemic, millions would likely be dead.

Had Obama been President during this pandemic, he wouldn't have sold all of your PPE's to China.

He wouldn't have pulled his CDC people out the Wuhan Lab and would have know exactly what was happening in Wuhan when it happened, and he would have prepared.

The last worldwide pandemic, which occured as Obama was dealing with the economic crash in the first months of his presidency in 2009, there were a minimum of 151,700 deaths over a 12 month period, of which 12,469 happened in the USA. Some estimates place the worldwide death toll at 575,000 deaths, but let's go with the lower number.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

And this guy has already been shown to be a liar.....

Hydroxychloriquine has been around for decades and I know someone who uses it daily for another condition..........for the amount of time Chinese Flu sufferers will use it, it isn't dangerous to their hearts.........this guy is a moron looking for a payout.

My sister takes the drug for one of a number of conditions which she lives with, none of which are a flu virus. The drug is a very dangerous drug to take for a virus which attacks the heart and lungs like this one.

The VA found 29% more people given the drug died after being given the drug, than lived without it. That it exaserbated the damage being done to hearts by the virus. They STOPPED THE TRIAL imposed by the Trump Administration to stop the deaths.

Yeah, already heard how dumb that study was so sell that crap somewhere else.

You’re already denying the facts. The CDC has now issued warnings against using the “miracle cure” due to the number of heart problems it was causing.

As always Trumpians consistently call every stupid idea out of Trump’s mouth as true and correct.

Thats why Trump has the highest rate of infection and death in the world. Because he makes such good decisions.

The democrat party and their supporters are completely paid for by China.......joe biden and his family are on the hook to the Chinese, and the clintons have been on the Chinese payroll since the 1990s so you know obama was there sucking up their money and bowing to their "superiority" for his whole doofus.

Do you moron, that after the failed H1N1 response, obama failed to restock the PPE supply for the you realize that, you dumb ass?
Had Obama been president during this pandemic, millions would likely be dead.

Had Obama been President during this pandemic, he wouldn't have sold all of your PPE's to China.

He wouldn't have pulled his CDC people out the Wuhan Lab and would have know exactly what was happening in Wuhan when it happened, and he would have prepared.

The last worldwide pandemic, which occured as Obama was dealing with the economic crash in the first months of his presidency in 2009, there were a minimum of 151,700 deaths over a 12 month period, of which 12,469 happened in the USA. Some estimates place the worldwide death toll at 575,000 deaths, but let's go with the lower number.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

And this guy has already been shown to be a liar.....

Hydroxychloriquine has been around for decades and I know someone who uses it daily for another condition..........for the amount of time Chinese Flu sufferers will use it, it isn't dangerous to their hearts.........this guy is a moron looking for a payout.

My sister takes the drug for one of a number of conditions which she lives with, none of which are a flu virus. The drug is a very dangerous drug to take for a virus which attacks the heart and lungs like this one.

The VA found 29% more people given the drug died after being given the drug, than lived without it. That it exaserbated the damage being done to hearts by the virus. They STOPPED THE TRIAL imposed by the Trump Administration to stop the deaths.

Yeah, already heard how dumb that study was so sell that crap somewhere else.

You’re already denying the facts. The CDC has now issued warnings against using the “miracle cure” due to the number of heart problems it was causing.

As always Trumpians consistently call every stupid idea out of Trump’s mouth as true and correct.

Thats why Trump has the highest rate of infection and death in the world. Because he makes such good decisions.

Moron, hydroxychloroquine has been in use for over 50 has been used to actually treat patients....the few days people will be on it for the Chinese Flu is nothing compared to people who have been on it for dumb ass.
The French study came out on February 15.
And was totally bunk.

In early February, China added use of hydroxychloroquine in their CCP guidelines for treating the Wuhan virus.:
So? That's not evidence it works.

There are a lot of sources telling the experts about the great successes coming from hydroxychloroquine.
Which means exactly nothing. Those are anecdotes.

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