Another Whistleblower

This might be legit.....this guy has no ax to grind. :rolleyes-41:


"Bright was ousted by the HHS last month, and The New York Times reported that Bright claimed he was fired for resisting the White House's push to use the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus, despite a lack of robust evidence proving its effectiveness."""

I can't wait for the transcript of his comments is online.

It was jaw-dropping to listen to.

It's scorched earth stuff, Trump is going to explode. Because this is a scientist and he keeps notes! LOVE IT!

I have yet to see why his getting fired was illegal.

Who said he firing was illegal..

There is a number of transgressions that could have happened.

This is an old Trump ploy, they try ans say what they are not guilty of first...
Read the WB complaint, nitwit.

I did:

“potentially harmful drugs

Have you read / heard all the different 'POTENTIALLY harmful' side-effects of FDA-approved drugs out on the market?

"This product has been proven to lower cholesterol, but side effects MAY include rashes, itching, swelling, blue balls, rectal bleeding, heart palpitations, hot flashes, cold sweats, delusion, delirium, dementia, hallucinations, the sudden urge to vote 'Democrat', the sudden urge to sniff children's hair, TDS, PMS, STDs, etc......"


deflection, comrade. There are little side effects if used properly, that's what 75 years of use has shown. But, your silence on whether you would use it, or not is deafening. Yeah, you would want to live.

And Democrats / snowflakes freaked out as if the President was implying the drug should be handed out over the counter, instead of under a doctor's supervision as it is. Geesh.
Read the WB complaint, nitwit.

Bright asserts in the complaint that he resisted pressure from HHS political leadership to make “potentially harmful drugs widely available,” including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which Trump has repeatedly heralded, and urged people to take both from his Twitter account and the White House podium. The president’s associates, including Fox host Laura Ingraham and Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani have also pushed the drug as a treatment for covid-19 in private Oval Office meetings and phone calls.

Nothing but lies, murderous lies at that. Everything the President has said is online and available. Provide any link showing him saying it should be taken outside of a doctor's care. If you don't show it, then you admit you're a liar.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

And this guy has already been shown to be a liar.....

Hydroxychloriquine has been around for decades and I know someone who uses it daily for another condition..........for the amount of time Chinese Flu sufferers will use it, it isn't dangerous to their hearts.........this guy is a moron looking for a payout.
deflection, comrade. There are little side effects if used properly, that's what 75 years of use has shown. But, your silence on whether you would use it, or not is deafening. Yeah, you would want to live.

And Democrats / snowflakes freaked out as if the President was implying the drug should be handed out over the counter, instead of under a doctor's supervision as it is. Geesh.
Read the WB complaint, nitwit.

Bright asserts in the complaint that he resisted pressure from HHS political leadership to make “potentially harmful drugs widely available,” including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which Trump has repeatedly heralded, and urged people to take both from his Twitter account and the White House podium. The president’s associates, including Fox host Laura Ingraham and Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani have also pushed the drug as a treatment for covid-19 in private Oval Office meetings and phone calls.

And a whistleblower is not someone who goes to the press to publicly attack his boss for the things the boss openly says or does and for which the whistleblower supported the boss until he figured out he was going to get fired.

The whisleblower law protects people who are witnesses to violations of law by government who go to the inspector general of their department and then the inspector general, if he determines the complaint is valid, goes to Congress. There's nothing in the whistleblower law about CNN.
deflection, comrade. There are little side effects if used properly, that's what 75 years of use has shown. But, your silence on whether you would use it, or not is deafening. Yeah, you would want to live.

And Democrats / snowflakes freaked out as if the President was implying the drug should be handed out over the counter, instead of under a doctor's supervision as it is. Geesh.
Read the WB complaint, nitwit.

Bright asserts in the complaint that he resisted pressure from HHS political leadership to make “potentially harmful drugs widely available,” including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which Trump has repeatedly heralded, and urged people to take both from his Twitter account and the White House podium. The president’s associates, including Fox host Laura Ingraham and Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani have also pushed the drug as a treatment for covid-19 in private Oval Office meetings and phone calls.

Nothing but lies, murderous lies at that. Everything the President has said is online and available. Provide any link showing him saying it should be taken outside of a doctor's care. If you don't show it, then you admit you're a liar.
No evidence of clinical efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 infection with oxygen requirement: results of a study using routinely collected data to emulate a target trial
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

The senate finished the trial with verdict on February 5th.

trump could have started doing his job to protect the nation and our people then.

Instead he went on a rampage too get revenge on people who he perceived as his enemies.

Instead he held his rallies.

Instead he went golfing.

Instead he called the virus a democrat hoax, it would be miraculously be gone by April, that China did a good job with the virus and notifying the world and anyone who contradicted him he either fired or attacked.

At one point he called the governor of my state a snake, proudly declared he wouldn't take his calls and advised pence not to take his calls.

Then a few weeks later when my state was the first state to show a flattening of cases, trump called my state a success story.

He told the nation only he could solved the mess then when the nation looked to him to solve the mess he created, he refused to help, said the states are on their own and takes no responsibility.

Impeachment stopped him from protecting our nation? You're saying that trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

That's just a very lame excuse for the long string of very horrible choices trump has made from the very beginning of all of this. He has been wrong on everything. Not one thing he has said or done has been right through all of this.

The sad thing, the people of America are the ones who are paying for all his horrible choices, selfishness and irresponsibility.
He closed up China when you were calling him a racist. He saved so many lives.

Thank God we didn't listen to you. We'd have a million dead now.

You hurt your country so bad with this Russia hoax and impeachment. I'd kill myself if I thought like you.

I couldn't get past the lies in the first sentence. Seriously, I didn't even finish reading your first sentence. When I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe one word after that so there's no reason to keep reading.

trump most certainly didn't close up China. He allowed 11 exemptions which allowed over 40 thousand people from China to come and enter America. That's not closing up anything.

I actually support closing the borders for the virus. I don't believe it's racist to protect our nation from a virus.

My problem was he DIDN'T close the border and ban China. As I posted, he included 11 exemptions which allowed over 40 thousand to come here from China. He did it way too late too. He should have done it when he first learned about the virus in November.

Only banning China wasn't enough. The virus came here from Europe too. He waited way too long to cut off anyone coming here. When he called people back from all over the world, he did NOTHING to check anyone for the virus which allowed it to run rampant all over our nation.

As for me calling someone racist? BULLSHIT. I call people morons, far right radical extremists, stupid but I have NEVER called anyone a racist. It's unproductive and a waste of time. People who are racists are very proud of that fact and there's no reason to point it out.

So take your BS lies to someone with no working braincells. Which isn't me.

Don't bother to reply to this. I won't read it. It's a waste of time to read words from a liar.
The whisleblower law protects people who are witnesses to violations of law by government who go to the inspector general of their department and then the inspector general, if he determines the complaint is valid, goes to Congress. There's nothing in the whistleblower law about CNN.

Snowflakes continue to add-on / expand the Whistle Blower Law as they deem necessary to accuse President Trump of criminal actions and to attack him.

D-Schiff and Dragonlady both declared the law afforded Whistle Blowers ANONYMITY. DL continued to demand this to be true even after I posted the link to the law and the exact verbiage contained in the Law showing she and Schiff were WRONG.

The person who came forward and contacted Schiff's team did not even meet the law's requirement to be considered a Whistle this clown...but Dems / the MSM / snowflakes still like to use the term because people immediately think of a crime when the term is used.

Much like with the Dems Impeachment, there is no crime, no evidence, and no 'whistle blowers' here...
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Blood On Their Hands:
World Renowned Doctors Release Studies Supporting
Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for Coronavirus as


Better yet, who DIDN'T? :p

deflection, comrade. There are little side effects if used properly, that's what 75 years of use has shown. But, your silence on whether you would use it, or not is deafening. Yeah, you would want to live.

And Democrats / snowflakes freaked out as if the President was implying the drug should be handed out over the counter, instead of under a doctor's supervision as it is. Geesh.
Read the WB complaint, nitwit.

Bright asserts in the complaint that he resisted pressure from HHS political leadership to make “potentially harmful drugs widely available,” including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which Trump has repeatedly heralded, and urged people to take both from his Twitter account and the White House podium. The president’s associates, including Fox host Laura Ingraham and Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani have also pushed the drug as a treatment for covid-19 in private Oval Office meetings and phone calls.

Nothing but lies, murderous lies at that. Everything the President has said is online and available. Provide any link showing him saying it should be taken outside of a doctor's care. If you don't show it, then you admit you're a liar.
No evidence of clinical efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 infection with oxygen requirement: results of a study using routinely collected data to emulate a target trial

From the comments on that study (the original data from the study is not available for review):

The are several problems with this study. There are marked differences in the two populations. The study honestly attempts to accommodate these confounding factors using a propensity score method (IPTW). Normally this method is valuable but here I can’t see that it has been well applied.

It pays to look at the raw data. There is a significant difference (between the two arms) in the initial intensity of disease.

At baseline (admission), HCQ arm comprises 78.3% men (>20% more of these higher risk patients than control arm with 64.9%); HCQ arm has 21.9% patients with more severe disease in the form of CT showing >50% lung affected). This is >80% more than in control arm (12.1%). HCQ arm has 90.5% patients with CRP > 40mg/l (CRP is a good indicator of impending/current severity). This is 10% higher than control arm (81.9%). HCQ arm had median O2 flow on admission = 3 litres/minute (50% higher than control arm at 2 litres / minute).

So, at baseline, the HCQ arm had significantly more patients with severe disease than control arm. The O2 flow is actually more significant than first sight would suggest. 2 l/m is always the first step in O2 therapy. The data shows us that most patients in the control arm could hold their sats on this first step therapy. This also means they may have been OK on just 1 l/m. We don't know. But we do know that most patients in the HQN could not hold their sats at that first step and needed an increase (3 l/m ... so that's 50-300% more O2 than control arm).

Admittedly there were other confounding factors which compromised the control arm more than HCQ arm (some chronic disease elements). But it's clear to me that disease severity was markedly more established in the HCQ arm.

This is an unpublished, unvalidated study. It's funny how the Trump haters challenge doctor's real-world experience as anecdotal and not randomized, double-blind, peer-reviewed, commercially and patent-supported, data when challenging hydroxychloroquine but they don't care a bit about any of those study details, except the commercially (as in donor) and patent-supported part.

In other places (I haven't had time to get far into the hydroxychloroquine debate yet since coming here) leftists have sung the praises of Remdesivir (a patent-protected, donor funded drug) while trashing the off-patent, inexpensive, hydroxychloroquine.

The sheeple on the left do not understand the reasoning behind the cries from their political masters to stop using the cheap drug.

In the very same press conference on March 19, where Trump mentioned hydroxychloroquine he also mentioned Remdesivir - and yet, not a bit of a cry against him for mentioning Remdesivir. He also mentioned plasma based treatments and not a bit of a cry against him for that.

Not one iota of the Deep State and the Democratic outcry against the non-patent drug has been applied to his very equal mention of the patent (as in donor) protected drug - and that in spite of the fact that, at the time, doctors had actually witnessed great improvements in patient condition using hydroxychloroquine while Remdesivir was still being used only in vitro in the labs and, according to the records, no Wuhan virus patient had been given Remdesivir.

So, Trump haters, think about who's pulling your chain. You're not in control of your thoughts and your remarks. You're being played as the useful idiots that you are. Look at the facts, follow the money.

Oh, yeah.. Follow the money... remember the huge uproar that Trump was going to get wealthy off of hydroxychloroquine? And then it turned out that he owned some very small amount of some abstract fund that owned another fund that owned some stock, that might yield Trump about $10.00 from the sale of hydroxychloroquine? But if you want to follow the money, investigate Gilead's millions of dollars in political donations.

Anyone arguing against hydroxychloroquine is nothing more than a useful idiot, a murderous useful idiot at that.
I recommend picking up a reading of the WB complaint on page 61.
Those of us with out advanced degrees in medicine, who relies on a preference for right or left wing propaganda in making decisions on a life threating virus, should consider stepping back until their is a medical NOT political consensus on what works or doesn't.
Those of us with out advanced degrees in medicine, who relies on a preference for right or left wing propaganda in making decisions on a life threating virus, should consider stepping back until their is a medical NOT political consensus on what works or doesn't.
Too bad you didn't have the Wrecking ball-in-Chief's ear when he decided to push hydroxychloroquine because any efficacy had been clinically shown. But hey, Giuliani and Laura Ingraham recommended it so that was good enough for Capt. Clorox.
I don't know how the left sleeps at night, knowing that they're literally killing people. Even on social media, when they give comfort and support to those politicians, like the governors of New York, Nevada, and Michigan, play doctor and make deadly medical decisions purely to harm Trump. Literally tens of thousands dead not at the hands of the virus but at the hands of Democrats, including those here, who deny doctors the authority to practice the medicine for which they alone are trained.

Have you been drinking the disinfectant again...

The only one playing doctor is Trump...

Remember who said this will be all over on the first week in March...

You are so deranged in running cover for Trump you can't see the mistake after mistake he is making..

The question is... Has Trump's preparation & response to COVID-19 been the worse performance of US President ever?

Could you please cite worse with evidence..
Those of us with out advanced degrees in medicine, who relies on a preference for right or left wing propaganda in making decisions on a life threating virus, should consider stepping back until their is a medical NOT political consensus on what works or doesn't.
Too bad you didn't have the Wrecking ball-in-Chief's ear when he decided to push hydroxychloroquine because any efficacy had been clinically shown. But hey, Giuliani and Laura Ingraham recommended it so that was good enough for Capt. Clorox.
Sorry you're all butthurt over this. Not everybody believes what a schill like yourself tells them.
They think for themselves and not someone who not only has TDS, but also, schills for a foreign government.
I don't know how the left sleeps at night, knowing that they're literally killing people. Even on social media, when they give comfort and support to those politicians, like the governors of New York, Nevada, and Michigan, play doctor and make deadly medical decisions purely to harm Trump. Literally tens of thousands dead not at the hands of the virus but at the hands of Democrats, including those here, who deny doctors the authority to practice the medicine for which they alone are trained.

Have you been drinking the disinfectant again...

The only one playing doctor is Trump...

Remember who said this will be all over on the first week in March...

You are so deranged in running cover for Trump you can't see the mistake after mistake he is making..

The question is... Has Trump's preparation & response to COVID-19 been the worse performance of US President ever?

Could you please cite worse with evidence..

No, Trump isn't playing doctor. Trump did not change the behavior of any medical practitioner. He didn't force or require any doctor to do anything and he didn't prevent any doctor from doing anything. He repeated what he was hearing from doctors. He was offering hope to the American people - I know that offends the left, that people might have hope.

I would demonstrate which presidents did worse than Trump in responding to the Wuhan virus but, apparently you don't understand this, he's the only president that has prepared or responded to the Wuhan virus.

What we do know is that his predecessor used up a lot of supplies for the H1N1 and other emergencies and did not replenish them so there's worse response to those pandemics or emergencies.

Obama's fail history with the H1N1 pandemic:
On June 11, 2009, the WHO declared H1N1 a pandemic.

On October 24, 2009, 133 days later, Obama declares a national emergency

Even though the CDC was telling that there were 20+ million cases in the US by that time.

Trumps fast acting history with the Wuhan virus:
On March 11, the WHO declared the Wuhan virus a pandemic.

On March 13, just two days later, President and humanitarian Donald Trump declared a national emergency.
Had Obama been president during this pandemic, millions would likely be dead.

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