Another Whistleblower

This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

And this guy has already been shown to be a liar.....

Hydroxychloriquine has been around for decades and I know someone who uses it daily for another condition..........for the amount of time Chinese Flu sufferers will use it, it isn't dangerous to their hearts.........this guy is a moron looking for a payout.
I'm going to go with the science........
............not the Trumpshit coming out of your ass.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

And this guy has already been shown to be a liar.....

Hydroxychloriquine has been around for decades and I know someone who uses it daily for another condition..........for the amount of time Chinese Flu sufferers will use it, it isn't dangerous to their hearts.........this guy is a moron looking for a payout.

My sister takes the drug for one of a number of conditions which she lives with, none of which are a flu virus. The drug is a very dangerous drug to take for a virus which attacks the heart and lungs like this one.

The VA found 29% more people given the drug died after being given the drug, than lived without it. That it exaserbated the damage being done to hearts by the virus. They STOPPED THE TRIAL imposed by the Trump Administration to stop the deaths.
Thankfully your not president.
When this.........."I'm going to go with the science......." elicits this..........."Thankfully your not president."'s a sure sign of Trumpleton thinking.
As an original Never-Trumper until it was a choice between him and Hillary (and I was much more solidly a Never-Hillaryer than I was a Never-Trumper) I didn't come to this conclusion as a Trumpet, but I've since come to the realization that Donald Trump should be sainted Saint Donald.
I think you're just a liar following in your idol's footsteps.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

And this guy has already been shown to be a liar.....

Hydroxychloriquine has been around for decades and I know someone who uses it daily for another condition..........for the amount of time Chinese Flu sufferers will use it, it isn't dangerous to their hearts.........this guy is a moron looking for a payout.

My sister takes the drug for one of a number of conditions which she lives with, none of which are a flu virus. The drug is a very dangerous drug to take for a virus which attacks the heart and lungs like this one.

The VA found 29% more people given the drug died after being given the drug, than lived without it. That it exaserbated the damage being done to hearts by the virus. They STOPPED THE TRIAL imposed by the Trump Administration to stop the deaths.

Yeah, already heard how dumb that study was so sell that crap somewhere else.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

The WHO said it wasn’t transmitted between people in mid-January.

All information on it was speculative since the only info was from China. There is always someone claiming a virus will be the next doomsday pandemic.

Even today scientists can’t give us all the facts about this virus.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Come on! Trump has more people gunning for him in this world then anyone in history. He represents if not freedom, a return to a nation that takes care of itself with its own rules and laws. That is not popular to those who have made a good living with other thoughts on the subject. Trump is most likely one of the most squeaky clean people going. At least from the time he was elected or before.

As an original Never-Trumper until it was a choice between him and Hillary (and I was much more solidly a Never-Hillaryer than I was a Never-Trumper) I didn't come to this conclusion as a Trumpet, but I've since come to the realization that Donald Trump should be sainted Saint Donald.

It's often been written and said that no person can withstand the scrutiny of the Federal Government if they want to destroy you and convict you of a felony - ask General Flynn if you don't believe me. Not even Mother Teresa could withstand the weight of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DIA, and the Whitehouse, trying to find a felony with which to charge her, let alone convict her. Yet, St. Donald survived all of that without a single charge or accusation from the radical, hard-core, liberal, pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, FBI leadership and the Mueller investigation.

Long live, Saint Donald!
None pf this is true. He got impeached and even as the republican senate knew he should be convicted they voted not to convict. This latest bomb is going to do great damage to trump.
Thanks for you non partisan opinion. :laughing0301:
He was acquitted of that....that is the facts and not your opinion.
He was impeached. And republicans admitted that he did it but voted not to convict. I am sure that if Clinton had been president and refused to let people testify you'd say she was not guilty an acquitted. And spare me your whining about partisanship while you steady suck trumps dick.
No...he was acquitted, IM2. Republicans, or republican? Funny how you twist the facts to fit your mantra.
By the way you know as well as I do that it was a hoax, you just don't have the integrity to admit it.
He was impeached. He was not convicted. Republicans know he did it but voted not to convict. Republicans are complicit in a cover up. Witnesses and information was blocked by the president. If those things had been exculpatory he would not have blocked them. There was no hoax and you know it.
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They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

The senate finished the trial with verdict on February 5th.

trump could have started doing his job to protect the nation and our people then.

Instead he went on a rampage too get revenge on people who he perceived as his enemies.

Instead he held his rallies.

Instead he went golfing.

Instead he called the virus a democrat hoax, it would be miraculously be gone by April, that China did a good job with the virus and notifying the world and anyone who contradicted him he either fired or attacked.

At one point he called the governor of my state a snake, proudly declared he wouldn't take his calls and advised pence not to take his calls.

Then a few weeks later when my state was the first state to show a flattening of cases, trump called my state a success story.

He told the nation only he could solved the mess then when the nation looked to him to solve the mess he created, he refused to help, said the states are on their own and takes no responsibility.

Impeachment stopped him from protecting our nation? You're saying that trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

That's just a very lame excuse for the long string of very horrible choices trump has made from the very beginning of all of this. He has been wrong on everything. Not one thing he has said or done has been right through all of this.

The sad thing, the people of America are the ones who are paying for all his horrible choices, selfishness and irresponsibility.
He closed up China when you were calling him a racist. He saved so many lives.

Thank God we didn't listen to you. We'd have a million dead now.

You hurt your country so bad with this Russia hoax and impeachment. I'd kill myself if I thought like you.
Over 40,000 people still showed up from china after he claimed he closed it. Really, you guys need to stop repeating trumps lies.
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This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

The WHO said it wasn’t transmitted between people in mid-January.

All information on it was speculative since the only info was from China. There is always someone claiming a virus will be the next doomsday pandemic.

Even today scientists can’t give us all the facts about this virus.
They are investigating the possibility that the disease was spread earlier than previously believed.
WHO urges countries to investigate early COVID-19 cases
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Are you saying the Whistleblower didn't file a compliant?
Are you saying that the man in charge of finding a cure was fired because he didn't take a drug with no evidence of being a cure and are friends of the President. Do you think this is not newsworthy?
So if it not untrue and is newsworthy, that is not a hit piece... It is called the truth...
He was supposed to be working on the hydroxychloroquine cure. He screwed up when he refused. That Bright guy is not very bright.
Are you saying the Whistleblower didn't file a compliant?
Are you saying that the man in charge of finding a cure was fired because he didn't take a drug with no evidence of being a cure and are friends of the President. Do you think this is not newsworthy?
So if it not untrue and is newsworthy, that is not a hit piece... It is called the truth...
He was supposed to be working on the hydroxychloroquine cure. He screwed up when he refused. That Bright guy is not very bright.
Too many distractions.
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

The senate finished the trial with verdict on February 5th.

trump could have started doing his job to protect the nation and our people then.

Instead he went on a rampage too get revenge on people who he perceived as his enemies.

Instead he held his rallies.

Instead he went golfing.

Instead he called the virus a democrat hoax, it would be miraculously be gone by April, that China did a good job with the virus and notifying the world and anyone who contradicted him he either fired or attacked.

At one point he called the governor of my state a snake, proudly declared he wouldn't take his calls and advised pence not to take his calls.

Then a few weeks later when my state was the first state to show a flattening of cases, trump called my state a success story.

He told the nation only he could solved the mess then when the nation looked to him to solve the mess he created, he refused to help, said the states are on their own and takes no responsibility.

Impeachment stopped him from protecting our nation? You're saying that trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

That's just a very lame excuse for the long string of very horrible choices trump has made from the very beginning of all of this. He has been wrong on everything. Not one thing he has said or done has been right through all of this.

The sad thing, the people of America are the ones who are paying for all his horrible choices, selfishness and irresponsibility.
He closed up China when you were calling him a racist. He saved so many lives.

Thank God we didn't listen to you. We'd have a million dead now.

You hurt your country so bad with this Russia hoax and impeachment. I'd kill myself if I thought like you.
Over 40,000 people still showed up from china after he claimed he closed it. Really, you guys need to stop repeating trumps lies.
They were American citizens out of the country already. Must be horrible to live a life full of lies. Shame on your parents if you had any.
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

The senate finished the trial with verdict on February 5th.

trump could have started doing his job to protect the nation and our people then.

Instead he went on a rampage too get revenge on people who he perceived as his enemies.

Instead he held his rallies.

Instead he went golfing.

Instead he called the virus a democrat hoax, it would be miraculously be gone by April, that China did a good job with the virus and notifying the world and anyone who contradicted him he either fired or attacked.

At one point he called the governor of my state a snake, proudly declared he wouldn't take his calls and advised pence not to take his calls.

Then a few weeks later when my state was the first state to show a flattening of cases, trump called my state a success story.

He told the nation only he could solved the mess then when the nation looked to him to solve the mess he created, he refused to help, said the states are on their own and takes no responsibility.

Impeachment stopped him from protecting our nation? You're saying that trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

That's just a very lame excuse for the long string of very horrible choices trump has made from the very beginning of all of this. He has been wrong on everything. Not one thing he has said or done has been right through all of this.

The sad thing, the people of America are the ones who are paying for all his horrible choices, selfishness and irresponsibility.
He closed up China when you were calling him a racist. He saved so many lives.

Thank God we didn't listen to you. We'd have a million dead now.

You hurt your country so bad with this Russia hoax and impeachment. I'd kill myself if I thought like you.

I couldn't get past the lies in the first sentence. Seriously, I didn't even finish reading your first sentence. When I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe one word after that so there's no reason to keep reading.

trump most certainly didn't close up China. He allowed 11 exemptions which allowed over 40 thousand people from China to come and enter America. That's not closing up anything.

I actually support closing the borders for the virus. I don't believe it's racist to protect our nation from a virus.

My problem was he DIDN'T close the border and ban China. As I posted, he included 11 exemptions which allowed over 40 thousand to come here from China. He did it way too late too. He should have done it when he first learned about the virus in November.

Only banning China wasn't enough. The virus came here from Europe too. He waited way too long to cut off anyone coming here. When he called people back from all over the world, he did NOTHING to check anyone for the virus which allowed it to run rampant all over our nation.

As for me calling someone racist? BULLSHIT. I call people morons, far right radical extremists, stupid but I have NEVER called anyone a racist. It's unproductive and a waste of time. People who are racists are very proud of that fact and there's no reason to point it out.

So take your BS lies to someone with no working braincells. Which isn't me.

Don't bother to reply to this. I won't read it. It's a waste of time to read words from a liar.
You're parents either hate your guts or they are total fools for raising a liar like you.

THEY Were AMERICAN CITIZENS. Touching your big toes on both your ears is your expertise.
I find it to believe how hateful you are as a human. Most libs have terrible personal lives. You're dripping in it fella.
Your worthless, fantastical speculation is noted and dismissed.
You know you slaved for a boss your whole life in a shit job. Seen as million bitter punks like you. You're parents either hate your guts or are fools.
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

The senate finished the trial with verdict on February 5th.

trump could have started doing his job to protect the nation and our people then.

Instead he went on a rampage too get revenge on people who he perceived as his enemies.

Instead he held his rallies.

Instead he went golfing.

Instead he called the virus a democrat hoax, it would be miraculously be gone by April, that China did a good job with the virus and notifying the world and anyone who contradicted him he either fired or attacked.

At one point he called the governor of my state a snake, proudly declared he wouldn't take his calls and advised pence not to take his calls.

Then a few weeks later when my state was the first state to show a flattening of cases, trump called my state a success story.

He told the nation only he could solved the mess then when the nation looked to him to solve the mess he created, he refused to help, said the states are on their own and takes no responsibility.

Impeachment stopped him from protecting our nation? You're saying that trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

That's just a very lame excuse for the long string of very horrible choices trump has made from the very beginning of all of this. He has been wrong on everything. Not one thing he has said or done has been right through all of this.

The sad thing, the people of America are the ones who are paying for all his horrible choices, selfishness and irresponsibility.
He closed up China when you were calling him a racist. He saved so many lives.

Thank God we didn't listen to you. We'd have a million dead now.

You hurt your country so bad with this Russia hoax and impeachment. I'd kill myself if I thought like you.
Over 40,000 people still showed up from china after he claimed he closed it. Really, you guys need to stop repeating trumps lies.
They were American citizens out of the country already. Must be horrible to live a life full of lies. Shame on your parents if you had any.
If they came from China or another country that was hit hard, they should have been placed in quarantine immediately.

Also, if they had a job and residence permit elsewhere and were just coming to visit their relatives or whatever, they should have been discouraged from doing so.
Had Obama been president during this pandemic, millions would likely be dead.

Had Obama been President during this pandemic, he wouldn't have sold all of your PPE's to China.

He wouldn't have pulled his CDC people out the Wuhan Lab and would have know exactly what was happening in Wuhan when it happened, and he would have prepared.

The last worldwide pandemic, which occured as Obama was dealing with the economic crash in the first months of his presidency in 2009, there were a minimum of 151,700 deaths over a 12 month period, of which 12,469 happened in the USA. Some estimates place the worldwide death toll at 575,000 deaths, but let's go with the lower number.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

And this guy has already been shown to be a liar.....

Hydroxychloriquine has been around for decades and I know someone who uses it daily for another condition..........for the amount of time Chinese Flu sufferers will use it, it isn't dangerous to their hearts.........this guy is a moron looking for a payout.

My sister takes the drug for one of a number of conditions which she lives with, none of which are a flu virus. The drug is a very dangerous drug to take for a virus which attacks the heart and lungs like this one.

The VA found 29% more people given the drug died after being given the drug, than lived without it. That it exaserbated the damage being done to hearts by the virus. They STOPPED THE TRIAL imposed by the Trump Administration to stop the deaths.

Yeah, already heard how dumb that study was so sell that crap somewhere else.

You’re already denying the facts. The CDC has now issued warnings against using the “miracle cure” due to the number of heart problems it was causing.

As always Trumpians consistently call every stupid idea out of Trump’s mouth as true and correct.

Thats why Trump has the highest rate of infection and death in the world. Because he makes such good decisions.
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