Another Whistleblower

This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Come on! Trump has more people gunning for him in this world then anyone in history. He represents if not freedom, a return to a nation that takes care of itself with its own rules and laws. That is not popular to those who have made a good living with other thoughts on the subject. Trump is most likely one of the most squeaky clean people going. At least from the time he was elected or before.
He represents criminality and corruption. That's what he represents. And it's proven.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Come on! Trump has more people gunning for him in this world then anyone in history. He represents if not freedom, a return to a nation that takes care of itself with its own rules and laws. That is not popular to those who have made a good living with other thoughts on the subject. Trump is most likely one of the most squeaky clean people going. At least from the time he was elected or before.

As an original Never-Trumper until it was a choice between him and Hillary (and I was much more solidly a Never-Hillaryer than I was a Never-Trumper) I didn't come to this conclusion as a Trumpet, but I've since come to the realization that Donald Trump should be sainted Saint Donald.

It's often been written and said that no person can withstand the scrutiny of the Federal Government if they want to destroy you and convict you of a felony - ask General Flynn if you don't believe me. Not even Mother Teresa could withstand the weight of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DIA, and the Whitehouse, trying to find a felony with which to charge her, let alone convict her. Yet, St. Donald survived all of that without a single charge or accusation from the radical, hard-core, liberal, pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, FBI leadership and the Mueller investigation.

Long live, Saint Donald!
None pf this is true. He got impeached and even as the republican senate knew he should be convicted they voted not to convict. This latest bomb is going to do great damage to trump.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Come on! Trump has more people gunning for him in this world then anyone in history. He represents if not freedom, a return to a nation that takes care of itself with its own rules and laws. That is not popular to those who have made a good living with other thoughts on the subject. Trump is most likely one of the most squeaky clean people going. At least from the time he was elected or before.

As an original Never-Trumper until it was a choice between him and Hillary (and I was much more solidly a Never-Hillaryer than I was a Never-Trumper) I didn't come to this conclusion as a Trumpet, but I've since come to the realization that Donald Trump should be sainted Saint Donald.

It's often been written and said that no person can withstand the scrutiny of the Federal Government if they want to destroy you and convict you of a felony - ask General Flynn if you don't believe me. Not even Mother Teresa could withstand the weight of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DIA, and the Whitehouse, trying to find a felony with which to charge her, let alone convict her. Yet, St. Donald survived all of that without a single charge or accusation from the radical, hard-core, liberal, pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, FBI leadership and the Mueller investigation.

Long live, Saint Donald!
None pf this is true. He got impeached and even as the republican senate knew he should be convicted they voted not to convict. This latest bomb is going to do great damage to trump.
You know, even my very conservative hairdresser is feeling sorry for our Dem governor and says she REALLY likes Cuomo. I nearly dropped my teeth.

There are a lot of conservatives I know who are saying less and less about the Pres and more and more about Dems that are working hard to get this thing under control.

The evidence this Bright presents won't matter a damn to the Trumptards, but I think more people who are usually steady Republicans are open to hearing news about Trump.
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And yet hydroxychloroquine is still being used successfully.
No it isn't, dummy. See? See what Trump has done to your brain?
Yeah, yeah it is, which just goes to show that you don't know what the fuck your talking usual.
You just keep making shit up as you go along,,,,everyone knows it.

Hydroxychloroquine, the much-touted, much-maligned drug initially championed by President Trump as a “game changer” against the coronavirus, but which was later shown to have potential risks to patients, is still being used to combat the pandemic in hospitals across the country.

Doctors at Yale New Haven Health continue to include hydroxychloroquine as a part of its initial treatment protocol for COVID-19 patients, MedScape reported Friday. The drug is given to patients for five days along with the arthritis medication tocilizumab to treat severe cases.

This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Come on! Trump has more people gunning for him in this world then anyone in history. He represents if not freedom, a return to a nation that takes care of itself with its own rules and laws. That is not popular to those who have made a good living with other thoughts on the subject. Trump is most likely one of the most squeaky clean people going. At least from the time he was elected or before.

As an original Never-Trumper until it was a choice between him and Hillary (and I was much more solidly a Never-Hillaryer than I was a Never-Trumper) I didn't come to this conclusion as a Trumpet, but I've since come to the realization that Donald Trump should be sainted Saint Donald.

It's often been written and said that no person can withstand the scrutiny of the Federal Government if they want to destroy you and convict you of a felony - ask General Flynn if you don't believe me. Not even Mother Teresa could withstand the weight of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DIA, and the Whitehouse, trying to find a felony with which to charge her, let alone convict her. Yet, St. Donald survived all of that without a single charge or accusation from the radical, hard-core, liberal, pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, FBI leadership and the Mueller investigation.

Long live, Saint Donald!
None pf this is true. He got impeached and even as the republican senate knew he should be convicted they voted not to convict. This latest bomb is going to do great damage to trump.
Thanks for you non partisan opinion. :laughing0301:
He was acquitted of that....that is the facts and not your opinion.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Come on! Trump has more people gunning for him in this world then anyone in history. He represents if not freedom, a return to a nation that takes care of itself with its own rules and laws. That is not popular to those who have made a good living with other thoughts on the subject. Trump is most likely one of the most squeaky clean people going. At least from the time he was elected or before.

As an original Never-Trumper until it was a choice between him and Hillary (and I was much more solidly a Never-Hillaryer than I was a Never-Trumper) I didn't come to this conclusion as a Trumpet, but I've since come to the realization that Donald Trump should be sainted Saint Donald.

It's often been written and said that no person can withstand the scrutiny of the Federal Government if they want to destroy you and convict you of a felony - ask General Flynn if you don't believe me. Not even Mother Teresa could withstand the weight of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DIA, and the Whitehouse, trying to find a felony with which to charge her, let alone convict her. Yet, St. Donald survived all of that without a single charge or accusation from the radical, hard-core, liberal, pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, FBI leadership and the Mueller investigation.

Long live, Saint Donald!
None pf this is true. He got impeached and even as the republican senate knew he should be convicted they voted not to convict. This latest bomb is going to do great damage to trump.
Thanks for you non partisan opinion. :laughing0301:
He was acquitted of that....that is the facts and not your opinion.
He was impeached. And republicans admitted that he did it but voted not to convict. I am sure that if Clinton had been president and refused to let people testify you'd say she was not guilty an acquitted. And spare me your whining about partisanship while you steady suck trumps dick.
This isn't good.

I could careless about trump.

This isn't good for our nation. This man is blowing whistles about what is happening in our government in regard to actual cures and treatments for the virus.

trump is putting money for him and his cronies before science. He's removed the lead of the team that's working to find a cure and treatments only because that man wouldn't promote a drug trump wanted promoted. One that shows isn't a cure and puts people's lives in jeopardy causing heart failure.

Come on! Trump has more people gunning for him in this world then anyone in history. He represents if not freedom, a return to a nation that takes care of itself with its own rules and laws. That is not popular to those who have made a good living with other thoughts on the subject. Trump is most likely one of the most squeaky clean people going. At least from the time he was elected or before.

As an original Never-Trumper until it was a choice between him and Hillary (and I was much more solidly a Never-Hillaryer than I was a Never-Trumper) I didn't come to this conclusion as a Trumpet, but I've since come to the realization that Donald Trump should be sainted Saint Donald.

It's often been written and said that no person can withstand the scrutiny of the Federal Government if they want to destroy you and convict you of a felony - ask General Flynn if you don't believe me. Not even Mother Teresa could withstand the weight of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DIA, and the Whitehouse, trying to find a felony with which to charge her, let alone convict her. Yet, St. Donald survived all of that without a single charge or accusation from the radical, hard-core, liberal, pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, FBI leadership and the Mueller investigation.

Long live, Saint Donald!
None pf this is true. He got impeached and even as the republican senate knew he should be convicted they voted not to convict. This latest bomb is going to do great damage to trump.
Thanks for you non partisan opinion. :laughing0301:
He was acquitted of that....that is the facts and not your opinion.
He was impeached. And republicans admitted that he did it but voted not to convict. I am sure that if Clinton had been president and refused to let people testify you'd say she was not guilty an acquitted. And spare me your whining about partisanship while you steady suck trumps dick.
No...he was acquitted, IM2. Republicans, or republican? Funny how you twist the facts to fit your mantra.
By the way you know as well as I do that it was a hoax, you just don't have the integrity to admit it.
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

The senate finished the trial with verdict on February 5th.

trump could have started doing his job to protect the nation and our people then.

Instead he went on a rampage too get revenge on people who he perceived as his enemies.

Instead he held his rallies.

Instead he went golfing.

Instead he called the virus a democrat hoax, it would be miraculously be gone by April, that China did a good job with the virus and notifying the world and anyone who contradicted him he either fired or attacked.

At one point he called the governor of my state a snake, proudly declared he wouldn't take his calls and advised pence not to take his calls.

Then a few weeks later when my state was the first state to show a flattening of cases, trump called my state a success story.

He told the nation only he could solved the mess then when the nation looked to him to solve the mess he created, he refused to help, said the states are on their own and takes no responsibility.

Impeachment stopped him from protecting our nation? You're saying that trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

That's just a very lame excuse for the long string of very horrible choices trump has made from the very beginning of all of this. He has been wrong on everything. Not one thing he has said or done has been right through all of this.

The sad thing, the people of America are the ones who are paying for all his horrible choices, selfishness and irresponsibility.
They seem to have forgotten that Trump was impeached.
The first president in American history to be impeached in his first term.
They haven't forgotten. They think the sham Senate trial followed by the sham vote to acquit wipes away the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.............largely based on the other WB complaint.
While you were impeaching the virus was breaching. Sen Cotton warned you people. God how do you support such winners?

The senate finished the trial with verdict on February 5th.

trump could have started doing his job to protect the nation and our people then.

Instead he went on a rampage too get revenge on people who he perceived as his enemies.

Instead he held his rallies.

Instead he went golfing.

Instead he called the virus a democrat hoax, it would be miraculously be gone by April, that China did a good job with the virus and notifying the world and anyone who contradicted him he either fired or attacked.

At one point he called the governor of my state a snake, proudly declared he wouldn't take his calls and advised pence not to take his calls.

Then a few weeks later when my state was the first state to show a flattening of cases, trump called my state a success story.

He told the nation only he could solved the mess then when the nation looked to him to solve the mess he created, he refused to help, said the states are on their own and takes no responsibility.

Impeachment stopped him from protecting our nation? You're saying that trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

That's just a very lame excuse for the long string of very horrible choices trump has made from the very beginning of all of this. He has been wrong on everything. Not one thing he has said or done has been right through all of this.

The sad thing, the people of America are the ones who are paying for all his horrible choices, selfishness and irresponsibility.
He closed up China when you were calling him a racist. He saved so many lives.

Thank God we didn't listen to you. We'd have a million dead now.

You hurt your country so bad with this Russia hoax and impeachment. I'd kill myself if I thought like you.
No...he was acquitted, IM2. Republicans, or republican? Funny how you twist the facts to fit your mantra.
The thing is, you never get anything right. The reason is simple. The lies of right wing media frequently leave a shit stain in the minds of its consumers. Or more precisely said, a memory that involves Kellyanne's alternate version of the truth.

"With Rep. Justin Amash’s (I-Mich.) vote in the House and Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-Utah) vote to convict in the Senate, the historic impeachment of President Donald Trump ended with a bipartisan tenor. But there’s an even broader bipartisan “vote” underlying the final Senate vote. It should not be missed or underestimated. A bipartisan majority of senators — including at least six Republicans – concluded that the House Managers proved their central case and that what the president did was wrong. As a result, Trump’s claim of “Exoneration!” should ring hollow.

Remember this: A bipartisan majority found that the factual allegations for Trump’s impeachment were proven. That includes: Senators Lamar Alexander, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney, and Ben Sasse."
Hydroxychloroquine, the much-touted, much-maligned drug initially championed by President Trump as a “game changer” against the coronavirus, but which was later shown to have potential risks to patients, is still being used to combat the pandemic in hospitals across the country.
I suspect leeches are still being used for medicinal purposes somewhere in the world too. So what's your fucking point?
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Hydroxychloroquine, the much-touted, much-maligned drug initially championed by President Trump as a “game changer” against the coronavirus, but which was later shown to have potential risks to patients, is still being used to combat the pandemic in hospitals across the country.
I suspect leeches are still being used for medicinal purposes somewhere in the world too. So what's your fucking point?
It still is being used and successfully in saving lives. Why would you be against a drug that does that when there isn't
anything else, comrade?
No...he was acquitted, IM2. Republicans, or republican? Funny how you twist the facts to fit your mantra.
The thing is, you never get anything right. The reason is simple. The lies of right wing media frequently leave a shit stain in the minds of its consumers. Or more precisely said, a memory that involves Kellyanne's alternate version of the truth.

"With Rep. Justin Amash’s (I-Mich.) vote in the House and Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-Utah) vote to convict in the Senate, the historic impeachment of President Donald Trump ended with a bipartisan tenor. But there’s an even broader bipartisan “vote” underlying the final Senate vote. It should not be missed or underestimated. A bipartisan majority of senators — including at least six Republicans – concluded that the House Managers proved their central case and that what the president did was wrong. As a result, Trump’s claim of “Exoneration!” should ring hollow.

Remember this: A bipartisan majority found that the factual allegations for Trump’s impeachment were proven. That includes: Senators Lamar Alexander, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney, and Ben Sasse."
Just another one of your left wing opinion pieces, and it's take on why those Senators wanted clarity before the vote.
It still is being used and successfully in saving lives.
According to what peer reviewed study?
Just the facts, comrade, just the facts.

I am willing to bet that if you came down with it in your Mother country and your Dr. said
that your prognosis wasn't looking good and suggested that would accept it.
No doubt in my mind.
Just another one of your left wing opinion pieces
From Lamar Alexander............

“I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the United States Constitution’s high bar for an impeachable offense.”

“There is no need for more evidence to prove that the president asked Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter; he said this on television on October 3, 2019, and during his July 25, 2019, telephone call with the president of Ukraine. There is no need for more evidence to conclude that the president withheld United States aid, at least in part, to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…The question then is not whether the president did it…” (Statement)

If you'd like, I can paste the other statements by the other Repub senators who acknowledged Trump was guilty but didn't think his actions rose to the level of impeachable offenses.

So, with all due respect, stick your "left wing opinion pieces" comment up your ass.
I am willing to bet that if you came down with it in your Mother country and your Dr. said
that your prognosis wasn't looking good and suggested that would accept it.
Suggesting the use of an ineffectual drug is irresponsible bordering on unethical. People being desperate to try anything to stay alive is not proof of the drug's efficacy.
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So, with all due respect, stick your "left wing opinion pieces" comment up your ass.
BTW, the next time I provide you with evidence you are full of shit you should read it before smearing more shit on your face.
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