Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

you might want to go back and listen closely to the 911 call and the transcript

and not the one doctored up to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist

and see if you can find the spot where

they told him "not to confront the kid"

He should NOT have confronted him. That was his mistake. Continue to watch him? Okay, but to get out of the car and chase him down? Sorry but that was a mistake. He should have remained in his vehicle unless the kid was doing something illegal. He had a reason to be in the community. Apparently he was visiting a relative. He was walking down the roadway which is not against the law. I don't see that there was a dire need to confront him. That was mistake #1. Mistake #2 was from the kid when he started beating up Zimmerman.

Now, if we were to be honest, BOTH were stupid.

He should NOT have confronted him. That was his mistake.

Zimmerman did not confront Martin

Martin confronted Zimmerman

that is what the evidence at the trial produced

Zimmerman left his vehicle to go follow and possibly to confront this kid. Sorry that you can't be honest about the situation. When you can look at it objectively, then we can talk. :)

and possibly to confront this kid.

prove it

What do you think "possibly" means? :rolleyes-41: Why don't you try to view this case without partisan blinders. Seriously. Zimmerman was stupid. The kid was stupid. Their combined stupidity led to this situation.

i am not partisan Zimmerman is a democrat you asswipe --LOL

however i am for the rule of law

which obviously you are not
He should NOT have confronted him. That was his mistake. Continue to watch him? Okay, but to get out of the car and chase him down? Sorry but that was a mistake. He should have remained in his vehicle unless the kid was doing something illegal. He had a reason to be in the community. Apparently he was visiting a relative. He was walking down the roadway which is not against the law. I don't see that there was a dire need to confront him. That was mistake #1. Mistake #2 was from the kid when he started beating up Zimmerman.

Now, if we were to be honest, BOTH were stupid.

He should NOT have confronted him. That was his mistake.

Zimmerman did not confront Martin

Martin confronted Zimmerman

that is what the evidence at the trial produced

Zimmerman left his vehicle to go follow and possibly to confront this kid. Sorry that you can't be honest about the situation. When you can look at it objectively, then we can talk. :)

and possibly to confront this kid.

prove it

What do you think "possibly" means? :rolleyes-41: Why don't you try to view this case without partisan blinders. Seriously. Zimmerman was stupid. The kid was stupid. Their combined stupidity led to this situation.

i am not partisan Zimmerman is a democrat you asswipe --LOL

however i am for the rule of law

which obviously you are not

Okay, I'm done with you. You are a waste.
He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!

Yeah, them Darkies should know their place. Zimmerman showed that Darkie his place, didn't he?

The Gun Nut philosophy in a nutshell.
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.
You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.

Well, no, guy. "suspicious" constituted 'being black in White People land". That's what Trayvon was doing that was "suspicious".

He wasn't stealing. He wasn't robbing. He wasn't assaulting. He was minding his own business coming back from the store.

He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!
It was plagued by break ins because the complex wasn't white people land. It was mixed which is why Trayvon's black daddy was visiting his black girlfriend who lived there.

If it was white people land it wouldn't have had so many break ins.

wonder what the break in rate is now

in that c
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

your red herring is obviously a red herring

the only evidence pertinent to the case that night

was the evidence from that night
It's obvious Joe that you will not convince me and I will not convince you. Nothing you have stated or I have stated is enough to change either opinion.

Zimmerman was not guilty, no matter how you portray him. Martin was a athletic big kid, he was the football teams best play, and jumped Zimmerman.

Martin was suspended three times in two years. When they looked into his backpack at school for a graffiti pen, they found a screwdriver that they suspected as being a robbery tool. He had women's jewelry, that he said was given to him, yet he could not name the person that game it to him. The school confiscated the jewelry and he didn't protest it, nor did anyone come forward to claim the jewelry, suspicious yes, did it mean anything :dunno:

Zimmerman was hispanic, not white. Zimmerman was a NW nut and stuck his nose in lot of places that were none of his business. He had domestic abuse calls to his home. As with Martin, no convictions.

I don't see Martin as a thug, I don't see Zimmerman as a murderer.

In the end Justice prevailed and just because you didn't get the result you wanted doesn't make it less so. I felt the same after the Simpson case.
He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!

Yeah, them Darkies should know their place. Zimmerman showed that Darkie his place, didn't he?

The Gun Nut philosophy in a nutshell.

Ah yes...the Zimmerman is a Cracker racist narrative! That was the storyline that you folks on the left went with right from the start, JoeB! The only problem with THAT narrative is that Zimmerman isn't a racist at all. As a matter of fact when a Cracker racist DID beat a homeless black man in Sanford it was George Zimmerman who organized a protest against the Police Department for not charging the man with assault and battery. Kindly explain why a racist who wanted to keep "Darkie" in his place would do THAT, Joey?
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

You know what? You should also be upset with people like George Zimmerman. I am pro second amendment obviously, but people like this guy give honest gun owners a bad rap. At the same time, I don't doubt that this kid wasn't innocent either. He physically attacked a man when he could have called the police.

I look at this situation a series of unfortunate events due to the actions of TWO dumbasses.
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

You know what? You should also be upset with people like George Zimmerman. I am pro second amendment obviously, but people like this guy give honest gun owners a bad rap. At the same time, I don't doubt that this kid wasn't innocent either. He physically attacked a man when he could have called the police.

I look at this situation a series of unfortunate events due to the actions of TWO dumbasses.

To be quite frank with you, Chris...I've never been of the mind that anything George Zimmerman did that night was the action of a "dumbass".

He saw a suspicious stranger walking through the gated community in which he as part of the neighborhood watch and called the police to report him. Nothing dumb there. He was doing what any good neighbor would do. One could then make the argument that Zimmerman was only trying to do what the police dispatcher was asking him to do when he got out of his vehicle to keep Martin in sight after Martin took off running. When Zimmerman was told by the dispatcher that we don't need you to follow the suspect (once she realized that was what he was doing) what was Zimmerman's reaction? He complied and started walking back to the front gate to meet the responding police unit. None of that is unreasonable behavior. Zimmerman had no inkling that a man who ran from him would double back to confront him. If Zimmerman HAD thought that, judging from his nervousness when Martin walked in a circle around his SUV, I don't think he would have ever gotten out of his truck to confront Martin. Zimmerman got out and tried to follow Martin because he thought Martin was trying to get away before the cops showed up and he wanted to keep him in sight.
If Zimmerman did anything that I would consider "dumb" that night it was allowing Martin to close the distance between them without drawing his weapon. If you're going to carry a should be prepared to use it before someone has you down on the ground and is beating your head against the sidewalk. If you're not prepared to do that then you shouldn't carry a concealed weapon in the first place.
And before all you liberals jump down my throat accusing me of being a "vigilante"...give some thought to whether drawing a weapon when Martin was twenty feet away and telling him to stay back or he would be fired upon might not have saved that young man's life that night.
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

You know what? You should also be upset with people like George Zimmerman. I am pro second amendment obviously, but people like this guy give honest gun owners a bad rap. At the same time, I don't doubt that this kid wasn't innocent either. He physically attacked a man when he could have called the police.

I look at this situation a series of unfortunate events due to the actions of TWO dumbasses.

To be quite frank with you, Chris...I've never been of the mind that anything George Zimmerman did that night was the action of a "dumbass".

He saw a suspicious stranger walking through the gated community in which he as part of the neighborhood watch and called the police to report him. Nothing dumb there. He was doing what any good neighbor would do. One could then make the argument that Zimmerman was only trying to do what the police dispatcher was asking him to do when he got out of his vehicle to keep Martin in sight after Martin took off running. When Zimmerman was told by the dispatcher that we don't need you to follow the suspect (once she realized that was what he was doing) what was Zimmerman's reaction? He complied and started walking back to the front gate to meet the responding police unit. None of that is unreasonable behavior. Zimmerman had no inkling that a man who ran from him would double back to confront him. If Zimmerman HAD thought that, judging from his nervousness when Martin walked in a circle around his SUV, I don't think he would have ever gotten out of his truck to confront Martin. Zimmerman got out and tried to follow Martin because he thought Martin was trying to get away before the cops showed up and he wanted to keep him in sight.

You must know how risky it is to confront a potential criminal without any police presence. IMO, the right thing to do would have been to remain in his vehicle and let the police handle it.

TBH, if I was a teenager and some guy was following me (granted I'm a woman, but still . . . ) I would run away too. How would you react?

Zimmerman also could have rolled his window down and tried speaking to the kid. He could have asked him what he is doing around here or something to that effect. Communication is important. :)
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

You know what? You should also be upset with people like George Zimmerman. I am pro second amendment obviously, but people like this guy give honest gun owners a bad rap. At the same time, I don't doubt that this kid wasn't innocent either. He physically attacked a man when he could have called the police.

I look at this situation a series of unfortunate events due to the actions of TWO dumbasses.

To be quite frank with you, Chris...I've never been of the mind that anything George Zimmerman did that night was the action of a "dumbass".

He saw a suspicious stranger walking through the gated community in which he as part of the neighborhood watch and called the police to report him. Nothing dumb there. He was doing what any good neighbor would do. One could then make the argument that Zimmerman was only trying to do what the police dispatcher was asking him to do when he got out of his vehicle to keep Martin in sight after Martin took off running. When Zimmerman was told by the dispatcher that we don't need you to follow the suspect (once she realized that was what he was doing) what was Zimmerman's reaction? He complied and started walking back to the front gate to meet the responding police unit. None of that is unreasonable behavior. Zimmerman had no inkling that a man who ran from him would double back to confront him. If Zimmerman HAD thought that, judging from his nervousness when Martin walked in a circle around his SUV, I don't think he would have ever gotten out of his truck to confront Martin. Zimmerman got out and tried to follow Martin because he thought Martin was trying to get away before the cops showed up and he wanted to keep him in sight.

You must know how risky it is to confront a potential criminal without any police presence. IMO, the right thing to do would have been to remain in his vehicle and let the police handle it.

TBH, if I was a teenager and some guy was following me (granted I'm a woman, but still . . . ) I would run away too. How would you react?

Zimmerman also could have rolled his window down and tried speaking to the kid. He could have asked him what he is doing around here or something to that effect. Communication is important. :)

Two things, Chris...I've never seen anyone provide any proof that George Zimmerman wanted to "confront" Trayvon Martin that night! He sure wasn't looking for confrontation when Martin circled his SUV. You listen to those 9/11 tapes and he sounds nervous.

As to how I would react if I felt threatened by a stranger? If I could I would get to a safe place as quickly as possible. One thing I wouldn't do is retrace my steps to confront that stranger once I had successfully gotten away from them.
Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

You know what? You should also be upset with people like George Zimmerman. I am pro second amendment obviously, but people like this guy give honest gun owners a bad rap. At the same time, I don't doubt that this kid wasn't innocent either. He physically attacked a man when he could have called the police.

I look at this situation a series of unfortunate events due to the actions of TWO dumbasses.

To be quite frank with you, Chris...I've never been of the mind that anything George Zimmerman did that night was the action of a "dumbass".

He saw a suspicious stranger walking through the gated community in which he as part of the neighborhood watch and called the police to report him. Nothing dumb there. He was doing what any good neighbor would do. One could then make the argument that Zimmerman was only trying to do what the police dispatcher was asking him to do when he got out of his vehicle to keep Martin in sight after Martin took off running. When Zimmerman was told by the dispatcher that we don't need you to follow the suspect (once she realized that was what he was doing) what was Zimmerman's reaction? He complied and started walking back to the front gate to meet the responding police unit. None of that is unreasonable behavior. Zimmerman had no inkling that a man who ran from him would double back to confront him. If Zimmerman HAD thought that, judging from his nervousness when Martin walked in a circle around his SUV, I don't think he would have ever gotten out of his truck to confront Martin. Zimmerman got out and tried to follow Martin because he thought Martin was trying to get away before the cops showed up and he wanted to keep him in sight.

You must know how risky it is to confront a potential criminal without any police presence. IMO, the right thing to do would have been to remain in his vehicle and let the police handle it.

TBH, if I was a teenager and some guy was following me (granted I'm a woman, but still . . . ) I would run away too. How would you react?

Zimmerman also could have rolled his window down and tried speaking to the kid. He could have asked him what he is doing around here or something to that effect. Communication is important. :)

Two things, Chris...I've never seen anyone provide any proof that George Zimmerman wanted to "confront" Trayvon Martin that night! He sure wasn't looking for confrontation when Martin circled his SUV. You listen to those 9/11 tapes and he sounds nervous.

As to how I would react if I felt threatened by a stranger? If I could I would get to a safe place as quickly as possible. One thing I wouldn't do is retrace my steps to confront that stranger once I had successfully gotten away from them.

I agree with that, but Trayvon was, for all intents and purposes, a child. He has a reason for acting stupid. Zimmerman SHOULD have been a little smarter, IMO. Teenaged boys are full of testosterone and they like to fight. That is not unusual at all. I'm willing to bet you had your own share of fights as a teen and young adult, and that if you had felt threatened by some dude who was following you, you MIGHT want to fight him. :)

I just think this whole situation could have been avoided if both had used their brains a little more. It's really sad for both of them. One is dead, and the other has to live with the fact that he killed a teenager. That cannot be an easy thing to live with. I'll bet that is why he has been in trouble since the incident. He's probably having a difficult time dealing with it.
Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

You know what? You should also be upset with people like George Zimmerman. I am pro second amendment obviously, but people like this guy give honest gun owners a bad rap. At the same time, I don't doubt that this kid wasn't innocent either. He physically attacked a man when he could have called the police.

I look at this situation a series of unfortunate events due to the actions of TWO dumbasses.

To be quite frank with you, Chris...I've never been of the mind that anything George Zimmerman did that night was the action of a "dumbass".

He saw a suspicious stranger walking through the gated community in which he as part of the neighborhood watch and called the police to report him. Nothing dumb there. He was doing what any good neighbor would do. One could then make the argument that Zimmerman was only trying to do what the police dispatcher was asking him to do when he got out of his vehicle to keep Martin in sight after Martin took off running. When Zimmerman was told by the dispatcher that we don't need you to follow the suspect (once she realized that was what he was doing) what was Zimmerman's reaction? He complied and started walking back to the front gate to meet the responding police unit. None of that is unreasonable behavior. Zimmerman had no inkling that a man who ran from him would double back to confront him. If Zimmerman HAD thought that, judging from his nervousness when Martin walked in a circle around his SUV, I don't think he would have ever gotten out of his truck to confront Martin. Zimmerman got out and tried to follow Martin because he thought Martin was trying to get away before the cops showed up and he wanted to keep him in sight.

You must know how risky it is to confront a potential criminal without any police presence. IMO, the right thing to do would have been to remain in his vehicle and let the police handle it.

TBH, if I was a teenager and some guy was following me (granted I'm a woman, but still . . . ) I would run away too. How would you react?

Zimmerman also could have rolled his window down and tried speaking to the kid. He could have asked him what he is doing around here or something to that effect. Communication is important. :)

Two things, Chris...I've never seen anyone provide any proof that George Zimmerman wanted to "confront" Trayvon Martin that night! He sure wasn't looking for confrontation when Martin circled his SUV. You listen to those 9/11 tapes and he sounds nervous.

As to how I would react if I felt threatened by a stranger? If I could I would get to a safe place as quickly as possible. One thing I wouldn't do is retrace my steps to confront that stranger once I had successfully gotten away from them.

I agree with that, but Trayvon was, for all intents and purposes, a child. He has a reason for acting stupid. Zimmerman SHOULD have been a little smarter, IMO. Teenaged boys are full of testosterone and they like to fight. That is not unusual at all. I'm willing to bet you had your own share of fights as a teen and young adult, and that if you had felt threatened by some dude who was following you, you MIGHT want to fight him. :)

I just think this whole situation could have been avoided if both had used their brains a little more. It's really sad for both of them. One is dead, and the other has to live with the fact that he killed a teenager. That cannot be an easy thing to live with. I'll bet that is why he has been in trouble since the incident. He's probably having a difficult time dealing with it.

It wasn't a "fight". it was an assault and battery against Zimmerman.
Zimmerman broke no laws that night.
The dispatcher asked Zimmerman which way Martin went, THAT was why Zimmerman got outta his truck, to see which way Martin went.
When the dispatcher said "we don't need you to do that", Zimmerman was heading back to his truck when Martin accosted Zimmerman and attacked Zimmerman.
IF Zimmerman wasn't armed, he just might have been beaten to death, or at least had brain damage due to having his head slammed into the concrete sidewalk repeatedly, and Martin pummeled Zimmerman's face, MMA style, according to witnesses.
There was no reason for Zimmerman take a severe beating like he did.
Zimmerman yelled for help, when no help came, Zimmerman felt he had no other choice than to defend himself with deadly force, which is perfectly legal in Zimmerman's case.
For people that don't like the way it turned out, convince the thugs NOT to attack innocent citizens .................. That are legally armed.
It's obvious Joe that you will not convince me and I will not convince you. Nothing you have stated or I have stated is enough to change either opinion.

i agree with that. You gun nuts have too much invested in Zimmerman. He was living your dream. But your dream is pretty fucked up.

Zimmerman was not guilty, no matter how you portray him. Martin was a athletic big kid, he was the football teams best play, and jumped Zimmerman.

Martin was suspended three times in two years. When they looked into his backpack at school for a graffiti pen, they found a screwdriver that they suspected as being a robbery tool. He had women's jewelry, that he said was given to him, yet he could not name the person that game it to him. The school confiscated the jewelry and he didn't protest it, nor did anyone come forward to claim the jewelry, suspicious yes, did it mean anything

You know what, you spend 2 million dollars to dig into anyone's background, you can find shit like that which really sounds suspicious. Seriously a screwdriver and a pen? That was the best you guys had on this kid. America's most wanted he was not.

In the end Justice prevailed and just because you didn't get the result you wanted doesn't make it less so. I felt the same after the Simpson case.

No, the thing is, OJ was never, ever going to murder someone else. Zimmerman IS going to murder someone, eventually. That's what makes this fucked up.
Ah yes...the Zimmerman is a Cracker racist narrative! That was the storyline that you folks on the left went with right from the start, JoeB! The only problem with THAT narrative is that Zimmerman isn't a racist at all. As a matter of fact when a Cracker racist DID beat a homeless black man in Sanford it was George Zimmerman who organized a protest against the Police Department for not charging the man with assault and battery. Kindly explain why a racist who wanted to keep "Darkie" in his place would do THAT, Joey?

Again, Hilter built the Autobahn. fact was, ZImmerman stalked, and murdered an unarmed child. Period. He also broke a woman's leg, molested a cousin, beat the shit out of his wife, father in law, girlfriend and menaced some poor fool who cut him off in traffic. And he's gotten away with this shit because his father is connected.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

Yeah, that's about it. That's what the kid was doing. Until this freak cop-wannabe hyped up on insomnia drugs stalked and shot him.
Ah yes...the Zimmerman is a Cracker racist narrative! That was the storyline that you folks on the left went with right from the start, JoeB! The only problem with THAT narrative is that Zimmerman isn't a racist at all. As a matter of fact when a Cracker racist DID beat a homeless black man in Sanford it was George Zimmerman who organized a protest against the Police Department for not charging the man with assault and battery. Kindly explain why a racist who wanted to keep "Darkie" in his place would do THAT, Joey?

Again, Hilter built the Autobahn. fact was, ZImmerman stalked, and murdered an unarmed child. Period. He also broke a woman's leg, molested a cousin, beat the shit out of his wife, father in law, girlfriend and menaced some poor fool who cut him off in traffic. And he's gotten away with this shit because his father is connected.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

Yeah, that's about it. That's what the kid was doing. Until this freak cop-wannabe hyped up on insomnia drugs stalked and shot him.

You're too naive to know what young people do with Skittles and Watermelon drink...aren't you, JoeB? I bet you don't know what they do with blunts either.

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