Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Saying that George Zimmerman "stalked" Trayvon Martin is not representative of what took place that night. He attempted to follow him so that the Police would know where he'd gone. Zimmerman lost Martin because he wasn't following closely. After several minutes, Zimmerman gives up and agrees to meet the police back at the front gate. He's walking back to do that when Trayvon Martin comes at him out of the dark and assaults him.

Yeah, if you buy his story, which even you said you don't.

You'll have to explain how you can shoot someone in "cold blood" when that someone is straddling you and giving you a beating because that makes absolutely no sense at all. A cold blooded shooting would have taken place if Zimmerman had shot Martin from a distance without feeling threatened. Shooting someone who is channeling their inner MMA and beating you senseless is about as far from a cold blooded shooting as you can get!

Yeah, right, He had an owie on his head. Poor baby.

And there you have it, folks, the gun nutter lobby making a hero out of a drug addled thug who shot an unarmed child because, hey, they've got tiny dicks.
Saying that George Zimmerman "stalked" Trayvon Martin is not representative of what took place that night. He attempted to follow him so that the Police would know where he'd gone. Zimmerman lost Martin because he wasn't following closely. After several minutes, Zimmerman gives up and agrees to meet the police back at the front gate. He's walking back to do that when Trayvon Martin comes at him out of the dark and assaults him.

Yeah, if you buy his story, which even you said you don't.

You'll have to explain how you can shoot someone in "cold blood" when that someone is straddling you and giving you a beating because that makes absolutely no sense at all. A cold blooded shooting would have taken place if Zimmerman had shot Martin from a distance without feeling threatened. Shooting someone who is channeling their inner MMA and beating you senseless is about as far from a cold blooded shooting as you can get!

Yeah, right, He had an owie on his head. Poor baby.

And there you have it, folks, the gun nutter lobby making a hero out of a drug addled thug who shot an unarmed child because, hey, they've got tiny dicks.

Zimmerman had two "owies" on his head, probably a concussion, from his head being slammed into the concrete sidewalk, by Martin.
Zimmerman had a bloody swollen nose, most likely broken by Martin, according to observers.
Zimmerman had bruises on his face from "ground and pound" and being punched numerous times MMS style, by Martin.
Martin had one little scrape on one knuckle, probably from slamming Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk.
There you have it folks.
Liberal parrots and anti-gunners trying to make a drugie and a criminal that loved to ground and pound people into oblivion for a hobby.(Martin) ............. into some innocent person that went to church on Sunday and helped out at the soup-kitchen LMFAO

Lesson learned: Don't attack law-abiding citizens that are armed, it could be the death of you!
Martin committed an assault and battery that night. THAT WAS A CRIME.
Committing a crime makes them a CRIMINAL.
TWICE Zimmerman was judged to be innocent of any crime that night.
Martin committed the only crime that night.
There, does THAT clear it up for you??????? ROTF

Yes, what dark times we live in when 16 year old kids can terrorize grown men with cop fantasies...

Zimmerman murdered a child and he's going to murder someone else, eventually.

You guys own him.

We would rather "own" an innocent American citizen that defended himself when he was viciously attack by a thug".
YOU can "own" a criminal that LOVED to ground-and-pound people senseless, as a hobby. You know, the kind of criminals that die young because they are shot while committing a crime".
Martin is ALL YOURS!!!
I don't care how much bigger Zimmerman was...he was a cream puff...if you'll recall from trial testimony he took martial arts classes but his instructor wouldn't let him spar because he didn't want George to get hurt. He was that inept! Zimmerman might have weighed more than Martin but how much of that was pure lard?

So what you are saying is that we should let all the drug-addled lard-asses go out there wiht guns to make up for their tiny peckers... Is this your argument.

Hey, imagine if we lived in a society where gun ownership had to be EARNED. Which means we don't give them to fat losers who can't hold down jobs and are still taking ADHD medicines in their 30's.

Martin might be still alive because Lard-ass wouldn't have gotten out of the truck.

IF Martin didn't stalk and attack Zimmerman, Martin wouldn't have "committed suicide" that night.
I don't care how much bigger Zimmerman was...he was a cream puff...if you'll recall from trial testimony he took martial arts classes but his instructor wouldn't let him spar because he didn't want George to get hurt. He was that inept! Zimmerman might have weighed more than Martin but how much of that was pure lard?

So what you are saying is that we should let all the drug-addled lard-asses go out there wiht guns to make up for their tiny peckers... Is this your argument.

Hey, imagine if we lived in a society where gun ownership had to be EARNED. Which means we don't give them to fat losers who can't hold down jobs and are still taking ADHD medicines in their 30's.

Martin might be still alive because Lard-ass wouldn't have gotten out of the truck.

Martin would still be alive if he hadn't physically attacked Zimmerman. THAT is what prompted the shooting! Until Martin decided that violence was going to be his response nothing was going to happen. If the Police had shown up and found Martin then he would have simply explained that he was visiting someone who had a townhouse in that gated community and that was why he was there. That would have been it. The Police would have explained that to Zimmerman and he would have been fine. The Police then would have explained to Martin that Zimmerman was part of the local neighborhood watch group and was concerned about him, a stranger, being inside the gated community because of a spate of break-ins that had recently taken place. It wasn't Zimmerman getting out of his truck to attempt to keep Martin in sight that caused Martin's death because that wasn't a violent act! I'm sorry but it just WASN'T!!! What caused that fight and ultimately the shooting was the decision made by Martin to go back and challenge Zimmerman physically. What caused that shooting was the decision made by Martin to not just knock down the man who was following him but to get on top of him on the ground and continue to strike him there.
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Where are all the liberals that would rather let a guilty man go rather than find an innocent man guilty?

There's no way that Zimmerman is innocent. No one doubts for a second he killed Martin. He did it. He admits it.

the only 'question" is whether shooting this unarmed kid because your fat doughy ass was getting kicked in a fight you provoked is "self-defense" or not.

You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.
Where are all the liberals that would rather let a guilty man go rather than find an innocent man guilty?

There's no way that Zimmerman is innocent. No one doubts for a second he killed Martin. He did it. He admits it.

the only 'question" is whether shooting this unarmed kid because your fat doughy ass was getting kicked in a fight you provoked is "self-defense" or not.

You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.
I have actually read that fucking garbage too. "Why didn't Zimmerman just stay home that night?".
One fuck-witt **** on another forum insists to this day that Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and broke his nose.
She claims George was secretly working for the CIA and Trayvon happened to see George handing over phony national secrets to the Russians and the CIA had to then "take out" Trayvon for national security reasons.
Oh yes. There are some very mentally ill people out there.
I mean read some of the posts here.
Where are all the liberals that would rather let a guilty man go rather than find an innocent man guilty?

There's no way that Zimmerman is innocent. No one doubts for a second he killed Martin. He did it. He admits it.

the only 'question" is whether shooting this unarmed kid because your fat doughy ass was getting kicked in a fight you provoked is "self-defense" or not.

You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.
I have actually read that fucking garbage too. "Why didn't Zimmerman just stay home that night?".
One fuck-witt **** on another forum insists to this day that Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and broke his nose.
She claims George was secretly working for the CIA and Trayvon happened to see George handing over phony national secrets to the Russians and the CIA had to then "take out" Trayvon for national security reasons.
Oh yes. There are some very mentally ill people out there.
I mean read some of the posts here.

Ole' Joe is one of those mentally ill people that can't resist making up shit about the case.
ole' Joe figures that IF he tells the lies enough times, it will become "the truth".
I don't care how much bigger Zimmerman was...he was a cream puff...if you'll recall from trial testimony he took martial arts classes but his instructor wouldn't let him spar because he didn't want George to get hurt. He was that inept! Zimmerman might have weighed more than Martin but how much of that was pure lard?

So what you are saying is that we should let all the drug-addled lard-asses go out there wiht guns to make up for their tiny peckers... Is this your argument.

Hey, imagine if we lived in a society where gun ownership had to be EARNED. Which means we don't give them to fat losers who can't hold down jobs and are still taking ADHD medicines in their 30's.

Martin might be still alive because Lard-ass wouldn't have gotten out of the truck.

Martin wouldn't have died that night IF he didn't commit an assault and battery on Zimmerman.
Martin was the only one that committed a crime that night.
"gun ownership" is a RIGHT that is given to the people of the United States of America.
YOU have to prove someone is unfit to own a firearm, to deprive them of that RIGHT.
IF Zimmerman was a criminal, he would NOT have his CCW OR even own a legal firearm.
IF you don't agree with what happened that night ............... TELL the criminals to stop committing crimes against law-abiding citizens, and they will live longer.
Martin committed "suicide by attacking an armed citizen".
It should be recorded THAT WAY!
Zimmerman just "took out the trash" that night! :)
There you have it folks.
Liberal parrots and anti-gunners trying to make a drugie and a criminal that loved to ground and pound people into oblivion for a hobby.(Martin) ............. into some innocent person that went to church on Sunday and helped out at the soup-kitchen LMFAO

How many people did Trayvon "ground and Pound"? I mean, did we have a whole line of Trayvon's former victims lining up to tell their stories?

Or was he just a scared kid who panicked because a weird dude was following him around at night? And then got shot when he tried to defend himself?

Point is, Zimmerman had more of an arrest record than Trayvon did.
You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.

Well, no, guy. "suspicious" constituted 'being black in White People land". That's what Trayvon was doing that was "suspicious".

He wasn't stealing. He wasn't robbing. He wasn't assaulting. He was minding his own business coming back from the store.
Where are all the liberals that would rather let a guilty man go rather than find an innocent man guilty?

There's no way that Zimmerman is innocent. No one doubts for a second he killed Martin. He did it. He admits it.

the only 'question" is whether shooting this unarmed kid because your fat doughy ass was getting kicked in a fight you provoked is "self-defense" or not.

No question here.
You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.

Well, no, guy. "suspicious" constituted 'being black in White People land". That's what Trayvon was doing that was "suspicious".

He wasn't stealing. He wasn't robbing. He wasn't assaulting. He was minding his own business coming back from the store.

He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!
You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.

Well, no, guy. "suspicious" constituted 'being black in White People land". That's what Trayvon was doing that was "suspicious".

He wasn't stealing. He wasn't robbing. He wasn't assaulting. He was minding his own business coming back from the store.

He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!
It was plagued by break ins because the complex wasn't white people land. It was mixed which is why Trayvon's black daddy was visiting his black girlfriend who lived there.

If it was white people land it wouldn't have had so many break ins.
I really hate this case. It has been discussed to DEATH. I think both of them were idiots who behaved stupidly.
You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.

Well, no, guy. "suspicious" constituted 'being black in White People land". That's what Trayvon was doing that was "suspicious".

He wasn't stealing. He wasn't robbing. He wasn't assaulting. He was minding his own business coming back from the store.

He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!
It was plagued by break ins because the complex wasn't white people land. It was mixed which is why Trayvon's black daddy was visiting his black girlfriend who lived there.

If it was white people land it wouldn't have had so many break ins.

not exactly sure how gated it was one could simply walk in or drive in
You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.

Well, no, guy. "suspicious" constituted 'being black in White People land". That's what Trayvon was doing that was "suspicious".

He wasn't stealing. He wasn't robbing. He wasn't assaulting. He was minding his own business coming back from the store.

He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!
It was plagued by break ins because the complex wasn't white people land. It was mixed which is why Trayvon's black daddy was visiting his black girlfriend who lived there.

If it was white people land it wouldn't have had so many break ins.

not exactly sure how gated it was one could simply walk in or drive in

My point was that this was not a city street that Martin was walking was a roadway inside of a gated community. When you're walking down a city street that's a public thoroughfare and you have just as much right to be on that street as the next person. When you don't live in a gated community you DON'T have the same right to access streets and sidewalks inside of that gated community.
I really hate this case. It has been discussed to DEATH. I think both of them were idiots who behaved stupidly.

in many respects this was an awesome case

not in the merits of either Zimmerman or Martin

but rather the glaringly obvious attempts by leftists to overthrow the rule of law

-the very fabric this nation is built on

perhaps the prezbo chimed on this because it fit in well

with his wish to "Fundamentally transform America"

he among others continue to this day are

trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary
You somehow seem to feel that Zimmerman "provoked" the fight simply because he got out of his SUV to keep a suspicious man in sight as he waited for the Police to arrive.

That kind of "logic" would hold that a woman leaving her house "provoked" rape because if she simply had stayed inside then it wouldn't have happened.

Well, no, guy. "suspicious" constituted 'being black in White People land". That's what Trayvon was doing that was "suspicious".

He wasn't stealing. He wasn't robbing. He wasn't assaulting. He was minding his own business coming back from the store.

He was a stranger walking through a gated community that had been plagued by a series of break-ins. That is a gated community that had residents of was not "White People Land". If my neighborhood had the same problem as George Zimmerman's did and I saw a stranger walking through my neighbor's side yard then I would do EXACTLY what Zimmerman did that night. I would call the Police to report someone suspicious and then I would try to keep them in sight. That doesn't make me a "stalker"...that makes me a good neighbor!
It was plagued by break ins because the complex wasn't white people land. It was mixed which is why Trayvon's black daddy was visiting his black girlfriend who lived there.

If it was white people land it wouldn't have had so many break ins.

not exactly sure how gated it was one could simply walk in or drive in

My point was that this was not a city street that Martin was walking was a roadway inside of a gated community. When you're walking down a city street that's a public thoroughfare and you have just as much right to be on that street as the next person. When you don't live in a gated community you DON'T have the same right to access streets and sidewalks inside of that gated community.

either way evidence and testimony showed that Martin was clearly in the wrong

and that Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force in self defense
I really hate this case. It has been discussed to DEATH. I think both of them were idiots who behaved stupidly.

in many respects this was an awesome case

not in the merits of either Zimmerman or Martin

but rather the glaringly obvious attempts by leftists to overthrow the rule of law

-the very fabric this nation is built on

perhaps the prezbo chimed on this because it fit in well

with his wish to "Fundamentally transform America"

he among others continue to this day are

trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

I don't believe that he was a good little kid. A lot of the pictures that were going around that portrayed him as an innocent looking kid were YEARS old. He didn't look like that when this tragedy occurred. He was much larger and more mature looking. I don't really know much about him, but I know he looked capable of doing some damage. He was young, healthy and strong. Zimmerman is a chunky older guy, so it wasn't going to turn out very good for him. But, he probably should have just called the police instead of taking matters into his hands. He made some dumb moves and so did the kid by hiding and trying to ambush him. If they had both been smarter and perhaps tried to communicate with one another or completely avoided one another and let the cops handle it, maybe the whole thing could have been avoided.

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