Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Then you had better tell them to be careful who they try to beat down, the person they attack just might had a CCW and a legal gun to back it up.
BTW, Trayvon Martin was NOT a typical teenager.
"Typical teenagers" are not criminals looking to beat people down just for the fun of it, that describes animals, preying on civilized people.

Why do I get the feeling you were one of those chumps who saw a picture of some rapper and thought it was Trayvon....

Why do I get the feeling you are still one of those naive people who saw the picture of Trayvon Martin from years before he was shot and thinks that's who he was when he was having the confrontation with George Zimmerman?
You know nothing, and it's has been proven over and over again.

You have no proof, you have no evidence, except the shit you have made up in your mind. Give it a rest, the DA was forced to prosecute with no evidence and even the whack job Holder can't make up any charges.

No one, "forced" the DA to do anything.

There was plenty of evidence.

1 Dead Body.
1 Smoking gun with Zimmerman's fingerprints all over it.

Not much else to be said there, except for pindicks like yourself who piss yourselves at the thought of scary black men.
There was ample evidence for homicide as above which no one denied. The murder charges couldn't stick with the bruising on Zimmerman's face and head and a witness who saw Martin "grounding and pounding" on Zimmerman who was crying out for help.
I don't find black men scary, not sure what that has to do with the issue, other than an asshat wanting to divert the case.

The DA was forced by the federal and state government to press charges, they had no real evidence to go to trial with, yet politics put on the pressure.

I'm glad left wing nuts like you aren't in charge, you love to pervert justice to suit your agenda.

They had a dead kid and a thug who shot him. Shit, my state has sent people to death row with less. Sometimes they even did what they were accused of. Please don't tell me that they couldn't have put this guy in the klink.
You know nothing, and it's has been proven over and over again.

You have no proof, you have no evidence, except the shit you have made up in your mind. Give it a rest, the DA was forced to prosecute with no evidence and even the whack job Holder can't make up any charges.

No one, "forced" the DA to do anything.

There was plenty of evidence.

1 Dead Body.
1 Smoking gun with Zimmerman's fingerprints all over it.

Not much else to be said there, except for pindicks like yourself who piss yourselves at the thought of scary black men.
There was ample evidence for homicide as above which no one denied. The murder charges couldn't stick with the bruising on Zimmerman's face and head and a witness who saw Martin "grounding and pounding" on Zimmerman who was crying out for help.

The left started making up their own narrative with the help of the MSM, that doctored the 911 tape from the very beginning
The race-baiters, the race huckster and the feeble-minded that are to stupid or too lazy to look up the real facts, wanted "justice for Trayvon".
The state AG decided to force the issue to pacify the race-hucksters and the feeble-minded by-passing the grand jury and directly indicting Zimmerman.
THAT was a sad day for our justice system.
Joe WAS right about one thing "a non-white (Zimmerman) cannot get justice", with the obama people and the leftist in general.
But, what else can you expect from the left and their mindless parrots?????
George Zimmerman was a "habitual bully"? How so? When a Sanford Police officer's kid beat up a black homeless man and no charges were brought against him it was George Zimmerman who started a protest demanding justice for that black homeless man! Yet you on the Left declared that Zimmerman was a racist stalker who only shot Trayvon Martin because of his skin color. The justice system was color blind in this case...too bad so many of you liberals couldn't be as well.

Well, there was the cousin who said Georgie molested her.

And the lady whose leg he broke at a party where he was an unpaid bouncer.

There was also the ex-girlfriend who got a restraining order against him.

Or the time he got into a fight with a police officer.

Not to mention all the trouble he's been in AFTER getting acquitted.

But the important thing is, Georgie was living the dream of all the scared white guys who use guns to compensate for tiny peckers. He done plugged him a black thug! Forget that it was an unarmed kid buying skittles who panicked because some weird dude was stalking him. Those Darkies need to learn their place!!!!
Your own response begs the question...if Trayvon Martin was really a "child" then how was it possible that he was kicking a grown man's ass?

The grown man was a complete pussy who needed a gun to compensate for a tiny dick?

Come one, these are easy ones.

Instead of either diffusing the situation by informing Zimmerman who he was and who he was staying with or simply running away, going inside the place that he was staying and calling the Police...Martin decided that the thing to do was attack the man who had questioned him and then followed him.

You know what, I love how you guys on the right who consider everything the government to be "oppressing you" apparently think that if Trayvon didn't say, "Sho enough, boss, we sho be shiftless" he totally needed to be shot.
All they see is people are allowed to have guns and they can't stand it.

Yeah, when they go around shooting unarmed kids, that is something a lot of us can't stand.

What YOU can't stand is that someone stood up and defended themselves from a beating from a vicious thug ............. with a gun!!!
IF he wasn't a criminal and a thug, he might be alive today ................. assuming that he didn't attack someone else that had a CCW and a legal gun to back it up.
Lesson learned: IF you wanna be a criminal and a thug, you might end up dead.
Be a law-abiding citizen and you stand a better chance of becoming an adult.
I don't find black men scary, not sure what that has to do with the issue, other than an asshat wanting to divert the case.

The DA was forced by the federal and state government to press charges, they had no real evidence to go to trial with, yet politics put on the pressure.

I'm glad left wing nuts like you aren't in charge, you love to pervert justice to suit your agenda.

They had a dead kid and a thug who shot him. Shit, my state has sent people to death row with less. Sometimes they even did what they were accused of. Please don't tell me that they couldn't have put this guy in the klink.
THEY tried to "put him in the "klink". The WHOLE weight of the Fl. state AG's office and the full force of the federal government tried to put him in the "klink".
Funny thing, they couldn't find ANY law that Zimmerman had broken.
Zimmerman had defended himself against a severe beating ............... TOTALLY LEGAL!!
When punk thugs attack you, you DO have the right to defend yourself against the criminals.
Your own response begs the question...if Trayvon Martin was really a "child" then how was it possible that he was kicking a grown man's ass?

The grown man was a complete pussy who needed a gun to compensate for a tiny dick?

Come one, these are easy ones.

Instead of either diffusing the situation by informing Zimmerman who he was and who he was staying with or simply running away, going inside the place that he was staying and calling the Police...Martin decided that the thing to do was attack the man who had questioned him and then followed him.

You know what, I love how you guys on the right who consider everything the government to be "oppressing you" apparently think that if Trayvon didn't say, "Sho enough, boss, we sho be shiftless" he totally needed to be shot.

And I love how you guys on the Left turned a Hispanic male who had a history of defending blacks in his community from racism...into a racist because it fit your "narrative" that white gun nuts are terrorizing black men in this country. This was NEVER about race...this was always about a young man who decided that the answer was violence and paid for that stupidity with his life!
You've done your best to portray Trayvon Martin as the victim here, JoeB but the truth has ALWAYS been that he got shot because he decided to beat a man who was simply trying to protect the neighborhood he lived in.

He didn't have to start that fight with George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin had CHOICES that night. He could have simply told George Zimmerman who he was visiting in that gated community and defused the situation right there. He could have simply continued to the home he was staying at and called the Police if he felt threatened by the man who followed him. Instead he chose to attack. It was a fatal decision.
What YOU can't stand is that someone stood up and defended themselves from a beating from a vicious thug ............. with a gun!!!

He'd have never chased this kid down the street if he hadn't had a gun to start with.

IF he wasn't a criminal and a thug, he might be alive today ................. assuming that he didn't attack someone else that had a CCW and a legal gun to back it up.
Lesson learned: IF you wanna be a criminal and a thug, you might end up dead.
Be a law-abiding citizen and you stand a better chance of becoming an adult.

Yup, little scared white people living in fear. that's the ticket.

THEY tried to "put him in the "klink". The WHOLE weight of the Fl. state AG's office and the full force of the federal government tried to put him in the "klink".
Funny thing, they couldn't find ANY law that Zimmerman had broken.
Zimmerman had defended himself against a severe beating ............... TOTALLY LEGAL!!
When punk thugs attack you, you DO have the right to defend yourself against the criminals.

No, what they found is that if you spend millions of dollars on defense and get jurors who are racist and stupid, you can beat even obvious evidence of murder.

But we already proved that with OJ Simpson....
Just like the fuck-witt LIBs who waddled around with their stupid hands in the air only to learn that 'BIG NEGRO' was nothing more than a fucking violent bully/thief who got what everyone in his neighborhood secretly wished they could have done to him.
And I love how you guys on the Left turned a Hispanic male who had a history of defending blacks in his community from racism...into a racist because it fit your "narrative" that white gun nuts are terrorizing black men in this country. This was NEVER about race...this was always about a young man who decided that the answer was violence and paid for that stupidity with his life!

Yes, clearly he didn't show proper respect for Whitey. How dare he defend himself against some freakish guy who was following him at night and clearly stalking him.

You've done your best to portray Trayvon Martin as the victim here, JoeB but the truth has ALWAYS been that he got shot because he decided to beat a man who was simply trying to protect the neighborhood he lived in.

Trayvon Martin WAS the victim here. He's dead. He didn't need to be. But we have insane laws that say you can carry a gun even though you are on drugs that cause hallucinations and if you shoot a black kid you were stalking, you were "Standing your Ground".
Just like the fuck-witt LIBs who waddled around with their stupid hands in the air only to learn that 'BIG NEGRO' was nothing more than a fucking violent bully/thief who got what everyone in his neighborhood secretly wished they could have done to him.

Really? Because frankly, the only evidence in the smear campaign you guys came up with was "they sent him to live with his dad" and "he had a screwdriver in his locker".

Sadly, this is what the loss of white privilage looks like. It looks like scared people pissing themselves and shooting randomly.
What YOU can't stand is that someone stood up and defended themselves from a beating from a vicious thug ............. with a gun!!!

He'd have never chased this kid down the street if he hadn't had a gun to start with.

IF he wasn't a criminal and a thug, he might be alive today ................. assuming that he didn't attack someone else that had a CCW and a legal gun to back it up.
Lesson learned: IF you wanna be a criminal and a thug, you might end up dead.
Be a law-abiding citizen and you stand a better chance of becoming an adult.

Yup, little scared white people living in fear. that's the ticket.

THEY tried to "put him in the "klink". The WHOLE weight of the Fl. state AG's office and the full force of the federal government tried to put him in the "klink".
Funny thing, they couldn't find ANY law that Zimmerman had broken.
Zimmerman had defended himself against a severe beating ............... TOTALLY LEGAL!!
When punk thugs attack you, you DO have the right to defend yourself against the criminals.

No, what they found is that if you spend millions of dollars on defense and get jurors who are racist and stupid, you can beat even obvious evidence of murder.

But we already proved that with OJ Simpson....
Millions? he had no money exactly how did he spend millions on defense? You keep making shit up and it gets less and less connected to reality as you do it. Further the jurors were not all white and now you need to provide evidence those that were were racist. The feds had 3 years and could find NO proof that Zimmerman was racist or that he violated Martin's civil rights. Give it up either Holder and the DOJ are incompetent or they had no case, which is it?
Give it up either Holder and the DOJ are incompetent or they had no case, which is it?

Regardless, Joey will never accept the obvious: that Martin was no innocent child who attacked a amn who fortunately had the means to defend himself. Joey's world, like most racists, is black and white.
And I love how you guys on the Left turned a Hispanic male who had a history of defending blacks in his community from racism...into a racist because it fit your "narrative" that white gun nuts are terrorizing black men in this country. This was NEVER about race...this was always about a young man who decided that the answer was violence and paid for that stupidity with his life!

Yes, clearly he didn't show proper respect for Whitey. How dare he defend himself against some freakish guy who was following him at night and clearly stalking him.

You've done your best to portray Trayvon Martin as the victim here, JoeB but the truth has ALWAYS been that he got shot because he decided to beat a man who was simply trying to protect the neighborhood he lived in.

Trayvon Martin WAS the victim here. He's dead. He didn't need to be. But we have insane laws that say you can carry a gun even though you are on drugs that cause hallucinations and if you shoot a black kid you were stalking, you were "Standing your Ground".

Who's "Whitey"? George Zimmerman? The half Hispanic man who started a protest against the Sanford Police Department because they didn't arrest a white man for beating a homeless black man? Is that the guy you want to paint as a racist?

The fact of the matter is that Trayvon Martin could have strolled back to the home he was staying at that night. He'd lost George Zimmerman when he went around the buildings out of sight and went to the right. Zimmerman thought the man he was following went straight to the back gate of the community and went that way. Zimmerman was walking back to meet the Police at the front gate when Martin attacked him. One only has to look at the timeline that was clearly established by phone records to know that Martin DIDN'T try and get away from Zimmerman...he instead chose to go BACK and confront him physically. Trayvon Martin is not the victim here...he was the perpetrator of a crime...assault and battery.

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