Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

O.J. was guilty of killing his ex-wife.

It was O.J.s cockiness that finally put O.J. in prison (armed robbery).
Zimmerman was unjustly persecuted because he legally defended himself against a criminal thug.
The Sanford police made the correct decision after they investigated the shooting, as was proven by the jury AFTER they heard ALL the evidence that was related to the shooting.
IF there is any karma, Zimmerman will win 10 million dollars in the lottery.

If there's Karma, ZImmerman will be shot by someone who will claim, "Hey, that' was George Zimmerman, that fucker's crazy!" and will get off because he was standing his ground.

Zimmerman was justly prosecuted for murdering an unarmed child.

But if you spend 2.5 million on legal fees, you can pretty much put puppies into a meat grinder and claim they had it coming.
Dude, there are bushes all over the place! What Zimmerman's testimony tells me is that he never saw Martin coming...hence his belief that Trayvon was hiding in the bushes. Once again...I refer to the timeline that was established with numerous phone calls by both Zimmerman and Martin. George Zimmerman had attempted to follow Trayvon Martin but lost him when the young man went behind the row of townhouses and went right. Zimmerman assumed that the man he was following went straight exiting the gated community. At this point he's walking BACK to meet the Police by the front gate of the community. He's not the only one walking BACK however because Trayvon Martin has retraced his steps away from the townhouse where he was staying to confront George Zimmerman. He's safely away yet he goes back to escalate the situation by physically attacking someone in the dark. This is where the narrative that Zimmerman was "stalking" Martin falls on it's face! At this point it is Martin that is stalking Zimmerman.

Dude, your thug shot an unarmed kid because he was getting whooped in a fight.

He should go to prison for that. He will go to prison when he shoots someone else, unless we get really, really lucky and that person shoots him first.

So you're not even going to try and argue that Trayvon Martin DIDN'T commit assault and battery against George Zimmerman...instead you're going to argue that people who ARE being beaten like that...people who are in fear for their lives...don't have the right to defend themselves but should just take their beating and HOPE that they aren't killed or permanently injured?
O.J. was guilty of killing his ex-wife.

It was O.J.s cockiness that finally put O.J. in prison (armed robbery).
Zimmerman was unjustly persecuted because he legally defended himself against a criminal thug.
The Sanford police made the correct decision after they investigated the shooting, as was proven by the jury AFTER they heard ALL the evidence that was related to the shooting.
IF there is any karma, Zimmerman will win 10 million dollars in the lottery.

If there's Karma, ZImmerman will be shot by someone who will claim, "Hey, that' was George Zimmerman, that fucker's crazy!" and will get off because he was standing his ground.

Zimmerman was justly prosecuted for murdering an unarmed child.

But if you spend 2.5 million on legal fees, you can pretty much put puppies into a meat grinder and claim they had it coming.
How much did the Prosecutor and Holder spend trying to find a single fucking shred of evidence against George you ****? Results? Sweet fuck all pal.
Go crawl under your rock so you can wait for the next fucking dead horse you can climb on loser.
So you're not even going to try and argue that Trayvon Martin DIDN'T commit assault and battery against George Zimmerman...instead you're going to argue that people who ARE being beaten like that...people who are in fear for their lives...don't have the right to defend themselves but should just take their beating and HOPE that they aren't killed or permanently injured?

I'm saying you don't go out and shoot people because you are getting your ass kicked in a fight you started.

And if you do, you should be tried and convicted of murder.
How much did the Prosecutor and Holder spend trying to find a single fucking shred of evidence against George you ****? Results? Sweet fuck all pal.
Go crawl under your rock so you can wait for the next fucking dead horse you can climb on loser.

The fact you guys are so invested in this thug, even after he's proven that's he's kind of an awful person (domestic abuser, road rage, etc.) shows the weakness of your argument.

Eventually he's going to kill someone else.
How much did the Prosecutor and Holder spend trying to find a single fucking shred of evidence against George you ****? Results? Sweet fuck all pal.
Go crawl under your rock so you can wait for the next fucking dead horse you can climb on loser.

The fact you guys are so invested in this thug, even after he's proven that's he's kind of an awful person (domestic abuser, road rage, etc.) shows the weakness of your argument.

Eventually he's going to kill someone else.
Very possibly. He's going to harm or kill someone. He's going to end up in jail. That's his destiny. One way or another, he'll pay for murdering Trayvon Martin.
IF Zimmerman shoots another criminal thug in self-defense, HELL, Zimmerman wont need any "excuses", he will STILL be an American that defended himself against a criminal.
Kinda like the good officer did in Ferguson Mo.

Actually, guy, the Officer in Ferguson is probably going to be retried by the state since the Grand Jury itself is starting to question whether it as misled as to the evidence.

But Zimmerman's going to eventually shoot a gold-digging girlfriend or a guy who cuts him off in traffic, and even you stupid fucks won't be able to claim it was "self-defense".
He's eventually going to end up in jail, like OJ. It's funny these folks who claim that being found 'not guilty' is the end of discussion or thought on the issue when they are people who most likely believed the Simpson trial ending in a not guilty verdict was all wrong. Reality means nothing to these people: it's all about what they want to believe, not what is truth.

There was tons of DNA evidence and the bloody glove at the crime scene and on and on, the evidence against Simpson was overwhelming, the prosecution team was terrible.

Zimmerman was the evidence and witnesses lined up with the Zimmerman story and even the jury said even if they wanted to convict the evidence wasn't there to support a conviction.
The evidence against Zimmerman was just as strong. He killed an unarmed teenager. His life was not threatened and he started the incident in the first place. He's a murderer. Karma will get him in time. It's clear he is a violent man who pulls guns on people with little or no provocation. He's going to end up dead or in prison.
How much did the Prosecutor and Holder spend trying to find a single fucking shred of evidence against George you ****? Results? Sweet fuck all pal.
Go crawl under your rock so you can wait for the next fucking dead horse you can climb on loser.

The fact you guys are so invested in this thug, even after he's proven that's he's kind of an awful person (domestic abuser, road rage, etc.) shows the weakness of your argument.

Eventually he's going to kill someone else.

I think Zimmerman is an idiot, however the evidence didn't hold up to convict him. The police, the prosecution did not feel they had enough evidence, the press and politics put him in the limelight and they had no choice but to try him. It was a weak case and for as much as we don't know what happened, the justice system worked.

Innocent until proven guilty, they couldn't prove he was guilty.
The evidence against Zimmerman was just as strong. He killed an unarmed teenager. His life was not threatened and he started the incident in the first place. He's a murderer. Karma will get him in time. It's clear he is a violent man who pulls guns on people with little or no provocation. He's going to end up dead or in prison.

No it isn't as strong, in fact the evidence was a lot less. There was a scuffle, Martin was on top of Zimmerman and beating him. That is when Martin was shot, there was no running away, no shooting in the back. A shot during a struggle, tough to convict.

I don't believe all of Zimmerman's story, however his story is backed up by forensics. I think you had two people that were looking for trouble. I think Martin jumped Zimmerman, partially out of fear, partially out of ego.

Zimmerman made bad choices that night as well, I would have call the police and stayed my distance, however Zimmerman did not do anything illegal by following Martin.
6 black people that were at the scene of the shooting testified for the grand jury and their testimony corroborated officer Wilson story about what happened at the scene.
???Are THEY lying????

Actually, most of the witnesses said that Brown had his hands up and said, "Don't Shoot". Further, the DA lied to the Grand Jury about what circumstances Wilson COULD shoot brown under by citing a defunct part of the Missouri penal law.

The physical evidence, including blood spatter analysis, shell casings and ballistics tests, also supports Wilson’s account of the shooting.
You're not ever a good paid-poster.

Physical evidence supported nothing of the sort, and the DA deliberately misled the grand jury.

As for Zimmerman, IF Zimmerman hasn't ever shot ANYONE ILLEGALLY, what make YOU think he will???

The fact he likes to whip out his gun and threaten people with it, as he's been caught doing several times since his acquittal.

Millions of people carry concealed guns LEGALLY and take them every place they go. Except places that are against the law, that is.
You really need to stop being a liberal-parrot, and try to think for youeself!!!

Yes, and we have 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 crimes committed with guns to show for it, every year.

No one believes your imagined story.
You just make up shit as you go.
Typical liberal parrot, "The whole world is wrong, and I am right"!!!!
There was tons of DNA evidence and the bloody glove at the crime scene and on and on, the evidence against Simpson was overwhelming, the prosecution team was terrible.

Yes, a bloody glove found by a cop who lied about being a racist. That didn't fit on OJ's hand.

As on juror said, "the mountain of evidence was a mountain of garbage".

Or some black people just decided to give OJ a pass. Just like some white people decided to give Zimmerman a pass.

Zimmerman was the evidence and witnesses lined up with the Zimmerman story and even the jury said even if they wanted to convict the evidence wasn't there to support a conviction.

In short- white people giving a white person a pass. Got it. Ignore obvious evidence to get the decision you wanted.
No one believes your imagined story.
You just make up shit as you go.
Typical liberal parrot, "The whole world is wrong, and I am right"!!!!

Guy, you cited guns as a stabalizing force.

I pointed out that we have 32,000 deaths, 78,000 injuries and 300,000 crimes related to guns.

Compared to other western democracies, which have nowhere near our crime or incarceration rates.

Guns make things worse. The numbers are there.
I think Zimmerman is an idiot, however the evidence didn't hold up to convict him. The police, the prosecution did not feel they had enough evidence, the press and politics put him in the limelight and they had no choice but to try him. It was a weak case and for as much as we don't know what happened, the justice system worked.

Innocent until proven guilty, they couldn't prove he was guilty.

So it's okay that the system failed, then?

If he kills someone else, what are you going to say then?
I think Zimmerman is an idiot, however the evidence didn't hold up to convict him. The police, the prosecution did not feel they had enough evidence, the press and politics put him in the limelight and they had no choice but to try him. It was a weak case and for as much as we don't know what happened, the justice system worked.

Innocent until proven guilty, they couldn't prove he was guilty.

So it's okay that the system failed, then?

If he kills someone else, what are you going to say then?

The system worked, you didn't like the results. You can't throw people in jail because Joe wants to.
The system worked, you didn't like the results. You can't throw people in jail because Joe wants to.

No, the system failed miserably because the cops and prosecutors didn't do their jobs.

When you send your child out to the store and he comes home in a body bag because some drug-addled loser who can't hold down a job wanted to play Dirty Harry shot him, and nothing is done about it, that is a profound failure.

If Trayvon were YOUR child, you'd be screaming bloody murder.
There was tons of DNA evidence and the bloody glove at the crime scene and on and on, the evidence against Simpson was overwhelming, the prosecution team was terrible.

Yes, a bloody glove found by a cop who lied about being a racist. That didn't fit on OJ's hand.

As on juror said, "the mountain of evidence was a mountain of garbage".

Or some black people just decided to give OJ a pass. Just like some white people decided to give Zimmerman a pass.

Zimmerman was the evidence and witnesses lined up with the Zimmerman story and even the jury said even if they wanted to convict the evidence wasn't there to support a conviction.

In short- white people giving a white person a pass. Got it. Ignore obvious evidence to get the decision you wanted.

The DNA evidence alone showed Simpson was at Nichols at the time of the murder. Blood of Goldman and Nicole were in Simpson's Bronco. Simpson's glove would not fit because Simpson stopped taking his arthritis medication and it caused his hands to swell. The DA's office was incompetent, and Simpson is now where he belongs. The justice system worked well for Simpson.

Zimmerman is not white, not sure why it is relevant, skin color has no bearing on either case. The justice system has worked in both cases. The media wanted Zimmerman convicted, the media didn't want Simpson convicted.

I didn't ignore any evidence, I wasn't a juror and neither were you. You are just a judge wannabe.

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The system worked, you didn't like the results. You can't throw people in jail because Joe wants to.

No, the system failed miserably because the cops and prosecutors didn't do their jobs.

When you send your child out to the store and he comes home in a body bag because some drug-addled loser who can't hold down a job wanted to play Dirty Harry shot him, and nothing is done about it, that is a profound failure.

If Trayvon were YOUR child, you'd be screaming bloody murder.
For a myriad of reasons, Trayvon could not be my child. He was obviously a stupid and violent kid who was not well-reared, in other words a young thug.
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The system worked, you didn't like the results. You can't throw people in jail because Joe wants to.

No, the system failed miserably because the cops and prosecutors didn't do their jobs.

When you send your child out to the store and he comes home in a body bag because some drug-addled loser who can't hold down a job wanted to play Dirty Harry shot him, and nothing is done about it, that is a profound failure.

If Trayvon were YOUR child, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

I would be screaming bloody murder, no doubt. That has nothing to do with the case or evidence. You keep putting your emotions in and not looking at the facts.

Scream, cry, whine, pitch a hissy fit but your facts don't fit the case no matter how much you want it to. Martin was a big kid who had the power to take down Zimmerman.

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Yes, a bloody glove found by a cop who lied about being a racist. That didn't fit on OJ's hand.
Wrong! That is widely known as one of the biggest flubs made by the prosecution. Find a rubber glove that fits my hand and I guarantee I can spread out my fingers in a manner as I put it on, that would make it impossible for it to fit over my hand. What the hell happened in this debate that you now find yourself having to defend OJ, who we all know killed those people? You are a dumb mother fucker. :laugh:

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