Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

So Joe you admit that Holder, DOJ and Obama are incompetent since after 3 years of researching what you call a open and shut case they found nothing?

No, I'm saying Federal Law didn't really have a remedy. Unlike the cops who beat Rodney King, there wasn't a federal case here.

There wasn't a federal or state case. There should never had been a trial, it was pressure from the DOJ and the administration that brought on a trial where the police and the DA knew there was not enough evidence.

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So Joe you admit that Holder, DOJ and Obama are incompetent since after 3 years of researching what you call a open and shut case they found nothing?

No, I'm saying Federal Law didn't really have a remedy. Unlike the cops who beat Rodney King, there wasn't a federal case here.

There wasn't a federal or state case. There should never had been a trial, it was pressure from the DOJ and the administration that brought on a trial where the police and the DA knew there was not enough evidence.

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Zimmerman didn't have the advantage of the police department and the police union behind him.
Like the good officer in Ferguson, Mo.did.
Zimmerman was easy to railroad through the justice system because they bypassed the grand jury, because they knew they couldn't get an indictment through the grand jury.
What a miscarriage of justice, making Zimmerman go to trial when there was no evidence that he (Zimmerman) even committed a crime.
So Joe if it was so cut and dried why did the Prosecutor not call a Grand Jury? Why did she refuse to disclose information about the case to the Judge, why did she lie to said Judge about what happened and hide photographs?
And now for the truth.
The truth is every time a negro is proven to be a violent stupid simian it reinforces the general perception that most people have of them. This drives the fucking White quilter LIBs fucking crazy! They will not stop at ANYTHING to hide the reality.
Every time a negro rapes/murders/steals/pimps out their twelve year old cousins they shine the light on their thug culture. The fucking LIBs will do anything to hide the facts. When they can't hide the facts they squeeze their eyes tight and stick their fingers in their ears and scream for 'Rev. Al' to come to the rescue. No matter what he charges behind the scene.
Then up pops another Trayvon or Big Mike and it starts all over.
Zimmerman was NOT on mind-altering drugs.
"According to the report, prior to the shooting Zimmerman had been prescribed Adderall and Temazepam, medications that can cause side effects such as agitation and mood swings, but in fewer than 10 PERCENT of patients."
You need to stop making shit up, and stick with the "FACTS"

Okay, which begs the question- Was he on those drugs that night and was he the 10% who was suffering those side effects? OH, wait, we don't know, because the Keystone Cops didn't test him.

I' feel a lot safer with Zimmerman carrying a legal gun than I would feel around someone that had been thrown outta school three times, smoked pot regularly, had anger issues, always fighting, some who's mother couldn't control him so she had to send him to live with his father.
someone who was a criminal.

Wow, he sounds like a pretty typical teenager. That could describe my younger brothers, when my parents were sick.

Lesson learned: keep your anger under control and don't attack someone that has a CCW and a 9 mm to back it up

Lesson learned. Don't expect to get justice in America if you aren't white.
So Joe if it was so cut and dried why did the Prosecutor not call a Grand Jury? Why did she refuse to disclose information about the case to the Judge, why did she lie to said Judge about what happened and hide photographs?

Gross incompetence?
With all due respect, Luddly...the Main Stream Media attempted to convict George Zimmerman of murdering a defenseless little child who'd gone out to buy candy and was stalked by a racist gun nut. That was the initial narrative that the media pushed. When a jury heard ALL the information about what took place that night they found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder...AS THEY SHOULD HAVE!!!

Dog Style, Zimmerman shot an unarmed child because he was getting his ass kicked. This wasn't in dispute.

Anything else is bullshit.
I always knew Zimmerman was innocent. The justice system works as it relies on facts, evidence and common sense! Fuck all the liiars!
There is no excuse. The system failed. Miserable.

And Zimmerman is inevitably going to kill someone else because we didn't take him off the street this time.
Ya cause after all a jury got it wrong right?


With the info they had, they got it "right". They had no choice.

But, as we all know, they didn't have all the information.
Really? Do tell us about this supposed other evidence. Provide a link

There isn't other evidence. Liberals work on emotions and want to imprison us all as they hate us...So they make shit up and go crazy when the justice system works!
With all due respect, Luddly...the Main Stream Media attempted to convict George Zimmerman of murdering a defenseless little child who'd gone out to buy candy and was stalked by a racist gun nut. That was the initial narrative that the media pushed. When a jury heard ALL the information about what took place that night they found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder...AS THEY SHOULD HAVE!!!

Dog Style, Zimmerman shot an unarmed child because he was getting his ass kicked. This wasn't in dispute.

Anything else is bullshit.

You have no clue as to what really happened for you to state anything else is complete BULLSHIT
You have no clue as to what really happened for you to state anything else is complete BULLSHIT

I know exactly what happened. A habitual bully killed someone, and a racist justice system didn't do anything about it.

And when this guy INEVITABLY kills someone else, you guys will be the ones making excuses for him.
Zimmerman was NOT on mind-altering drugs.
"According to the report, prior to the shooting Zimmerman had been prescribed Adderall and Temazepam, medications that can cause side effects such as agitation and mood swings, but in fewer than 10 PERCENT of patients."
You need to stop making shit up, and stick with the "FACTS"

Okay, which begs the question- Was he on those drugs that night and was he the 10% who was suffering those side effects? OH, wait, we don't know, because the Keystone Cops didn't test him.

I' feel a lot safer with Zimmerman carrying a legal gun than I would feel around someone that had been thrown outta school three times, smoked pot regularly, had anger issues, always fighting, some who's mother couldn't control him so she had to send him to live with his father.
someone who was a criminal.

Wow, he sounds like a pretty typical teenager. That could describe my younger brothers, when my parents were sick.

Lesson learned: keep your anger under control and don't attack someone that has a CCW and a 9 mm to back it up

Lesson learned. Don't expect to get justice in America if you aren't white.

IF you got younger brothers that act like Trayvon Martin,
"been thrown outta school three times, smoked pot regularly, had anger issues, always fighting, some who's mother couldn't control him so she had to send him to live with his father.
someone who was a criminal".
Then you had better tell them to be careful who they try to beat down, the person they attack just might had a CCW and a legal gun to back it up.
BTW, Trayvon Martin was NOT a typical teenager.
"Typical teenagers" are not criminals looking to beat people down just for the fun of it, that describes animals, preying on civilized people.
IF you think that Martin WAS a "typical teenager", then THAT explain a lot about YOU!
Criminals that attack people .... OF ANY COLOR/RACE ............ That get shot in the process of committing a crime ................... Hell, that is THEIR problem.
Lesson learned: be a normal human and don't be a criminal, attacking people .... it could be the last thing you do.
You have no clue as to what really happened for you to state anything else is complete BULLSHIT

I know exactly what happened. A habitual bully killed someone, and a racist justice system didn't do anything about it.

And when this guy INEVITABLY kills someone else, you guys will be the ones making excuses for him.
You know nothing, and it's has been proven over and over again.

You have no proof, you have no evidence, except the shit you have made up in your mind. Give it a rest, the DA was forced to prosecute with no evidence and even the whack job Holder can't make up any charges.
With all due respect, Luddly...the Main Stream Media attempted to convict George Zimmerman of murdering a defenseless little child who'd gone out to buy candy and was stalked by a racist gun nut. That was the initial narrative that the media pushed. When a jury heard ALL the information about what took place that night they found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder...AS THEY SHOULD HAVE!!!

Dog Style, Zimmerman shot an unarmed child because he was getting his ass kicked. This wasn't in dispute.

Anything else is bullshit.

Zimmerman shot, in self-defense, a criminal that attacked him..
Zimmerman committed no crime that night, as evidenced by the jury's decision.
Martin committed the ONLY crime that night.
Then you had better tell them to be careful who they try to beat down, the person they attack just might had a CCW and a legal gun to back it up.
BTW, Trayvon Martin was NOT a typical teenager.
"Typical teenagers" are not criminals looking to beat people down just for the fun of it, that describes animals, preying on civilized people.

Why do I get the feeling you were one of those chumps who saw a picture of some rapper and thought it was Trayvon....
Zimmerman shot, in self-defense, a criminal that attacked him..
Zimmerman committed no crime that night, as evidenced by the jury's decision.
Martin committed the ONLY crime that night.

A jury let the guys who lynched Emmet Till off, too.
You know nothing, and it's has been proven over and over again.

You have no proof, you have no evidence, except the shit you have made up in your mind. Give it a rest, the DA was forced to prosecute with no evidence and even the whack job Holder can't make up any charges.

No one, "forced" the DA to do anything.

There was plenty of evidence.

1 Dead Body.
1 Smoking gun with Zimmerman's fingerprints all over it.

Not much else to be said there, except for pindicks like yourself who piss yourselves at the thought of scary black men.
You know nothing, and it's has been proven over and over again.

You have no proof, you have no evidence, except the shit you have made up in your mind. Give it a rest, the DA was forced to prosecute with no evidence and even the whack job Holder can't make up any charges.

No one, "forced" the DA to do anything.

There was plenty of evidence.

1 Dead Body.
1 Smoking gun with Zimmerman's fingerprints all over it.

Not much else to be said there, except for pindicks like yourself who piss yourselves at the thought of scary black men.

I don't find black men scary, not sure what that has to do with the issue, other than an asshat wanting to divert the case.

The DA was forced by the federal and state government to press charges, they had no real evidence to go to trial with, yet politics put on the pressure.

I'm glad left wing nuts like you aren't in charge, you love to pervert justice to suit your agenda.
With all due respect, Luddly...the Main Stream Media attempted to convict George Zimmerman of murdering a defenseless little child who'd gone out to buy candy and was stalked by a racist gun nut. That was the initial narrative that the media pushed. When a jury heard ALL the information about what took place that night they found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder...AS THEY SHOULD HAVE!!!

Dog Style, Zimmerman shot an unarmed child because he was getting his ass kicked. This wasn't in dispute.

Anything else is bullshit.

Your own response begs the question...if Trayvon Martin was really a "child" then how was it possible that he was kicking a grown man's ass? The obvious answer to that is that he WASN'T a child at all. He was a young man who fancied himself a bad-ass. Instead of either diffusing the situation by informing Zimmerman who he was and who he was staying with or simply running away, going inside the place that he was staying and calling the Police...Martin decided that the thing to do was attack the man who had questioned him and then followed him. Martin was in the process of beating Zimmerman senseless when Zimmerman got his gun out and shot the young man who was on top of him raining blows.
You have no clue as to what really happened for you to state anything else is complete BULLSHIT

I know exactly what happened. A habitual bully killed someone, and a racist justice system didn't do anything about it.

And when this guy INEVITABLY kills someone else, you guys will be the ones making excuses for him.

George Zimmerman was a "habitual bully"? How so? When a Sanford Police officer's kid beat up a black homeless man and no charges were brought against him it was George Zimmerman who started a protest demanding justice for that black homeless man! Yet you on the Left declared that Zimmerman was a racist stalker who only shot Trayvon Martin because of his skin color. The justice system was color blind in this case...too bad so many of you liberals couldn't be as well.

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