Answer Something For Me Please

Trump said something last night that I'm wondering myself when he was talking about his son being framed for a crime he did not commit. I don't really remember what the full story is, but why is it that people who are innocent keep getting framed for crimes in the media (Trump stands out most of all) they didn't commit, while the true criminals,.. (like Hillary Clinton for instance and Dr. Fauci) are still allowed to walk free?
Why are Clinton and Fauci “true” criminals? :doubt:
Why are Clinton and Fauci “true” criminals? :doubt:

Hillary Clinton and all of her love letters to Russia, ever heard of them? How about Fauci and his animal cruelty and having ties with China and the pandemic? Does that ring a bell? (I know it might sound like I'm cross with you, but I'm not,.. I am being somewhat sarcastic though about the whole entire situations.)
Trump said something last night that I'm wondering myself when he was talking about his son being framed for a crime he did not commit. I don't really remember what the full story is, but why is it that people who are innocent keep getting framed for crimes in the media (Trump stands out most of all) they didn't commit, while the true criminals,.. (like Hillary Clinton for instance and Dr. Fauci) are still allowed to walk free?

Trump is a life long criminal who is now getting caught for the first time in his life. Every investigation of Trump has found still more crimes he's committing. You have to be wilfully blind not to see the Obstruction of Justice. He isn't being "framed", he's finally getting caught.

Hillary Clinton has committed NO CRIMES. Every one of the 25+ investigations of lies Republicans have told about the Clintons, has failed to find any proof of the crimes that Fox News tells you she's committing.
Trump is a life long criminal who is now getting caught for the first time in his life. Every investigation of Trump has found still more crimes he's committing. You have to be wilfully blind not to see the Obstruction of Justice. He isn't being "framed", he's finally getting caught.

Hillary Clinton has committed NO CRIMES. Every one of the 25+ investigations of lies Republicans have told about the Clintons, has failed to find any proof of the crimes that Fox News tells you she's committing.

And there it goes. All bullshit and no evidence to support your absurd claims. There's no shame in therapy since you have one of the worst cases of TDS I've ever seen.
Trump said something last night that I'm wondering myself when he was talking about his son being framed for a crime he did not commit. I don't really remember what the full story is, but why is it that people who are innocent keep getting framed for crimes in the media (Trump stands out most of all) they didn't commit, while the true criminals,.. (like Hillary Clinton for instance and Dr. Fauci) are still allowed to walk free?
Most crooks proclaim their innocence. Of course you believe them.
And there it goes. All bullshit and no evidence to support your absurd claims. There's no shame in therapy since you have one of the worst cases of TDS I've ever seen.
Hillary Clinton and all of her love letters to Russia, ever heard of them?

Never heard of them, have a link?

How about Fauci and his animal cruelty and having ties with China and the pandemic? Does that ring a bell? (I know it might sound like I'm cross with you, but I'm not,.. I am being somewhat sarcastic though about the whole entire situations.)
NIH approved certain research grants that involved animal experiments. Those grants are approved by a panel of peop,e, not Fauci. There is also a lot of conspiracy theory stuff about Fauci and China, and I haven’t seen anything reputable supporting it.

I don’t think either one is a criminal.

Sarcasm is cool ;)
Trump said something last night that I'm wondering myself when he was talking about his son being framed for a crime he did not commit. I don't really remember what the full story is, but why is it that people who are innocent keep getting framed for crimes in the media (Trump stands out most of all) they didn't commit, while the true criminals,.. (like Hillary Clinton for instance and Dr. Fauci) are still allowed to walk free?

Because only Democrats can be "true criminals" while Republicans are always "framed by the media".
I'm still wondering what the hell Biden has been talking about for the last year and a half and you spend time worrying about what the former president was saying? WTF?

Oh yeah, what do you call Biden?

Never heard of them, have a link?

NIH approved certain research grants that involved animal experiments. Those grants are approved by a panel of peop,e, not Fauci. There is also a lot of conspiracy theory stuff about Fauci and China, and I haven’t seen anything reputable supporting it.

I don’t think either one is a criminal.

Sarcasm is cool ;)

Lookup Hillary election scandal or something and you can find in the news that she was communicating with Russia to help her win the election. Look, I don't mean this in a mean way, but I don't understand why I always have to provide links (except when it's an OP for a current event story as I understand that rule) when you (and other people who bother me for them) are more than capable of looking it up for yourself. Second of all Fauci was still involved with the animal experiments and I'll give you the fact that him funding China for the Coronavirus could be a conspiracy theory,.. but it sure is funny that a whole lot of liberals believe all of the conspiracy theories about Trump.

I'm still wondering what the hell Biden has been talking about for the last year and a half and you spend time worrying about what the former president was saying? WTF?

Because a lot of the liberals believe that Biden is a Saint and Orange Man bad!
I will say this though, since it's a liberal leftist media every article I found says that it wasn't her fault or she didn't actually do anything against the law so,.. in the end, believe what you want to hear.

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