Antarctic Greenery


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
It appears that current efforts to halt Global Warming are simply trying to stop the march of time....time, a cyclical thing.

The London Express (no, you won't see this in Americans' Government controlled media) has published the results of Antacrcic studies that PROVE that Earth NATURALLY cycles between extremely cold and extremely warm periods:

(quoted material in blue for those with colour monitors)

The wonders of adaptation have led to a thriving wild animal population, with around 235 different species calling Antarctica home.

While the Antarctica of today is nothing more than a desert of ice, previous research suggests that the region was once a hotbed of life and a temperate forest.

The breakthrough discovery was made after a mission found fossilised plant roots preserved under the ocean since the time of the dinosaurs

Ah, denial....not just a river in Egypt anymore!
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It appears that current efforts to halt Global Warming are simply trying to stop the march of time....time, a cyclical thing.

The London Express (no, you won't see this in Americans' Government controlled media) has published the results of Antacrcic studies that PROVE that Earth cycles between extremely cold and extremely warm periods:

(quoted material in blue for those with colour monitors)

The wonders of adaptation have led to a thriving wild animal population, with around 235 different species calling Antarctica home.

While the Antarctica of today is nothing more than a desert of ice, previous research suggests that the region was once a hotbed of life and a temperate forest.

The breakthrough discovery was made after a mission found fossilised plant roots preserved under the ocean since the time of the dinosaurs

Ah, denial....not just a river in Egypt anymore!
Palm trees used to grow in the Arctic as well. Great Lakes never existed 12,000 years ago. Most prolific period of life on earth was when no ice existed at the polls.

But according to our scientific superiors of today, life on earth is threatened by a 2 degree change.
I have argued for years that much of what we see with climate change is cyclical in nature... they once grew grapes in northern England. Generally, the argument falls on ears unwilling to hear...

At the same time, I believe it to be the height of hubris to believe that what we do has zero effect on the planet. But, to mitigate those effects, and I see no reason why we shouldn't at least make the attempt, it will take a balanced approach and smarter people than those in government. And, until nations like China and Russia get on board to do their part, anything we do puts us at a disadvantage and would be, for the most part, useless.
The Earth has changed several times since God created it to include five mass extinctions, don't worry we will have our moment in time for becoming extinct also.
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It appears that current efforts to halt Global Warming are simply trying to stop the march of time....time, a cyclical thing.

The London Express (no, you won't see this in Americans' Government controlled media) has published the results of Antacrcic studies that PROVE that Earth NATURALLY cycles between extremely cold and extremely warm periods:

(quoted material in blue for those with colour monitors)

The wonders of adaptation have led to a thriving wild animal population, with around 235 different species calling Antarctica home.

While the Antarctica of today is nothing more than a desert of ice, previous research suggests that the region was once a hotbed of life and a temperate forest.

The breakthrough discovery was made after a mission found fossilised plant roots preserved under the ocean since the time of the dinosaurs

Ah, denial....not just a river in Egypt anymore!
That's not new at all...when I was there, it was well known since they found fossils of plants AND animals.

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