Antarctic Melt

What I have is the conclusion of virtually every single scientific study on the topic.

How do you so easily forget that it's YOU that's the whackjob here.

Which have proven to be wrong. Observation trumps model output every time. Those that weren't wrong were of the skeptical nature and there is quite the body of those...and growing all the time.
What you have is virtually all the crap the cartoonist Cook publishes on his "skepticalscience" blog.

Results replicated in several other independent studies, hence your attempts to demonize a a person and website are an obvious lame deflection.

The propagation of large, storm-generated waves through sea ice has

... has absolutely no relation to this thread topic, so the rest of your post is more meaningless handwaving. The topic is land ice, not sea ice or ice shelves.
Sorry admiral hairball, but findings by climate wackos don't get replicated....
Ive mentioned seismic and volcanic activity before to the CAGW loons. they stare blankly for a moment and then simply go back to their chatter.

No, we point out how lame your unsupported claims are.

Do you have any evidence that geothermal activity has increased? No, you don't. Hence, you are obviously attempting to deflect from the actual cause of changes, the human-caused warming.

Back in the real world, geothermal factors have always been taken into account for Antarctic melt. Anyone denying that is either ignorant of the science or lying by omission. What that latest study said was that the geothermal factor in that particular area is found to be larger than previously estimated. It does _not_ say that it's grown bigger. Geothermal factors are the same as they always were. It's the increasing ocean temps that are changing the equilibrium.

Tell us again how CO2 is melting Mt Everest where temperature is never above -20.
Tell us again how CO2 is melting Mt Everest where temperature is never above -20.

Seriously Frank, what are you babbling about? You're getting less coherent with each passing day.

Yes, repeating the contentions of the AGWCult MUST sound like babbling.

The AGWCult said that CO2 was causing avalanches from melting ice on Mt Everest. How does that work?
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"Show me an experiment that demonstrates how a 120PPM increase in CO2 can increase temperature and lower ocean pH from 8.25 to 8.15" sounds like babbling to the AGWCult
Tell us again how CO2 is melting Mt Everest where temperature is never above -20.

Seriously Frank, what are you babbling about? You're getting less coherent with each passing day.

The AGWCult said that CO2 was causing avalanches from melting ice on Mt Everest. How does that work?

Frank, where did you get the kook idea that temperatures on Everest never go above -20? The huge avalanche was near base camp, where temps reach 50F on nice days..
Seriously Frank, what are you babbling about? You're getting less coherent with each passing day.

The AGWCult said that CO2 was causing avalanches from melting ice on Mt Everest. How does that work?

Frank, where did you get the kook idea that temperatures on Everest never go above -20? The huge avalanche was near base camp, where temps reach 50F on nice days..

Base camp is at 9,000 feet

in what country cant people live where they used to live because of rising seas?
Ive mentioned seismic and volcanic activity before to the CAGW loons. they stare blankly for a moment and then simply go back to their chatter.

What we are staring blankly at are the tentacles radiating from the back of your head.

Vulcanism is a given background process. It has no bearing on whether or not AGW is taking place and unless things change dramatically, it has little bearing on total melt's effect on sea level rise or loss of albedo. If we simply go back to what we were doing it's because the point is obviously irrelevant and we either don't feel like wasting time or perhaps just don't want to embarrass you pointing out facts.

Yes, geothermal melt caused by AGW.

We got it

Is that REALLY what you think I said?
Good lord, some of these deniers are dim. The fact that temps will often exceed the average temp seems beyond their capability to grasp, as does the fact that sunlight often heats surfaces to higher than air temps.
from the daily caller:

"Antarctic Ice So Thick Scientists Struggle Getting There May 11, 2015 Source: The Daily Callerby: Michael Bastasch

Scientists are struggling to stage expeditions to the South Pole because Antarctica’s sea ice has been growing rapidly and hit record high levels.

The UK Guardian reports 50 scientists have gathered in Tasmania to discuss more accurate ways to predict Antarctic sea ice levels so researchers don’t get stuck in ice pack when traveling southward.

“It’s quite hard to forecast but whatever effort we put into improving our ability to forecast sea ice will ultimately pay dividends in terms of savings for national programs,” Tony Worby, head of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, told the Guardian.

Last year, ships “couldn’t get anywhere near” the Australian Antarctic Division’s research site on Antarctica, reports The Guardian. Source: The Daily Caller"

Holy crap!!!!
And yet temperatures over Antarctic waters are _rising_. Which means those using Antarctic ice to deny global warming are rather delusional.

You deniers understand that rising temperatures indicate global warming, right? I only ask because so many deniers here tell us that falling temperatures indicate global warming, or that earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanoes indicated global warming. Or they try to deflect from the rising temperatures by yelling "look at the ice!".
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And yet temperatures over Antarctic waters are _rising_. Which means those using Antarctic ice to deny global warming are rather delusional.

You deniers understand that rising temperatures indicate global warming, right? I only ask because so many deniers here tell us that falling temperatures indicate global warming, or that earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanoes indicated global warming. Or they try to deflect from the rising temperatures by yelling "look at the ice!".
yeah, okay, whatever you say tooth.
Ah, jc puts his histrionic personality disorder on display again. He so badly wants attention, especially from the alpha males.

Squeal for us some more now, jc. After all, it's how you avoid the science.
Ah, jc puts his histrionic personality disorder on display again. He so badly wants attention, especially from the alpha males.

Squeal for us some more now, jc. After all, it's how you avoid the science.
seems the only one squealing is you. frequently as a matter of fact. We all know you are delusional, it's expected. you wear stupid so well. let's see it posted again, warmer air makes more ice. say it with me!

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