Anthony Blinken: China Ships Fentanyl Ingredients To Cartels By Accident --- ‘It’s Not About Pointing Fingers’

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
What a liar. China is doing it on purpose to kill our youth and Biden and his puppeteers know it. They facilitated it by resending Trump's contracts to have the border wall built and opening up our borders for mass invasion. Compromised Blinken is protecting China.

What a cuck!

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Not only are these people being sent bribe money like Hunter and the Big Guy had money sent to them covertly, they sleep well at night knowing that these drugs are killing off the dregs of society that are contributing to climate change due to their carbon emissions.

So not only are they getting rich, they sleep well at night thinking they are saving Mother Earth.

Sick f$cks is what they are.
What a liar. China is doing it on purpose to kill our youth and Biden and his puppeteers know it. They facilitated it by resending Trump's contracts to have the border wall built and opening up our borders for mass invasion. Compromised Blinken is protecting China.

Blinken should be indicted already for the Laptop Disinformation Election Interference. Biden is Xi's cuck, and Blinken is Biden's toady.
What a liar. China is doing it on purpose to kill our youth and Biden and his puppeteers know it. They facilitated it by resending Trump's contracts to have the border wall built and opening up our borders for mass invasion. Compromised Blinken is protecting China.

What a cuck!

I just heard on Newsmax 30 minutes ago that China gave the Bidens $15 million by way of a complex money laundering apparatus. Did they feel so cheated by the extortion of "Pay to play" that they intentionally sold poisoned fentanyl for deliver to America the retribution of killing off 100,000 (more or less) for the last 3 or 4 years since to get even for the threats Biden may have made if they didn't make him rich?

The Constitution clearly states government employees MUST NOT accept gifts from foreign countries. I'm beginning to think Biden will be hiding even more than he did in the last election for the ways he used the $15 million to win the presidency when he didn't have the votes. So far during his administration almost 400,000 Americans are dead so he could have his damn $15 million "with benefits"--but not benefits for the people they killed off with the Cartel. I knew Biden had a money interest in allowing the Cartels to gang rape children, separate kids from their parents, and scare the hell out of anybody who crossed them. The Chinese knew this.

Biden is a disaster to human life and liberty in America. I hope they deprive him of his ongoing thefts and threats for the leaders of other countries to get rich quick. I hate how he used his public office for the past 48 years. Only the devil is worse than Biden.

Biden is a sociopath to sell out his fellow Americans for power and a lots of money. :cranky:
Has anyone in the Bidenista Regime ever said anything that wasn’t 100% dipshittery?
Blinken is a eunuch, owned by the CCP.
I think of Biden's people as those you cannot count on to tell the truth. Biden has truly damaged the Constitution in every which way it can be damaged. Sometimes I think he knows what he's doing, and sometimes he flat out doesn't know where he is, who he's with, the name of a person he is supposed to introduce and other Alzheimer characteristics. He should be in a nursing home where he cannot hurt someone else when someone concerned is watching over him.

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