Anthony Fauci Is Unhinged, Untrustworthy, and Unqualified

Fauchi is a jive artist. Send him to Red China. One thing for sure. They'll never learn anything from him.
Diehard devotees of the Cry Baby Loser are very pissy about Dr Fauci as they parrot their propaganda outlets.

Did Fauci acquit himself with resolute, unalloyed brilliance throughout the pandemic? Of course not. He was subjected to the political calculations of a crackpot with little understanding or respect for science.

Since being freed to pursue a scientifically-valid policy, he has demonstrated his competence.

... Five minutes before he addressed the public, Fauci spoke with the new President. ā€œHe said, ā€˜I want you to just go and tell the science, explain to people that if we make mistakes, weā€™re going to fix the mistakes and weā€™re not going to dwell on the mistakes. Let science be communicated to the public.ā€™ā€
Not such a radical position, but it was a lifeline for Fauci, who had become renowned as a target of the ire of President Trump and his supportersā€”mostly just for being an unwavering advocate for science and the facts. Jen Psaki, the new White House press secretary, asked, ā€œā€˜O.K., what do you want to talk about, and how long do you want to be up there?'ā€ says Fauci. And that was it.
ā€œI said what I wanted to say. She didnā€™t check with the President or prompt me about what I was going to do. I just did it,ā€ says Fauci. ā€œIt was a really good feeling, because it was really showing that science is going to rule.ā€
One should keep in mind what Dr. Fauci was forced to endure under the Trump regime:
An honest comparison of Fauci's pronouncements regarding Covid-19 over the course of his tenure with the ravings of the Cry Baby Loser exposes the vast disparity in competence.
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Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Faucci is only respected by psycho Leftist like yourself.

And, you are the minority.

Barrack Obama followed Dr. Faucci's advice on the H1N1 pandemic, and the Ebola outbreak. The US death rate for H1N1, was 1.5% of the deaths worldwide. The US population is 3% of the world's population so these is an excellent response. The USA had 0 deaths from the Ebola outbreak.

Donald Trump ignored Dr. Faucci's advice, and the USA, with 3% of the world's population, has suffered 20% of all cases worldwide, and 17% of the worldwide deaths in the pandemic. Dr. Faucci and his family received death threats because Faucci refused to buckle to Trump's insanity.

In the 4 months since Trump left office, and the nation once again started following Dr. Faucci's advice, the virus is now being controlled, the USA has aggressively vaccinated more than half of the adult population, and the nation is getting back to work.

Had Donald Trump followed Dr. Faucci's advice, the virus would have been controlled BEFORE the election, Donald Trump would have been the hero of the pandemic, and a grateful nation would have re-elected him.

Instead, Donald Trump was thrown out of office because of his failure to control the virus. If Donald Trump had listened to Dr. Faucci, a grateful nation would have re-elected him in a landslide.

Dr. Faucci's work with the Biden Administration has cemented his reputation as the greatest virologist on the planet. Trump's work with Dr. Faucci has cemented his worldwide reputation as an idiot.
He got it wrong with HIV, so we gave him the highest salary in the Federal government to get it wrong and lie to us about the ChiCom Flu.

ā€œOnly in a ā€” you guessed it ā€” bloated bureaucracy can someone who screws up on such a grand scale be given even more power even though there was no indication that he learned anything from earlier mistakes.ā€

Look at your crappy source.
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Faucci is only respected by psycho Leftist like yourself.

And, you are the minority.

Of course.. Trump's groupies reject education.. Just take bleach. Covid will be gone by April.
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Looks like the orange god's minions have decided to call the sheep out to complain about Dr. Fauci. :heehee:
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Looks like the orange god's minions have decided to call the sheep out to complain about Dr. Fauci. :heehee:

Well praise for General Milley's speech kind of backfired on them, and Biden's approval ratings are highly discouraging for them. Joe keeps doing a good job and pushing a popular agenda, so going that route has really been quicksand.

Their attacks against well qualified minorities aren't going well either, and there is this whole thing about maybe something happened at the lab, so let's attack Faucci.

To me, the idea that something happened at the lab leads right back to Trump. The USA had scientists working at that lab up until he decided to pull out of the WHO, because it's headed by a black man from Africa. Then he pulled all American scientists out of Wuhan, all less than a year before the virus hit.

If Trump had left American scientists in that Wuhan lab, the USA would KNOW what had happened there. So once again, all fuckups lead back to Trump.
He got it wrong with HIV, so we gave him the highest salary in the Federal government to get it wrong and lie to us about the ChiCom Flu.

ā€œOnly in a ā€” you guessed it ā€” bloated bureaucracy can someone who screws up on such a grand scale be given even more power even though there was no indication that he learned anything from earlier mistakes.ā€

Look at your crappy source.
Of course you side with an admitted liar.
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Of course you side with an admitted liar.
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Looks like the orange god's minions have decided to call the sheep out to complain about Dr. Fauci. :heehee:

Well praise for General Milley's speech kind of backfired on them, and Biden's approval ratings are highly discouraging for them. Joe keeps doing a good job and pushing a popular agenda, so going that route has really been quicksand.

Their attacks against well qualified minorities aren't going well either, and there is this whole thing about maybe something happened at the lab, so let's attack Faucci.

To me, the idea that something happened at the lab leads right back to Trump. The USA had scientists working at that lab up until he decided to pull out of the WHO, because it's headed by a black man from Africa. Then he pulled all American scientists out of Wuhan, all less than a year before the virus hit.

If Trump had left American scientists in that Wuhan lab, the USA would KNOW what had happened there. So once again, all fuckups lead back to Trump.
Hilarious lies from the USMB head liar.

Why are you KKKanadians in total lockdown right now?

Oh yeah. Leftist leadership in KKKanada.
We really really really need an "Ironically funny" emoji here.
We really need a sheep icon and a ChiCom flag icon.
Fauci the LIAR:


Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
this quack...fake-i...has been lying since day 1..for 750,00 a year i'd say what was wanted....this moron is nothing but a flip-flopping politician...corrupted, anti-AMERICA, shit stain, just like the xiden family...and PIG-lousi. and the corrupted asswipes..clintons, and the treasonist, traitor--barrag-o
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
this quack...fake-i...has been lying since day 1..for 750,00 a year i'd say what was wanted....this moron is nothing but a flip-flopping politician...corrupted, anti-AMERICA, shit stain, just like the xiden family...and PIG-lousi. and the corrupted asswipes..clintons, and the treasonist, traitor--barrag-o
In 1983 Fauci claimed HIV could transmit to others merely by close contact.
So with that epic failure we gave him the highest paying job in the Federal government.
don't remember when, but this quack, fake-i, did a study on covid....obvious the piece of shit didn't believe any thing it wrote
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Thatā€™s hilarious. What work has Fauci done? If heā€™s so great why didnā€™t prevent Covid? Why has he lied so much?
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Looks like the orange god's minions have decided to call the sheep out to complain about Dr. Fauci. :heehee:
See? There it is. If anyone criticizes The Great Fauci they are stupidly condemned as Trumpers.
Lilā€™ Fauci is loved and respected because the left thinks heā€™s anti-trump. If Stalin were alive and was anti-Trump, he too would be loved and respected. :abgg2q.jpg:

Anthony Fauci is both qualified and respected which is more than can be said for you.

Fauci isnā€™t respected because heā€™s ā€œanti-Trumpā€. Heā€™s respected because of his work over the past 50 years.

Donald Trump spent the past year ignoring Fauciā€™s advice and creating the worst pandemic response in the world.

Joe Biden followed Fauciā€™s advice for four months and the pandemic is on the run, the country is re-opening, and life is returning to normal.

If Trump had listen to Fauci, he wouldā€™ve been reelected so itā€™s really a good thing that you all hate Fauci. If Trump had respected Fauci and done what was suggested heā€™d still be president.
Looks like the orange god's minions have decided to call the sheep out to complain about Dr. Fauci. :heehee:
See? There it is. If anyone criticizes The Great Fauci they are stupidly condemned as Trumpers.

There is no valid reason to condemn Faucci, except for loyalty to Trump.
Let's be fair.

The only reason that the liberal media have made Dr. F. a hero is to make President Trump look bad.

The so-called "journalists" know that he is just an ordinary bureaucrat who enjoys being lionized by the media.

Like everyone else, Dr. F. was making guesses about how to deal with this terrible virus. Some guesses were right; some not so much.

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