Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Any thought on this? Does this help recruit for GOP or Dems?
the conventional wisdom is that leaving the seat vacant will cause republicans to get out the vote the way it did in 2016...I have no idea if that is fact or not but I do know everyone on the right was hoping for a conservative court so it makes some sense

I wouldn't take the chance. If I'm the GOP I nominate somebody in the next 30 days, push him through the Senate hearings, and vote the person in. Unless of course they don't have at least 50 votes, that prick McCain would love to play the maverick one last time.

Also, it would really be the wishes of Kennedy wouldn't it? His timing was not random, this was with the realization that he needs to do it now to ensure a strong, loyal constitutional replacement.
Republicans can benefit most from letting liberals run amok in the streets bitching about the court nomination. The more injuries, the more property destroyed by the Maxine School of Terror......the greater the Republican majority in both houses come November.

Rage on liberals.......please, please, please rage on!
Just heard on ABC News radio.
/----/ Rush predicts that the Leftards will demand that Trump not name a nominee until Muller concludes his investigation on Collusion otherwise if Trump is removed from office the USSC appointee will be seen as illegitimate. AND I AGREE WITH RUSH.

The filthy Democrats can march around in their pink pussy hats and howl at the sky all they want.

The Republicans control the Senate. They control the committee and they have established the rule for a simple majority vote.

The new judge will be confirmed before the election and there ain't a damn thing the Democrat filth can do about it.

MAGA Baby!
The greedy idiot GOP billionaire scumbags thank you!

The billionaires are the ones that supported Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Crooked Hillary in 2016 so if I was a stupid Moon Bat like you I wouldn't be too critical of them.
Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.
Gorsuch was as much of a constitutionalist judge as you'll realistically be able find. Be honest, you want activist judges... as long as you agree with them.
Lol what I want... that’s the thing about Judges, they’re supposed to rule impartially. not the way they or I want. But that doesn’t count for the SC anymore.
Because you disagree with them.
Today’s union vote. Have you seen liberals in hysterics, calling the court fraudulent and activist judges? Nope. The SC ruled on the Muslim ban. Are liberals attacking the court and justices the way republicans have for years? Nope. I respect impartiality, not what you people are trying to do.
Kennedy is retiring. Have you seen any Loser's head explode?

Chuck Schumer's, just now on TV.
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

How confident are you in Collins or McCain or Flake walking in lock-step with the rest of the GOP?
Forget McCain Gator...he is so ill he will not be able to get back to the capitol to vote....
RIP the last good Republican...
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

How confident are you in Collins or McCain or Flake walking in lock-step with the rest of the GOP?
Forget McCain Gator...he is so ill he will not be able to get back to the capitol to vote....

That might well be true, but no vote is a good as a nay.
That's absurd. He was the President, he had 11 months to go, and he did his Constitutional duty. McConnell then failed to do his. He should have been impeached.

It was Obama's job to nominate a conservative to replace a conservative. Maintain BALANCE on the court, is just so essential.

McConnell didn't do anything, there were not the votes available to do anything as far as Garland- had the Dems won the Senate and Presidency in November 2016, Garland would have probably been confirmed.
Really? Where was the liberal replacement for Thurgood Marshall? We got Uncle Thomas instead. It wasn’t Obama’s job to put in another right wing politician in robes like Scalia. It was to nominate a qualified person to fill the seat.
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

How confident are you in Collins or McCain or Flake walking in lock-step with the rest of the GOP?
Flake has voted with Trump on something like 90+% of the issues, he's just vocal against Trump's rhetoric and conduct, rightfully so.

Trump didn't put a far right ideologue in there the first time. I doubt he will again. But it will be someone who leans right for sure.
Confirmed by Fox News.
There's an old very careful for what you ask for....should Roe V Wade get overturned, and hispanics and blacks multiplying like a bad college math exam...I'd say we're poised in a few more years to pretty much take over this country......White people are decreasing in child births and minorities are increasing...that is fact. Another fact is white women are more likely to use abortion than anybody, so who you hurting? I'm not gonna live long enough to see the brown invasion, but I hope our beloved Christian community is prepared to babysit!!:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Just heard on ABC News radio.
/----/ Rush predicts that the Leftards will demand that Trump not name a nominee until Muller concludes his investigation on Collusion otherwise if Trump is removed from office the USSC appointee will be seen as illegitimate. AND I AGREE WITH RUSH.

The filthy Democrats can march around in their pink pussy hats and howl at the sky all they want.

The Republicans control the Senate. They control the committee and they have established the rule for a simple majority vote.

The new judge will be confirmed before the election and there ain't a damn thing the Democrat filth can do about it.

MAGA Baby!
The greedy idiot GOP billionaire scumbags thank you!

The billionaires are the ones that supported Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Crooked Hillary in 2016 so if I was a stupid Moon Bat like you I wouldn't be too critical of them.
Sure, because if you give a speech to someone it means you are controlled by them LOL! Ever consider the policies she wanted that they didn't, whereas the GOP is totally bought by Wall Street Big Oil big health... Poor America, poor GOP Dupes...
Kennedy takes a dump on his own legacy, letting the dotard replace him with a sycophant

I do wish he would have held on till after Nov so the new congress could have had a part in it.
Figure out why he didn't.

Perhaps he thinks that the Dems will win the Senate back.

As the Senate stands now, it is not hard to imagine at least two Senators will rebel against any far right pick. We might well end up with a more reasonable pick then people assume.
McCain will not be able to vote. Too sick.
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

How confident are you in Collins or McCain or Flake walking in lock-step with the rest of the GOP?
Flake has voted with Trump on something like 90+% of the issues, he's just vocal against Trump's rhetoric and conduct, rightfully so.

Trump didn't put a far right ideologue in there the first time. I doubt he will again. But it will be someone who leans right for sure.

I actually agree with you, I do not think he will. And if he does not and gives us another Gorsuch, I will be a happy camper.
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

How confident are you in Collins or McCain or Flake walking in lock-step with the rest of the GOP?
Forget McCain Gator...he is so ill he will not be able to get back to the capitol to vote....

That might well be true, but no vote is a good as a nay.
McCain would never vote for a Trump nominee....not after this last year...

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