Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!
Why do you sad losers care more about hurting liberals - who are Americans the people protected by the constitution and bill of rights - rather than getting and explaining good policy?
You mean the libs will STILL be protected by the Constitution? The same one that OUR SCOTUS picks will Always uphold and not make up rights?
Justice Anthony Kennedy to Retire From Supreme Court

YES!!!!!!!!! President Trump gets his 2nd SC nominee! WOO HOO! Liberal heads EXPLODE!

Supreme Court Justice Mark R. Levin?

How about Justice Roy Moore?
Oh hell yeah Moore! I doubt it will happen but ya never know!
Time to reverse Roe Vs Wade!
Go. To. Hell.

That's not going to happen .
Hell or overturning Roe v. Wade?

No one is going to overturn Roe vs wade I would turn a democrat

wtf? Why? You approve of women being able to murder babies?
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

No it wasnt, we played you fair and square
Nothing fair about it. You'd have had a revolution if we had done it to the Republicans.

They just ignored Obama, no one expected Trump to win, they took one heck of a chance

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