Anthony of "Opie and Anthony" fired for racist tweets

Im a regular listener of BOTH shows, so im certainly qualified to comment on them. Are you a regular listnener of both shows? If not, then your opinion on this subject is meaningless.

You are a regular Howard listener, huh? How regular?

VERY regular. Im a week behind on his show though currently, but yeah, I listen to all of Howards episodes. Ill catch up by the end of this week, or maybe next. Ive got last weeks episodes ready to go as mp3 files though. Ive listened to almost every minute of Howards show for the past 3.5 years.

And you think Opie & Anthony are in the same league? That is very odd.
This is a very good video:

Howard employs over 100 people. He has an extremely polished show and they are exceptional at what they do. I would never argue with someone who said "the howard stern show is the greatest radio show of all time", I get it. Hell, I got my subscription for the sole purpose of listening to howard. I didnt even know who Opie and Anthony was when I got the subscription, but I listened to both shows and within about 2 months I realized that the Opie and Anthony show was my favorite between the two.
Howard employs over 100 people. He has an extremely polished show and they are exceptional at what they do. I would never argue with someone who said "the howard stern show is the greatest radio show of all time", I get it. Hell, I got my subscription for the sole purpose of listening to howard. I didnt even know who Opie and Anthony was when I got the subscription, but I listened to both shows and within about 2 months I realized that the Opie and Anthony show was my favorite between the two.

That's great! That is your opinion. That does not mean that they are in the same league. That is my entire point.....with which you have been arguing this whole time.
Howard employs over 100 people. He has an extremely polished show and they are exceptional at what they do. I would never argue with someone who said "the howard stern show is the greatest radio show of all time", I get it. Hell, I got my subscription for the sole purpose of listening to howard. I didnt even know who Opie and Anthony was when I got the subscription, but I listened to both shows and within about 2 months I realized that the Opie and Anthony show was my favorite between the two.

That's great! That is your opinion. That does not mean that they are in the same league. That is my entire point.....with which you have been arguing this whole time.

SO... when you are judging what is considered good entertainment, instead of going by your opinion, you base your decision off of how many people the show employs? Dude, get the fuck outa here with that shit. Admit you were a fucking moron for questioning my personal opinion, then move on. Youve lost this debate because your position was undefendable to start with. Instead of digging a deeper hole, you should cut your losses now, but your ego is too fragile to allow that. Your ego is just going to earn you more embarrassment.
Howard employs over 100 people. He has an extremely polished show and they are exceptional at what they do. I would never argue with someone who said "the howard stern show is the greatest radio show of all time", I get it. Hell, I got my subscription for the sole purpose of listening to howard. I didnt even know who Opie and Anthony was when I got the subscription, but I listened to both shows and within about 2 months I realized that the Opie and Anthony show was my favorite between the two.

That's great! That is your opinion. That does not mean that they are in the same league. That is my entire point.....with which you have been arguing this whole time.

SO... when you are judging what is considered good entertainment, instead of going by your opinion, you base your decision off of how many people the show employs? Dude, get the fuck outa here with that shit. Admit you were a fucking moron for questioning my personal opinion, then move on. Youve lost this debate because your position was undefendable to start with. Instead of digging a deeper hole, you should cut your losses now, but your ego is too fragile to allow that. Your ego is just going to earn you more embarrassment.

I never questioned your opinion. I questioned your categorizing of the two shows. Why are you having trouble with that point?

The rest of your post is retarded.
I said...

the Opie and anthony show is the greatest show in the history of radio. I even put them above Howard Stern, who is also great.

You said...

dont embarrass yourself by comparing what they do to what Howard Stern does. It is just silly.

Youve been questioning my opinion since your first post you fucking dumbass... and for the record, I didnt compare them in that post, I merely stated that "I even put them above Howard". This was always about my opinion. If youre going to argue over my personal opinion, at least keep track of the conversation, moron. :lol:
As for categorizing the two shows, how is the OandA show and the howard stern show not in the same category? SiriusXM puts them in the same exact category on their website. What retarded method would YOU use to catagorize these two EXTREMELY similar shows? Its edgy comedy on the radio for fuck sake. What other category would they be in?

Dude, your arguments are really stupid. You are in a constant state of grasping at straws in this thread and it makes you look petty.

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