Anthony of "Opie and Anthony" fired for racist tweets

This was a long time coming. These radio buffoons pull all sorts of crazy stunts to get fired. It was only a matter of time.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Malcolm X said far more "offensive" things. But if he had a radio show today, I doubt he would lose his spot for his rhetoric, that is if he could even build up enough of a significant audience to listen to his garbage.
Yes, I am opposed to it. You are the hypersensitive faggot that supports it. What's the issue here?

What's the deal, you proclaim you open homosexuality in one thread, and play dumb about in another?

This doesn't make any sense, 'opposed' to what?

There's nothing to be 'opposed' to.

Private employers are at liberty to terminate employment for any reason they decide, including racist remarks by employees.

What are you advocating, that it be made 'illegal' to for employers to fire employees for racist remarks, where the employer would be forced by government to rehire the employee, or refusing to do so the employer would be subject to fines or imprisonment?

Conservatives, always seeking to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of liberty.
You have a narrow minded legalistic view of the matter.

I am not talking about laws, I am talking about a culture.

This may be too complicated for narrow minded fools like yourself to understand. You buy into the establishment line that, "you have free speech, but you have to deal with the consequences(meaning leftist media/social media, pressure groups, and the organized left wing victims groups online, calling for you to lose your livelihood if you deviate from the politically correct line), but you dont go to jail so its freedom". As I have said elsewhere, this is what makes the climate of censorship that the more insidious, because it isn't done by government, so the illusion of freedom exists. It is those with market clout, media clout, the illusion of majority opinion financially harming people who disagree with them. It may be legal, but I think it is unethical and immoral. You don't need government laws when you have a media and private groups/individuals willing to blackball individuals that don't tote the establishment line. In fact, it serves their purposes to create no such laws and continue on with the curretn arrangement. Sometimes the majority stands up, they did with Duck Dynasty, will see if Opie and Anthony Fans do here.

And the fact is, Anthony has said more racist things on air. what he tweeted wasn't even really racist, he just called someone a savage for attacking him(fair enough) and mentioned that black on white crime is covered up and not mentioned despite glaring stats to prove that point(that's true, and even if you want to debate the cause of those stats, the stats themselves aren't racist).

I oppose such a culture. What laws can be passed to prevent this? I am not calling for laws. I am calling for a paradigm shift in the culture where things like this don't occur. Probably a pipedream at this point, given perceived victimhood amongst minority groups is at an all time high along with the 24 hour news cycle and social media platforms open to any hypersensitive twit with a computer.
You seem to be the one crying victim.

This doesn't make any sense, 'opposed' to what?

There's nothing to be 'opposed' to.

Private employers are at liberty to terminate employment for any reason they decide, including racist remarks by employees.

What are you advocating, that it be made 'illegal' to for employers to fire employees for racist remarks, where the employer would be forced by government to rehire the employee, or refusing to do so the employer would be subject to fines or imprisonment?

Conservatives, always seeking to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of liberty.
You have a narrow minded legalistic view of the matter.

I am not talking about laws, I am talking about a culture.

This may be too complicated for narrow minded fools like yourself to understand. You buy into the establishment line that, "you have free speech, but you have to deal with the consequences(meaning leftist media/social media, pressure groups, and the organized left wing victims groups online, calling for you to lose your livelihood if you deviate from the politically correct line), but you dont go to jail so its freedom". As I have said elsewhere, this is what makes the climate of censorship that the more insidious, because it isn't done by government, so the illusion of freedom exists. It is those with market clout, media clout, the illusion of majority opinion financially harming people who disagree with them. It may be legal, but I think it is unethical and immoral. You don't need government laws when you have a media and private groups/individuals willing to blackball individuals that don't tote the establishment line. In fact, it serves their purposes to create no such laws and continue on with the curretn arrangement. Sometimes the majority stands up, they did with Duck Dynasty, will see if Opie and Anthony Fans do here.

And the fact is, Anthony has said more racist things on air. what he tweeted wasn't even really racist, he just called someone a savage for attacking him(fair enough) and mentioned that black on white crime is covered up and not mentioned despite glaring stats to prove that point(that's true, and even if you want to debate the cause of those stats, the stats themselves aren't racist).

I oppose such a culture. What laws can be passed to prevent this? I am not calling for laws. I am calling for a paradigm shift in the culture where things like this don't occur. Probably a pipedream at this point, given perceived victimhood amongst minority groups is at an all time high along with the 24 hour news cycle and social media platforms open to any hypersensitive twit with a computer.
You seem to be the one crying victim.


This is just projection and low level trolling(if your avatar wasn't obvious enough).

It is those with victim mentalities they call for individuals to be fired when they say things they disagree with(whether they be religious/ethnic minorities, homosexuals, feminists etc etc). Very effeminate as well(heaven forbid your hypersensitive politically correct sensibilities be challenged or offended.

It isn't the other way around.
LOL, you have been crying about blackie since you joined this forum.

LOL, you have been crying about blackie since you joined this forum.


Your the only one engaging in hysterics at the moment.

What this event really shows is the lefts immaturity.

Calling for and being happy about Anthony's firing is on par with, "mommy, he called me mean names!".

You never grew out of your infantile stage, that is the problem here.
LOL, you have been crying about blackie since you joined this forum.


Your the only one engaging in hysterics at the moment.

What this event really shows is the lefts immaturity.

Calling for and being happy about Anthony's firing is on par with, "mommy, he called me mean names!".

You never grew out of your infantile stage, that is the problem here.
Where have I called for anyone being fired, dumbass?

:lol: You don't get it...I just think you are an idiot teaper racist...nothing more.

I don't really care if he gets fired or not...shit happens in a competitive market place. Private companies can do as they please. Even though I don't think he should have been fired, I will never agree with a racist piece of shit like reasoning has to do with logic, your reasoning is based on hate.


Don't worry. They'll be on the air somewhere. There are just enough idiots who worship them to guarantee that. Might be on the Internet.....but you'll get to hear them. Your life is not over.

And, please.....don't embarrass yourself by comparing what they do to what Howard does. It is just silly.

Don't worry. They'll be on the air somewhere. There are just enough idiots who worship them to guarantee that. Might be on the Internet.....but you'll get to hear them. Your life is not over.

And, please.....don't embarrass yourself by comparing what they do to what Howard does. It is just silly.

Why man? What was the point of that post?

You don't understand what I said? You are freaking out about losing Opie and Anthony. Needlessly. They will be where you can hear them.

Don't worry. They'll be on the air somewhere. There are just enough idiots who worship them to guarantee that. Might be on the Internet.....but you'll get to hear them. Your life is not over.

And, please.....don't embarrass yourself by comparing what they do to what Howard does. It is just silly.

Why man? What was the point of that post?

You don't understand what I said? You are freaking out about losing Opie and Anthony. Needlessly. They will be where you can hear them.

You have no idea what youre talking about. Do you think they will have a show together on monday? Do you even know how long Jimmy and Opie are still under contract? You think this is going to be solved any time soon?

As for comparing them to Howard, its my personal opinion. What kind of idiot claims his opinion is the one true opinion the entire world should share? Why would you type such a moronic thing? Im perplexed by your weird response.
LOL, you have been crying about blackie since you joined this forum.


Your the only one engaging in hysterics at the moment.

What this event really shows is the lefts immaturity.

Calling for and being happy about Anthony's firing is on par with, "mommy, he called me mean names!".

You never grew out of your infantile stage, that is the problem here.
Where have I called for anyone being fired, dumbass?

:lol: You don't get it...I just think you are an idiot teaper racist...nothing more.

I don't really care if he gets fired or not...shit happens in a competitive market place. Private companies can do as they please. Even though I don't think he should have been fired, I will never agree with a racist piece of shit like reasoning has to do with logic, your reasoning is based on hate.


I have never listened to them, I have figured out, I would probably not like them.

I don't think he should have been fired, but that is the company's right to hire or fire as they chose. I also believe companies have a right to have a choice in employee provided health care.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Why man? What was the point of that post?

You don't understand what I said? You are freaking out about losing Opie and Anthony. Needlessly. They will be where you can hear them.

You have no idea what youre talking about. Do you think they will have a show together on monday? Do you even know how long Jimmy and Opie are still under contract? You think this is going to be solved any time soon?

As for comparing them to Howard, its my personal opinion. What kind of idiot claims his opinion is the one true opinion the entire world should share? Why would you type such a moronic thing? Im perplexed by your weird response.

They'll have an outlet soon enough. What is weird is how you are reacting to their being off air for a few shows. Go back and read your posts. Desperate.

They aren't in the same league with Howard. That isn't an opinion. They owe their careers to Howard.
Im reacting very normally for someone who is a fan of a product that essentially got discontinued. Should I throw a fucking party or something? What reaction would you expect? If I said something crazy, go ahead and quote it, otherwise, shut up dickwad. As for Howard, again, what kind of dumbfuck would claim his opinion is the one true opinion? Are you fucking retarded?
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Im reacting very normally for someone who is a fan of a product that essentially got discontinued. Should I throw a fucking party or something? What reaction would you expect? If I said something crazy, go ahead and quote it, otherwise, shut up dickwad. As for Howard, again, what kind of dumbfuck would claim his opinion is the one true opinion? Are you fucking retarded?

Oh my gosh! I've listened for years! I'd rather give up Game of Thrones!!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Dude. I'm not talking about my opinion or your opinion. You put them in the same category. That is like putting Miller Lite and Glenfiddich in the same category. Like a moped and a Harley. You imbecile. You can like the moped more than the Harley.....but that does not make them similar. Get it?

You want retarded? Tell me how you think humans came to inhabit the earth.
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Im reacting very normally for someone who is a fan of a product that essentially got discontinued. Should I throw a fucking party or something? What reaction would you expect? If I said something crazy, go ahead and quote it, otherwise, shut up dickwad. As for Howard, again, what kind of dumbfuck would claim his opinion is the one true opinion? Are you fucking retarded?

Oh my gosh! I've listened for years! I'd rather give up Game of Thrones!!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Dude. I'm not talking about my opinion or your opinion. You put them in the same category. That is like putting Miller Lite and Glenfiddich in the same category. Like a moped and a Harley. You imbecile. You can like the moped more than the Harley.....but that does not make them similar. Get it?

You want retarded? Tell me how you think humans came to inhabit the earth.
Why are you doubling and tripling down on this nonsense? Youre saying I cant compare 2 "shock jock" radio shows? ?..and no, its not like comparing a harley to a moped. Thats fucking stupid. Both shows have millions of listeners. Both shows share the same pool of celebrity guests. Both shows have a comedy element. Both shows share the same audience. Both shows use vulgar language, and both shows are on the SIRIUSXM premium channels.
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Im reacting very normally for someone who is a fan of a product that essentially got discontinued. Should I throw a fucking party or something? What reaction would you expect? If I said something crazy, go ahead and quote it, otherwise, shut up dickwad. As for Howard, again, what kind of dumbfuck would claim his opinion is the one true opinion? Are you fucking retarded?

Oh my gosh! I've listened for years! I'd rather give up Game of Thrones!!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Dude. I'm not talking about my opinion or your opinion. You put them in the same category. That is like putting Miller Lite and Glenfiddich in the same category. Like a moped and a Harley. You imbecile. You can like the moped more than the Harley.....but that does not make them similar. Get it?

You want retarded? Tell me how you think humans came to inhabit the earth.
Why are you doubling and tripling down on this nonsense? Youre saying I cant compare 2 "shock jock" radio shows? ?..and no, its not like comparing a harley to a moped. Thats fucking stupid. Both shows have millions of listeners. Both shows share the same pool of celebrity guests. Both shows have a comedy element. Both shows share the same audience. Both shows use vulgar language, and both shows are on the SIRIUSXM premium channels.

Mopeds and Harley's have engines. They both have wheels and tires. They both use gasoline. They both get ridden by people. Duh. They must be similar!

You are not handling this concept well. Your characterization of the two shows is full of shit. Howard is no "shock jock". They are not in the same league. Period. You like a far inferior product. That's your prerogative. I understand that it makes you feel better to make the comparison. You'll get over it.
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Im a regular listener of BOTH shows, so im certainly qualified to comment on them. Are you a regular listnener of both shows? If not, then your opinion on this subject is meaningless.
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Im a regular listener of BOTH shows, so im certainly qualified to comment on them. Are you a regular listnener of both shows? If not, then your opinion on this subject is meaningless.

You are a regular Howard listener, huh? How regular?
Im a regular listener of BOTH shows, so im certainly qualified to comment on them. Are you a regular listnener of both shows? If not, then your opinion on this subject is meaningless.

You are a regular Howard listener, huh? How regular?

VERY regular. Im a week behind on his show though currently, but yeah, I listen to all of Howards episodes. Ill catch up by the end of this week, or maybe next. Ive got last weeks episodes ready to go as mp3 files though. Ive listened to almost every minute of Howards show for the past 3.5 years.

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