Anthony Quinn Warner suspect in nashville bombing

Three names!!! This is bad!
It’s a southern thing. They need two first names because they all have to share three last names.
Like Barack Hussein Obama? Barry Sotoro means he had 5 names.

A lot of Presidents have golfed....incredible tensions of that job requires some sort of escape and exercise.....anyhow Obama golphed more than any President....unlike President Trump the media covered for Obama....obama was even golphing whilst the raid on obama's hideout was going on.

The former US president said that the top secret operation, in Abbottabad, was opposed by the then defence secretary Robert Gates and ex-vice president Joe Biden

Obama wasnt golfing when the country needed a president

So who is it that keeps a record of how often a President goes golfing....or is he really or using that for cover for other sorts of escapades....oh honey dont come looking for me I will be out on the golf course and you might get hit wid a of course maybe da little wifey had other ideas.
No problem with the view you have of Trump.

But many others are to blame as well. It is true millions are out of work losing their businesses and facing eviction and multi millionaire elitists like Pelosi think $600 is a solution. She is as bad as Trump
According to who? I cannot see Woodrow Wilson doing anything athletic.

Agreed. I have never heard of him doing any sport. . . . . . well, wait, he DID remarry while in White House. Does that count?

If you mean he holds the record of being most out of the White House and Washington of any president, YEAH!! --- He went to France and spent six months in Paris during the Versailles Treaty negotiations.

Of course, they stole his desk back home ---- and who could blame them? Darn pacifist, Wilson started the League of Nations, couldn't get anyone here to vote for it, toured the country propagandizing it (again, gone from the White House!), had a stroke, and that was it for him, after Jill Biden --- no, no, I meant Mrs. Wilson!! sorry --- ran the government till he finally died.

Actually he died a few years after he left office. Had notions of running for a third term but nobody wanted that. By then he was so despised that the Republican Warren Harding barely campaigned at all and won what was then the biggest landslide in modern history.

Edith did a lot to sanitize his legacy. Too much really.

Besides (back to the top of your post) --- golf isn't a "sport" anyway. It's time-killing for the brain-dead.

Huh! You are quite right. " In March 1921, Wilson’s term expired, and he retired with his wife to Washington, D.C., where he lived until his death on February 3, 1924." Age 67 at death.
That was always rather elided in the WWI histories I read. I suppose because after his presidency, he didn't do much further politicking, even for the League of Nations.

I'm not a big fan of Wilson. His slogan for his second term campaign was "He kept us out of war!" And within two or so weeks after he was inaugurated, he took us to war.

To be fair, I know that was because of the Zimmerman telegram, mostly (forget those submarines: the Germans were being VERY careful). It was basically a 9/11-scale event. After all, Black Jack Pershing had just cleaned Mexico's clock the year before: and now they were being persuaded to take back the entire Southwest of the United States with German assistance? People were quite annoyed.

Wilson heads (chronologically) my list of the Four Worst POTUSes since 1900. The other three in order of appearance: Hoover, Truman and Dubya. They'll all be keen to see a fifth member join them in 23 days.

Wilson also presided during a pandemic and not only failed to address it but spread it to Europe, contracted the virus himself and lied about that too. Then there were the infamous Palmer Raids. It's no wonder neither the country nor his party wanted any more to do with him.

Actually I teeter on whether McKinley belongs in there too.

The Zimmerman thing was kind of his Gulf of Tonkin song and dance. Propaganda machine material.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".

Yeah yeah I know about that. But I asked for a link to "the Democrat Party".

Not sure if I have to post this in Burmese or what but the JFK assassination IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE.
True. But it IS far more interesting. And I gave you an answer. Plenty of NEWS stories about BLM and Antifa. THAT is the Democrat Party.

Again ---- there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Does not exist. Has never existed. Probably WILL never exist.

All you need is a link to it to prove me wrong. You can't do it.
Democrat--Democratic. Who cares? They suck regardless. So do Repubs. The Democrats are rapacious and venal. The Repubs are lazy and cowardly. Trump created the "populist" party. Ryan? Corker? McCain? All gone and good riddance. Romney is the last one. Palin will replace Merkowski in 2 years. Gabbard will switch.

So you admit you were lying.

Actually there was a Populist Party in the late 19th century. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. That was when the two party (singular intentional) were cross-migrating. Democrats were taking on the Populists and the interest of labor, minorities, immigrants including Catholics and Jews; Republicans were abandoning all that and attaching to the interests of the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's also when we (d)evolved into an imperialist force.

But that's history. Nobody wants to hear that. :(
I admit nothing. I deny everything. And the New Populist Party is blue collar workers ,technicians ,skilled workers ,and anyone who did NOT get brainwashed by our filthy Colleges.

And here we go again...............

--- Link to this new "Populist Party"?

Oh wow man. Déjà vu.
Three names!!! This is bad!
It’s a southern thing. They need two first names because they all have to share three last names.
Like Barack Hussein Obama? Barry Sotoro means he had 5 names.

A lot of Presidents have golfed....incredible tensions of that job requires some sort of escape and exercise.....anyhow Obama golphed more than any President....unlike President Trump the media covered for Obama....obama was even golphing whilst the raid on obama's hideout was going on.

The former US president said that the top secret operation, in Abbottabad, was opposed by the then defence secretary Robert Gates and ex-vice president Joe Biden

Obama wasnt golfing when the country needed a president


Obama proved we do not really need a president.
No, he proved that there are times when we’d be better off without one.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".

Yeah yeah I know about that. But I asked for a link to "the Democrat Party".

Not sure if I have to post this in Burmese or what but the JFK assassination IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE.
True. But it IS far more interesting. And I gave you an answer. Plenty of NEWS stories about BLM and Antifa. THAT is the Democrat Party.

Again ---- there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Does not exist. Has never existed. Probably WILL never exist.

All you need is a link to it to prove me wrong. You can't do it.
Democrat--Democratic. Who cares? They suck regardless. So do Repubs. The Democrats are rapacious and venal. The Repubs are lazy and cowardly. Trump created the "populist" party. Ryan? Corker? McCain? All gone and good riddance. Romney is the last one. Palin will replace Merkowski in 2 years. Gabbard will switch.

So you admit you were lying.

Actually there was a Populist Party in the late 19th century. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. That was when the two party (singular intentional) were cross-migrating. Democrats were taking on the Populists and the interest of labor, minorities, immigrants including Catholics and Jews; Republicans were abandoning all that and attaching to the interests of the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's also when we (d)evolved into an imperialist force.

But that's history. Nobody wants to hear that. :(
I admit nothing. I deny everything. And the New Populist Party is blue collar workers ,technicians ,skilled workers ,and anyone who did NOT get brainwashed by our filthy Colleges.

And here we go again...............

--- Link to this new "Populist Party"?

Oh wow man. Déjà vu.
Clue--75 million REAL voters. Not Mail-Outs. 75 Million church and synagogue goers with GUNS and a wish to be FREE. You think the filthy Democrats resisted Trump? Metaphorically we will cut Bidens balls off. Resist? Just wait. It will be gridlock ,lawsuits ,and every other dirty trick to stop any EO Biden tries to give. Where did we learn these tactics? From the filthy DEMOCRATS.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".

Yeah yeah I know about that. But I asked for a link to "the Democrat Party".

Not sure if I have to post this in Burmese or what but the JFK assassination IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE.
True. But it IS far more interesting. And I gave you an answer. Plenty of NEWS stories about BLM and Antifa. THAT is the Democrat Party.

Again ---- there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Does not exist. Has never existed. Probably WILL never exist.

All you need is a link to it to prove me wrong. You can't do it.
Democrat--Democratic. Who cares? They suck regardless. So do Repubs. The Democrats are rapacious and venal. The Repubs are lazy and cowardly. Trump created the "populist" party. Ryan? Corker? McCain? All gone and good riddance. Romney is the last one. Palin will replace Merkowski in 2 years. Gabbard will switch.

So you admit you were lying.

Actually there was a Populist Party in the late 19th century. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. That was when the two party (singular intentional) were cross-migrating. Democrats were taking on the Populists and the interest of labor, minorities, immigrants including Catholics and Jews; Republicans were abandoning all that and attaching to the interests of the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's also when we (d)evolved into an imperialist force.

But that's history. Nobody wants to hear that. :(
I admit nothing. I deny everything. And the New Populist Party is blue collar workers ,technicians ,skilled workers ,and anyone who did NOT get brainwashed by our filthy Colleges.

And here we go again...............

--- Link to this new "Populist Party"?

Oh wow man. Déjà vu.
Clue--75 million REAL voters. Not Mail-Outs.

uh HUH.
So you don't want our military voting? Is that because they're "losers and suckers"?
And you don't want Rump voting either? Because he used it himself.

75 Million church and synagogue goers with GUNS and a wish to be FREE.

If you're emotionally dependent on "guns" you'll never be FREE.

You think the filthy Democrats resisted Trump? Metaphorically we will cut Bidens balls off. Resist? Just wait. It will be gridlock ,lawsuits ,and every other dirty trick to stop any EO Biden tries to give. Where did we learn these tactics? From the filthy DEMOCRATS.

"We"? You're a party apparatchik?
What are you, like Republican Party Spider-Man or some shit? Do you have a secret identity and a spandex costume? Hey here's something I wonder about --- where do you change clothes now that phone booths are extinct?

Before you answer all that ---- answer the question you just quoted. work...
The media moves fast when they smell white blood in the water

You notice how quickly they said he was white.....can you imagine how over-joyed they were about that....if he had been a minority member we would not be told for days.

Police reports ALWAYS include "white", "black" etc in describing people of interest along with hair/eye coloring height, weight and what they were seen wearing, but I'm sure ignoring that fact serves your crackpot agenda.
Police reports do News reports don't.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".

Yeah yeah I know about that. But I asked for a link to "the Democrat Party".

Not sure if I have to post this in Burmese or what but the JFK assassination IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE.
True. But it IS far more interesting. And I gave you an answer. Plenty of NEWS stories about BLM and Antifa. THAT is the Democrat Party.

Again ---- there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Does not exist. Has never existed. Probably WILL never exist.

All you need is a link to it to prove me wrong. You can't do it.
Democrat--Democratic. Who cares? They suck regardless. So do Repubs. The Democrats are rapacious and venal. The Repubs are lazy and cowardly. Trump created the "populist" party. Ryan? Corker? McCain? All gone and good riddance. Romney is the last one. Palin will replace Merkowski in 2 years. Gabbard will switch.

So you admit you were lying.

Actually there was a Populist Party in the late 19th century. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. That was when the two party (singular intentional) were cross-migrating. Democrats were taking on the Populists and the interest of labor, minorities, immigrants including Catholics and Jews; Republicans were abandoning all that and attaching to the interests of the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's also when we (d)evolved into an imperialist force.

But that's history. Nobody wants to hear that. :(
I admit nothing. I deny everything. And the New Populist Party is blue collar workers ,technicians ,skilled workers ,and anyone who did NOT get brainwashed by our filthy Colleges.

And here we go again...............

--- Link to this new "Populist Party"?

Oh wow man. Déjà vu.
Clue--75 million REAL voters. Not Mail-Outs.

uh HUH.
So you don't want our military voting? Is that because they're "losers and suckers"?
And you don't want Rump voting either? Because he used it himself.

75 Million church and synagogue goers with GUNS and a wish to be FREE.

If you're emotionally dependent on "guns" you'll never be FREE.

You think the filthy Democrats resisted Trump? Metaphorically we will cut Bidens balls off. Resist? Just wait. It will be gridlock ,lawsuits ,and every other dirty trick to stop any EO Biden tries to give. Where did we learn these tactics? From the filthy DEMOCRATS.

"We"? You're a party apparatchik?
What are you, like Republican Party Spider-Man or some shit? Do you have a secret identity and a spandex costume? Hey here's something I wonder about --- where do you change clothes now that phone booths are extinct?

Before you answer all that ---- answer the question you just quoted.
Nope. I was in Tea Party in resistance to fuckin' ObamaCare. It passed. And the filthy Democrats got their asses KICKED in 2010 as a result. Tea Party is coming back. The "We" is 75 Million who KNOW they were rooked by Silicon Valley and the shit-O Crats.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".

Yeah yeah I know about that. But I asked for a link to "the Democrat Party".

Not sure if I have to post this in Burmese or what but the JFK assassination IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE.
True. But it IS far more interesting. And I gave you an answer. Plenty of NEWS stories about BLM and Antifa. THAT is the Democrat Party.

Again ---- there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Does not exist. Has never existed. Probably WILL never exist.

All you need is a link to it to prove me wrong. You can't do it.
Democrat--Democratic. Who cares? They suck regardless. So do Repubs. The Democrats are rapacious and venal. The Repubs are lazy and cowardly. Trump created the "populist" party. Ryan? Corker? McCain? All gone and good riddance. Romney is the last one. Palin will replace Merkowski in 2 years. Gabbard will switch.

So you admit you were lying.

Actually there was a Populist Party in the late 19th century. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. That was when the two party (singular intentional) were cross-migrating. Democrats were taking on the Populists and the interest of labor, minorities, immigrants including Catholics and Jews; Republicans were abandoning all that and attaching to the interests of the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's also when we (d)evolved into an imperialist force.

But that's history. Nobody wants to hear that. :(
I admit nothing. I deny everything. And the New Populist Party is blue collar workers ,technicians ,skilled workers ,and anyone who did NOT get brainwashed by our filthy Colleges.

And here we go again...............

--- Link to this new "Populist Party"?

Oh wow man. Déjà vu.
Clue--75 million REAL voters. Not Mail-Outs.

uh HUH.
So you don't want our military voting? Is that because they're "losers and suckers"?
And you don't want Rump voting either? Because he used it himself.

75 Million church and synagogue goers with GUNS and a wish to be FREE.

If you're emotionally dependent on "guns" you'll never be FREE.

You think the filthy Democrats resisted Trump? Metaphorically we will cut Bidens balls off. Resist? Just wait. It will be gridlock ,lawsuits ,and every other dirty trick to stop any EO Biden tries to give. Where did we learn these tactics? From the filthy DEMOCRATS.

"We"? You're a party apparatchik?
What are you, like Republican Party Spider-Man or some shit? Do you have a secret identity and a spandex costume? Hey here's something I wonder about --- where do you change clothes now that phone booths are extinct?

Before you answer all that ---- answer the question you just quoted.
Nope. I was in Tea Party in resistance to fuckin' ObamaCare. It passed. And the filthy Democrats got their asses KICKED in 2010 as a result. Tea Party is coming back. The "We" is 75 Million who KNOW they were rooked by Silicon Valley and the shit-O Crats.

Whatever party has the White House nearly always loses seats in the mid-term. That's been the case as long as we've had this Duopoly.

That's called "history" so it might be over your pay grade.

So back to the question you keep backing away from ---- you're now saying the Teabag Party is this new "Populist Party"?

Okay, got a linkie?
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".

Yeah yeah I know about that. But I asked for a link to "the Democrat Party".

Not sure if I have to post this in Burmese or what but the JFK assassination IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE.
True. But it IS far more interesting. And I gave you an answer. Plenty of NEWS stories about BLM and Antifa. THAT is the Democrat Party.

Again ---- there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Does not exist. Has never existed. Probably WILL never exist.

All you need is a link to it to prove me wrong. You can't do it.
Democrat--Democratic. Who cares? They suck regardless. So do Repubs. The Democrats are rapacious and venal. The Repubs are lazy and cowardly. Trump created the "populist" party. Ryan? Corker? McCain? All gone and good riddance. Romney is the last one. Palin will replace Merkowski in 2 years. Gabbard will switch.

So you admit you were lying.

Actually there was a Populist Party in the late 19th century. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. That was when the two party (singular intentional) were cross-migrating. Democrats were taking on the Populists and the interest of labor, minorities, immigrants including Catholics and Jews; Republicans were abandoning all that and attaching to the interests of the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's also when we (d)evolved into an imperialist force.

But that's history. Nobody wants to hear that. :(
I admit nothing. I deny everything. And the New Populist Party is blue collar workers ,technicians ,skilled workers ,and anyone who did NOT get brainwashed by our filthy Colleges.

And here we go again...............

--- Link to this new "Populist Party"?

Oh wow man. Déjà vu.
Clue--75 million REAL voters. Not Mail-Outs.

uh HUH.
So you don't want our military voting? Is that because they're "losers and suckers"?
And you don't want Rump voting either? Because he used it himself.

75 Million church and synagogue goers with GUNS and a wish to be FREE.

If you're emotionally dependent on "guns" you'll never be FREE.

You think the filthy Democrats resisted Trump? Metaphorically we will cut Bidens balls off. Resist? Just wait. It will be gridlock ,lawsuits ,and every other dirty trick to stop any EO Biden tries to give. Where did we learn these tactics? From the filthy DEMOCRATS.

"We"? You're a party apparatchik?
What are you, like Republican Party Spider-Man or some shit? Do you have a secret identity and a spandex costume? Hey here's something I wonder about --- where do you change clothes now that phone booths are extinct?

Before you answer all that ---- answer the question you just quoted.
Nope. I was in Tea Party in resistance to fuckin' ObamaCare. It passed. And the filthy Democrats got their asses KICKED in 2010 as a result. Tea Party is coming back. The "We" is 75 Million who KNOW they were rooked by Silicon Valley and the shit-O Crats.

Whatever party has the White House nearly always loses seats in the mid-term. That's been the case as long as we've had this Duopoly.

That's called "history" so it might be over your pay grade.

So back to the question you keep backing away from ---- you're now saying the Teabag Party is this new "Populist Party"?

Okay, got a linkie?
I don't use links. Just other fools opinions. Know what an "Activist" is? Any idea? They are not all filthy ,lying ,looting mobs of thugs and college bitches. Some actually go out and recruit. The Tea Party did not "Just Happen". And they (we) were called Racist by the Pig-O-crats. Actually ,I feel PROUD when a dirty Communist calls me racist.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".

Yeah yeah I know about that. But I asked for a link to "the Democrat Party".

Not sure if I have to post this in Burmese or what but the JFK assassination IS NOT THE TOPIC HERE.
True. But it IS far more interesting. And I gave you an answer. Plenty of NEWS stories about BLM and Antifa. THAT is the Democrat Party.

Again ---- there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Does not exist. Has never existed. Probably WILL never exist.

All you need is a link to it to prove me wrong. You can't do it.
Democrat--Democratic. Who cares? They suck regardless. So do Repubs. The Democrats are rapacious and venal. The Repubs are lazy and cowardly. Trump created the "populist" party. Ryan? Corker? McCain? All gone and good riddance. Romney is the last one. Palin will replace Merkowski in 2 years. Gabbard will switch.

So you admit you were lying.

Actually there was a Populist Party in the late 19th century. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. That was when the two party (singular intentional) were cross-migrating. Democrats were taking on the Populists and the interest of labor, minorities, immigrants including Catholics and Jews; Republicans were abandoning all that and attaching to the interests of the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's also when we (d)evolved into an imperialist force.

But that's history. Nobody wants to hear that. :(
I admit nothing. I deny everything. And the New Populist Party is blue collar workers ,technicians ,skilled workers ,and anyone who did NOT get brainwashed by our filthy Colleges.

And here we go again...............

--- Link to this new "Populist Party"?

Oh wow man. Déjà vu.
Clue--75 million REAL voters. Not Mail-Outs.

uh HUH.
So you don't want our military voting? Is that because they're "losers and suckers"?
And you don't want Rump voting either? Because he used it himself.

75 Million church and synagogue goers with GUNS and a wish to be FREE.

If you're emotionally dependent on "guns" you'll never be FREE.

You think the filthy Democrats resisted Trump? Metaphorically we will cut Bidens balls off. Resist? Just wait. It will be gridlock ,lawsuits ,and every other dirty trick to stop any EO Biden tries to give. Where did we learn these tactics? From the filthy DEMOCRATS.

"We"? You're a party apparatchik?
What are you, like Republican Party Spider-Man or some shit? Do you have a secret identity and a spandex costume? Hey here's something I wonder about --- where do you change clothes now that phone booths are extinct?

Before you answer all that ---- answer the question you just quoted.
Nope. I was in Tea Party in resistance to fuckin' ObamaCare. It passed. And the filthy Democrats got their asses KICKED in 2010 as a result. Tea Party is coming back. The "We" is 75 Million who KNOW they were rooked by Silicon Valley and the shit-O Crats.

Whatever party has the White House nearly always loses seats in the mid-term. That's been the case as long as we've had this Duopoly.

That's called "history" so it might be over your pay grade.

So back to the question you keep backing away from ---- you're now saying the Teabag Party is this new "Populist Party"?

Okay, got a linkie?
I don't use links. Just other fools opinions. Know what an "Activist" is? Any idea? They are not all filthy ,lying ,looting mobs of thugs and college bitches. Some actually go out and recruit. The Tea Party did not "Just Happen". And they (we) were called Racist by the Pig-O-crats. Actually ,I feel PROUD when a dirty Communist calls me racist.

So you don't have a link ---- so there is no such "party".
Lotta words to try to dance around saying that.
What I name. His parents must be an Anthony quin fan. And I guess that they've wanted him to worked at Warners Bros theater one day.

But cell phones and cell towers are deadly. The cellphones box warns us not to put the cellphone close to our bodies. And the cell towers puts out an extreme amount of radiation than these cellphones. The towers can fry a person that comes near it.
And so if this guy is a real character that claims that 5G towers had killed his father. That it maybe true. They have warning signs not to come near them and that was when they were using 2G. But there is no signs telling us how far we have to stay away from them.
And so 5G may have killed his father like the way they have killed birds and other living creatures.


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