Anti-Christianity Thread

kal-el said:
Dude, you can continue to disuade the forum with your semantics all you like, while trying to depict me as childish, that still dosen't change the fact that you are dishonest.

Translation: I have nothing important to add; just enjoy using lots of words.
Said1 said:
Yes. But I was actually talking about the shrug smilie.

A good friend of mine created that Smilie, and named it :darin: on - 4? years ago? 5? I used (shrug) quite often, then, so twas appropriate. :D

Nick Chaves is the man. He's on RX8club, 'Nick'. :)
dmp said:
A good friend of mine created that Smilie, and named it :darin: on - 4? years ago? 5? I used (shrug) quite often, then, so twas appropriate. :D

Nick Chaves is the man. He's on RX8club, 'Nick'. :)

It has it's uses, I guess.
Kal-el is my puppet...I can make him reply.

"The Last Word is Mine"
dmp said:
Kal-el is my puppet...I can make him reply.

"The Last Word is Mine"

I'm Your Puppet
James and Bobby Purify
Written by Lindon Oldham and Dan Pennington

[Peaked at # 6 in 1966}

Pull the string and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet
I'll do funny things if you want me to, I'm your puppet
Mm. I'm yours to have and to hold
Darling, you've got full control of your puppet

Pull them little strings and I'll kiss your lips, I'm your puppet
Snap your fingers and I'll turn you some flips, I'm your puppet
Mm, your every wish is my command
All you got to do is wiggle your little hand
I'm your puppet, I'm your puppet

I'm just a toy, just a funny boy
That makes you laugh when you're blue
I'll be wonderful, do just what I'm told
I'll do anything for you

I'm your puppet, I'm your puppet

Just pull them little strings and I'll sing you a song, I'm your puppet
Make me do right or make me do wrong, I'm your puppet.
Mm, treat me good and I'll do anything
I'm just a puppet and you hold my string, I'm your puppet

Your walking, talking, kissing, loving puppet
I'm hanging on a string,
I'll do anything, love you 'n' kiss ya
The ClayTaurus said:
Did I insult you yet?

I can't tell, it seems all or most of the users on this forum do, if you didn't, I apologize.

I don't know why you need to throw in short bus comments, unless you're uncomfortable about the legitmacy of your own arguments :dunno: Others might be being hostile to you in this thread, but I'm not, so try and turn it off talking to me. You look like you're uncomfortable talking about your own opinions.

Dude, I don't question intellect, I question knowledge.

I'm not asking you what he's capable of, I'm asking you how much of what you posted you require in order to constitute proof. Does he need to submit to all those criteria, or just one?

In my eyes, if he could bring back JFK, Abe Lincoln, and George Washington, I'd be happy to call myself a theist.

I don't know if God is in hell, I'm an agnostic. I'm just curious as to your thoughts on the issue, since you seem so adamant about it.

Well, this god fellow is bestowed with the omni properties, he is everywhere, so he has to be in hell.
dmp said:
"The Last Word is Mine"

Actually, that is one of the few statements you have made that you weren't being dishonest about. You usually get the last word, cause you close all the threads after you make your rebuttal. And you talk about me being childish?
kal-el said:
I can't tell, it seems all or most of the users on this forum do, if you didn't, I apologize.

Dude, I don't question intellect, I question knowledge.

In my eyes, if he could bring back JFK, Abe Lincoln, and George Washington, I'd be happy to call myself a theist.

Well, this god fellow is bestowed with the omni properties, he is everywhere, so he has to be in hell.

Ok, so, now the question is, why would God want to bring back JFK, Abe Lincoln, and George Washington? Is there a reason other than "so that kal-el believes in me?"

What if, instead of resurrecting them, he instilled their character and intelligence in three other people? Would that still constitute as proof to you? Would that still make you a theist?

Is the resurrection the point, or is it just having those 3 influential people around again for the betterment of society? What's the purpose of bringing them back?
kal-el said:
Actually, that is one of the few statements you have made that you weren't being dishonest about. You usually get the last word, cause you close all the threads after you make your rebuttal. And you talk about me being childish?

Except that never happens. So you're a liar AND a child...possibly slightly retarded as well. :)

When I close shit, I close it with a 'this has gone off topic' - NOT a 'personal rebuttal'.
dmp said:
Except that never happens. So you're a liar AND a child...possibly slightly retarded as well. :)

Actaully, I dare anyone to take a look at the "morality and god thread" and the Kal-el's I hate god thread" and decide for yourselves. Where do you come up with all of these accusations?

When I close shit, I close it with a 'this has gone off topic' - NOT a 'personal rebuttal'.

Yes, that maybe the case, except those threads I mentioned, and another one, I can't think of the name right now.
kal-el said:
Actaully, I dare anyone to take a look at the "morality and god thread" and the Kal-el's I hate god thread" and decide for yourselves. Where do you come up with all of these accusations?

Yes, that maybe the case, except those threads I mentioned, and another one, I can't think of the name right now.

The "Kal-el's I hate God Thread" IS THIS F'ing THREAD!! Lmao :)

The ClayTaurus said:
Ok, so, now the question is, why would God want to bring back JFK, Abe Lincoln, and George Washington?

I don't know, why would god want to show favoritism towards abel, scold Adam and Eve for exersizing their "free will", or kill for a stupid reason such as mocking someone's baldness?

Is there a reason other than "so that kal-el believes in me?"

I sure hope so, it would be rather trivial to perform a miracle just for the sake of one homo-sapien.

What if, instead of resurrecting them, he instilled their character and intelligence in three other people? Would that still constitute as proof to you? Would that still make you a theist?

Why would that make me a theist? How can he instill intelligence and character into one other without infringing on "free will?"

Is the resurrection the point, or is it just having those 3 influential people around again for the betterment of society? What's the purpose of bringing them back?

It is irrelevant who he brings back, it could be anyone? What would you say if he brought back Hitler and Jeffry Dahmer? Would you say he is sadistic? I just mentioned those 3 because they were'nt accused of either cannibalsim, or genocide.
dmp said:
The "Kal-el's I hate God Thread" IS THIS F'ing THREAD!! Lmao :)


Try again. Negaitive, you started the kal-el's I hate god and everything Christian thread, not Spiderman Tuba, or whoever the author is.
kal-el said:
Try again. Negaitive, you started the kal-el's I hate god and everything Christian thread, not Spiderman Tuba, or whoever the author is.

Yes, and i merged that thread and maybe one OTHER thread into this thread, and re-named it.

pwn3d. :)
dmp said:
Yes, and i merged that thread and maybe one OTHER thread into this thread, and re-named it.

pwn3d. :)

Yes, you did merge them, but after the original thread was closed for a while, of course, you got the last word.
kal-el said:
Yes, you did merge them, but after the original thread was closed for a while, of course, you got the last word.

Here's something - "When a moderator closes a thread, they generally give a reason WHY the thread is close. In Kal-el's magical place, that is used against the moderator because 'why should THEY get the last word??'" Mods/Admins get the last word cuz it's their JOB. I'd like to see ONE instance of a moderator on this board unjustly using the 'close thread' feature as a way to get in a Last-Word in the context of a discussion.

I used a few more-than-2-sylable words it slowly if you have to.

On a personal note, I'm right and you're wrong. Thread Closed.
kal-el said:
I don't know, why would god want to show favoritism towards abel, scold Adam and Eve for exersizing their "free will", or kill for a stupid reason such as mocking someone's baldness?
You're getting off topic. I'm not addressing any hypocrisy. I'm strictly talking about what would be required to prove there is a God. Why do you think he would resurrect those individuals? You offered them as your example, after all.
kal-el said:
I sure hope so, it would be rather trivial to perform a miracle just for the sake of one homo-sapien.
So what would the reason be? Why would he do it? You claim this would suffice as proof for you, but have no thoughts as to why it would be proof to you? Is it just because it'd be a neat trick?
kal-el said:
Why would that make me a theist? How can he instill intelligence and character into one other without infringing on "free will?"
Wouldn't resurrecting someone infringe on free-will as well?
kal-el said:
It is irrelevant who he brings back, it could be anyone? What would you say if he brought back Hitler and Jeffry Dahmer? Would you say he is sadistic? I just mentioned those 3 because they were'nt accused of either cannibalsim, or genocide.
So it's not about him bettering society through a resurrection, it's just about that it'd be neat to see him bring someone back from the dead? You just want to see a guy crawl out of his grave as proof that God exists?

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