Anti gay beating in NYC, Quinn trying to use it to her political advantage


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Chelsea man, 53, afraid to walk in neighborhood after anti-gay beating - NY Daily News

Notice that in all the coverage of this story, they refuse to provide a description of the suspects. This story is basically unique that it includes a sketch of the suspects. But the stories simply will not do anything to describe them... Gee, i wonder why....

If this story were made up, then no doubt liberals would have accused whit emen wearing NASCAR shirts and john deere trucker hats... But since that didn't happen, liberals need to sweep some facts under the carpet....
Remember whet piers ignored when rachael jentel said that trayvon thought zim was going to rape him? For all we know it was a homophobic attack and libs ignored it
10,000 beatings for being gay, 1 beating for not being gay.

Lets all give Trannysteve a hand for pointing out this great injustice.


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