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Anti-gun "March for our Lives" tmrw the 24th. 100s of armed ppl to protect marchers

They say there are over 800 marches going on around the world. All around the world people are marching for tougher gun laws in the United States.
I think they should worry about their own problems.
If NRA members don't protest but AGREE with banning some types
that doesn't mean they HAVE to agree to OTHER types.

They most certainly do. They have denied there is a 'principle' that decides because they have let 'common sense' decide on the machine gun ban.

It's all or none when using the 'principle' argument.

I an not using the 'principles' argument because I believe the Second Amendment is open to a 'common sense' argument because it is more vague

And in this case the majority rules. If we raise the bar to where 'weapons for war' includes assault rifles then so be it.

They will stop being manufactured, glorified and sold for profit at the expense of bass shooting victims.

In principle I believe innocent unarmed Americans right to life deserves higher priority than the right for NRA types to play with weapons of war as toys.

Dear NotfooledbyW
And in principle, many conservatives believe that the unborn "right to life"
deserves higher priority than due process issues violated by penalizing abortion.

You said if WE agree to raise the bar.

Okay, would you agree to change the abortion laws concerning right to life
as a trade off?

How about this as a compromise:
allow right to life conscientious objectors to completely defund
any liberal policy, institution or program such as Planned Parenthood,
public schools or health care that promotes choices of birth controla
and abortion above responsibility for abstinence and stopping abuse of sexual relationships.

And in turn, liberals get to defund the death penalty,
military, guns or whatever else they don't support
and put taxes into health care and education they believe in.

You are free to invest and support policies YOU believe in.

But if you are saying WE, as on a national/federal level,
then you cannot religiously dictate your beliefs for all others
included in that WE.

If these groups don't agree, that's why they need to separate.

NotfooledbyW if you and I wouldn't agree to prolife or proGod
advocates saying "WE" need EVERYONE to agree to pray to God in schools
and ban abortions, then why expect to dictate a policy for others to follow
if they don't believe in that either?

Prolife supporters believe that unborn life is more important than free choice to abort.
And they are Expected to pay for and promote their own programs,
NOT impose THEIR beliefs on anyone else through govt.
The most they can enforce is not being forced to FUND abortions they don't believe in.

So if you are like this, then neither can you impose
your beliefs above the freedom of others. If they
CONSENT that's constitutional, but if they don't
agree to give up their liberty and due process,
then govt cannot be abused to force that.

People have to consent, similar to prolife laws
where advocates of free choice put due process first,
and expect prolife to pay for preventing abortion other ways besides banning it.

If people aren't committing the crimes directly, then without conviction
or due process they can't be deprived of liberty because of
"someone else's beliefs". You'd have to prove the govt has compelling interest
in the LEAST RESTRICTIVE WAY. and that's where people can argue
there are LESS RESTRICTIVE WAYS than banning certain guns from ALL people.
emilynghiem, post: 19574789
Instead the point and purpose of Constitutional laws
is to LIMIT the duties of federal govt and MAXIMIZE
the authority of the people at the state and local/individual levels.

Sorry, but this firearms issue is deeply entrenched in commerce across state and local levels.

If one individual located in a certain jurisdiction wants to manufacture and sell fully automatic rifles then the only way to avoid Federal Regulation is to not sell them outside the jurisdiction and to control the spread to only within the jurisdiction. We all no that would not be possible.
And in principle, many conservatives believe that the unborn "right to life"
deserves higher priority than due process issues violated by penalizing abortion.

The abortion issue at its core has nothing to do with the federal government regulation of a manufactured dangerous product affecting the safety and well being of US born and naturalized US citizens.

Conservative can believe what they may about prioritizing the rights of the unborn. They can prioritize it in their personal lives as they see fit. Nothing is stopping them.

The Constitution does not address the rights of the unborn. We are on our own on that matter. Here I think it proper for the individuals involved to make the choice.

ROE V Wade has decided the matter for the individual to be able to get a medical procedure done safely instead of in the back of an alley.

The issues are entirely different. No need to complicate things by joining them together.
"I am here to acknowledge and represent the African American girls whose stories don't make the front page" –Naomi Wadler, 11-years-old
emilynghiem, post: 1957502
How about this as a compromise:
allow right to life conscientious objectors to completely defund
any liberal policy, institution or program such as Planned Parenthood,
public schools or health care that promotes choices of birth controla
and abortion above responsibility for abstinence and stopping abuse of sexual relationships.

As I explained, there is no need to compromise Since my assault weapons ban argument stands entirely on its own.

What is "defund any liberal policy, institution or program"? Public schools? I'm not sure what you mean by 'promote' as in "
promotes choices of birth control
and abortion above responsibility for abstinence and stopping abuse of sexual relationships."

Don't get how a public school that informs students of legal methods of birth control and knowledge that abortion is legal is a reason to defund public education.

I vehemently dissagree with your insinuation that public schools somehow promote the opposite of abstinence or abusive sexual relationships.
emilynghiem, post: 19575020
NotfooledbyW if you and I wouldn't agree to prolife or proGod
advocates saying "WE" need EVERYONE to agree to pray to God in schools
and ban abortions, then why expect to dictate a policy for others to follow
if they don't believe in that either?

Praying in schools is a matter of conscience. Kids can pray in schools all they want. Properly The schools must not organize it.

I know of no group or individuals who dictate that anyone get an abortion.

What we are seeing in the assault weapons debate is the value of political activism to right a longstanding wrong. The NRA types have enjoyed a overvalued sense of political power driven by the power of monetary donations to conservative politicians combine with activism.

Banning assault rifles will work when these students momentum carries into the voting booths.

Voting is a Constitutional right. That right should settle this.

March into the voting booths. That's as American as it gets. And truth and facts are on these marchers' side.
jon_berzerk, post: 19573688
the same people who claim the cops are pigs and killers

Name some names liar.

These teens are calling BS on liars like you. That's why this movenent has momentum to be carried to the voting booth.

You gun nuts percentages are small.

You have been granted political power that far exceeds your value to society.

That's BS.

fuck you liar

name one sure

colin kaepernick ya jack ass

Colin Kaepernick - Police Pig Socks

Nowhere did kaepernick call cops pigs and killers. And kaepernick is not leading the protests being discussed.

You said the 'same people' protesting called cops pigs and liars and you cannot name one.

You lied. You are caught.

We call BS on you.

fact is I named one asshole

so sorry you lost
Armed cops will be there and of course politicians and celebs will have their armed bodyguards.

Congressional Democrats plan to join 'March for Our Lives' in Washington and at home

march 23 2018 Many of the Democrats who've been urging stricter gun control legislation will join throngs of students Saturday as they gather in Washington and elsewhere for the "March for Our Lives" demonstration.

The event is expected to the biggest yet in a string of rallies and protests nationwide since a gunman killed 17 people at a high school in Parkland, Florida, last month. The shooting sparked an unprecedented wave of student-led activism calling for more gun control and school safety measures.

Saturday's march, which starts at noon, come a day after Congress passed a massive spending bill that included a large measure to increase security at schools, as well as legislation that would better enforce reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The bill also aims to clarify that the Centers for Disease Control can conduct research on gun violence.
So...why do they have to be protected?
Americans who want guns outlawed want to live in a dictatorship where they shut up and suck up or mysteriously vanish. They just don't know that yet. But they will.
jon_berzerk, post: 19573688
the same people who claim the cops are pigs and killers

Name some names liar.

These teens are calling BS on liars like you. That's why this movenent has momentum to be carried to the voting booth.

You gun nuts percentages are small.

You have been granted political power that far exceeds your value to society.

That's BS.

fuck you liar

name one sure

colin kaepernick ya jack ass

Colin Kaepernick - Police Pig Socks

hey fuck you leftist liar

pigs in a blanket

Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant: ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon’ [VIDEO]
Ever heard "Let it go?" What about "Jews will not replace us" ? Is that pretty?
Is that how all conservatives feel?
well it certainly is pretty widespread among the leftists

they even honored a cop killer in a parade

go figure

Dallas attack: The 'Pigs in a Blanket' crowd got what they wanted
jon_berzerk, post: 19573688
the same people who claim the cops are pigs and killers

Name some names liar.

These teens are calling BS on liars like you. That's why this movenent has momentum to be carried to the voting booth.

You gun nuts percentages are small.

You have been granted political power that far exceeds your value to society.

That's BS.

fuck you liar

name one sure

colin kaepernick ya jack ass

Colin Kaepernick - Police Pig Socks

Nowhere did kaepernick call cops pigs and killers. And kaepernick is not leading the protests being discussed.

You said the 'same people' protesting called cops pigs and liars and you cannot name one.

You lied. You are caught.

We call BS on you.

Okay jon_berzerk and also miketx
I think NotfooledbyW 's point is that
it's not the EXACT SAME INDIVIDUALS in both protests.
but these are being blamed collectively as one group as an identity
for bitching purposes.

It's easier to blame a whole group,
then throw all the pieces into one pot and hate that whole mix as one problem.
Then take all that anti-left rejection to get people to go to the polls and vote.

This doesn't solve the problems as I'd like to see.
And what NotfooledbyW is saying is that it's
illogical (and also when liberals do that to get
voters to the polls to oppose all conservatives/RW/GOP as the enemy)

It's unproductive and divisive when EITHER group
blacklists the whole other side COLLECTIVELY
with this salad of wrongs and saying THEY are to blame!

miketx you brought up security guards.
How many of these actual students or protestors
can afford their own security guards? Who is THEY

Both sides do this, for political expedience and points.

But does it motivate anyone to change and fix the problems?

If none of US responds to rejection, as individuals or as groups,
what do we hope to achieve by doing this to others?

Are we going to change anything
by doing things the same way over and over?

they have one thing in common they are leftists

and folks such as pelosi has publicly endorsed them
HenryBHough, post: 19575900
Americans who want guns outlawed want to live in a dictatorship where they shut up and suck up or mysteriously vanish. They just don't know that yet. But they will.

You are a fool if you believe that. Only 3% of American adults own half the guns. But 78% of adult Americans don't even own guns. It must a fraction of a percent of American adults that carry a loaded firearm on them every minute of the day.

There aren't enough of you assault rifle extremists to stop a dictatorship from taking hold here. Your paranoia is inversely proportional to your numbers.

Besides how many free countries exist in the world where it's adults don't get to play with assault rifles as if they were nothing but harmless little toys.

Get over yourself. You protect the vast majority of of us from nothing except what you dream up in your paranoid fantasies.
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I don't have to make up my mind. Learn to read. I have never called for a ban beyond weapons that are designed for combat and fighting an enemy with similar weapons.

WTF are you talking about.? All weapons are designed for combat, you simpleton.

In fact, mass public shooters murder fewer people each year than lawn mowers kill....dittos cars...

Esp cars and yet liberals never complain about the 37,000 americans killed every year in easily prevented highway crashes. A little thing like lowering speed limits to 55 would save 5,000 lives a year but liberals won't hear of it.
They are not smart kids....if they were they would know history and what happens when civilians are disarmed by their governments....mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing.....

Got that right. When the guns are gone, everything is gone.
Exactly. So my question to those who are there is this, what is the actual point to this "march" if you are okay with anyone packing heat getting to be in the picture?

There is no point to the march. These are stupid drunken teenagers who think that demanding "somebody do something" will solve the problem of gun violence.
They say there are over 800 marches going on around the world. All around the world people are marching for tougher gun laws in the United States.
I think they should worry about their own problems.

And all around the world more people are killed in easily prevented car crashes than are killed by guns. but the protesters would go ballistic if someone suggested lowering speed limits or banning text-driving.
ShootSpeeders, post: 19577535
Esp cars and yet liberals never complain about the 37,000 americans killed every year in easily prevented highway crashes. A little thing like lowering speed limits to 55 would save 5,000 lives a year but liberals won't hear of it.

More stupid argument from gun losers. Cars have a positive function in society as a whole. They are not designed, manufactured and does sold for the purpose of killing many humans as fast as possible.

Assault rifles were banned for ten years. The economy my boomed for most of that period.

Cars are essential to our economic survival. We all know the risks when we go out on the highway.

Kids in schools should not be taking a risk of b in killed so you can play with your assault rifle.
emilynghiem, post: 19575020 ][Banning assault rifles will work when these students momentum carries into the voting booths.
Voting is a Constitutional right. That right should settle this.
March into the voting booths. That's as American as it gets. And truth and facts are on these marchers' side.

HAHAHA This idiot thinks voting is a constitutional right!!! Gun ownership is but NOT voting, you fool.

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