anti gun propaganda in movies...their is an actual list of things to focus on...

I havent seen any of those yet.

I was thinking of classic movies like High Noon and Liberty Vallance. Both start from a strong anti gun standpoint but end up with the hero having to pick up a gun and use it.

Lot of vigilante movies out there as well.
To be fair Hollywood did prep the citizens for the POTUS by depicting Morgan Freeman as a president and god.

Almost every President on T.V. now is black or minority......on the show 24...the first President was black.....on Idiocracy, the movie...the President was black....although I wouldn't hang my hat on that one if I were you....
It's a fad. It'll pass.
Just heard this one.....House of Cards lies about how a criminal gets a gun at a gun show....

5 Ways 'House of Cards' Gets the 2016 Election Right—and Wrong

4. Gun Control

"House of Cards" nails some issues, but it gets gun control laughably wrong. Not only does it present a Democratic Party divided on the issue, it also mentions ways of acquiring guns which are not possible in real life. This seems like a subtle way of mis-educating the public on the issue. Claire Underwood declares:

This gun was illegally obtained by a career criminal, at a gun show, where background checks aren't mandatory....This one was ordered on the internet, no background checks.

These events may be permissible, since "House of Cards" is clearly a work of fiction. But they do tend to back up demonstrably false claims about gun sales, such as the idea of a "gun show loophole" or President Obama's claims that violent felons can purchase firearms online.
Then you have this....

KORWIN: The Undetectable Gun Myth & If Self Defense Was Common News Would Report It To You Myth

If-Self-Defense-Was-Common-It-Would-Be-In-The-News-More Myth:

“It’s easy to prove that guns serve no valid purpose, because if they really stopped crime and worked for self defense you’d see it more in the news! Hah!”

Case in point: The Fabricius Case is about an ASU professor who, with his high-school-student son, counted local crime stories, decided self defense is rare, and declared it a scientific study. The community paper (now defunct), and a medical journal (from Canada), ran the “conclusion” as if it meant something. They took heat, but let it stand (juicy details at the link).

The media deliberately suppresses stories about self defense and highlights stories about misuse of guns, “for reasons that were unclear at press time.”

Actually, the reasons are well known—mainstream reporters are generally left-leaning gun-hating liberals. Studiesconstantly show it suits them, fits their bias, and matches their world view to hide truth on this issue. That’s what they do, they can’t see it, won’t admit it. I follow it closely, confront them about it all the time, it’s like they’re brain dead. Google the subject and be stunned.

An Associated Press bureau reporter once told me his bureau chief wouldn’t let a self-defense story run because it might encourage copy cats. I report on it frequently here, and here. The CBS-TV ratio of anti-rights to pro-rights stories recently was 22 to 1 against. Their ethical standards? They have none.

Dr. John Lott surveyed the media, the numbers are impossibly upside down. In one year, USA Today ran 6,000 words on gun-related crime and zero on the good that guns enable.

A book is available (Armed) outlining 13 scholarly studies showing between 700,000 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses every year.

Bloomfield Press pays to put self-defense stories in USA Today, as ads, so at least some news gets out. Excellent write up about it here.

Media excuses for suppressing self defense are myths unto themselves: they certainly wouldn’t want: to promote “vigilantism” (which is a criminal act and not self defense); frontier justice and taking the law into your own hands (which has nothing to do with self defense against assault); a dangerously armed public with everyone “packing heat” (a derogatory slur reporters love and use constantly); individual responsibility (OMG!) supplanting big-brother government safety (which everyone sees doesn’t work); stand-your-ground “shoot-first” Wild-West scenarios (silliness reflecting neither law nor common sense)—reporting on this is as mythical as virtually everything else you see about guns, if it’s on TV or in a “news” paper.
Watching new season of the big show...House of Cards...the 2nd half of the season...the enemy...the NRA.......big time...and a push for universal background checks.....

Yeah...Hollywood doesn't push an agenda.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

They can't go 5 mnutes without mentioning how powerful and evil the NRA evil guns are...... much money is this free advertising worth......this anti NRA propaganda...and the propaganda pushing useless universal background checks........which are simply cover for gun registration.
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Yes...the evil woman from the NRA....interrogating the senator who may run with the evil president.....they really hate the NRA......
Just thought of another t.v. example...the show "Blackish." The husband on the show grew up in a bad neighborhood and tells the wife, a Doctor, that he wants to get a gun....of course they argue, and then talk to friends...turns out the obviously dorky guy at work....NRA member and is carrying a concealed gun....and he is the dorky guy.....

So, of course, the husband gets the gun...and in one commercial break later, they have the gun in the box it came in and they hear a noise downstairs at night....the whole family crowds into the parent's rooom, 3 kids, husband and wife and the husband comedically struggles to open the box the gun was purchased in. Obviously, he can't get it all the way open and just sticks his hand in the box and points it in a panicked way at the bedroom the grandfather walks in....

And of course they all realize that guns are too dangerous to own....end of story....

Considering the truth, facts and reality do not support this was a fairly recent example of a hit show and anti gun propaganda....
Are you admitting that propaganda sways the people that watch it?

Yep.....other wise you wouldn't have gun owners who back universal background checks. They answer poll questions without knowing the issue, but they see it on the news without the facts...and then say sure...they support universal background checks.
I wonder why propaganda works in one instance but white people swear it doesnt work to cause whites to discriminate against Blacks?

Hmmmm...and blacks don't discriminate.......? Discrimination tends to be a part of human nature...all human matter the color of your skin....that is why we have to teach people to not do it.....
I'm pretty sure that some Blacks in high places discriminate in retaliation like i do but that wasnt really the point. I was just wondering why whites believe in propaganda but never in the case of racism?

What racist propaganda are you referring to?

Dr. John Lott surveyed the media...
John Lott? The guy who used a sock to review his own book and say how great a professor he was?

Do yourself a favor, forget you ever heard of him. If he said grass was green no one would believe him.

Wrong....he is the one of the best researchers in the field....and has been rabidly attacked by the anti gunners since his first gun research was released in the 90s. They can't beat his research so they attack him.

Dr. John Lott surveyed the media...
John Lott? The guy who used a sock to review his own book and say how great a professor he was?

Do yourself a favor, forget you ever heard of him. If he said grass was green no one would believe him.

Wrong....he is the one of the best researchers in the field....and has been rabidly attacked by the anti gunners since his first gun research was released in the 90s. They can't beat his research so they attack him.

"Mary Rosh persona

In response to the dispute surrounding the missing survey, Lott created and used "Mary Rosh" as a sock puppet to defend his own works on Usenet and elsewhere. After investigative work by blogger Julian Sanchez, Lott admitted to use of the Mary Rosh persona.[68] Sanchez also pointed out that Lott, posing as Rosh, not only praised his own academic writing, but also called himself "the best professor I ever had".

Many commentators and academics accused Lott of violating academic integrity, noting that he praised himself while posing as one of his former students,[77][78] and that "Rosh" was used to post a favorable review of More Guns, Less Crime on Lott has claimed that the "Rosh" review was written by his son and wife.[78][full citation needed]

"I probably shouldn't have done it—I know I shouldn't have done it—but it's hard to think of any big advantage I got except to be able to comment fictitiously," Lott told the Washington Post in 2003.[78][full citation needed]
John Lott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't ever cite this fraud, and that's what he is...
Like the show 24 Hours. Rarely do they show white neighborhoods and white criminals.

You must watch the wrong ID discovery....all of their crime shows show white people murdering other white people.......
I actually stopped watching it after I noticed the pattern. Never heard of ID discovery. Weird how 24 hours is way more popular and well known.

Do you mean 48 Hours...another show....whites killing each other all the time.....
Yeah youre right it is 48 hours. I dont watch much tv now so my view is a tad bit dated.

The mayor on BlueBloods..of New guy...he is Diggle on the t.v. show The Flash.......

You are right about the actor, but have the wrong show. Diggle is on Arrow which occasionally crosses with The Flash.
You must watch the wrong ID discovery....all of their crime shows show white people murdering other white people.......
I actually stopped watching it after I noticed the pattern. Never heard of ID discovery. Weird how 24 hours is way more popular and well known.

Do you mean 48 Hours...another show....whites killing each other all the time.....
Yeah youre right it is 48 hours. I dont watch much tv now so my view is a tad bit dated.

The mayor on BlueBloods..of New guy...he is Diggle on the t.v. show The Flash.......

You are right about the actor, but have the wrong show. Diggle is on Arrow which occasionally crosses with The Flash.

No...he first appeared and makes,guest appearances as the mayor of New York on Blue Bloods....he is also Diggle on The Flash.
You know, I read the list of bullet points... and I don't think I can think of a single movie I've seen that displayed them. Hollywood loves guns even while the actors and actresses (mostly) don't. It's a shame that the people who make so many movies about guns have such a negative opinion of them.
You must watch the wrong ID discovery....all of their crime shows show white people murdering other white people.......
I actually stopped watching it after I noticed the pattern. Never heard of ID discovery. Weird how 24 hours is way more popular and well known.

Do you mean 48 Hours...another show....whites killing each other all the time.....
Yeah youre right it is 48 hours. I dont watch much tv now so my view is a tad bit dated.

The mayor on BlueBloods..of New guy...he is Diggle on the t.v. show The Flash.......

You are right about the actor, but have the wrong show. Diggle is on Arrow which occasionally crosses with The Flash.

He was also the boyfriend of Dexter's sister on Dexter....for a season or so.....
I actually stopped watching it after I noticed the pattern. Never heard of ID discovery. Weird how 24 hours is way more popular and well known.

Do you mean 48 Hours...another show....whites killing each other all the time.....
Yeah youre right it is 48 hours. I dont watch much tv now so my view is a tad bit dated.

The mayor on BlueBloods..of New guy...he is Diggle on the t.v. show The Flash.......

You are right about the actor, but have the wrong show. Diggle is on Arrow which occasionally crosses with The Flash.

No...he first appeared and makes,guest appearances as the mayor of New York on Blue Bloods....he is also Diggle on The Flash.

Again, you have the wrong show! John Diggle AKA "Spartan" (played by David Ramsey) has been in 93 episodes of Arrow. He has been on only 3 episodes of The Flash.

David Ramsey - IMDb
Do you mean 48 Hours...another show....whites killing each other all the time.....
Yeah youre right it is 48 hours. I dont watch much tv now so my view is a tad bit dated.

The mayor on BlueBloods..of New guy...he is Diggle on the t.v. show The Flash.......

You are right about the actor, but have the wrong show. Diggle is on Arrow which occasionally crosses with The Flash.

No...he first appeared and makes,guest appearances as the mayor of New York on Blue Bloods....he is also Diggle on The Flash.

Again, you have the wrong show! John Diggle AKA "Spartan" (played by David Ramsey) has been in 93 episodes of Arrow. He has been on only 3 episodes of The Flash.

David Ramsey - IMDb are right...he is on The Arrow.....I flip flopped the two hero shows......but he was also on Dexter, and Blue Bloods....

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