anti gun propaganda in movies...their is an actual list of things to focus on...

Are you admitting that propaganda sways the people that watch it?

Yep.....other wise you wouldn't have gun owners who back universal background checks. They answer poll questions without knowing the issue, but they see it on the news without the facts...and then say sure...they support universal background checks.

Or universal background checks are actually common sense.

If you don't have a criminal background or a history of mental illness, you shouldn't mind a background check.
The Television Show...the Black List is one very recent example.....they showed a concealed carry guy in a gas station, not only did he get himself shot, he shot an innocent person. Then, in another scene the bad guy easily disarms the gun owner in his home and tells him that guns are more likely to kill you in your home.....

The Hills Have Eyes....the new one....a hardened police officer just starts shooting into the dark when he gets spooked....then another character is being charged by a mutant and starts running....shooting over his shoulder to no effect.....

Some oldies.....from the medical show George Clooney came from.....the one Doctor gets the crap beaten out of him in a bathroom...buys a gun for self defense...then later is menaced by thugs on an El platform..........he shows the gun, they would think this would show him the value of being armed....nope....he looks at the gun...and throws it into the garbage can....

The other medical show on at the same time.......the one doctor saves the lives of hostages in a corner grocery store with a gun.......then tells the other character she will never touch a gun again....

Those are right off the top of my head....but they happen all the time....

So out of the hundreds of thousands of hours of movies you can only find a handful of examples of guns being shown in a bad light.

Frankly, I could counter with the series the "A-Team", where the heroes expended hundreds of rounds every episode from automatic weapons, and no one ever got hit, much less an innocent bystander by mistake.

The real problem is Hollywood thinks guns are magic, and can do things they can't actually do.
Interesting. Which movies would best show this propaganda.
I have always thought the emphasis was pro gun in Hollywood.

Most gun owners fantasies are generated from Hollywood

I'm going to take my trusty gun and fight off the bad guys
Are you admitting that propaganda sways the people that watch it?

Yep.....other wise you wouldn't have gun owners who back universal background checks. They answer poll questions without knowing the issue, but they see it on the news without the facts...and then say sure...they support universal background checks.

Or universal background checks are actually common sense.

If you don't have a criminal background or a history of mental illness, you shouldn't mind a background check.

The core issue....universal background checks will be avoided by criminals the same way the avoid current, federally mandated background checks...they will either steal the guns, or use someone with a clean record to buy the gun...

As small a number of guns that are sold by individuals, the burden placed on the owners of 357,000,000 million guns is unacceptable for something that does not work....

Yes.....there are huge problems with requiring normal citizens to get background checks for guns they are selling and I have listed them.....the primary order to have universal background checks you have to have total gun registration. That is a non starter right there.

Then you have issues of added expense for a Constitutionally protected product....another non starter.....

Then of course you have the anti gunners changing the wording from gun "Sales" to gun "Transfers" which means if you want to loan a gun to a have to get a background a gun to a family member, background check, get the gun back from the person you loaned it to...background check......

Then you have the issue of gun education classes.........many times they let students practice on guns in the class.....background checks...even if they aren't leaviing the room, and aren't firing the weapon...

We know how the anti gunners think, and they use those things that might be sensible to clamp down on the rights of normal, law abiding people...
Interesting. Which movies would best show this propaganda.
I have always thought the emphasis was pro gun in Hollywood.

Most gun owners fantasies are generated from Hollywood

I'm going to take my trusty gun and fight off the bad guys

Except for the 1,500,000 Americans who actually use guns to fight off bad guys each year according to bill clinton and his Deparment of Justice study on guns used for self defense....except for those people...right?
Interesting. Which movies would best show this propaganda.
I have always thought the emphasis was pro gun in Hollywood.

Most gun owners fantasies are generated from Hollywood

I'm going to take my trusty gun and fight off the bad guys

Except for the 1,500,000 Americans who actually use guns to fight off bad guys each year according to bill clinton and his Deparment of Justice study on guns used for self defense....except for those people...right?

The more you post that bullshit stat does nothing to make it more credible
I actually think Hollywood glorifies the gun and plays down the horror.

Shane – has to get his guns before the end

High Noon – shoot out

Destry – Destry was the only anti gun Sheriff in the west. He had to load up.

Death Wish series

Jodie Foster did a vigilante film , cant remember the title

The Untouchables – “bring a gun”

Godfather 1 to 3 – bit of gunplay there

Open Range – Very pro gun despite a bit of preaching.

All 200 Clint Eastwood films

All 200 John Wayne films.



Winchester 73 (natch)

Gunfight @ the OK Corral

My Darling Clementine

3:10 to Yuma

All of these wretched Marvel spin offs glorify weapons.

Taken 1 to 3

The Magnificent 7 (and derivatives)

Bad Day at Black Rock

Thats just from my collection. These are all major Hollywood movies.

The only anti gun show I can recall was Frasier (the one where Niles fell in with a group of Patriots)

Actually you can add The Big Country to the list. Gregory Peck never picked up a gun despite the carnage around him. Well there was the duel but he never fired.
Here is a special show.....they have more than one anti gun is one episode where they just make it all up....

TV hates us

So there are the things the writers of L&O: SVU want me to believe.

  1. Neither the Federal Government nor the State of New York mandates background checks on long guns sold at gun stores?
  2. A Federal Firearms Licensed gun store will make no record of serialized inventory if the item is paid for with cash?
  3. Nobody checked ID when having the buyer fill out a Form 4473?
  4. A buyer can get away with not properly filling out a Form 4473 and not printing a full name, birth date, address, city of birth, SSN (optional but very heavily encouraged)?
  5. A Form 4473 is NOT part of the NICS background check system?
  6. And all of the above is legal?
That is some serious bullshit right there. No wonder most people and politicians have no idea about the background check system in this country.

Now that I am about one-third of the way done with this turd sandwich, I sit down to finish it. As the late, great Billy Mays used to say: “But wait, there’s more.”

Detectives Munch and Stabler go to the Gun Ho! (the gun store) and lie their way past the owner’s 16 year old son to take a look around WITHOUT a warrant. How does the prop department dress up the inside of the store?

In 30 seconds of TV I spotted three SBR’s (two SIG 556 and one UZI) hanging from the walls of a store in a state that explicitly prohibits the ownership of NFA items. Not including the NFA items, there were a bunch AR-15’s, AK-47’s and other guns with high capacity magazines, in violation of New York City’s longstanding Assault Weapon Ban.
Interesting. Which movies would best show this propaganda.
I have always thought the emphasis was pro gun in Hollywood.

Most gun owners fantasies are generated from Hollywood

I'm going to take my trusty gun and fight off the bad guys

Except for the 1,500,000 Americans who actually use guns to fight off bad guys each year according to bill clinton and his Deparment of Justice study on guns used for self defense....except for those people...right?

The more you post that bullshit stat does nothing to make it more credible

No..the fact that the number comes from a Department of Justice study on fun self defense makes it credible...
This week....The Flash, television show...sort of a double feature...anti gun, anti Veteran....

The evil speedster...Zoom.....was created when his dad, a returning Veteran, goes crazy and uses a gun to murder his wife, Zoom's mother..........

It not only hits the old crap about guns in the home....but also hits the left's favorite concepts of the Veteran...that they are crazy, victims, or killers......

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