Anti gunners, tell us that this woman has no right to own a gun to stop this from happening again...

This woman was violently assaulted by an ex boyfriend..... he was choking her in her own apartment....twice her size and weight, no one to help her.

Tell us again how the preferred outcome is him killing her, rather than her using a gun to stop him....

The preferred outcome is not her shooting the guy. How about throwing his ass in jail and not letting him out. That’ll do a much better job than the gun.

Buying a gun would be the worst idea ever. The chances of him overpowering her and taking the gun are far greater than her shooting him and stopping the attack.

That's not how it works in the movies.
This woman was violently assaulted by an ex boyfriend..... he was choking her in her own apartment....twice her size and weight, no one to help her.

Tell us again how the preferred outcome is him killing her, rather than her using a gun to stop him....

The preferred outcome is not her shooting the guy. How about throwing his ass in jail and not letting him out. That’ll do a much better job than the gun.

Buying a gun would be the worst idea ever. The chances of him overpowering her and taking the gun are far greater than her shooting him and stopping the attack.

Hey look, a new gun and a piece of ass to go with it.
Liberal scum need crime and they even import it. If it gets deported they re-import it.

And when it's a right wing scum doing the attacking does the woman just take the beating and die? Only the Liberal scum should be stopped. Newsflash: Woman Beaters know no political boundries. You bunch of sick cupcakes.

That's really dumb Comrade.

A gun is the great equalizer. It allows a small woman to defend against a large man.

You leftists hate that.

It’s not a great equalizer unless you are ready willing and able to calmly aim, pull the trigger and shoot someone. If your hand isn’t steady, you’ll miss. If it was just that easy, the army and police forces wouldn’t spend so much time on gun training.

If you own a gun, you are 5 times more likely to be shot, than if you don’t own a gun. Fire and miss and you give the attacker the possibility of getting your gun and using it on you.

Conservatives by nature are fearful and paranoid. It clouds your thinking and leads to emotional rather than logical choices.
This woman was violently assaulted by an ex boyfriend..... he was choking her in her own apartment....twice her size and weight, no one to help her.

Tell us again how the preferred outcome is him killing her, rather than her using a gun to stop him....

The preferred outcome is not her shooting the guy. How about throwing his ass in jail and not letting him out. That’ll do a much better job than the gun.

Buying a gun would be the worst idea ever. The chances of him overpowering her and taking the gun are far greater than her shooting him and stopping the attack.

At what point did you not read that he was in her apartment..... and no cops were there.....? So...after he beats, rapes and murders her, sure, I think we should lock him up, and if he does murder her, the death penalty. But how about she shoot him, and not get raped, beaten and murdered? Does that sound like a better outcome?

And that myth about him overpowering her? Do you realize she had a gun, and didn't have it taken away from her...and that that myth is just that, a myth that women are so silly as to be easily be disarmed. This happened...she wasn't disarmed...and she stopped him with the gun.

I have stories of women violently assaulted who manage to draw and use guns to stop the assault.... they weren't disarmed and the attackers ran away or were some research before you start quoting anti gun memes.....
Liberal scum need crime and they even import it. If it gets deported they re-import it.

And when it's a right wing scum doing the attacking does the woman just take the beating and die? Only the Liberal scum should be stopped. Newsflash: Woman Beaters know no political boundries. You bunch of sick cupcakes.

That's really dumb Comrade.

A gun is the great equalizer. It allows a small woman to defend against a large man.

You leftists hate that.

It’s not a great equalizer unless you are ready willing and able to calmly aim, pull the trigger and shoot someone. If your hand isn’t steady, you’ll miss. If it was just that easy, the army and police forces wouldn’t spend so much time on gun training.

If you own a gun, you are 5 times more likely to be shot, than if you don’t own a gun. Fire and miss and you give the attacker the possibility of getting your gun and using it on you.

Conservatives by nature are fearful and paranoid. It clouds your thinking and leads to emotional rather than logical choices.

The police and military don't spend that much time on shooting..... once you qualify as a cop you shoot, maybe, once a year to qualify. As a soldier, we qualified once a year.

You throw out that 5 times number as if it was isn't.

You keep talking out of your ass... you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to guns and civilians using them to stop criminals.... Guns are not complicated to use, and law abiding people use them 2.4 million times a year to stop please, do some research, get informed, and you will post more accurately on this topic.
This woman was violently assaulted by an ex boyfriend..... he was choking her in her own apartment....twice her size and weight, no one to help her.

Tell us again how the preferred outcome is him killing her, rather than her using a gun to stop him....

The preferred outcome is not her shooting the guy. How about throwing his ass in jail and not letting him out. That’ll do a much better job than the gun.

Buying a gun would be the worst idea ever. The chances of him overpowering her and taking the gun are far greater than her shooting him and stopping the attack.

That's not how it works in the movies.

That isn't how it happens in real life either...... women use guns effectively all the time....
IMO you know nothing and will say anything to push your unholy agenda. I for one am glad the women put a cap in his ass!

If every woman on the street were to start packing, every criminal would start packing and shoot first. The obvious outcome would be a lot of dead women. There are other options that you fight each and every step of the way because it gets in the way of your "More Guns" BS.
Indeed coward, they might, but as soon as the first 40 or 50 rapists got shot in the head, rape would drop dramatically!

I think when the first 14 happens, the bad guys just start capping the women before they even get the chance of pulling that weapon. The only thing you did was get a lot of Women killed. It's one thing to make a Rapist think twice about rape but another to start killing potential rapists at will. I wonder how many innocent men will get killed in the process as well. When any man sees a woman on the street they don't know, should we just go ahead and do a preemptive strike? More guns is not the answer. It's part of the problem.
Then I guess liberals should stop giving criminals a slap on the wrist huh?
10 Safest States in America

10. Pennsylvanian Blue State Large Population
9. Wyoming Red State Almost NO population
8. Rhode Island Blue State Moderate Population
7 Virginia Purple State Moderate Population
6. Connecticut Blue State Low Population
5. Idaho Red State Almost NO Population
4 New Jersey Blue State Heavy Population
3 New Hampshire Blue State Low Population
2 Vermont Blue State Low Population
And the Number One safest place to live in the United States is,,,,,,,,,wait for it.......
1. Maine Blue State Low Population

Do you see something here? Not one state below a certain line in the US except for Virginia. The areas that are not "Almost No Population" that are Red Controlled are the most dangerous places to live. These are also the most heavily armed. The top 10 states also have the lowest incarceration rate in comparison to your other states. There are a lot of reasons for this but "More Guns" is not one of them. I have already stated what these places have all done to lower crime rate and increase the favor of it's populations. The more you fight the methods they have implemented the longer it's going to take to get the rest of the nation to join them in prosperity. And that hate you keep spewing isn't helping either.

The worst shooting galleries in this country are controlled by democrat mayors, often the democrat party has controlled them for decades....

It isn't law abiding gun owners.... it is democrat judges who let repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail with a revolving door policy, and generations of teenage mothers raising young males without fathers....

And the 25 years of actual, real life experience of more Americans owning and carrying guns shows you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Oh, now I am a Communist.

I doubt that is a change. I mean, was there a time when you weren't a Communist? :dunno:

Wow, what a leap. I bet the United States Air Force is surprised that they allowed a Communist to go 20 years and retire with pay.

Seems to be common, actually.


You fake Patriots wouldn't recognize a real patriot if it bit you in the ass.

Oh? So "real patriots" are those who seek to strip civil rights from other Americans?

What you want is for only your kind to be armed.

Now that's a lie.

I support the rights of all citizens to keep and bear arms. It's in something we call "The Constitution." Perhaps you've heard of it. You swore an oath to uphold it, despite you being here trying to subvert it.

Well, if yours are armed and the criminals know this, they also get more guns. Instead of just intimidating with a knife, they just shoot the victim and get it over with. More Guns begats more Guns on both sides of the equation. There are other solutions that minimize the dangers but you won't listen to them. You see, they cost money and cooperation for ALL sides. And that is where we are right now. The failure to cooperate for a solution. So we take your advice and get more guns. Meanwhile, the other side (the criminals) also get more guns. Nice job.

Criminals already have plenty of guns. You have no desire to disarm criminals, nor will you. Criminals cannot be disarmed by laws they ignore. You seek to disarm the law abiding so that they will be victims.

Your Communist was someone that was bagged on his opening days. Even if he wouldn't have been so stupid, he would have been tripped up sooner than later. Cadets are just College Students and he is a first year college student. You have no idea how things work in the US Military but yet you gum yer jaws.

Now, if we armed every civilian, how do you know that you aren't also arming the criminals? Do we make it a law that all Criminals must have a Red C tattooed on the Foreheads? More guns won't make things better. It just will makes things worse when the Criminals just shoot you and get it over with because you just might be armed. And who makes the determination who gets the Big Red C tattooed on their foreheads? Is there going to be a Panel that makes those calls? Those of us that disagree with you will also disagree with your panel and can look forward to you and yours trying to tattoo that big red C on our foreheads. Should make it easy to round us up. Except, we are already armed and will take exception to you and yours who will try and take away the sanity and replace it with your Martial Law. You can talk about individual freedom all you want but in the end, you only want the freedom for your own kind. There are those of us that want it for everyone and are not only willing to lay it on the line but have already done so.

I demand a street that anyone can feel safe enough to walk down without a weapon of any kind. I demand a home that isn't under attack. I demand a lot of things. But you don't seem to want to cooperate in getting those things. Putting more guns in the Citizens hands doesn't work. It appears that even the Criminal is a Citizen and will stand in line to get those guns as well. Since you don't really care how a citizen gets those guns, I guess the illegal proliferation that a Criminal does to get his is no different. Yes, let's put more guns on the streets. And put them in the hands of people not really qualified emotionally to use them justly. The Criminals will like that. They'll just harvest the guns and have more guns. There are other methods that give me what I demand but not as long as your bunch keep screaming "More Guns" and "It's the Black Guys Fault". Then you condemn a Community that starts those programs to make their streets safer and lowers criminal activity. And they do it without "More Guns". Now, that really gets you in the short Gonads, don't it.

All of that is false.

2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone graduated from West Point. Not a "1st year" as you claim.
West Point grad behind pro-communist photos reportedly was flagged to superiors in 2015

Most of the armed forces are not like you, most are loyal and patriotic Americans. If you think the military will stage a coup to crush the civil rights of Americans, you're simply nuts.

Criminals are already armed. You seek to disarm the law abiding. You want a nation of sheep who cannot defend themselves or their property. Tyrants from the beginning of time have thought that disarming the masses is the path to ruling. It rarely works.

He was bagged his first year of active duty. He never made the cut.

Most Armed Forces are exactly like me. We are loyal to our Nation, Our Constitution and each other. You keep wanting to overthrow the Consitution to suit your own ends. Your Revolution will never succeed.

Criminals for the most part are not armed. Most use thug tactics more than anything else. But if everyone that would be their victim were to be armed then they would become armed as well. What you demand is that we usurp the duties and responsibilities of our Police Forces and replace them with Vigilantes. Not going to be tolerated by civilized people. WE are a nation of laws and our Police Forces are there to keep those laws. You keep forgetting that. You want a safer street, have a better trained and numbered police force that works closely with the Community. And get JOBS into those areas. NYC has been working on doing that and their crime rate keeps going down. It's got along way to go. But it's a start.

The more you keep trying to instill fear into things the messier things are going to be and the more people will be killed.

You don't know what you are talking about..... you make stuff up in your mind and then you post it as if it is true..... it isn't.

This is the truth...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Liberal scum need crime and they even import it. If it gets deported they re-import it.

And when it's a right wing scum doing the attacking does the woman just take the beating and die? Only the Liberal scum should be stopped. Newsflash: Woman Beaters know no political boundries. You bunch of sick cupcakes.

That's really dumb Comrade.

A gun is the great equalizer. It allows a small woman to defend against a large man.

You leftists hate that.

It’s not a great equalizer unless you are ready willing and able to calmly aim, pull the trigger and shoot someone. If your hand isn’t steady, you’ll miss. If it was just that easy, the army and police forces wouldn’t spend so much time on gun training.

If you own a gun, you are 5 times more likely to be shot, than if you don’t own a gun. Fire and miss and you give the attacker the possibility of getting your gun and using it on you.

Conservatives by nature are fearful and paranoid. It clouds your thinking and leads to emotional rather than logical choices.

The police and military don't spend that much time on shooting..... once you qualify as a cop you shoot, maybe, once a year to qualify. As a soldier, we qualified once a year.

You throw out that 5 times number as if it was isn't.

You keep talking out of your ass... you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to guns and civilians using them to stop criminals.... Guns are not complicated to use, and law abiding people use them 2.4 million times a year to stop please, do some research, get informed, and you will post more accurately on this topic.
At the prison we qualified once a year, and it was participation trophies for all! I got all my 30 rounds in the 5 ring with our 4 inch 38 special smith, and was told I may have to shoot again because they needed to see me make that score. I told him you did see it you were standing right here and I ain't taking it again. Firearms day at the prison was a joke.
IMO you know nothing and will say anything to push your unholy agenda. I for one am glad the women put a cap in his ass!

If every woman on the street were to start packing, every criminal would start packing and shoot first. The obvious outcome would be a lot of dead women. There are other options that you fight each and every step of the way because it gets in the way of your "More Guns" BS.
Indeed coward, they might, but as soon as the first 40 or 50 rapists got shot in the head, rape would drop dramatically!

I think when the first 14 happens, the bad guys just start capping the women before they even get the chance of pulling that weapon. The only thing you did was get a lot of Women killed. It's one thing to make a Rapist think twice about rape but another to start killing potential rapists at will. I wonder how many innocent men will get killed in the process as well. When any man sees a woman on the street they don't know, should we just go ahead and do a preemptive strike? More guns is not the answer. It's part of the problem.
Then I guess liberals should stop giving criminals a slap on the wrist huh?
10 Safest States in America

10. Pennsylvanian Blue State Large Population
9. Wyoming Red State Almost NO population
8. Rhode Island Blue State Moderate Population
7 Virginia Purple State Moderate Population
6. Connecticut Blue State Low Population
5. Idaho Red State Almost NO Population
4 New Jersey Blue State Heavy Population
3 New Hampshire Blue State Low Population
2 Vermont Blue State Low Population
And the Number One safest place to live in the United States is,,,,,,,,,wait for it.......
1. Maine Blue State Low Population

Do you see something here? Not one state below a certain line in the US except for Virginia. The areas that are not "Almost No Population" that are Red Controlled are the most dangerous places to live. These are also the most heavily armed. The top 10 states also have the lowest incarceration rate in comparison to your other states. There are a lot of reasons for this but "More Guns" is not one of them. I have already stated what these places have all done to lower crime rate and increase the favor of it's populations. The more you fight the methods they have implemented the longer it's going to take to get the rest of the nation to join them in prosperity. And that hate you keep spewing isn't helping either.
All you have to do is stop letting criminals go. Period. None of you BS stats mean anything. The red controlled states that you mention have mush lower crime rates that dem sink holes do. Now go play.
Liberal scum need crime and they even import it. If it gets deported they re-import it.

And when it's a right wing scum doing the attacking does the woman just take the beating and die? Only the Liberal scum should be stopped. Newsflash: Woman Beaters know no political boundries. You bunch of sick cupcakes.

That's really dumb Comrade.

A gun is the great equalizer. It allows a small woman to defend against a large man.

You leftists hate that.

It’s not a great equalizer unless you are ready willing and able to calmly aim, pull the trigger and shoot someone. If your hand isn’t steady, you’ll miss. If it was just that easy, the army and police forces wouldn’t spend so much time on gun training.

If you own a gun, you are 5 times more likely to be shot, than if you don’t own a gun. Fire and miss and you give the attacker the possibility of getting your gun and using it on you.

Conservatives by nature are fearful and paranoid. It clouds your thinking and leads to emotional rather than logical choices.

The police and military don't spend that much time on shooting..... once you qualify as a cop you shoot, maybe, once a year to qualify. As a soldier, we qualified once a year.

You throw out that 5 times number as if it was isn't.

You keep talking out of your ass... you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to guns and civilians using them to stop criminals.... Guns are not complicated to use, and law abiding people use them 2.4 million times a year to stop please, do some research, get informed, and you will post more accurately on this topic.

Now you are claiming to be a Vet. What next, when we talk about Ballet, you going to claim to be a ballet dancer with those special shoes? You keep borrowing others experiences without knowing what it takes to earn the right. I can't wait until I see you wearing that ForFor because you long since outgrew your TuTu. She is giving us a womans point of view. What next, you going to claim to be a woman as well?
If every woman on the street were to start packing, every criminal would start packing and shoot first. The obvious outcome would be a lot of dead women. There are other options that you fight each and every step of the way because it gets in the way of your "More Guns" BS.
Indeed coward, they might, but as soon as the first 40 or 50 rapists got shot in the head, rape would drop dramatically!

I think when the first 14 happens, the bad guys just start capping the women before they even get the chance of pulling that weapon. The only thing you did was get a lot of Women killed. It's one thing to make a Rapist think twice about rape but another to start killing potential rapists at will. I wonder how many innocent men will get killed in the process as well. When any man sees a woman on the street they don't know, should we just go ahead and do a preemptive strike? More guns is not the answer. It's part of the problem.
Then I guess liberals should stop giving criminals a slap on the wrist huh?
10 Safest States in America

10. Pennsylvanian Blue State Large Population
9. Wyoming Red State Almost NO population
8. Rhode Island Blue State Moderate Population
7 Virginia Purple State Moderate Population
6. Connecticut Blue State Low Population
5. Idaho Red State Almost NO Population
4 New Jersey Blue State Heavy Population
3 New Hampshire Blue State Low Population
2 Vermont Blue State Low Population
And the Number One safest place to live in the United States is,,,,,,,,,wait for it.......
1. Maine Blue State Low Population

Do you see something here? Not one state below a certain line in the US except for Virginia. The areas that are not "Almost No Population" that are Red Controlled are the most dangerous places to live. These are also the most heavily armed. The top 10 states also have the lowest incarceration rate in comparison to your other states. There are a lot of reasons for this but "More Guns" is not one of them. I have already stated what these places have all done to lower crime rate and increase the favor of it's populations. The more you fight the methods they have implemented the longer it's going to take to get the rest of the nation to join them in prosperity. And that hate you keep spewing isn't helping either.
All you have to do is stop letting criminals go. Period. None of you BS stats mean anything. The red controlled states that you mention have mush lower crime rates that dem sink holes do. Now go play.

I already proved that they don't. You can tell your lie over and over and it doesn't make it the truth. IN the end, it's still a lie.
Liberal scum need crime and they even import it. If it gets deported they re-import it.

And when it's a right wing scum doing the attacking does the woman just take the beating and die? Only the Liberal scum should be stopped. Newsflash: Woman Beaters know no political boundries. You bunch of sick cupcakes.

That's really dumb Comrade.

A gun is the great equalizer. It allows a small woman to defend against a large man.

You leftists hate that.

It’s not a great equalizer unless you are ready willing and able to calmly aim, pull the trigger and shoot someone. If your hand isn’t steady, you’ll miss. If it was just that easy, the army and police forces wouldn’t spend so much time on gun training.

If you own a gun, you are 5 times more likely to be shot, than if you don’t own a gun. Fire and miss and you give the attacker the possibility of getting your gun and using it on you.

Conservatives by nature are fearful and paranoid. It clouds your thinking and leads to emotional rather than logical choices.

The police and military don't spend that much time on shooting..... once you qualify as a cop you shoot, maybe, once a year to qualify. As a soldier, we qualified once a year.

You throw out that 5 times number as if it was isn't.

You keep talking out of your ass... you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to guns and civilians using them to stop criminals.... Guns are not complicated to use, and law abiding people use them 2.4 million times a year to stop please, do some research, get informed, and you will post more accurately on this topic.
At the prison we qualified once a year, and it was participation trophies for all! I got all my 30 rounds in the 5 ring with our 4 inch 38 special smith, and was told I may have to shoot again because they needed to see me make that score. I told him you did see it you were standing right here and I ain't taking it again. Firearms day at the prison was a joke.

And if the Guards or the Warden ever found out you were doing those contests with rubber band guns you might have spent more time in solitary confinement.
Indeed coward, they might, but as soon as the first 40 or 50 rapists got shot in the head, rape would drop dramatically!

I think when the first 14 happens, the bad guys just start capping the women before they even get the chance of pulling that weapon. The only thing you did was get a lot of Women killed. It's one thing to make a Rapist think twice about rape but another to start killing potential rapists at will. I wonder how many innocent men will get killed in the process as well. When any man sees a woman on the street they don't know, should we just go ahead and do a preemptive strike? More guns is not the answer. It's part of the problem.
Then I guess liberals should stop giving criminals a slap on the wrist huh?
10 Safest States in America

10. Pennsylvanian Blue State Large Population
9. Wyoming Red State Almost NO population
8. Rhode Island Blue State Moderate Population
7 Virginia Purple State Moderate Population
6. Connecticut Blue State Low Population
5. Idaho Red State Almost NO Population
4 New Jersey Blue State Heavy Population
3 New Hampshire Blue State Low Population
2 Vermont Blue State Low Population
And the Number One safest place to live in the United States is,,,,,,,,,wait for it.......
1. Maine Blue State Low Population

Do you see something here? Not one state below a certain line in the US except for Virginia. The areas that are not "Almost No Population" that are Red Controlled are the most dangerous places to live. These are also the most heavily armed. The top 10 states also have the lowest incarceration rate in comparison to your other states. There are a lot of reasons for this but "More Guns" is not one of them. I have already stated what these places have all done to lower crime rate and increase the favor of it's populations. The more you fight the methods they have implemented the longer it's going to take to get the rest of the nation to join them in prosperity. And that hate you keep spewing isn't helping either.
All you have to do is stop letting criminals go. Period. None of you BS stats mean anything. The red controlled states that you mention have mush lower crime rates that dem sink holes do. Now go play.

I already proved that they don't. You can tell your lie over and over and it doesn't make it the truth. IN the end, it's still a lie.
No Goebbels you have proven nothing. Writing from the internet is not proof.
Oh, now I am a Communist.

I doubt that is a change. I mean, was there a time when you weren't a Communist? :dunno:

Wow, what a leap. I bet the United States Air Force is surprised that they allowed a Communist to go 20 years and retire with pay.

Seems to be common, actually.


You fake Patriots wouldn't recognize a real patriot if it bit you in the ass.

Oh? So "real patriots" are those who seek to strip civil rights from other Americans?

What you want is for only your kind to be armed.

Now that's a lie.

I support the rights of all citizens to keep and bear arms. It's in something we call "The Constitution." Perhaps you've heard of it. You swore an oath to uphold it, despite you being here trying to subvert it.

Well, if yours are armed and the criminals know this, they also get more guns. Instead of just intimidating with a knife, they just shoot the victim and get it over with. More Guns begats more Guns on both sides of the equation. There are other solutions that minimize the dangers but you won't listen to them. You see, they cost money and cooperation for ALL sides. And that is where we are right now. The failure to cooperate for a solution. So we take your advice and get more guns. Meanwhile, the other side (the criminals) also get more guns. Nice job.

Criminals already have plenty of guns. You have no desire to disarm criminals, nor will you. Criminals cannot be disarmed by laws they ignore. You seek to disarm the law abiding so that they will be victims.

Your Communist was someone that was bagged on his opening days. Even if he wouldn't have been so stupid, he would have been tripped up sooner than later. Cadets are just College Students and he is a first year college student. You have no idea how things work in the US Military but yet you gum yer jaws.

Now, if we armed every civilian, how do you know that you aren't also arming the criminals? Do we make it a law that all Criminals must have a Red C tattooed on the Foreheads? More guns won't make things better. It just will makes things worse when the Criminals just shoot you and get it over with because you just might be armed. And who makes the determination who gets the Big Red C tattooed on their foreheads? Is there going to be a Panel that makes those calls? Those of us that disagree with you will also disagree with your panel and can look forward to you and yours trying to tattoo that big red C on our foreheads. Should make it easy to round us up. Except, we are already armed and will take exception to you and yours who will try and take away the sanity and replace it with your Martial Law. You can talk about individual freedom all you want but in the end, you only want the freedom for your own kind. There are those of us that want it for everyone and are not only willing to lay it on the line but have already done so.

I demand a street that anyone can feel safe enough to walk down without a weapon of any kind. I demand a home that isn't under attack. I demand a lot of things. But you don't seem to want to cooperate in getting those things. Putting more guns in the Citizens hands doesn't work. It appears that even the Criminal is a Citizen and will stand in line to get those guns as well. Since you don't really care how a citizen gets those guns, I guess the illegal proliferation that a Criminal does to get his is no different. Yes, let's put more guns on the streets. And put them in the hands of people not really qualified emotionally to use them justly. The Criminals will like that. They'll just harvest the guns and have more guns. There are other methods that give me what I demand but not as long as your bunch keep screaming "More Guns" and "It's the Black Guys Fault". Then you condemn a Community that starts those programs to make their streets safer and lowers criminal activity. And they do it without "More Guns". Now, that really gets you in the short Gonads, don't it.

All of that is false.

2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone graduated from West Point. Not a "1st year" as you claim.
West Point grad behind pro-communist photos reportedly was flagged to superiors in 2015

Most of the armed forces are not like you, most are loyal and patriotic Americans. If you think the military will stage a coup to crush the civil rights of Americans, you're simply nuts.

Criminals are already armed. You seek to disarm the law abiding. You want a nation of sheep who cannot defend themselves or their property. Tyrants from the beginning of time have thought that disarming the masses is the path to ruling. It rarely works.

He was bagged his first year of active duty. He never made the cut.

Most Armed Forces are exactly like me. We are loyal to our Nation, Our Constitution and each other. You keep wanting to overthrow the Consitution to suit your own ends. Your Revolution will never succeed.

Criminals for the most part are not armed. Most use thug tactics more than anything else. But if everyone that would be their victim were to be armed then they would become armed as well. What you demand is that we usurp the duties and responsibilities of our Police Forces and replace them with Vigilantes. Not going to be tolerated by civilized people. WE are a nation of laws and our Police Forces are there to keep those laws. You keep forgetting that. You want a safer street, have a better trained and numbered police force that works closely with the Community. And get JOBS into those areas. NYC has been working on doing that and their crime rate keeps going down. It's got along way to go. But it's a start.

The more you keep trying to instill fear into things the messier things are going to be and the more people will be killed.

You don't know what you are talking about..... you make stuff up in your mind and then you post it as if it is true..... it isn't.

This is the truth...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And the decrease had NOTHING to do with the number of guns. No study has ever been accredited to prove that. Never. What has affected the decrease has been the better law enforcement, working with the Community and getting jobs back into depressed areas. You know, the very things that you would rather spend millions on lobbying for "More Guns" than investing in America. You keep trying to scare people into buying more guns. Well, cupcake, it's worked pretty well in the past but it's slowly being seen as it really is and that is fear. And I don't feel particularly fearful today. Now, stop making shit up.
I think when the first 14 happens, the bad guys just start capping the women before they even get the chance of pulling that weapon. The only thing you did was get a lot of Women killed. It's one thing to make a Rapist think twice about rape but another to start killing potential rapists at will. I wonder how many innocent men will get killed in the process as well. When any man sees a woman on the street they don't know, should we just go ahead and do a preemptive strike? More guns is not the answer. It's part of the problem.
Then I guess liberals should stop giving criminals a slap on the wrist huh?
10 Safest States in America

10. Pennsylvanian Blue State Large Population
9. Wyoming Red State Almost NO population
8. Rhode Island Blue State Moderate Population
7 Virginia Purple State Moderate Population
6. Connecticut Blue State Low Population
5. Idaho Red State Almost NO Population
4 New Jersey Blue State Heavy Population
3 New Hampshire Blue State Low Population
2 Vermont Blue State Low Population
And the Number One safest place to live in the United States is,,,,,,,,,wait for it.......
1. Maine Blue State Low Population

Do you see something here? Not one state below a certain line in the US except for Virginia. The areas that are not "Almost No Population" that are Red Controlled are the most dangerous places to live. These are also the most heavily armed. The top 10 states also have the lowest incarceration rate in comparison to your other states. There are a lot of reasons for this but "More Guns" is not one of them. I have already stated what these places have all done to lower crime rate and increase the favor of it's populations. The more you fight the methods they have implemented the longer it's going to take to get the rest of the nation to join them in prosperity. And that hate you keep spewing isn't helping either.
All you have to do is stop letting criminals go. Period. None of you BS stats mean anything. The red controlled states that you mention have mush lower crime rates that dem sink holes do. Now go play.

I already proved that they don't. You can tell your lie over and over and it doesn't make it the truth. IN the end, it's still a lie.
No Goebbels you have proven nothing. Writing from the internet is not proof.

It's funny you should bring up one of your Heroes.
I doubt that is a change. I mean, was there a time when you weren't a Communist? :dunno:

Seems to be common, actually.


Oh? So "real patriots" are those who seek to strip civil rights from other Americans?

Now that's a lie.

I support the rights of all citizens to keep and bear arms. It's in something we call "The Constitution." Perhaps you've heard of it. You swore an oath to uphold it, despite you being here trying to subvert it.

Criminals already have plenty of guns. You have no desire to disarm criminals, nor will you. Criminals cannot be disarmed by laws they ignore. You seek to disarm the law abiding so that they will be victims.

Your Communist was someone that was bagged on his opening days. Even if he wouldn't have been so stupid, he would have been tripped up sooner than later. Cadets are just College Students and he is a first year college student. You have no idea how things work in the US Military but yet you gum yer jaws.

Now, if we armed every civilian, how do you know that you aren't also arming the criminals? Do we make it a law that all Criminals must have a Red C tattooed on the Foreheads? More guns won't make things better. It just will makes things worse when the Criminals just shoot you and get it over with because you just might be armed. And who makes the determination who gets the Big Red C tattooed on their foreheads? Is there going to be a Panel that makes those calls? Those of us that disagree with you will also disagree with your panel and can look forward to you and yours trying to tattoo that big red C on our foreheads. Should make it easy to round us up. Except, we are already armed and will take exception to you and yours who will try and take away the sanity and replace it with your Martial Law. You can talk about individual freedom all you want but in the end, you only want the freedom for your own kind. There are those of us that want it for everyone and are not only willing to lay it on the line but have already done so.

I demand a street that anyone can feel safe enough to walk down without a weapon of any kind. I demand a home that isn't under attack. I demand a lot of things. But you don't seem to want to cooperate in getting those things. Putting more guns in the Citizens hands doesn't work. It appears that even the Criminal is a Citizen and will stand in line to get those guns as well. Since you don't really care how a citizen gets those guns, I guess the illegal proliferation that a Criminal does to get his is no different. Yes, let's put more guns on the streets. And put them in the hands of people not really qualified emotionally to use them justly. The Criminals will like that. They'll just harvest the guns and have more guns. There are other methods that give me what I demand but not as long as your bunch keep screaming "More Guns" and "It's the Black Guys Fault". Then you condemn a Community that starts those programs to make their streets safer and lowers criminal activity. And they do it without "More Guns". Now, that really gets you in the short Gonads, don't it.

All of that is false.

2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone graduated from West Point. Not a "1st year" as you claim.
West Point grad behind pro-communist photos reportedly was flagged to superiors in 2015

Most of the armed forces are not like you, most are loyal and patriotic Americans. If you think the military will stage a coup to crush the civil rights of Americans, you're simply nuts.

Criminals are already armed. You seek to disarm the law abiding. You want a nation of sheep who cannot defend themselves or their property. Tyrants from the beginning of time have thought that disarming the masses is the path to ruling. It rarely works.

He was bagged his first year of active duty. He never made the cut.

Most Armed Forces are exactly like me. We are loyal to our Nation, Our Constitution and each other. You keep wanting to overthrow the Consitution to suit your own ends. Your Revolution will never succeed.

Criminals for the most part are not armed. Most use thug tactics more than anything else. But if everyone that would be their victim were to be armed then they would become armed as well. What you demand is that we usurp the duties and responsibilities of our Police Forces and replace them with Vigilantes. Not going to be tolerated by civilized people. WE are a nation of laws and our Police Forces are there to keep those laws. You keep forgetting that. You want a safer street, have a better trained and numbered police force that works closely with the Community. And get JOBS into those areas. NYC has been working on doing that and their crime rate keeps going down. It's got along way to go. But it's a start.

The more you keep trying to instill fear into things the messier things are going to be and the more people will be killed.

You don't know what you are talking about..... you make stuff up in your mind and then you post it as if it is true..... it isn't.

This is the truth...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And the decrease had NOTHING to do with the number of guns. No study has ever been accredited to prove that. Never. What has affected the decrease has been the better law enforcement, working with the Community and getting jobs back into depressed areas. You know, the very things that you would rather spend millions on lobbying for "More Guns" than investing in America. You keep trying to scare people into buying more guns. Well, cupcake, it's worked pretty well in the past but it's slowly being seen as it really is and that is fear. And I don't feel particularly fearful today. Now, stop making shit up.
Confirmed liar. Goodbye troll.
Your Communist was someone that was bagged on his opening days. Even if he wouldn't have been so stupid, he would have been tripped up sooner than later. Cadets are just College Students and he is a first year college student. You have no idea how things work in the US Military but yet you gum yer jaws.

Now, if we armed every civilian, how do you know that you aren't also arming the criminals? Do we make it a law that all Criminals must have a Red C tattooed on the Foreheads? More guns won't make things better. It just will makes things worse when the Criminals just shoot you and get it over with because you just might be armed. And who makes the determination who gets the Big Red C tattooed on their foreheads? Is there going to be a Panel that makes those calls? Those of us that disagree with you will also disagree with your panel and can look forward to you and yours trying to tattoo that big red C on our foreheads. Should make it easy to round us up. Except, we are already armed and will take exception to you and yours who will try and take away the sanity and replace it with your Martial Law. You can talk about individual freedom all you want but in the end, you only want the freedom for your own kind. There are those of us that want it for everyone and are not only willing to lay it on the line but have already done so.

I demand a street that anyone can feel safe enough to walk down without a weapon of any kind. I demand a home that isn't under attack. I demand a lot of things. But you don't seem to want to cooperate in getting those things. Putting more guns in the Citizens hands doesn't work. It appears that even the Criminal is a Citizen and will stand in line to get those guns as well. Since you don't really care how a citizen gets those guns, I guess the illegal proliferation that a Criminal does to get his is no different. Yes, let's put more guns on the streets. And put them in the hands of people not really qualified emotionally to use them justly. The Criminals will like that. They'll just harvest the guns and have more guns. There are other methods that give me what I demand but not as long as your bunch keep screaming "More Guns" and "It's the Black Guys Fault". Then you condemn a Community that starts those programs to make their streets safer and lowers criminal activity. And they do it without "More Guns". Now, that really gets you in the short Gonads, don't it.

All of that is false.

2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone graduated from West Point. Not a "1st year" as you claim.
West Point grad behind pro-communist photos reportedly was flagged to superiors in 2015

Most of the armed forces are not like you, most are loyal and patriotic Americans. If you think the military will stage a coup to crush the civil rights of Americans, you're simply nuts.

Criminals are already armed. You seek to disarm the law abiding. You want a nation of sheep who cannot defend themselves or their property. Tyrants from the beginning of time have thought that disarming the masses is the path to ruling. It rarely works.

He was bagged his first year of active duty. He never made the cut.

Most Armed Forces are exactly like me. We are loyal to our Nation, Our Constitution and each other. You keep wanting to overthrow the Consitution to suit your own ends. Your Revolution will never succeed.

Criminals for the most part are not armed. Most use thug tactics more than anything else. But if everyone that would be their victim were to be armed then they would become armed as well. What you demand is that we usurp the duties and responsibilities of our Police Forces and replace them with Vigilantes. Not going to be tolerated by civilized people. WE are a nation of laws and our Police Forces are there to keep those laws. You keep forgetting that. You want a safer street, have a better trained and numbered police force that works closely with the Community. And get JOBS into those areas. NYC has been working on doing that and their crime rate keeps going down. It's got along way to go. But it's a start.

The more you keep trying to instill fear into things the messier things are going to be and the more people will be killed.

You don't know what you are talking about..... you make stuff up in your mind and then you post it as if it is true..... it isn't.

This is the truth...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And the decrease had NOTHING to do with the number of guns. No study has ever been accredited to prove that. Never. What has affected the decrease has been the better law enforcement, working with the Community and getting jobs back into depressed areas. You know, the very things that you would rather spend millions on lobbying for "More Guns" than investing in America. You keep trying to scare people into buying more guns. Well, cupcake, it's worked pretty well in the past but it's slowly being seen as it really is and that is fear. And I don't feel particularly fearful today. Now, stop making shit up.
Confirmed liar. Goodbye troll.

That's a relief. I don't have to read him making crap up anymore. But he won't stay true to his word I imagine.
If every woman on the street were to start packing, every criminal would start packing and shoot first. The obvious outcome would be a lot of dead women. There are other options that you fight each and every step of the way because it gets in the way of your "More Guns" BS.
Indeed coward, they might, but as soon as the first 40 or 50 rapists got shot in the head, rape would drop dramatically!

I think when the first 14 happens, the bad guys just start capping the women before they even get the chance of pulling that weapon. The only thing you did was get a lot of Women killed. It's one thing to make a Rapist think twice about rape but another to start killing potential rapists at will. I wonder how many innocent men will get killed in the process as well. When any man sees a woman on the street they don't know, should we just go ahead and do a preemptive strike? More guns is not the answer. It's part of the problem.
Then I guess liberals should stop giving criminals a slap on the wrist huh?
10 Safest States in America

10. Pennsylvanian Blue State Large Population
9. Wyoming Red State Almost NO population
8. Rhode Island Blue State Moderate Population
7 Virginia Purple State Moderate Population
6. Connecticut Blue State Low Population
5. Idaho Red State Almost NO Population
4 New Jersey Blue State Heavy Population
3 New Hampshire Blue State Low Population
2 Vermont Blue State Low Population
And the Number One safest place to live in the United States is,,,,,,,,,wait for it.......
1. Maine Blue State Low Population

Do you see something here? Not one state below a certain line in the US except for Virginia. The areas that are not "Almost No Population" that are Red Controlled are the most dangerous places to live. These are also the most heavily armed. The top 10 states also have the lowest incarceration rate in comparison to your other states. There are a lot of reasons for this but "More Guns" is not one of them. I have already stated what these places have all done to lower crime rate and increase the favor of it's populations. The more you fight the methods they have implemented the longer it's going to take to get the rest of the nation to join them in prosperity. And that hate you keep spewing isn't helping either.

The worst shooting galleries in this country are controlled by democrat mayors, often the democrat party has controlled them for decades....

It isn't law abiding gun owners.... it is democrat judges who let repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail with a revolving door policy, and generations of teenage mothers raising young males without fathers....

And the 25 years of actual, real life experience of more Americans owning and carrying guns shows you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Household gun ownership hasn't moved.
The quantity of guns possessed by those households has skyrocketed though.
Are you saying that those owners are ouit there keeping everyone safe like Batman?
A more likely reason for the drop in crime rates is the reduction in lead levels in the environment.

Gun Ownership US.jpg
Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2017 | Statistic

Sick Kids Are Just the Beginning of America’s Lead Crisis
Lead Crime.jpg
Indeed coward, they might, but as soon as the first 40 or 50 rapists got shot in the head, rape would drop dramatically!

I think when the first 14 happens, the bad guys just start capping the women before they even get the chance of pulling that weapon. The only thing you did was get a lot of Women killed. It's one thing to make a Rapist think twice about rape but another to start killing potential rapists at will. I wonder how many innocent men will get killed in the process as well. When any man sees a woman on the street they don't know, should we just go ahead and do a preemptive strike? More guns is not the answer. It's part of the problem.
Then I guess liberals should stop giving criminals a slap on the wrist huh?
10 Safest States in America

10. Pennsylvanian Blue State Large Population
9. Wyoming Red State Almost NO population
8. Rhode Island Blue State Moderate Population
7 Virginia Purple State Moderate Population
6. Connecticut Blue State Low Population
5. Idaho Red State Almost NO Population
4 New Jersey Blue State Heavy Population
3 New Hampshire Blue State Low Population
2 Vermont Blue State Low Population
And the Number One safest place to live in the United States is,,,,,,,,,wait for it.......
1. Maine Blue State Low Population

Do you see something here? Not one state below a certain line in the US except for Virginia. The areas that are not "Almost No Population" that are Red Controlled are the most dangerous places to live. These are also the most heavily armed. The top 10 states also have the lowest incarceration rate in comparison to your other states. There are a lot of reasons for this but "More Guns" is not one of them. I have already stated what these places have all done to lower crime rate and increase the favor of it's populations. The more you fight the methods they have implemented the longer it's going to take to get the rest of the nation to join them in prosperity. And that hate you keep spewing isn't helping either.

The worst shooting galleries in this country are controlled by democrat mayors, often the democrat party has controlled them for decades....

It isn't law abiding gun owners.... it is democrat judges who let repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail with a revolving door policy, and generations of teenage mothers raising young males without fathers....

And the 25 years of actual, real life experience of more Americans owning and carrying guns shows you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Household gun ownership hasn't moved.
The quantity of guns possessed by those households has skyrocketed though.
Are you saying that those owners are ouit there keeping everyone safe like Batman?
A more likely reason for the drop in crime rates is the reduction in lead levels in the environment.

View attachment 210132 Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2017 | Statistic

Sick Kids Are Just the Beginning of America’s Lead CrisisView attachment 210134

With retirement of Lex Luther there was no need for Phone Booths anymore. I wondered why the Bat Signal disappeared. You may have hit on something.

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